Chapter 7 Brewing war



what am I even doing, am supposed to be thinking of setting the issue at hand though I doubt it something to think about, instead of thinking about her. I wonder how she is doing right now, is she okay, is she hurt, is she still crying, I should not have left her there like that' so many mirade of emotions running through me..ahhhhhhh why  am I suddenly thinking about her again, at this rate I might go nuts. I need to distract my self from this, and there is no better way to go about it than going hunting, with that I shifted to my wolf and ran into the forest, running to the kingdom boundary where the soldiers have set up their camp.

I ran through the forest searching for the first unlucky prey to appear. My thoughts drifted to the upcoming war, I still find it difficult to believe that those rogues that left my park have formed a new park which is normal, but doing so without informing me is abnormal, and they had also joined hands with the vampires to conspire against my kingdom, did they have the ability or they are just asking for death.


In my Father's reign (the late alpha), no rogue dare stage a revolt, because they know him too well, he kills without mercy, he doesn't even have control over his wolf, he was a merciless king to his people, some rogues were even planning to fight him then but they don't even have the guts, though they have the thoughts but no one dare speak openly about dethroning him then, because they will be asking for death if they tried, what he is still finding difficult to digest now is why they will dare wage a war on him now, what's their reason, is it because he have become too soft hearted and lenient to them that they forget how ruthless he used to be. He was never like this before, it was when he met her that he completely changed from his cold previous self, she changed him, at the thought of her, his heart ached, his mind drifted off to what happened minutes ago and he couldn't help but berate himself internally, how could he be thinking of her at a time like this, he sighed heavily 'i think am going stupid, I can't even control my own thoughts again, he muttered to himself and continued running. He mind linked his Beta to wait for him at the city gate. He ran faster in the woods towards the direction of the city gate. On getting to the city gate, he saw his beta and some of his trusted men waiting for him at the gate, he didn't know why his beta would summon them, they are supposed to be preparing themselves for the war that is brewing.

"Good day, your majesty"

They all greeted him and he responded to them with a nod of his head.


"Yes your majesty"

"Have you set up the defense camp?"

"Yes your majesty"

"Alright, remember, you have to increase our defense power, because we don't know when the enemy will launch their attack, so you have to be always prepared."

"Yes Alpha, you can trust me on this"

"Jett, do you know where the enemy is campers right now, can you tell their actual location."

I asked my Gemma, who is also the war lord in my pack.

"They are fast approaching us, your majesty, they don't want us to know and be fully prepared before attacking us, my guts is telling me, that they are planning a sneak attack so that is they will have the upper hand, maybe they are scared....."

"Where exactly are they"

I interrupted him harshly when I noticed he wasn't done with his words, he is not the type to go straight to the point, but rather when asked a very important question, he will be beating round the bush instead answering the question directly, he talks too much for a man his age.

"They are at the west border land, they also have armies on the east and north, I think they are planning to surround our kingdom."

"You think".

He doesn't like it when people use that term for him and his Gemma knows that very well, but still uses it, is he trying to get a reaction from me, I wondered to myself.

"Am sorry your majesty, I was just trying to elaborate on the fact that ...."

"Save it, I don't need your explanation, you all can go now and hasten up, the priestess said they will be attacking us tonight, you must be fully prepared and ready for them before they come, they are planning a sneak attack, let's see who would be giving each other a sneak attack, and also do not alert the enemy, don't let them know we already know they are attacking."

"Yes your majesty"

Bett answered me.

"I don't want to hear we have too many casualties, in this war you must be on guard, I don't need to remind you that the vampires are night creatures, that is why they chose to attack us at night, that is they only advantage, you must be prepared to counter that and also if there is....."

"Your majesty, won't you be there with us, if you are there it will boost the soldiers morale."

I glared at him(bett) angrily for interrupting me.

"If you can't handle this few rogues and vampires, what use are you to the kingdom then, set up the defence tightly that the enemy can't penetrate easily into, I will say this one more time , I don't want too many case of casualties,"

"Yes your majesty, we will do our best."

Bett answered on their behalf.

"Alright, am done addressing you guys, Mato follow me"

I told my Beta as I walked away knowing fully well that he is following me.

"What is eating you up, you look like you will kill anyone that annoys you or even call your name, what's up"

I haven't even said anything but Mato have started his usual questioning after we are alone. He is one of the three people who can talk to me like this without the fear of being punished, he is my best friend since childhood, his father was also the Beta of my father, and they were also friends but not best friends, I usually don't trust people, but I trust him a lot, we have been through life and death situations together, so we trust each other a lot and swore never to leave each other side.



I came back to reality, when I heard my name being called, I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear what he was saying.

"Were you even listening to me"

"Of course I was, you were saying something about me killing people right, how about I start with you"

I replied sarcastically, I am getting tired of his never ending questions.

"No no no, please I still value my life, so please spare me, oh great King of the Lycans."

He answered joking but with a serious face that if you don't know him before, you might fall for his trick. I rolled my eyes at him, not at all in the mood of his drama.