Chapter 2: New Person, New Beginning

The next day came, and everyone slowly gathered around a bed in the Infirmary as they started to wake up. "Fidel! Marwan! Todos! You're back!" Arijun exclaimed in joy as she hugged everyone tightly due to not seeing them last night.

"Yeah, ya llegamos." Fidelio replied with a slight smile. "Hm? … What is it?" Fidelio asked as he noticed the girls staring at him with a worried look. "Por favor, please stop staring at me. It's really creeping me out."

"Museun il-iya (What happened) Fidel?" Arijun asked as she gently touched his burnt, left cheek.

"Hm? Oh! You mean this? It's just the scars of war, nothing new or unusual." Fidelio replied nonchalantly with a polite smile.

"Fidel …" Arijun mumbled as she looked into Fidelio's eyes worryingly.

"Hm? Oh!" 'Oh starlight, she's worried. Is it because of my burns?' "Arijun, I'm fine, really. These burns will heal up just like they did before; besides, they aren't life-threatening wounds." Arijun looked at the ground and sighed before gently removing her hand from Fidelio's cheek, her attention now on the sleeping newcomer. "... Is she … the only one that survived, Fidel?"

"She was the only one that we found in the base alive. In other words, yes, but there's nothing we can do about that. We can only help her recover." Fidelio answered, looking away for a bit as he anxiously bit his lip. "We would have stayed longer to recruit more, but we didn't want to overstay our welcome, especially with the rest of you fighting harder than before and with the sudden appear of Hecharums in the city."

"He ... Hecharums, Fidel?" Arijun asked, even more concerned.

"... Yes, but more on that later," Fidelio responded as he looked over the girl with a sigh, his thoughts running at a hundred miles per hour.

"I-I'll … g-go prepare breakfast and some of our tea for her … and you too Fidelio. I-it should help both of you gain your energy back and … help heal your injuries faster." Naama stated as she stood up into the soft rays of dawn, her silky, black hair shimmering in the daylight. 5'8" with mid-back-length hair that was wavy near top and curly near the bottom, Naama was spider-like Washaxian whose smooth, mauve-purple skin of her heat-shaped face glistened in the soft rays of the morning star. She nervously bit her iris-purple lips with her fangs as she rushed out after a bow with four closed, upturned, white eyes decorated with iris-purple eyeshadow. "I'll prepare the Auratite so I can later form armor based on the measurements that you'll provide me with Arijun. Once again, you'll be in charge of the rest of the Auradach. … Arijun? … Qué pasa (What's wrong)?" Fidelio asked as his glowing eyes faded away and as he put his glasses back on.

"Fidel … are you sure that you don't want your burns to be treated?" Arijun asked, a tone of worry clear in her voice.

Fidelio sighed and looked down and away, "As I said before Arijun, they're mostly first-degree burns. I'll just heal up naturally like always. I mean, it's how I developed and improved my heat resistance and pain tolerance in the first place after all. We also can't use up our medical supplies too soon since access to them has been limited as of late."

"You've always healed from first-degree burns easily, but you also have bad second-degree burns too you know! Jebal (Please)! Let me help with those burns at least!" Fidelio was caught off guard by Arijun's tone and her puppy-dog eyes as he sighed and admitted defeat. "... I … I suppose I wouldn't mind, but let's make quick please. We need to eat Naama's breakfast and then I still need to properly readjust my sleeping habits and my internal clock. Also, try not to be overly-generous with the treatment." Arijun nodded happily and left the room to get the first aid kit as Fidelio sat and pinched between his eyebrows. Fidelio sighed again and then commanded, "Arwan, you, Doctora Emmi, and Grand General Brion will take turns looking after la señorita. Please immediately tell us when she finally wakes up. After breakfast, whoever is not on watch duty should rest. It was a rough night for all of us after all and we should rest up."

