
"Qwen please believe me...I am so sorry listen to me , I can explain everything". Kiara cried but Qwen didn't care about what she was saying.

Qwen left the room to an unknown destination in tears while Kiara remained in the room crying.

"Oh my God I have done the worst thing to my friend, something I won't like for someone to do to me...I have betrayed my only best friend...why...why...why"!!! Kiara cried in her room. She kept on her crying and she didn't notice the strange thing that was happening. The pink stripes on her hair were glowing and her amulet also glowed too.

Meanwhile, Qwen just wandered around the four corners of the hotel feeling depressed and devastated. She knew that her world was crumbling and she felt like crumbling with it. She continued crying and she had regrets. She felt like she has lost everything. The last time she was like this was when her father died and the pain wasn't as severe as the pain of heartbreak and betrayal.

"Kiara, I hate for this you have done and I will never forgive you and I promise to make you feel this exact pain I am feeling". Qwen promised herself. She wiped her tears and decided to meet Rex. She knew that Rex will never cheat on her maybe he was being influenced by alcohol or he has an explanation. She stayed outside close to the pool for about 30 minutes before she decided to go back but before she could stand up she noticed a strange presence behind her.

"No need to be scared, it is me". Rex replied.

"So it is now you can meet me after you have gotten the best moment of your life with your side chick". Qwen asked.

"Qwen I know you are very. angry and heartbroken but I can explain everything that happened and I am very sure that your anger will subside after hearing it". Rex promised.

"So I am all ears". Qwen replied.

"Firstly, Kiara is to be blamed for everything that happened. Her envy and jealousy towards you and me has caused her to behave like this. I actually thought that she was a good friend but reverse seems to be the case for her". Rex stated.

"Oh!!! you are placing all the blame on Kiara and if I call call Kiara to explain she will also put all the blame on you". Qwen replied.

I was actually feeling under the weather this morning that was why I told you to run my errands for me. After you left I decided to take my bath, when I was done I saw tea on my table. I wondered you kept the hot tea there. I was with a towel around my waist when your so called best friend came in and told me that you asked her to give me tea because I was sick. I was so happy because I actually felt tasty. She left the room so I decided to drink the tea...I drank everything inside the cup and it was so good.

I decided to wear a shirt and trouser but I suddenly felt dizzy and the sensation I felt was the same like that of too much alcohol.

Suddenly I felt Kiara's presence in my room. She wore a robe revealing more part of her body than what she was closing. I had to admit that she looked breathtaking at that moment. Suddenly I felt her hands in my body but I was so weak to resist because the alcohol was taking over my body. But few minutes later my mind and memory went dull and I can't remember what happened hence forth". Rex narrated.

Qwen was dumbfounded, she didn't know what to do, she didn't if Rex was actually telling her the truth or otherwise. She couldn't believe her ears or think that a girl she considered to be her best and only friend could be so cruel and betrayal her like this . She was so devastated that tears dropped her eyes. She didn't know if she should believe Rex or not. She was aware that Kiara was always jealous of her but she didn't know that her jealousy will lead her doing something as terrible as this.

"I can't believe my ears...why and what did I do wrong to receive this awful treatment from my best friend"? Qwen painfully asked.

"I know you are pained but you don't need to cry...it is not your fault and maybe it is faith way of revealing to you the betrayal you called your best friend". Rex tried his utmost best to comfort her.

"You sound as if it is only Kiara that is at fault here in fact why do you think I have forgiven you and believe the cooked up story you just told...it is very possible that you are lying to me to keep your name". Qwen asked questioningly.

"I know that there is a higher percent that I am lying to you and at fault here but what will I gain and what is my aim in doing it". Rex asked with a sad, low and sorrowful tone as he held Qwen hands and sat closer to her in the pool.

"How will I know your aim and your gain from doing it besides they are your own personal decision"? Qwen asked.

"Since you are saying you don't believe me, I want you to prove it out by maybe giving an instance where I showed any feelings for Kiara". Rex replied her with an "am all ears" look.