Chapter 3: Danger Lurking

Log Date: Three – Twenty-three – Twenty-two-Twenty-three. Entry Number Six. It has been approximately two sept-rotations since Yara has been enlisted into our peculiar group. During those past two sept-rotations, we have been showing Yara the routine and tasks of our team. Aside from ordinary, habitual responsibilities, such as laundry, cleaning, slowly building new equipment, and maintaining and repairing current equipment, we helped her understand that our position, the position of Domukasa, is crucial. Just as a refresher, we are hidden in the remaining thick jungles of Amaran near the mountain range on the west of the continent. We are specifically stationed in the northern tip just within Mutanci's borders in order to prevent the northern advancement of the Hecharums. Back to the previous and main topic of this entry, Yara understood perfectly well that we were located near the Hecharum Stronghold so that way we could ambush any squads of Hecharum warriors and prevent any more cities and lands up north from falling to the entropy.

To better emphasize the situation, let me delve into Jehoan geography for a bit. First off, Jeho's lands are divided into large regions called provinces. We are in the province of Mitozal, and it is divided into states like all the other provinces. The state we are in is Tamunca and its divided into territories. The territory we are based in is Mutanci, which is connected to an isthmus that connects south Mitozal to north Mitozal. If we do not prevent the Hecharums from reaching the isthmus, then there might be no stopping the Hecharum advancement. Back to Yara, we also told her about the origins of this team and its current members including … some devastating experiences. However, now that she is familiar with this team and seems prepared, it is time for our plan to take the next step. Phase Two. Ready or not, here we go I suppose. End log entry.

Everyone walked toward the Discussion Center of Domukasa where Fidelio was patiently waiting for them. The Discussion Center was a somewhat large conference room that had concrete-brick walls, a holo-computer system on the far-right side of the room, and a rectangular, magnesite table with ipê legs and beams that was surrounded by mahogany, leather chairs in the center. They gathered around the table and eagerly waited for Fidelio to speak. "I know you all are wondering why I called you here. I … I've decided that we should proceed with Phase Two of our strategy. After all, you did gain the aptitude of utilizing your Auratal in combat, right Yara?" Fidelio said while looking at her.

Yara nodded and replied with a confident smile, "Arwanali and the Grand General have helped me master Calpera in combat through the Skirmish Simulator, sparring, and real battles with Hecharums. I'm confident I can hold out in battle alone." Fidelio's right eyebrow slightly spiked up as he smiled at Yara's response, mainly due to the first name she mentioned. He continued on, saying, "Also, we cannot postpone the plan any longer. Those Hecharums are still out there, and we now know a little more about them. Mainly that their possible rankings within their organized military."

"More rankings, Fidel?" Arijun asked.

"Yes. Just as Grand General Brion, Arwan, Junaleho, Jahid and I all witnessed, the Hecharums seem to have general in their military ranks. Meaning, their rankings probably are as follows: general, colonel, commander, marshal, captain, lieutenant, chief, major, sergeant, corporal, and warrior. Also, if they have marshals they probably have a grand general that they answer to and maybe even a regal figure of sorts that they all follow to a fault. Both the grand general and the emperor will obviously be more powerful than these generals, however many there may be." Fidelio replied.

"Hopefully you aren't forgetting a certain, important detail, Fidelio. After all, that detail is what made you go berserk because of how hard the enemy was to deal with thanks to that detail." Marwan stated.

"No te preocupes, I haven't forgotten Arwan. I cannot forget the fact that General Zarbodapso had four arms unlike the regular Hecharum warriors, regardless if those soldiers were colonel or lower. It was also apparent that they know that Yaraxians were created from wood since Zarbodapso kept calling me wood-related nicknames. How they know that fact is most likely from Jeho's origin tale, which means that they must somehow know about our world's history and its origins, maybe even the planet and its life. … We'll have to look more into that in the future. For now, however, we need to get back to the topic at hand. Are there any objections to proceeding to Phase Two of our strategy?" Silence and no movement filled the room, and no one raised their hand in objection. 'We need to be more aggressive and Fidel can clearly see that, so I have no objections.' Arijun thought to herself.

'He must be uncomfortable about taking a less cautious approach, but is now willing to do what is necessary to protect everyone. You're growing Lio and I'll support you.' Marwan thought to himself.

'Fidelio. You're doing your best to improve huh? Despite your doubts and your cautious nature, you're taking a risky step by trying to go under the radar to get help that high government officials won't give us 'cause of politics.' Brion thought.