"Roger," everyone responded. Five hours went by, everyone had eaten breakfast, Arijun had treated Fidelio's second-degree burns, and Fidelio had finished purifying the Auratite and was now sleeping. Meanwhile, Marwan quietly watched the metal girl as he was ordered, his turn being the third and after Brion's. He sat in a chair reading a volume of various 17th century treatises on engineering to try to distract his chaotic mind. He then looked curiously at the metallic, young lady and thought to himself without worry, 'Could she really be one of my people? We were said to have died to an unknown sickness that suddenly vanished from existence. I doubt that there are any of us left expect me, but … she does have a metal body like me. She also has purple hair, which might be the same color of her Auradach and if that's the case … she has to be a Yaraxian and not a strange Washaxian. What are the odds that we'd put in one spot?' As he thought to himself, the metallic woman began to move slowly as she grumbled and mumbled softly. Realizing this, Marwan put on the Telekite headband and shouted, "Everyone! She's awake! Come here as soon as possible!" "You're going to be alright, the others and I are going to help you. Don't worry, okay?" Marwan whispered to the woman.

She slowly opened her left eye, looked at Marwan, and then smiled a small, gentle, weak smile. "Th-thank ... you," she whispered back before briefly going back to sleep. Everyone except the kids, who were practicing Aura-Energy, arrived at the Infirmary, where they waited patiently and quietly for their guest to talk. After the guest finished her tea, she sighed and said somewhat softly and slowly with a tone of gratitude, "Umm … thank you fer savin' me an' givin' me this tea. It's really refreshin' an' soothin'."

"You can thank my best friend, Marwan, for saving you." Fidelio responded with a soft smile.

The woman slowly looked up at Marwan and Naama and thanked them with a slight bow as she smiled and said more clearly, "Thank you … fer everythin'. I … I can't see what y'all look like, at least not right now, but I still wanna thank y'all fer at least givin' me a second chance at life."

"You're probably blind because of the sudden flames overloading your retina and optic nerve with unexpected, sensory information. Your eyes should readjust to the lower levels of incoming light based on past experiences, but just in case, you can take this pill. It was made for my eyes, but they can help yours too." The metal girl felt the smooth pill in her hands, slowly puts into her mouth, and carefully drinks the tea to swallow the pill down. "Do you … remember who you are, and what happened before we found you?" Fidelio asked.

"Oh, yes, my apologies, my name is-"

"Yara," Brion suddenly interrupted while Emmi nodded as they both seemed to finally recognize the woman's voice.

"Y-yes. … Br-I-I mean Grand General? It is really you?" Yara asked in a hopeful tone as she recognized Brion's voice.

"Yes, it's me Yara. I'm here." Brion responded reassuring while smiling happily.

Yara smiled with joy as tears of the same nature flowed from her left eye. "I … I can't believe it. I … I never thought that I'd be able to hear yer voice again."

"And what about my voice, steel girl?" Emmi asked with a smile, which surprised Yara.

"E-Emmi?! Y'all are still alive?!"

"Yes indeed we are hun," Emmi answered, "we're both alive thanks to Fidelio, Marwan, and Arijun. All three of them saved our sorry butts from the tragedy of the Castle Massacre."

Yara turned to the direction of Fidelio based on the direction of his voice, "Thank you!" She bowed slowly, "Thank ya fer savin' my mother-figure an' my brother-figure."

Fidelio, Marwan, and Arijun smiled as they simultaneously replied, "De nada (You're welcome)! We're happy to help!"

Yara smiled, took a deep breath, then suddenly asked, "Grand General, can ya please explain to me where we are an' why?! I'll tell what happened to me afterwards I can assure you."

"Calm down, Yara. You're still recovering, but I will explain everything to you. Ahem. Well ... we are currently in a renovated building that's part of a multi-building complex in the Amaran Jungle. We call it Domukasa, which is our current home and our current base of operations. We're here 'cause these three Yaraxian adolescents contacted and saved me after Aidangard was temporarily sieged. We met up with them in this place with Emmi and Naama, and they introduced us to a special metal they call, Auratite. They told us that when the metal is fitted into armor and worn, it would allow any able bodies to summon weapons specific to them. These weapons, which we call Auratals, seem to be the only things that can eliminate the Hecharums."

