Chapter 6 Emotional 2



"Just get to the point please, why do you call me out here alone"

I interrupted him when he was about to say something unrelated, something that can make me get emotional, and that is the last thing I want right now, I don't want him to know that this is affecting me, even though am dying silently, I want him to know that if he don't want me, am not going to kneel and row on the floor for him to accept me back, I can never do that. Am beginning to get upset with him, I don't know what came over him, what happened for him to be like this, but we were once lovers, can't he consider that.

"I want to send a few foot soldiers and some captured vampires to the front line, I think they will be able to hold them back till we draft out a plan to deal with that vampire prince."

His voice brought me back to reality and was shocked when he mentioned captured vampires.


"When did you capture the vampires, your majesty and why didn't you let me know".

"Well now you know, "

"Your majesty, you should have told me from the beginning, do you know what you just did might bring trouble for this kingdom".

"Aren't you the almighty priestess, how could you not tell that I captured vampires."

"My only power is seeing the future, your majesty, I don't have the power to know what is happening in the kingdom, that is why I have to part of the decision making."

"That  is the more reason you should stick to your vision and let me rule my people as the alpha in peace."

". . . . . "

She was rendered speechless by his statement, in the history of this kingdom, priestess was always beside the king, they hold a high position similar to the king, they give the alpha of the ruling pack advice on some matters and which always ended up preventing some serious problems. In the olden days the priestess is always respected among the pack, even the alpha has to give face but here he is telling her, he don't need her. what does he mean he don't need her, she is as  important as he is  in this kingdom and he knows that well.

"Alpha Alexander, I think you are purposely avoiding talking about this issue, but am afraid sire, no matter what, you will talk about it so you have no choice but to tell me now or you will....."

"Why should i, if I have an important thing to discuss, I know where to find my beta, but I will tell you about this just to satisfy your curiosity considering our past relationship, but first I will tell you this:"

He paused and looked at her with his striking and enchanting eyes for a long time before he continued.

"You should know that  i see you as a priestess, that I can't mate, not as a partner or luna, so have this at the back of your mind, it is not like I have accepted you by telling you this, i just want you to know this, you can never be my woman, neither can you be my luna (queen of werewolves) so stop your pretense, it doesn't work on me."

Priestess Catori was almost moved to tears by his words, 'what does he mean by that, I can never be his luna or his woman,  in other words he is saying he will never accept me because of some f**king rules set up by some dead people, she could not help but break down in sobs. The king stood there silently for sometime, before walking away dejectedly, her intensified when she saw him walking away with out a care in world, she didn't know why he was doing this but she just want him to stop.

King Alex POV

I walked away because I could not stand there and watch her bawl her eyes out, I know I often tell her horrible things, like not loving her or never accepting her as my luna, but the truth is I still love her, no matter how hard I try to deny these feelings, but I know it is still there, she might be thinking I said all these stupid things to her that I never meant because of the rules and law of these kingdom that our ancestors passed down from generation to generation that for an alpha from marrying or rather mating with a witch, because the union will bring nothing but curse and calamity on the kingdom, but then again nobody knows if this is true because nobody have ever experienced or tried it before, that is not my reason for doing this, I am willing to try I know our union might not necessarily bring a curse but it might even be a blessing because the situation is different, she is not just a witch now, but a priestess, I can't just deny my relationship and happiness just because of some certain rules placed  by our ancestors who probably never experienced love. I don't abuse by rules, I make them, everyone in this kingdom knows that. Am the almighty King Alex, the most powerful and most feared alpha of all Lycans, so he can't just quit just because of a silly rule.

"You know you can't deny that she is our mate no matter what she did"

My wolf suddenly interfered in my thoughts causing me growl, I hate it the most when he does that, it makes me feel like he has taken over me and that can never happen, I can't lose myself to my wolf.

"Shut up, do not dare interfere in my thoughts again"

I warned him angrily.

"You hurt our mate"

My wolf whimpered pitifully inside me.

"I know she is hurt"

I yelled at him, 'what am I even doing, am supposed to be thinking of setting the issue at hand though I doubt it something to think about, instead of thinking about her. I wonder how she is doing right now, is she okay, is she hurt, is she still crying, I should not have left her there like that' so many mirade of emotions running through me..ahhhhhhh why  am I suddenly thinking about her again, at this rate I might go nuts. I need to distract my self from this, and there is no better way to go about it than going hunting, with that I shifted to my wolf and ran into the forest, running to the kingdom boundary where the soldiers have set up their camp.

I ran through the forest searching for the first unlucky prey to appear. My thoughts drifted to the upcoming war, I still find it difficult to believe that those rogues that left my park have formed a new park which is normal, but doing so without informing me is abnormal, and they had also joined hands with the vampires to conspire against my kingdom, did they have the ability or they are just asking for death.