'You're on your way to becoming a better leader, but the road is still long. At least you have all of us to help you. Just do your best. You're smart, your actions speak your consistent morals, and you care about doing what's right and others.' Emmi thought. Relieved, Fidelio was about to speak until Yara slowly raised her shaking hand. Raising an eyebrow, Fidelio asked with a sigh, "What's your concern, Yara?"

"Umm, well, what's Phase Two of the plan?" she asked nervously.

"Oh that's right. Heh. I nearly forgot. Perdóname (Forgive me), you don't know about Phase Two," Fidelio responded relieved. He continued, "Arwan. From now on, you're the one that will educate her on the phases of our strategy. Right now, however, I'll enlighten her on Phase Two. Phase Two is when we make the approximately one rotation journey across the Placidic Ocean to Petesyen, Palauki, Palauki being a state of Polynesial. The city of Petesyen is a metropolis of the West where technology advances and thrives, and where most of the intellects of Jeho's Western Hemisphere reside."

"By going to this city, we hope to gain engineers, technicians, scientists, doctors, and inventors that can improve our technology, find a way to blend Auratite with our weapons technology, and improve the team's overall wellbeing. That way, we can use more than our Auratals to defeat the Hecharums and better equip men and women who might not have the skills and knowledge necessary to wield an Auratal. Of course, other intellects like teachers and even craftsmen are also welcomed. This place could use lot of necessary upgrades that we lack the human capital needed to do such upgrades. Plus, the extra manpower would lighten the burden of Emmi and I being the team's primary intellects."

"Of course, to able to make such a journey, we need to gather the right amount of food, which, unfortunately, will be kind of difficult to do at the moment." Marwan chimed in.

"Um, how is that so?" Yara asked.

"Our crop pastures were recently invaded and overtaken by the Hecharums, so before we can get our food to go on our journey, we first need to eliminate all of the invaders and push them back and behind our defensive line. As for resorting to hunting and gathering, most eatable wildlife is hard to come by thanks to the Hecharums' mismanagement of natural resources and to the fact that we are positioned dangerously near them in the first place." Fidelio answered.

"So who's going on the mission, Fidel?" Arijun asked, ready to leave to move out to the field.

"All of the Yaraxians will go on this mission. This mission should be rather quick and simple as well as serve as a chance for Yara to experience the ropes of a real mission. Think of it as another chance to improve on any mistakes and get stronger." Fidelio answered as Yara nodded.

"Well then, we better not waste a single moment, right Lio?" Marwan asked smiling. Fidelio slightly smiled and nodded in agreement at Marwan's statement. Marwan smiled back and then said, "Come on Yara, let's prepare ourselves for this mission."

"Wait, Arwanali! Before we go, I wanna know how we will decide who'll go on the journey to Petesyen."

"Heh. We'll figure that out once we come back Yara. No te preocupes, nosotros tiene tiempo (we have time)." Fidelio replied smiling.

Elsewhere, in dark cavern, "General sir. Everything is set up and ready for the arrival of the Knights of Jeho." an Hecharum warrior stated as he kneeled with his head down and his fists closed, left fist being on his chest.

"Everyone in this cavern is in position, correct Colonel Nugesdorko?" a dark figure cloaked in shadow asked.

"Yes, General."

"Good, make sure the other warriors know to only emerge from the shadows at my signal and my signal alone. Also, make sure that they are always on alert for my signal. We can't fail or else Grand General Ehkonlamo might severely punish us, or worse, the Emperor himself might personally express his disappoint to us." The Hecharum general nodded, got up, and left to issue the marshal's orders. The Yaraxians quietly moved through the edge of the remaining thick, flourish brush that survived outside the perimeter of a grassy plain. "Someone coming!" Arijun shouted as her ears twitched.

'Everyone stay alert! Arwan will let us know when the Hecharum warriors are close enough to ambush them.' Fidelio commanded.

'This is strange … how are we able to communicate via thought?' Yara asked, a hint of awe in her voice.

'Well, Doctora Emmi and I studied the peculiar nature of Telekite, which we unearthed near Auratite. Using this golden gem and circuitry that detects certain neuropathways of our cerebrum, we are able to send neuro-teleskeps, or "mind signals", which deliver our thoughts to one another. At least when we are usually able to so we intend to, though please keep in mind that there is a chance that we might hear some of your thoughts that we are not meant to hear.' Fidelio answered.

'Lio likes to nerd out when comes to technology and science,' Marwan commented with a smile.

