The Hard Way

A heavy feeling in his stomach made his skin tingle. A feeling of alienation surrounded Luca's body and a slow and shaky smile appeared on his face.

When he heard what the system had just said, made him give a quick bark of laughter. A hysterical cry began to gather in his heart. The feeling made him uncomfortable.

"Death?" Kali repeated the system's statement.

Her heart trembled too.

They both stood there, looking like ghosts, wondering what to do next. The word "death" was threatening to them both since Luca's sister Mina was close to it.

"Lucas, did you hear that?" She lowered her head and turned to him.

Lucas looked like a complete stranger. His normally somewhat tanned face turned pale and his jaw trembled.

"Lucas!" Kali repeated to herself.

"Yes... I heard it right...." His vision went blank as the surroundings spun.

"Lucas!" shouted Kali again, trying to get his attention.

"Yeah, I heard we should get going." He was still ashen.

There was no way he wanted to go there now, the knowledge that he could lose points and die didn't motivate him at all at the moment.

Kali was a blunter, she wanted to see this ogre village because she thought it would help them return to the normal world, and also fulfil their one wish.

They began to walk on alone. They had a strange feeling that they knew the way to the ogre village. Their feet moved as if they already knew the direction.

They walked through some strange and muddy streets. This place looked strange and had a musty, old smell about it.

"You'd think ogres lived here, haha". Lucas tried to make small talk and looked at Kali as he did so.

[System activated.]

[The ogre village is 500 metres away]


"Kali, are you ready?" A nervous shiver ran through his skin and his stomach felt even more uncomfortable, 'I must do this for Mina, I must do this for Mina...' He was talking to himself.

Luca's blood pressure began to rise. He clenched his hand into a fist and felt it become a little slippery, it became wet with sweat. 'What'll happen now?' he asked himself at that moment.

He had no power or ability, only a pill that could give him confidence, 'pppff, what kind of confidence is that anyway?'

"Lucas, we should make a plan," Kali spoke slowly.

Lucas looked up and saw Kali's face. It was strange for him to see her like that at that moment. The colour pink suited her personality well because she was a nice person, but the fact that she was so massive scared him.

"What plan, Kali? We should just go there, you go *boom* *fire, fire*, we find the stupid gem and we're gone." He joked as nothing smart was coming to his mind right now. 

One thing that gave him a little boost was the fact that Kali was a dragon that could burn anything. She burned the gelatinous monster in seconds, so a few ogres wouldn't be a problem.

"I don't even know how to spit fire properly, you idiot!" She was annoyed.

This confused Lucas, for Kali, had just burned a monster before his eyes.

"Kali, you literally burned this huge jelly-like creature, what're you talking about?"

"Yes, but it wasn't on purpose!" She screamed at him.

They both stood there completely confused, trying to have another argument about their plan.


Not far from them there was a huge explosion.

It was a huge amount of fire exploding in the air. The fire wasn't the usual red colour, but green. A musty and putrid smell surrounded the area that even Lucas and Kali could smell.

"Eeewww, what's that?" Kali frowned, feeling disgusted. She zoomed in quickly to see what was going on.

"Lucas, I think this is the place we should go." She said this in a shocked voice and her eyes widened as they both saw another explosion.



*¶ Boom ¶

Three explosions occurred at the same time in the same place.

"Lucas, we really should go and see what happened there!" Kali repeated her sentence once more.

"Kali, no... Maybe we shouldn't go there, what if we get caught in the fire?" 

He felt an uncomfortable cold shiver run over his skin. His experience with online games also thought it was a bad idea, it was like a sixth instinct for him at that moment.

"Fuck you!" Kali shouted, lowering her head.

She opened her own jaw and a large and sharp tooth shone out bright like a diamond, the smell coming from it was too disgusting and greasy.

Lucas panicked again.

"Hey, Kali! What're you doing?"

Carefully she grasped his body with her teeth and closed her mouth. She tried to be gentle so as not to kill him immediately, for her fangs felt as sharp as knives even to her.

"Let go of me Kali, what are you doing!" Lucas tried to escape from her mouth by moving his legs and pushing against her scaly muzzle.

Kali began to flap her huge, massive wings and rose from the ground. She was heavy, but the wings seemed just able to hold her body.

She was already four metres above the ground. 'Please, do not let me die, please do not let me die,' she thought in her head while she had no idea what she was doing.

It just happened to her automatically.

As she approached the place, the air seemed to become heavier and denser. She nudged her wings to get more power and when she saw a huge, destroyed land, she slowly began to land on her feet.

Lucas was still beating her body to let go because her saliva-filled mouth was making his clothes wet. It was an unpleasant feeling to be in someone's mouth.


He slapped his hands over Kali's mouth.

It felt like a tickle to Kali, but he thought he was causing Kali pain.

When Kali had landed completely on the floor, she opened her mouth and Lucas slid out like a slug.

'I will never forgive her for this humiliation.' Lucas was furious as he tried to stand up and wipe the dragon's saliva off his clothes.

"Kali, why did you do that?" He looked up to see her face and get an answer from her when he saw her vertically slit pupils focused intently on what was in front of her.

Lucas turned his face to where she was staring and instead of seeing an ogre village he had expected to see with lots of mud and even stranger-looking plants, he saw a land gone and destroyed.

"What happened here?" He gasped.

[System activated.]
