This Domain Is For What?

Lya watched the scene in front of her with fear and horror.

She remembered seeing Xina's body engulfed in flames. This was the third time that Lya witnessed someone dying before her eyes and she couldn't believe that this was happening to Xina.

"How could you do this to her?" Lya stood up.

"I'm just showing you all I can do," Izek replied.

"You bastard!" Lya roared as she ran towards Izek.

"Get away from me!" Izek stood up and waved his hand to stop Lya.


  [I see you don't learn]

  The system announced its existence.

  "My old friend...." Izek spoke slowly.

[We don't need to speak anymore, Izek]

The system replied.

"Is that so?" Izek looked at the screen and smiled, "you're finally listening to me."

[I am.]

The system confirmed.

"Good." Izek sighed.

"Izek!" Lya shouted as she ran towards Haya.

"Haya...!" She screamed when she saw how badly injured her friend was.