CHAPTER 197 : "Holmes"


  T A T E

  When dinner was ready, we walked to the dining table to have eat together.

  "Aunt Josie is a really great cook. I must say she's better than mum." Gage playfully says.

  "Don't tell mum I said that." He adds.

  Aunt Josie and I were laughing together but I as I look at Gemma, she was just plainly looking at me while she was already starting to eat.

  "Oh Gage you always compliment my cookings. Thank you but I think you just miss it." She says while chuckling.

  "No aunt Josie, it is really good." Gage insist.

  I smile.

  "You gotta try this sweetheart." Gage placed a piece of tenderloin on my plate. "That's a family recipe." He smiles at me.

  "Thank you." I tell him.

  "So, what are your plans tomorrow?" Aunt Josie asks.

  "Well, I'm actually planning on touring Tate around town. I wanna show her where I grew up. I'm also planning on introducing her to my cousins so I hope Jake is around." He answers her.