Nothing Makes Sense

"We could participate and win, but what if it's just a scam?" Lucas asked himself, still upset about the fact that he had no cool skills like Kali.

Not only had he not been given superpowers, but his avatar was different. He also had a different name. 'What the fuck is Izek3000? He was talking to himself again.

While he pushed and pulled strange-looking plants out of the ground. He kicked the air with his foot, 'but what if the system was right about fulfilling that wish? I could forever save Mina...' He held his breath for a second.

"You look so stupid right now." Kali sighed and gave him a pitying look.

In front of her, he was now just a tiny, powerless little person without hopes or dreams.

One thing they both knew: they had to get out of there, but how? How could they do that? Lucas was seething and didn't even try to listen to her, and Kali looked hopeless in her dragon form.

How had they both got there and what had happened to the old-looking man from the comic shop? The situation was so desperate to return to their human world.

They both had caring and loving parents, they shouldn't be here in the first place. Kali shouldn't be here.

"Listen, calm down." She finally decided to address him from above.

She was huge compared to him and had more to say than he did at the moment.

One thing Lucas regretted was being rude.  A new world and a different world that he usually only saw in movies and games and the fact that he'd brought Kali with him made it worse for him.

He felt guilty and angry, 'why did I say those things?' 

Some things scared him because dragons could breathe fire and he wasn't made of stone to avoid that kind of attack. Everything could make Kali angry at the moment, and his behaviour was no exception.

What could've happened if he'd died in that place?

No answers on how to get back? No answers either. Nothing made sense. He'd a dragon for a teammate and a system that didn't even listen to him, "what now?" he grinned through his teeth again.

He was annoyed.

[System activated.]

The same Siri-sounding voice appeared in the air.

[Mission activated.]

It spoke like a robot.

[Skills activated.]

A small blue pill fell out of the sky onto Lucas' palm.

It was very small and you could clearly see through it. "What kind of pill is that?" he asked aloud.

[Your Skills.]


"My skills? What can I even do with them?" Lucas curled his lips.

He felt his throat tighten. 

"Lucas, are you crying?" Kali asked him in a soft *dragon* voice.

Her throat soared, and even if she tried to speak softly, she'd sound aggressive.

"I'm not crying." Lucas tried to pull himself together and act normal in front of Kali, but in reality, he was worried about this situation.

"Then why are you sniffing your nose?" Kali sighed.

"Sniffing my nose, you try getting pills as your ability and you'd be sniffing your nose too." He tried to make a joke to ease the situation.

He was a bit jealous that Kali had such cool abilities and was a dragon while he had a stupid name and 0 abilities, plus the system seemed broken for him.

"Izek3000," Kali called out and grinned.

"Shut up." He replied quickly, not even thinking that he might offend her with his words. 

"Shut up? You're telling me to shut up? I'm here in this stupid lizard form because of you, you idiot! What happened to you? Couldn't you be nice to the old man and just leave?" Kali had a stiff expression on her face.

She felt a tugging in her chest and swallowing was difficult. She was furious to be in that stupid dragon form, and all because of that idiot over there who didn't even try to think about his actions. It was his fault that they were both stuck here.

[Go to ogre village.]


The system voice appeared again.

At this point, the two didn't know whether to listen to the system or just keep arguing. 'This is so stupid!' Lucas punched the dead plant in his arms and tried to get rid of his anger.

"Let's go to that ogre village or whatever it's actually called." Kali's tone was sarcastic.

"With what? As defenceless as I am right now? Have you lost your mind, Kali?" He chewed on his lips.

How do you even get there and what would be the point of going there? What do ogres even look like in that place and why do they need to defeat them? Was it a part of their mission?

Lucas had too many questions in his head at the moment. He at least wished he had better skills and not some drug-like pills that made no sense to him. It was easy for Kali to talk because she was huge and could burn you alive in seconds, but for Lucas? That was something else.

"Hello, are you blind? Can't you see I'm a dragon and now your teammate?" She moved her head belligerently.

"So what makes you think you can defeat them all by yourself?" He doubted Kali's words.

"Do you want me to try it on you?" Kali replied in a flash.

That was something he didn't want because she looked like a feisty dragon.

[System activated. Now go to the ogre village. Defeat the ogres and find the Green Gem].


The system appeared and disappeared in seconds.

It put a lot of pressure on Lucas.

"Let's go, Izek3000." Kali grinned and tried to make fun of his avatar one more time.

Luca's appearance was the same, he still had the same clothes on and the same dark hair, but his eye colour seemed to have changed, instead of dark brown they were now red.

Maybe his avatar was the reason for the change in eye colour, but who knew? Now they both had to get to the ogre village first.

"How do we even get there?" Lucas asked the same question Kali was trying to guess.

[Mission activated.]

[Avatar No. 302 and Avatar No. 303 must follow their instincts, if the mission isn't contested, both avatars lose their points].


At that moment, even Kali thought the system was messing around.

"Hey, stupid system, what does it mean to lose points?" Lucas shouted into the air.

He didn't have many, so every one of them meant a lot to him.

[System activated.]