'Anyways, how close are the Hecharums, Arwan?' Fidelio asked as he rolled his eyes.

'They're approximately six metrons away.' Marwan answered instantly.

'If I may ask, how can Arijun hear the Hecharums from so far away, an' how can Arwanali see the Hecharums from such a long distance?' Yara asked curiously.

'Since the Auratite amplifies the power of our Auras, those who wear Auratite gain different biological abilities, which we refer to as a Saticormu, though for an unknown reason, only Yaraxians can get one. For example, Arijun has Ample-Ears, which means that she can hear enemies that are up to a chilimetron away if she puts in the effort. Arwan has Ultra-Vision, which partly consists of his ability to see enemies coming from up to a half of a chilimetron if he puts in effort. Arijun can calculate how far the enemies are based on the frequency of the enemy's footsteps, and Arwan can simply see how far the enemies are, regardless of the amount of light or darkness. From there, he can try to use the enemy's guessed speed to calculate the distance of them from us. How long one can use a Saticormu depends on the Saticormu itself and the strength and capacity, or agility of the user's Aura.' Fidelio answered.

'Uh huh … very interestin'. I can understand that I dunno what my Saticormu is just yet 'cause I was just recently exposed to Auratite, but I was wonderin', what's yer Saticormu, Fidelio?'

'M-my Saticormu? Well it's-'

'They're here!' Marwan interrupted, bringing everyone's mind back to the mission on hand. At that, the Yaraxians quietly and swiftly pounced on and eliminated the Hecharums on the spot. 'They never stood a chance, huh Fidelio?' Yara asked.

'Yeah I suppose, but something feels … off.' Fidelio responded as he put his right hand on his chin.

'Really?' the others asked simultaneously out of worry.

'... Let's just advance for now since there's no time to misuse.' They then stealthily moved through the dull-colored Hecharum camp, shredding small Hecharum groups before going back to hide. 'This really is strange.' Arijun said in agreement with Fidelio.

'Really? What's strange 'bout this?' Yara asked as she and the others observed the camp from behind tents and stones.

'The correct term would be "off". In short, the situation seems off.' Fidelio began. 'Arwan. Why don't you explain the situation to her?'

'Sure Lio. The situation here is unlike usual Hecharum tactics. Hecharums might have gotten cleverer with their tactics, but they are always ruthless and always do their best to not allow openings. However, right now they are too spread out, making it too easy to ambush them. When they attack, it's as a large group with the higher ranks in the center. The formation can vary, but the basic way to beat such a strategy involves: breaking the wall of warriors, attack, retreat, repeat; or guerrilla war tactics using the knowledge of the land. Their current strategy leaves too many openings despite the increase in numbers as we get closer. Moreover, it obvious that they're trying lure us into that cave by having the ranked Hecharum go in and out, which indicates that their general is inside.'

'The general of the bow section no less,' Fidelio added.

'General of bows? Are ya assumin' this based on the fact that all Hecharums use bows as their main weapon?' Yara asked.

'Correct,' Fidelio confirmed with a nod.

'Ah okay, so what do we do then?' Yara asked.

'Simple,' Fidelio began, 'take the bait and escape the hook to humiliate them. If possible, we'll break the line as well.' They continued to do small, quiet ambushes as they made their way throughout the camp, only stopping once they arrived in a dark cavern that some Hecharum captains ran into. Then suddenly, lamps lit up and emitted dark-red light upon the rigid terrain of the cave. The dark-red flames revealed a dark winged figure, whose identity was shrouded by the remaining shadows. "You've finally arrived Knights of Jeho!" a deep, raspy voice shouted. "Welcome! I, General Lahsakro of the Bow Barrage, have been expecting you. Where are the orange muscle-brain and the pipsqueaks? Did they miss their invitation in the mail?"

"Why do you ask, arrowhead?" Fidelio questioned as he squinted at Lahsakro's obscure figure.

"I ask because Zarbodapso sends you his regards and gave the other generals, the Grand General, and our emperor the information he has on you and them."

'He has information on us?!' Yara asked worriedly.

'Cálmate Yara. He probably only has information on me, Arwan, Brion, Junaleho, and Jahid, since we were the only ones there that night we went to Zakuren,' Fidelio replied. 'What information do you have on us exactly?' he asked, hoping to at least get some foreshadowing.

"To be blunt, what you look like, your species, your abilities, and even, to some extent, your fighting techniques. The same also goes for that walking, yellow tin-can." Lahsakro answered before realizing his tongue had slipped.

