
Kali's transformation wasn't new to Lucas, but it was surprising how much she had grown in just a couple of weeks while she was away.

Her pink-scaly skin was no longer intimidating to Lucas, but more welcoming this time as he hoped to see it more often from now on.

The smile that suddenly had turned into a scary-fire-breathing lizard also made Lucas feel more at ease now.

There was nothing else he could wish for, but to see Kali happy, and she was. She looked happy with her new control and attitude. She looked strong and confident and that was the only thing that mattered to Lucas right now.

  The burn he had felt ever since she turned into one was slowly fading away, "Haya, we should find Xina and Kalaini and move from here as soon as possible!" He said it while looking at him.

  "Renexa, return!" Lucas ordered the phoenix to go back now.

  "You're right, let's hope they're not in danger," Haya sighed as he placed his daggers inside his bag.