"You, Yara, are here 'cause we went to Zakuren to recruit some of the best warriors of the West into our force. However … we obviously arrived there a little too late. Fidelio took care of the General of the Hecharum Sword Squadron, General Zarbodapso, and made him flee while the rest of us men tried to find out if there was anyone else left in the base. Marwan was the only one that managed to find a survivor, you. We then immediately returned here 'cause of the chance the Hecharums would somehow reappear and 'cause we didn't wanna risk our defensive line being breached."

"Those aren't the only reasons though," Fidelio claimed.

"Fidel!" Arijun immediately interrupted.

"Lio! I don't think it's wise to reveal so much information to her at once especially to someone new?" Marwan pointed out.

"He's right Fidel. I'm sure she means no harm, but I think we should give her more time so she can get to know us and so we can trust her." Arijun advised.

"Is that what y'all really think and feel, Arijun, Marwan?" Brion asked as he raised an eyebrow. Marwan and Arijun opened their mouths, but nothing came out of them before they closed as they both looked at the ground. "I'm sure that your instincts are tellin' ya to tell Yara everythin' about Phase One 'cause she's trustworthy, right Fidelio?"

Fidelio sighed and nodded, "Yes. Her family was once with you and Doctora Emmi, and now that her home in Zakuren is no more, her current home is here with the rest of us. Moreover, if you trust her Grand General Brion, so do I."

"I do, I do trust her." Brion responded.

"We both trust her with our lives." Emmi added.

"What about you Arwan? You know that you can't lie to me, so please provide an honest answer. Solely off of your reasoning and instincts, do you think Yara is trustworthy?" Marwan was silent as he looks at Yara and tosses away his paranoia. Marwan sighed and responded, "Yeah, she is. She's new and has been with the Legion, but she is not like some of its members that only seek to climb the ladder for self-recognition, pride, or gain."

"Well Yara?" Fidelio asked, startling Yara. "Tell us, is Arwan's assumption of you correct?"

Yara smiled nervously, "Y-yes. B-Brion taught me howda fight an' to only do so fer the sake of the weak an' nothin' more. While it's true that climbin' the status of a leader can give ya better leverage to help the weak, it's not my goal at all."

"Then it's time I explain Phase One to you. As Grand General Brion explained, the goal was to recruit warriors into our ranks. Mitozal made it clear to us early on that because of the damages from the Hecharums that they cannot spare us people to increase our force, so instead we inquired and received permission from the Hananomal to travel to Zakuren to gather more men and women volunteers. Since Zakuren is the biggest and most well know base in Usamera, we were told that if Zakuren willingly offered their assistance that we'd be able to request help from other military institutions as well. However, the first requirement went up in flames, quite literally I may add, as the Hecharums somehow evaded our eyes in Mitozal and made it into Hananomal. To not cause further trouble, we left with what few souls we could find to at least slightly increase our defenses. Fortunately, fate gave us you to help in our predicament. I won't force you, but please, please help us." Fidelio bowed his head, surprising everyone in the room and causing Yara to be a bit flustered. "R-raise yer head." Yara urged, "There's n-no need to beg o' ask me in such a formal matter y'know. 'Cause if Brion is offerin' his guidance an' strength to this cause then I will gladly offer my skills as well, since it must be that important of a job."

Fidelio sighed and smiled as he raised his head, "Gracias. Now please explain to us what happened to you." There was a pause, a long, silent pause, while Yara tried to process and soak in all of this sudden information before properly responding. She then took a deep breath and responded while looking at the bed sheets, "Okay then … so the quick version is this, I was in Zakuren trainin' with everyone else like usual, when the alarm sounded. Since we were told to bring mainly defensive weapons, we assumed the threats were the fabled Hecharums, an assumption that made us nervous. We fought as much as we could with all of our skills an' fightin' spirit, but … as y'know, I'm the only one that made it out alive. As fer everyone else? Missin' o' dead I suppose, but don't quote me on that since there's someone I know that might be able beat those odds." As she finally gained her eyesight back, Yara flinched a little in the bed. "Heh. I can tell that you finally have your sight back. Am I right?" Fidelio asked, slightly smiling.

