Another One

Lucas turned around and looked at Kali, who was sitting next to him.

"What does he mean?" Lucas asked.

Kali shrugged, "I don't know, but he sounds like a wise old man, doesn't he?"

Lucas nodded and listened carefully.

"You've fought monsters and defeated them," the voice spoke again. "You've travelled for months and survived against all odds. And now, you're at the end of your journey, stronger than ever."

"Who are you?" Lucas asked, curious.

"I am the one who guides you through your journey," the voice said, "and I also tell you everything that happens to you along the way."

"Why have you never shown yourself to me?" Lucas asked.

"Because I always appear to you in the middle of a battle," the voice replied.

Lucas couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he hoped that it was true.

"Your destiny is to save this world," the voice continued.

"That doesn't sound right," Lucas said, confused.