Believe me please

Rex continued what he was doing and it was making Kiara weak in her knees.

"Wait...Rex...what we want to do is not right, please let us stop it". Kiara pleaded even if she still wanted to enjoy it.

"Qwen won't find out...all I want to do right now is to lick your pinkish pussy and get all your juice in my mouth". Rex said.

After Rex finished talking, He immediately devour Kiara's lip. His kiss was so hard and raw but Kiara still enjoyed it. He moved from her lips to her face and kissed every inch of it.

"I want to eat you and kiss you every where". Rex said seducing her.

"Please...this is not right". Kiara said.

"Yes it is". Rex replied as he placed his big partner beside Kiara's buttock.

Kiara felt a hard solid close to her and she couldn't help but moan.

Rex slipped his hands into her robe and started caressing her bare skin. Finally his hands got to the place he always wanted to, the belt of her robe. He got to the belt and placed soft kisses on Kiara's cheek to distract her from what he was doing. Their position was very crucial and anything could happen. Kiara was close to the wall while Rex was at her back doing enjoyable and sweet things to her.

The kiss was so hot and intense that Kiara moaned hard and it was echoing in the room.

"Rex please...plea...plea..."Kiara managed to say.

Finally Rex loosed the knot of the robe. She was wearing nothing underneath and Rex was also naked.

Rex moved to her shoulders and he starts placing kisses on it while his hands wandered around Kiara's body. Kiara was still wearing her robe but it was loosed. Rex continued with his actions while his hands got to Kiara's breast.

Meanwhile, Qwen just came back from shopping at the mall.

"I am so tired, the mall was very crowded today". Qwen said to the driver.

"I agree ma'am...I even thought that it would be sir going to the mall but I was surprised to see you". The driver replied.

"He isn't feeling to well so I decided to help my poor boyfriend". Qwen said.

The driver packed the car and helped Qwen to discharge the goods from the car.

"'am I have to run an errand now so I won't be able to help you carry your things inside but I called someone that will help you and she is on her way". The driver stated.

"Okay...thanks once again. I will wait for her here". Qwen replied.

The driver drove off while Qwen waited for her supposed helper.

"I haven't really been fair to Rex, it has been 3 months since we started dating and I haven't even given myself to him the best I have done is to kiss him and I know that is not enough". Qwen said in her heart

"But today, I will break the nonsense record I have set for my self and give my virginity to the love of my life by all means possible". Qwen concluded.

Qwen knew that what she was doing to Rex was bad and he was enduring it but she had no choice because she is very scared to loose her virginity and she does not want to experience that first pain and bleeding.

Finally, the girl arrived. She helped Qwen carry two of the bag while Qwen carried the rest. They got to the corridor of their room when they stopped.

"Thank you a lot but you can go now I will continue from here". Qwen sincerely said.

"Okay ma'am thanks". The lady said before she left.

Qwen was close to Rex's room but she was hearing sounds she didn't like. Moans was echoing front the room. Qwen decided to check on Kiara first. When she got to the room, she found a that Kiara wasn't there. She was confused so she decided to go back to Rex's room. Her inner feelings was telling her that Kiara and Rex were inside but her mind didn't want to believe it.

She placed her ear on the door and she continued hearing those unpleasant sound. She didn't know if she should open the door because she wasn't ready to see anything bad. She stood there for about 2 minutes before she had the courage to go inside.

She sighed and inhale oxygen before she went inside. She held the door knocked and her hand was shaking and she started sweating profusely. The door knocked twisted and the finally opened. What Qwen saw her eyes couldn't contain. She saw Kiara half naked and Red was completely naked at the back of her. She saw Rex placing kisses on Kiara's shoulders and she moaned for pleasure.

Qwen was already crying and she felt like her heart was shattered. Immediately they saw her Rex quickly tied is towel around his waist Kiara knotted her robe. Qwen still stood there like a statue with tears dripping from her face before she noticed that Rex fell on the bed like who just fainted. Kara was so surprised at the way he fell and why he fell.

Qwen directed her gaze from Rex to Kiara. Kiara noticed that Qwen was staring at her with anger like an hungry lion ready to devour any prey.

"Qw...Qw...Qwen plea..please"Kiara stammered with shame.

Qwen was so angry that she wanted to devour Kiara.

""? Qwen cried.

"Why are you so jealous of me that you felt that seducing and sleeping with my boyfriend would be the solution to your jealousy"? Qwen asked as her tears increased.

"" Kiara pleaded.

"I hate you so much and I will never forgive you for this you have done". Qwen replied leaving the room.

"Qwen it wasn't my fault...please believe was like a set up". Kiara said as she followed Qwen out of the room.

Kiara ran to meet her and kneeled down holding Qwen's leg.

" so wasn't my fault please believe me..." Kiara cried but the pain she felt was not compared to Qwen's pain.

"Let go of my leg you betrayal". Qwen replied as she pushed Kiara away with her leg.