"Y-yes, you must be … Fidelio, right?" Yara asked in a nervous tone.

"Your prediction is accurate. Over here is Señora Naama, the one that made the tea, helped treat your minor wounds, and teamed up with Doctora Emmi to make the pill that I give you. You already know Grand General Brion and Doctora Emmi, obviously. This is Arijun, she's going to make you an outfit to pair with your armor, and this Marwan, the one that brought you here from underneath the rubble in Zakuren, well Fallen Zakuren I suppose." Yara's eyes widened as she turned and looked at Marwan. 'Could … could he possibly be one of my people?' she immediately thought to herself.

"Anyhow, if you're all better now, Arijun can take you to the Fabric Room to take your measurements and make you part of your Auradach. While she does that, I'll be making the armor that will be part of your Auradach based on your measurements." Fidelio said.

"Th-thank you Fidelio. You're too generous and kind." Yara replied with a smile.

Fidelio smiled back, "Aye por favor (Oh please), I know for a fact that you're itching to return to battle. If you really want to thank me, help us fight the good fight to protect our world. In any case, it's my pleasure. I enjoy helping others in any way I can. Now if you'll please excuse me, I must head to the Forge to prepare my equipment ahead of time."

"Uliga gaja (Let's go). Por favor follow me Yara," Arijun responded, smiling as usual. As everyone began to walk out, Marwan tapped Brion's left shoulder and whispered, "May I please have a moment of your time, Grand General, and ask a question or two?"

Brion nodded and asked as he closed the door in front of him, "What is troubling you Marwan?"

"Well, Grand General I uh … um … I-I was wondering how did you meet Yara," Marwan responded, feeling a bit awkward for asking something so strange.

"Hmm … lemme think … well the short version goes like this. I first meet her when I was journeying through the woods of the Zarak Forest on my way to my house outside of Zakuren. I saw her all alone, tired and crying, so I took her in my arms and to my home out of pity and a desire to help. Emmi got to work as soon as she saw Yara, though healing Yara wasn't easy due to her breed. After Yara had recovered, my wife insisted and gave Yara a suitable, metal body after seeing the type of Yaraxian that Yara was. Cycles after Yara had become accustomed to her new home and becoming like a little sister to us, I began to personally train her, though only after major persuasion. Of course, you know what happened afterward, her going to Zakuren and all."

"I see … thank you Grand General, that's all I wanted to know." Smiling, Brion left the room, while Marwan continued to silently question if Yara could indeed be his same breed as he walked out. After an hour and a half, "Fidel, look! Presentación a (Presenting) … Yara!" Arijun shouted as she pointed with jazz hands towards the 5'9" Yara in her Auradach. Fidelio slightly smiled, chuckled, and clapped as he closed his fantasy book and got up from the living room couch. "Excelente (Excellent)! Glad to see you in an Auradach. I'm assuming Arijun did un trabajo maravilloso una vez más (a marvelous job once again)?"

Yara nodded and responded with a smile, "Uh yes, yes she did indeed. You also did a great job too Fidelio. My Auradach fits perfectly. The armor isn't too loose, nor too tight."

Arijun shrugged as she sighed, "I would have more creative freedom if the Auratite didn't act so stubborn with Fidel."

Yara looked at Arijun and Fidelio confused, "What do ya mean by that?"

Fidelio chuckled nervously, "It's embarrassing to say, but the reason why some Auradaches have similar designs is not because Arijun wants them to have such designs, but because I can't figure out how to completely refine the Auratite. As a result of the impurities, I cannot make fiber-like, Auratite strands for Arijun to intertwine with clothing fibers; therefore, all Auradaches need armor pieces to provide actual protection. Some of us wear thicker armor than others, but that's because some of us are "heavy-hitters" while the rest of us depend more on speed, agility, intelligence, and/or technique in order to pack a punch."

