Who's The Murderer Here?

"Nothing, I only came after the fact. I thought you wanted to kill Lucas." Lya turned to Haya when she answered his question.

"I didn't," Izek said as he walked closer to them, "I planned to destroy both of you, but I changed my mind."

"We-we not talking about you right now, you're evil, Izek and I will never forgive you...!" Lya shouted.

"Fine, I will kill you anyway then. But first, I need to hear what you have to say." Izek placed his hands on his hips, "now, start talking."

Lya hesitated for a minute but then began talking.

"The only reason why we tried to stop you from taking Lucas's body was that we knew that you were going to use your powers to take over the entire planet and kill everyone. We were scared of what would happen, so we decided to stop you, but we failed."

 She inhaled more air and added, "now we are trying to find out what you plan to do next." Lya explained.

"And what exactly did you learn?" Izek asked.