"Oh? Well, that's certainly intriguing. What is the significance of your wings and Zarbodapso's four arms?" Fidelio asked curiously, hoping to make Lahsakro talk more.

"Enough talk! All you need to know right now is that our emperor, Emperor Lamrukso, is very generous to his loyal generals and our grand general. Also, you need to know that you are all doomed!" Suddenly, the walls of the cavern opened up to show the glowing ruby-red eyes of the hordes of Hecharum archers. "I might not know how the purple tin-can and the purple maiden fight, but I'll find out today and give the information to the other generals, the Grand General, and my emperor. Perhaps, even take you all alive as trophies of my victory; if I can't manage that, I'll just settle for your heads. Glory to our Empire!" The Hecharums warriors began the fire many volleys of arrows tipped with scarlet poison at the Yaraxians, while Lahsakro simply flapped his dark wings and fired his arrows from the air. He wore the exact same armor as Zarbodapso with the exception of the armor also covering the patagium of Lahsakro's wings, his round, red eyes focused on the Yaraxians as he furrowed his arched eyebrows.

Using their pyrokinesis and electrokinesis, Fidelio and Marwan got rid of some of the Hecharum archers by hitting the Hecharums or collapsing the cliffside, while Arijun expertly hit Hecharums of the edge with her Copujin. Yara, on the other hand, had greater difficulty as she would have to run and climb in order to get close enough to defeat some Hecharums. 'Ugh! This is hard without my Elemvis or my Saticormu!' Yara thought before jumping back to dodge.

'It must be very difficult for you if we ourselves are struggling as well.' Marwan responded. 'Lio, I can't believe I'm asking this, but why not go berserk again like you did when you fought Zarbodapso? Don't worry, Arijun and I will bring you back to your senses if absolutely necessary.' Marwan asked as he was back to back with Fidelio and zapped one of the Hecharum archers off a cliffside.

'En serio (Seriously)?!' Fidelio responded as he deflected some incoming arrows with Armsku and Igniken. 'Estas loco (Are you crazy)?! You know that I don't enjoy losing myself; besides, even if I did want to, I can't. Me ascending to madness when fighting Zarbodapso only happened gradually and only when I grew more and more frustrated.' Fidelio replied as he turned around and burned a Hecharum to a crisp. Just then, Lahsakro began to target his volleys directly at Marwan and Fidelio, forcing them to dodge and shift focus to Lahsakro. 'Argh! We'll have to talk about that later. Right now, we need to ground him as soon as possible. We need to make him a flightless meva (bird),' Fidelio said as he dodged the arrows with a look of annoyance.

Thus, Fidelio and Marwan ran towards Lahsakro while dodging, and began to try to use their kinesis abilities and Auratals to make Lahsakro as immobile as a flightless bird. However, knowing how they each individually fight, Lahsakro simply guessed or expertly predicted their moves, dodged the incoming attacks, and immediately counter-attacked. 'He knows how we individually fight Arwan, but maybe if we do combo-moves, he won't be able to predict what's coming due to too many present variables. You run towards me and I'll launch you in the air using Armsku. While in the air, you try your best to land a shot on Lahsakro as I use Igniken to launch a fire attack from the ground.' Fidelio commanded.

'Roger!' Marwan replied as he stepped back and starting running towards Fidelio. The combo-move surprised Lahsakro and immediately caught him off guard as the special spell could not predict the enemy's actions due to too many factors. As a result, Marwan managed to successfully pierce one of Lahsakro's wings using Fulmari after Fidelio forced Lahsakro to move right to dodge the fire attack. Without movable wings at his disposal, Lahsakro was finally grounded, the rocky earth cracking and giving way because of Lahsakro's fall. Without both of his wings to be in the air, Lahsakro temporarily panicked but managed to get back to his senses before Marwan and Fidelio started charging at him from the dust cloud.

Fidelio and Marwan struggled as Lahsakro continued to dodge the individual slashing, thrusting, and blasting, while he struggled to slightly hover above the ground with his one wing. Frustration began to fill Fidelio's mind and caused him to release his flames from his eyes once more. Lahsakro smiled with excitement, showing his pointed-teeth as he thought, 'Finally! This fight is finally going to get interesting! If I can beat the bluenette here and now Emperor Lamrukso will definitely praise me. On top of that, Zarbodapso and the others will all envy me and I can be the new Grand General.' Lahsakro, in all his excitement, goes all out, worrying everyone in the room the cave shook from the intensity.