Arijun sighed, "I don't blame Fidel of course, but my inner-fashionista is crying out in frustration. Oh well, it's just something we'll have to unfortunately live with I suppose."

Yara chuckled and smiled, "Well … I like this style a lot. It's a rather simplistic style in my opinion. Not to mention, I like the slate-gray an' imperial-violet used to complement the amethyst-purple really works, but why is my armor, lips, an' top-eyelids colored like my hair?" Yara asked after twirling with a smile.

Fidelio chuckled and explained, "While it's still a theory, the answer is because it's the color of your Aura. Auratite as a raw metal is rather transparent and only takes on a certain color when worn by a Jehoan. The kind of color is dependent on the wearer and is different between each Jehoan. Washaxians cannot tell the color of their Aura at all, but Yaraxians and Homoxians can. For us Yaraxians, it's the same color as our hair, while for Homoxians it's both the color of their hair and of their eyes. As for the colored lips and top-eyelids, so far it seems that all female Auradach wearers get them once they are proven worthy of wearing an Auradach."

"Worthy? Ain't all Jehoans worthy? Also, Homoxians are still around?" Yara asked curiously with a hint of confusion.

"Afraid not," Fidelio answered. "Only those a good constitution are able to bond with Auratite and utilize it's abilities. Of course, any Jehoan is capable of reaching such a level, but not everyone is at that level. I was the slowest in terms of being able to bond with Auratite as the Grand General and Arwan were warriors, Arijun and Señora Naama knew martial arts, Doctora Emmi was trained by the General General, and you are a warrior trained by the Grand General. Regardless, someone like me still managed to bond with the Auratite and was capable of fighting the Hecharums thanks to Arwan and the Grand General. As for the Homoxians, only three were found and are now being raised here with us. They are able to wear Auradaches properly because their constitution is naturally stronger than any other Jehoan."

Yara smiled and nodded in understanding, "Well it's nice to see that this kinda power ain't limited to only a select few. All that is needed is the work dedicated to gettin' strong enough for said Auratite."

"That's right, but even so, not everyone has the time to invest in getting as strong as us, which is why Lio said we need those that already have a strong constitution and a way of the average Jehoan to use Auratite …" Marwan stopped in his tracks and froze in place as he started to get a better look of Yara in her Auradach. Yara noticed Marwan and then began to get a clearer look of him as she too froze in place at the sight of someone she never thought she would see. They both stood there awkwardly with hints of beet-red on their cheeks and nervously rubbed the back of their necks as they looked down onto the side. Fidelio smiled as he tapped his chin and looked at the small buds of romance. "Alright," Fidelio interrupted as he clapped his hands once, "I don't mean to disturb this … interesting admiration of looks, but since you're all set Yara, I believe we should see what your Auratal is, and the style in which you can use it in combat."

Yara nodded, her metal cheeks a bit red, as they began to walk to Excopar. Excopar was a training arena and a separate complex from Domukasa that was mostly made by the team out of concrete bricks and steel and mostly smelled of hard-work sweat. It was designed like a normal arena, but with an Observation Deck above the main entrance, an underground chamber integrated with technology, and a metallic-glass, dome roof overhead. In Excopar, Junaleho, Jahid, and Elina were sparring with each other until they heard the iron, main door open, their eyes wide in excitement. "Umm, who are these little warriors? The Homoxian children right?" Yara asked as she smiled and knelt down to get a better look at the Homoxian children.

"Correct. The boy with the red hair is Junaleho, our adopted aduel, or son, the girl is Elina, Grand General Brion and Doctor Emmi's adopted ttal, or daughter, and the other boy is Jahid, Arwajun's adopted aduel," Arijun explained.

"Oh? Hangutil? You speak Hangutil, Anglitil, and Espantil?"

