CHAPTER 19 : "Dinner"



  By five in the afternoon, I rushed my way to my apartment and took a half bath. I began searching for something nice to wear for tonight. I pulled out all of my clothes from my cabinet, contemplating about what I was going to wear for my dinner with Dillion. I was thinking about going for a dress or something casual but sexy. I want to please him with how I look. I want him to remember me before he leaves New York.

  Of course I'm fucking excited for dinner.

  It's been seven months since I've deprived myself from going out to have dinner with the opposite sex and I think I should let myself hang out with Dillion since he's a very nice and respectable man. He is insanely hot too. Let's admit it, I'm awed by how gorgeous he is. Irresistible.

  Me: Just got out from class. Is that dinner still on?

  I began to put a light make up on just to look a little pleasing to Dillion.