The intensity resulted in the overall battle being a two on one, while the remained Hecharum archers did their best to keep Arijun and Yara away from the battle between a winged demon and the two humble servants. Having switched to a crossbow, Lahsakro's attacks became more powerful and thus required more energy to dodge, which was something that the Yaraxians were losing. Parry, thrust, slash, dodge, block, such moves intertwined with each Yaraxian's technique as they managed to injure Lahsakro's second wing. Without his wings, Lahsakro mumbled and jumped far back, General Nugesdorko preventing the Yaraxians for properly using a volley of arrows before being punched in the gut by Yara. "Núa on. Núa on eh odanimret." Lahsakro chanted as Fidelio and Marwan got closer. At that, two arrows from Lahsakro barely grazed Fidelio's left arm while barely grazing Marwan's left cheek, their reflexes barely being fast enough to avoid a pierce.

Lahsakro laughed with a cruel sense of joy in the sight of his enemies suffering as he continued firing arrows, the Yaraxians forced to back off a bit. Fidelio winced in pain as Armsku vanished along with any sensation in his left arm. As for Marwan, despite his body being of metal, his body grew numb and heavy as he glared at Lahsakro in frustration, like a wounded animal desperate to survive. The pain that the two felt was excruciating, but nonetheless, Marwan summoned Fulmari while Fidelio summoned Igniken, light shining around them and in their eyes as they stood on their feet once more. The fighting continued with Marwan growing more frustrated as his struggled to hold his own alongside Fidelio, who was also feeling the same way. Soon enough, Marwan's right eye quickly joined Fidelio's in elemental harmony, his eye releasing golden-yellow lightning.

Lahsakro then began to worry that he was in over his head as he felt the immense pressure of sudden power that radiated from the two Yaraxians. Before he could chant his spell, Lahsakro saw the two Yaraxians suddenly summon large of balls of fire and lightning, each Yaraxian having one ball per hand. As the two of them summoned their Auratals and grasped them with their surge of elements, the two blasts of fire and lightning combined and came hurling towards Lahsakro, while he quickly mumbled to himself, "Nierjurba y sanamreh, rop rovaf, emavlás." As Lahsakro's eyes widened in fear, the last thing the General of the Hecharum Bow Barrage saw was the Yaraxians smiling with their Lupines showing as their darkened faces released their elements from their eyes.

The sudden flash of light dissipated and smoke and dust from the combined blasts finally cleared. Everyone looked at the direction of the flash and blast to see the Yaraxians panting on their knees, while General Lahsakro was nowhere to be seen. Thus, Colonel Nugesdorko immediately panicked and ordered the remaining Hecharum soldiers of the Bow Barrage to quickly retreat from the battlefield, some of them being picked off as they ran. Arijun and Yara panted and rejoiced until they turned around and saw Fidelio and Marwan looking down at the cracked ground with darkened faces as they panted and struggled to stand up. Silence reigned in the dark kingdom of the dimly-lit cavern for a moment as Fidelio and Marwan kicked the area of the blasts' impact while they clenched their teeth. "W-wh-what's the matter, F-Fidel?" Arijun asked almost out of breath and a little bit afraid, her voice quivering.

"Tch! Fantastico (Fantastic)! Just great! General Lahsakro escaped!" Fidelio replied with an annoyed, frustrated tone as he violently kicked a stone straight out of the cavern.

"He's not here, yes, but we didn't shred him, not completely anyway." Marwan added coldly as he popped a squat and ruffled his hair frustration.

"Meaning … he's still alive. Just like Zarbodapso," Fidelio continued as he clenched his fists and ground his teeth.

"Not to mention … he'll recover and give the new information he has on us to his buddies and superiors." Marwan further added with a frustrated sigh.

"H-h-how do ya know that fer sure, A-Arwanali?" Yara asked as she hesitantly approached the Marwan and Fidelio with Arijun.

"There are no shreds where we fired our blasts. There's only cracked earth, dust, and shattered rocks." Marwan answered with a darkened face.

"The same thing occurred when I fought Zarbodapso. I fired a blast of fire that was enhanced by Igniken, my frustration, and my determination, but there were no sherds where I had fired, and as we know from Lahsakro, Zarbodapso is somehow still alive. In conclusion, Lahsakro survived our combo-blast and is giving information on us to the Hecharum higher-ups." Fidelio added as he tossed back his hands and ruffled his hair, his face dark.

"W-w-well . . . w-w-we'll b-beat 'em next time, so let's not dwindle in the past an' its possible regrets." Yara responded, followed by a nervous chuckle and smile.

