"I know that she is more prettier and beautiful than me, she has a beautiful and sexy body structure and she is every man's desire". Qwen replied.

"What are trying to point out". Rex asked with a confused look.

"Won't you allow me finish...so what I mean is that you started seeing those excellent features in her". Qwen replied.

"Really!!! that's what you think"? Rex asked shockingly.

Qwen just stared at him without giving him a reply.

"Why are you staring at me like that...okay maybe you want a response. Firstly, what you just said is impossible. I really LIKE and LOVE you a lot and I can't imagine myself having the feelings I am supposed to have for you for someone else". Rex calmly said as he stared deep in Qwen's eyes.

They stared at each other until Qwen removed her eyes from his gaze.

"Oh!!! I am flattered and blushing". Qwen sarcastically replied.

"I know you are going through a tough time but please always remember that my love for is genuine and everlasting. Come to think of it, If I really like Kiara like you said, I would have gotten her and maybe dated her like other guys but I didn't". Rex concluded.

"Wait a minute Rex...are you trying to say that you dated me because you had no option". Qwen asked.

"No!!! that is not what I mean and why are you misquoting everything statement I make". Rex asked.

"No I'm not and in fact I thought I am supposed to be angry with you while you should be begging me for forgiveness and also explaining yourself". Qwen pointed out.

"That is exactly what I'm doing but you are the one misquoting me and changing my statements. What I meant was that I really LOVE you and Kiara is not an option for me. Yes according to you, she might be pretty, smart and other things but I chose you because what I see in you I don't see it in her and I love everything about you too". Rex said being romantic.

Qwen was silent and she just stared at him as the words proceeded from his mouth.

Rex knew he had everything under control and he can handle Qwen mind and emotions. He knew that he loved Qwen but he was just carried away by Kiara's alcohol and her body like he explained.

"I hope you believe me and also forgive me too...I know that I have caused a huge damage in your heart but I hope the pain heal soon and I will also give you enough time to process all I have said so you can take the best decision. Like I said before, I AM VERY SORRY" Rex pleaded before he left.

Qwen still stared at him and she couldn't reply him because she was crying inside of her. She just watched him as he slowly disappeared from her sight. Qwen was in a thin rope and she didn't know which direction to fall to but she already made up her mind to set all ties with Kiara no matter what she says.

"Oh virgin Mary please help me take the right decision and lead me to the right path". Qwen prayed.

Meanwhile, back in Kiara's room, a lot of strange and new things was happening. Kiara's hair and amulet was glowing. Her eyes was all white with red flames too. Her hair stood erect on air and it was like she was controlling everything in the room with her mind. There was a big commotion in the room. The room was scattering and it everything turned upside down. Some furniture was floating in the air wire Kiara's tears was like lasers. If it touches anything it would burn.

Kiara looked like as if something powerful and scary had possessed her and she was not in herself. Things were breaking and it was so severe and powerful. Suddenly Abigail appeared right in time to stop Kiara but she was to powerful. Kiara just stood in one direction as if she was frozen. Her eyes was not blinking and her body didn't move either, it was as if her soul had left her. Abigail tried performing some spells to calm her down but it didn't work, Kiara was too powerful and her emotions was also powerful too.

"Kiara Yong...you have to calm down this moment unless you will wreck this place down...please I am begging you". Abigail pleaded but it was as if she was talking to deaf ears.

"Since you don't want to calm down I guess I have to force you to do it". Abigail said with a forceful tone.

She disappeared and left Kiara in the room alone. Few seconds later she came back with a round substance in her hand.

"I guess you leave me no choice but to do this...I am really sorry but I have to use the orb". Abigail said.

She stretched out the orb in her hands towards Kiara direction and said some incantations. After saying the incantations the orb suddenly ignited. There was a space in the orb and it suddenly opened up and took all Kiara's powers.

Kiara who was like a statue suddenly made a move.

"What is happening to me...why are you taking away all my strength"? Kiara asked.

"You left me with no choice...I'm sorry but I have to do this". Abigail said with a determined look.