CHAPTER 177 : "Im Sorry"

  I'm Sorry

  T A T E

  I stare at the photo that Gage took on his Instagram. It was a photo of me in black and white, facing my back to him while I was on the jabecausezi. He just posted it three days ago and a lot of hate are already typed on it. Hate on me.

  But the caption that Gage typed still makes me strong despite the hatred I've been getting lately.

  He quote: "The view is pretty, but she's prettier."

  The past days, Gage spent his four-day vacation with me in a private resort where he rented the entire place only for the two of us. So basically the entire resort was ours. He didn't want some people to take photos of me being with him. He wanted me to himself before he goes to Austria and he wanted the two of us to relax together. He was also planning on bringing me along with him but I have other plans in mind