"R-right. For now, let's all go home," Arijun suggested with a nervous smile. Fidelio and Marwan's faces lit up a bit as they sighed and nodded in agreement. The team then got up and returned to Domukasa with the fruits of labor and harvest. After the Yaraxians bathed and everyone ate the meal that Arijun and Naama made, the team met again in the Discussion Center. "Alright then . . . it's now time to decide who's going on the excursion to Petesyen. I'll obviously take part of the expedition because . . . I'm the designated leader of our group. Grand General Brion will also join us because of his connections that he gained from his military service in the Royal Legion. Since technology is associated with and is powered by electricity, Arwan will be coming along. Apologies Yara, but you only have your Auratal, no Elemvis, and no Saticormu, so we can't someone as green as you."

"No need to apologize, I understand perfectly well. I'll stay here and hold the line while improvin' and perfectin' my technique of my Auratal. Oh! An' if it appears, I'll also practice my Saticormu an' Elemvis."

"I'll stay behind with Yara," Emmi declared as she gently placed her right hand on Yara's left shoulder. "You should be able to manage Project Aura-Tech perfectly well without me since you are almost as intelligent as me despite your age, Fidelio. Besides, if this young lady somehow manages to get injured while doing her job, she'll need someone to repair her, and I am the one that built her current body so I'm the one for that job. Also, if there is the rare occasion that I'm still needed, you can always come pick me up."

Fidelio sighed and nodded, "Very well, if you insist Doctora Emmi. Señora Naama, I assuming that you want to remain here again, correct?" Naama silently nodded in response as she looked away as soon as she finished nodding. Fidelio continued with a sigh to calm himself, "Arijun will come with us then while the children will remain here and get more experience and responsibility in the process. Yara, Doctora Emmi, and Señora Naama, I assume you already know this, but all of you will be in charge of the children. I'll inform Junaleho, Brion will notify Elina, and Arwan will tell Jahid. After that, we will prepare the Magen for Petesyen and be on our merry way. Todos entienden (Everyone understand)?"

"Roger!" After they got all of their supplies ready, the journeyers said their goodbyes, got into the Magen, and took off into the distant, sky-high blue, celestial sea with white cotton-puffs towards Petesyen. Elsewhere, in a distant cavern in a dark mountain, "So … you've failed to destroy them, General Lahsakro? You failed at such a simple task even though you already had vital information on two of the Knights that you faced personally?" a deep, boom-like voice shrouded in darkness asked as he frustratingly tapped the stone windowsill that he was leaning on.

"Grand General Ehkonlamo! I nearly had them, but then they used combo-moves which have too many variables and possibilities to memorize and to offer to Information Share! On top of that, the yellow, tin-head Yaraxian learned the same annoying tactic that the blue Yaraxian used to best Zarbodapso. Then they both used it against me at the same time, which is why I needed to escape."

"Hmm … is that so?" Lahsakro immediately nodded though not too fast as he did not want to seem that desperate for mercy, lest his plan for mercy backfire. 'How did those two develop such a technique? From what we know, those two are young, but yet they're skilled enough to stop us from advancing from the northern peaks. In the beginning, their methods were crude, but effective and required preparation in advance and quick attacks. Yet recently, since we've sent lieutenants and captains, they are unable to do frontal assaults effectively. Could the new addition of the orange Washaxian be the reason for their new polished skills? No matter, with Information Share, techniques can easily be counteracted.'

Grand General Ehkonlamo looked back at Lahsakro, who immediately flinched in fear, Ehkonlamo's red eyes piercing Lahsakro's soul. "Hmmm … Very well then, General Lahsakro. You shall be spared from my and Emperor Lamrukso's wrath for now. Nierjurba, please take the general to your Mystic Chamber, and prepare him for Information Share so we can have the new information that he managed to get on the Jehoan Knights. I'll tell the others to meet you and the other witches immediately. I will be there myself shortly, but first, I need to check on my dear daughter."

Nierjurba then emerged from the cavern shadows, bowed her hooded head, and took Lahsakro away. The Hecharum Grand General sighed and thought to himself as he smiled gleefully, 'Soon Emperor Lamrukso will know enough to eliminate these pesky Jehoan Knights.' "Rwah, hah, hah! All hail Emperor Lamrukso! The divine ruler of our people and future dominator of Jeho!" 'Soon this world will finally be ours and will be in our hands where it rightfully belongs.' He placed his clenched left fist on his chest and smiled viciously as he looked outside of his window towards the outside valley below him.