Arijun chuckled and nodded with a smile in response, "Ne (Yes), but I also speak Eurabatil as well. Arwajun and Fidel, on the other hand, are more polylingual than me. Arwajun fluently speaks Anglitil, Espantil, Hangutil, Eurabatil, Italiatil, Latintil, and Ellinkatil. Fidel fluently speaks all Latintil-based languages, Anglitil, Hangutil, Eurabatil, Latintil, Ellinkatil, Everittil, and Nihontil."

'She really likes to brag about us huh?' Fidelio and Marwan thought before Yara responded.

"Interesting. I'm polylingual as well, but I most certainly cannot compete with Fidelio. I can fluently speak Anglitil, Eurabatil, Everittil, Latintil, and Ellinkatil."

Marwan raised his eyebrow and responded, "Really? How did you learn to speak Everittil since Grand General Brion fluently speaks Anglitil, Fransaistil, Zhongwentil, Russkitil, Hangutil, Espantil, Portuguestil, and Eurabatil? Not even Doctor Emmi speaks Everittil, though she does speak Latintil, Ellinkatil, Eurabatil, Anglitil, Svenskatil, all Latintil-based languages, Hinditil, Nihontil, and Hangutil."

Yara smiled, "W-well, I just taught myself is all. I ain't even sure if I speak it correctly."

Fidelio chuckled, "Well, you can always practice with Señora Naama since she's from Ishrayel. Also, even if your list is short compared to everyone else's, you're still a polylinguist nonetheless. Los niños are trilingual at moment, but they might learn more if they want. Junaleho knows Anglitil, Hangutil, and Espantil, Jahid knows Anglitil, Eurabatil, and Espantil, and Elina knows Anglitil, Latintil, and Ellinkatil."

"That's good to hear, so … who's the adoptive father of Junaleho, an' who's the adoptive mother of Jahid?" Yara questioned as she stood up and continued smiling.

"Fidel is Junaleho's adoptive abeoji and Jahid … doesn't have an adoptive eomeoni, at least not yet." Arijun answered with a soft smile and quiet chuckle at the end of her response.

"Greetings! Who are you miss?" Junaleho and Elina asked in unison as they approached and looked at Yara curiously and with a genuine smile.

"Nice to meetcha little ones! I'm Yara, a warrior of Jeho trained by Grand General Brion," she answered with a bright smile.

"Wow, you were trained by Grand General Brion?! That's so cool! Can you fight just like him? How strong are you? Are you close to Grand General Brion? Also, you look similar to my Dad." Jahid rambled in awe, his eyes sparkling with excitement and joy.

Yara smiled and chuckled nervously as Marwan interrupted Jahid explained to him, "Calm down Jahid. Yara just joined us very recently and needs to learn how to use an Auratal, so we need to let her use Excopar to train. Okay? If you want to know how she handles herself in a fight, you can watch her with us."

"O-o-okay. Sorry." Jahid apologized with a smile, embarrassed by his sudden outburst.

"It's alright Jahid," Yara assured him with a soft smile. "Now, shall we get on with it?" The children nodded and went with the others to the Observatory Deck, everyone being curious on how well Yara would do. "Okay Yara, in order to summon your Auratal, you need a simulation of a battle with a group of Hecharums." Fidelio instructed and asked over a stereo system. "We have what Doctora Emmi and I call Charum-Droids, which are automata that are made of a complex, metallic alloy that is similar in density and durability to an Hecharum's hide. The Charum-Droids are also equipped with holographic technology, Hecharum battle data, a rough body frame based on what we know about Hecharum anatomy and physiology, and actual Hecharum weapons to give the most realistic fight and battle scenarios against Hecharums. I call the overall battle simulation program, the Skirmish Simulator."

"Just imagine that this is like a typical, cliché, life-or-death situation and think of the reason why you fight while you fight. As a result, your Aura should use the Auratite as a means to bond with your body. After it does that, your Aura should use the Auratite as a catalyst to manifest a weapon made from a solidified version of your Aura, an Auratal in other words. In case you're wondering, Auratals tend to take a form that represent a part of you. For example, your personality, natural skills and abilities, and/or fighting style. Anyhow, do you have any questions before I start up the Skirmish Simulator for you?"

