Some Old Things

"How about you change your hair colour first, people might mistake you for that innocent boy?" Haya finished wiping the blood from his lip, but his hand was still on his chin.

"Oh, you're right, since we're meeting again, I should bless you with my looks again." Lucas pushed his shoulders back and lifted his chin.

He maintained eye contact with Haya.

Lucas raised both hands and ran his fingertips through his hair. Lucas' usual dark hair colour turned a cloudy white, ashen hue.

His ruby eyes shone brightly like a threat to Haya.

The old Izek was back.

"Does it make you feel better to see me like this?" He lifted one side of his lip.

The look in his eyes was devilish, the pupils constricted, he raised his head and looked down at Haya, "shall we continue, partner?" Izek asked him in a low tone.

The grimace on his face turned serious in seconds. He straightened his shoulders and stepped back a little, "come on, attack." He moved his hand slightly to show him to come.

"You really haven't changed." Haya replied to Izek's insulting remarks.

He propped one of his arms on the ground to keep his balance and pushed his body into the air to stand up.

Haya was ready to fight.

'The spirit of the earth, protect my body.' Whispered Haya and became serious.

"You still use those pathetic spirits as your protection, Haya? How cute." Izek rolled his eyes.

Not understanding what was going on, Kali just stood there in silence. If she were in a human body, she'd be breaking out in a sweat right now.

Nothing made sense, who was this mysterious guy the system had sent, and why had Lucas' personality and hair colour changed, 'why is he acting like this?'

"Lucas!" Kali called out to him to get his attention.

She didn't want him to fight with this new guy as she didn't know who exactly he was, 'he might be helpful' she sharpened her fangs.

"Lucas, what're you doing again!" She repeated herself.

Both guys ignored Kali as she wasn't important at that moment, the real fight started now.

Haya put one of his feet backwards and flashed full speed towards Izek, in a second Haya was in front of Lucas' face.

"Your speed has improved, I'm glad to see that!" Izek smiled and moved his head to the side to avoid Haya's punch.

Izek grunted, doubled up and hit back with a right hook, he punched Hays's ribs.

He missed it, as Haya lifted his leg in the air to hit Izek's neck.

Caught off guard, Haya stumbled backwards and just managed to avoid the next blow. He was off balance, he knew it, "that damned wizard" He'd to struggle to get back up, but now Izek lunged forward, perhaps sensing his advantage.

There was nothing to be done. He couldn't fight anything off as long as he lost his balance, "Fire spirit, strike!"

Haya hid his face behind his hands as a huge amount of fire appeared behind him. It looked like a three-tailed breathing fire fox, but it had no physical body.

The spirit blew the fire at Izek, causing his body to recoil.

Izek opened his mouth and spread the water to get rid of the fireball that threatened to burn his face.

As he felt the heat searing part of his eyebrows, Izek felt his anger rising. He stood up and glared at his former companion as he clenched his fists. He growled, "Using the same old tricks?"

"Not with you." Haya smiled as if he thought he could win this time.

"Renexa!" Izek exclaimed loudly.

This word was too familiar to Haya.

Renexa was Izek's familiar, and he was a menacing being.

The white Phenix appeared before Izek. On its forehead was a blue ruby, which revealed that it was a sacred creature that existed only in this world.

Many creatures had rubies and diamonds on their foreheads, but only the white Pheonix had a blue one.

He represented a trapped sky and clouds, he was the spirit of the air and something beyond Haya's reach.

"Are you afraid now?" A mocking smile blessed Izek's face

Haya took two steps back, preparing for the next attack that was about to come. He knew how Izek's brain worked, he'd never allow an opportunity like this to let it pass without a single damage.

Haya took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

'Spirit of the earth, protect my body.' He murmured the same words again.

"My goodness, don't be afraid, I haven't even started yet." A supercillious look through Izek's half-closed eyes manifested on him, "look at this now!" He spoke in an icy tone.

Izek's body jerked from one direction to the other, in rhythm to the opposite lines. He took another step forward and clenched both hands, palms forward, elbows bent, "Hemerina," Izek murmured.

He looked straight into Haya's eyes again, trying not to lose track, and forced both his hands to sweep forward into the air.

A huge balloon of sharp wind smashed against Haya's body.

It felt as if sharp little glasses were cutting through his broad shoulders and there was nothing he could do to avoid this attack.

He stood there and had to take it.

A stinging pain, as if stung by a bee, went through his chest, down to his knees, which made him kneel on the floor, 'damn!' He put one of his hands on the left side of his chest to feel his heart. 'Izek!' Haya gritted his teeth as he tensed his body muscles, anger flowing through him like lava.

His temper flared and with the last of his strength he screamed, "Spirit of the earth, now!"

The ground continued to shake and a small fairy looking green creature with a human body appeared in front of Izek, "huhuu" it giggled and sat on Izek's right shoulder.

This surprised him, because he hadn't expected the spirit of the earth to appear at all.

He felt a strong compulsion to lie down on the ground, against his own will. He felt as if stones weighing tonnes were trying to crush his body.

The heavy feeling squeezed Izek and he fell to the ground, his knees immobile, his body paralysed.

"We haven't seen each other for a while, but now it's time for you to go back."


*Author Here*

For those who might be confused with two different names: Izek is another person who had control over Lucas' physical body.