Fight Mode

"Lucas, you asshole, where are you running to?" There was a slight pain in her tone, it sounded raspy. 'Wait till I get you, you idiot.'

Without realising it, Kali moved her large claws and began to chase after Lucas.

'Lucas, wait! That's not what the system ordered us to do!!!' A shaky voice filled Kali's throat.

"Just stick to my plan." Lucas retorted and grinned.

He had a plan, but that plan involved another guy being his bait. He had to keep Kali out of this situation, because she was still a girl, and girls were not supposed to see that kind of thing.

Lucas looked around and spotted a natural cavity in the ground big enough for a dragon to go into.

"There, Kali! Go into that hollow!" Lucas shouted from a distance, thinking that she would say yes immediately.

"Are you crazy, why should I?" Kali caught up with him.

"Please, Kali." Lucas frowned his forehead, "Do not ask questions, just get in!" He ordered her.

"Are you crazy, who are you to tell me what to do? I am a dragon, you idiot, I can help!" Kali had a pained look on her face, 'Who is he to to tell me what to do?' A quick thought ran through her mind.

As the two stood there arguing, an annoying squeaking noise reached their ears.

"Ugggh, what's that?" Lucas covered his ears with both hands, thinking that would help him to soothe the noise.




With each step the sound of a monster came closer, 'he did not kill him?' Lucas' eyebrows drew together, 'and he pretended to be so strong, ppfff.' The corners of his mouth lifted, he glanced at Kali, who obviously did not make it into the cave.

"Kali, please, do not do anything crazy just before I tell you!" He stretched his neck and with a face full of confidence he stood before her. 'I have to protect Kali first.' She was his priority.

A short while later Lucas heard heavy and large footsteps approaching them, "Kali, get ready!" He did not even look at her, just gave an order.

Kali nodded her head and looked ahead.

A monster with long, four-limbed legs and webbed toes stood thirty metres in front of them.

Lucas felt a sense of impending danger.

He squeezed his fingers together and felt his right foot tap the ground: "This is not the time to panic, concentrate, concentrate.' He said to himself.

Suddenly Lucas felt a twinge in his stomach, a nasty, loud voice laughed in his head, 'You moron need my help again?' It was the same voice as the first attack he had experienced. Someone else had taken over his body then.

"Not you again." Lucas replied according to the voice in his head.

Kali looked to the floor, thinking he was talking to her, "did you say something?" her voice was slurred.

'Say something, do you need my help again, you troll.' An insulting tone was in this person's voice again.

Another human being was in Lucas' head.

"Shut up, you fool!" Lucas spoke loudly.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?" A hostile look was on Kali's muzzle.

'Answer me, do you want me to take over your body again?' That voice sounded like it wanted some entertainment.

"Stop talking to me, you fucking idiot!" He replied to the voice in his head, Lucas' online persona seemed to be in the right place at the moment.

"What did you just say?" Kali picked up her claw from the floor and swung it at Lucas.

Lucas easily dodged Kali's blow, a little surprised. 'What is she doing?' Lucas had no choice, he did not want to hurt her, but a quick reminder of the situation would do.

"Kali, what are you doing?" He looked at her with an angry look, 'why would she hit me right now?' His voice was full of surprise.

Without waiting, the monster that was near them started to run towards them at full speed.

Lucas had no time to argue with Kali, but also no choice but to allow that voice to take over his body. He felt an icy current running up and down his spine. His legs began to wobble, that was the moment he saw the real problem coming.

His body vibrated with fear, a sting of fear pierced his soul.

A ball of panic rose in his throat, "Okay, take over my body!" His eyes darkened with worry as he shouted aloud.

Lucas' stomach churned, the moment he opened his eyes he could not see what was in front of him. There was no monster and Kali was no longer behind him.

He was all alone in the darkness. Fatigue took hold of his physical body, 'Sleep, I'll take over now' He heard the voice in his head before he closed his eyes and fell to the dark, cold floor.

'This idiot has finally fallen asleep' The voice that had spoken before finally opened his eyes, he looked in front of him and saw a black monster with a slender snout running towards him. It had four claws that were about six metres high.

It was well armoured and had tough, scaly skin. A prehistoric looking creature. It had two long fangs on its lower jaw that could be seen even when its mouth was closed.

"How cute." He leaned his head to one side.

Two seconds later, the monster stood in front of him.

It opened its mouth and roared.

The noise it made annoyed Lucas' new body owner: "Oh dear, how impatient you are." He stretched his neck and jumped onto the monster's back at full speed. Its long, massive tail moved at the touch of a human.

The monster tried to look to the side but could not see him as his neck did not allow him to see what was behind it.

Lucas raised his hand in the air and struck the monster's spine with full force. It made a terrible cracking sound and after a few seconds the monster closed its jaws and fell to the ground.

It was defeated.

"Ugh." Lucas shook his arm and grimaced in disgust, just touching that nasty monster. "How weak." He grinned and looked at Kali, who stood there with wide eyes, not making a sound.

"What are you staring at, dragon?" The tone was full of arrogance, he pulled a pout.

"Dragon, get out of here!" A guy with a hoodie on shouted from above and jumped to the ground.

Without even waiting for anything, he angrily charged at Lucas, "Spirit of Earth, protect my body." The man muttered and swung at Lucas with his left foot

In a fraction of a second, Lucas lined up his shoulder with his opponent. He could see the unprotected area on the chest where he would strike.

Lucas set his left foot forward, he brought his back to the front and leapt, propelling himself high into the air. 'This will hurt." He smiled and struck this man's head with his knee.

The man in the hoodie flew two metres away from Lucas, feeling himself hit the ground.

"So you are finally back." The man addressed Lucas directly as he tried to wipe the blood from his lip.

"You notice things fast, Haya." Lucas stretched his neck and looked wide-eyed at the guy he had just sent flying.

"Izek." The man murmured.