"Yes, just one. May I see a demonstration of yer Skirmish Simulator?"

"Por supuesto (Of course), Arwan if you would." Marwan nodded and walked from the Observation Deck down to the arena, while Yara stepped out of the inner-circle and allowed Marwan to take center-stage. The steel-gray and silver-gray Charum-Droids rose out of the floor and pulled out their Hecharum weapons as their holo-shell made them look exactly like Hecharum warriors. Marwan smiled, his hidden fangs shining, as he instantly and immediately dashed towards the Charum-Droids. In a split second, he summoned Fulmari and sliced and slashed through three Charum-Droids in one go. Within seven seconds, Marwan had slashed and sliced through all seven Charum-Droids, his skills, techniques, and hard work radiating through his actions. He walked out of the arena smiling confidently as the Charum-Droids reassembled themselves. "Just to be clear Yara, the Charum-Droids were on level five out of ten, and they are not equipped with ranged weapons, at least not yet. We really need to salvage some Hecharum bows and arrows. Anyway, the higher the level, the higher their knowledge of Hecharum battle tactics and patterns and the higher their numbers will be." Fidelio pointed out.

"That was simply a warm-up level for the rest of us, though I'm sure you'll catch up soon enough." Marwan commented with a prideful smile.

"While that is true, it's not that important of a fact. Anyways, Yara, did I happen to confuse you in any way by mistake?" Fidelio added before asking her.

"Nope! I understood everythin' pretty well. Can ya put 'em at level seven please?" Yara asked, a hint of earnest in her voice.

"Are you sure?" Fidelio asked as he slightly smiled and raised an eyebrow from the Observation Deck.

Yara nodded and replied, "Yes please. I believe I understand an' know enough 'bout Hecharums to take on the challenge, 'specially with the new power that y'all just gave me." Fidelio nodded and activated the Charum-Droids as Jahid, suddenly filled with astonishment and nostalgia, slightly pressed his face against the glass. As the Charum-Droids' eyes glowed ruby-red, Yara readied herself as she took a deep breath. Yara first stretched, and then planted her left foot, setting it as a pivot point, while dragging her right foot back.

The mechanical warriors rushed forward with their Hecharum swords, axes, and spears drawn. As two Charum-Droid swordsmen attempted to strike her from above, sudden wind pressure blew dust around and created a cloud that filled the arena and blocked the observers' views. As the cloud disappeared, the group in the Observatory Deck saw two of the Charum-Droids in pieces right next to Yara. The observers also saw her gloves and boots shining a metallic, amethyst-purple, a sight that caught their attention. "Qué (What)?! Que pasó (What happened)?! Que paso con sus botas y guantes (What happened to her gloves and boots)?!" Arijun asked in wonder and astonishment.

"Es obvio (It's obvious) Arijun. That's her Auratal, a pair of gauntlets and a pair of armored boots," Fidelio answered as he slightly smiled with amazement at Yara's quick learning. "It's rather impressive. It took Arwan five horatas (horatas) to summon his Auratal due to a lack of guidance, and yet, she did it in a matter of exintaks (minutes)."

"Afraid that's not true Fidel," Arijun confessed. "During the four horatas that I was spending with her, I instructed her on how to summon an Auratal; though, it seems that she only managed to do so just now."

Marwan smirked as he felt both jealous and admiration for Yara, "It's still impressive nonetheless. To think someone new could beat my record. She's definitely a great addition to the team." Yara catapulted herself and rushed forward, immediately sweep-kicking two Charum-Droids before smashing their chests and then heads. "Ah! So she's a close-ranged fighter and a very good one at that. Perhaps her Auratal should be called … Calpera." Marwan claimed with a smirk while the other smiled and nodded in agreement. Within a few minutes, all twelve Charum-Droids were in pieces and were scattered all over the floor. The Charum-Droids reassembled and walked back to their tiles to return underground.

"Felicidades (Congratulations) Yara! Within less than a few exintaks, you easily acquired the understanding about how to summon your Auratal, Calpera, and how to utilize it in combat. Heh, no wonder why you were at Zakuren, this manner of training almost instantly became second-nature to you. You are indeed a metallic pearl amongst the finest warriors of the West. The Grand General trained you very well. Just don't get too cocky now; after all, you have yet to face an actual squad or squadron of Hecharums with your new powers." Fidelio declared, slightly smiling in amazement. Everyone else soon arrived behind Fidelio with similar smiles on their faces, Jahid having one of joy and nostalgia as he seemed to suddenly vaguely remember something, something from his past. "Ya actually somehow got better at Zakuren," Brion stated with a smile. "And to think that I once thought thatcha couldn't get any better," he added with a chuckle.

"Heh. Feel free to come here anytime and practice your Aura skills and Auratal usage because you're a part of this weird family now, and as a part of this family you can access to all of Domukasa, the surrounding area, and our help if you need it. Just be careful to not draw attention to this place." Arijun stated with a warm, kind, gentle smile.

"We prefer for this place to remain as hidden as possible if you don't mind," Fidelio added with a chuckle and slight smile.

"Thanks y'all," Yara responded as she chuckled and returned everyone's smile. "I'm glad to be a part of yer family an' yer fight 'gainst the Hecharums, but I do have another question. Calpera?"

"It was Arwan's idea for the name of your Auratal. The name is derived from two words of in Latintil that mean "kick" and "punch". Most of the names of our Auratals and home-complexes are also named using words from Latintil." Fidelio answered with a slight smile.

"What? You don't like it?" Marwan asked as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"N-n-no! No, actually I love it. Thank ya so much fer the name!" she responded, giving Marwan a warm, adorable smile. Feeling his silver face about to turn beet-red again, Marwan quickly walked away smiling, while the others followed suit. "Wow! That was so cool! You're so strong and so tough and so fast and so brave! Hecharums won't stand chance against you. We'll win this war for sure now. You're just, ah! You're just so cool, Mom!" Jahid suddenly exclaimed having been overcame by awe, admiration, and a memory, a memory of the past. Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked back at Jahid with worry, nervousness, and happiness as they slightly smiled and sweated. Jahid immediately started playing with his hands nervously and embarrassingly as he said, "I'm ... I-I'm sorry, I-I just m-met you, and I … I -"

"It's okay Jahid. I … I liked it when ya called me "Mom", an' if ya wanna … you can keep calling me "Mom" from now on." Yara responded with a gentle and warm smile as she kneeled down to look at him in the eyes. Jahid smiled, nodded, and hugged Yara tightly as he over filled with joy. The hug caught Yara off-guard and by surprise, but she did not mind as she smiled and hugged Jahid back. Jahid let go and skipped off, his eyes wide and filled with the joy of his heart. Fidelio smiled and as he walked past Marwan, he quickly whispered, "Felicidades Arwan. Tu hijo (Your boy) finally has a "mother", and you'll get to know how I feel. Welcome to the growing club." Before Marwan could respond, Fidelio was already a couple of steps ahead of him. Marwan shook his beet-red head, ran towards Fidelio, and whispered back with a sigh, "Let's just … let's just not make fun of each other and instead try to help each other get used to our … situations. Okay?"

"A non-aggression pact of sorts huh? Very well, I'll accept your proposal. However, before I do, let ask you something. Do I have your word in this non-aggression pact?" Fidelio asked as he looked at Marwan sternly.

Knowing how serious Fidelio felt about people keeping their words, Marwan paused and carefully thought about his decision before he made it. Marwan took a deep breath and replied, "Yes, you have my word, Lio." They crossed arms in agreement as they smiled, and walked out of the building with the others, the setting sun shining once more through the glass and doorways of Excopar.