Chapter 8 Brewing War 2



"Were you even listening to me"

"Of course I was, you were saying something about me killing people right, how about I start with you"

I replied sarcastically, I am getting tired of his never ending questions.

"No no no, please I still value my life, so please spare me, oh great King of the Lycans."

He answered joking but with a serious face that if you don't know him before, you might fall for his trick. I rolled my eyes at him, not at all in the mood of his drama.


"Alex, what is the matter with you, you don't look so good, what happened, am serious of what I said just now, you look really scary and intimidating when you were addressing us back there at the gate, I must say, you sacred the shit out of jet, you know how he fears you after that incident that happened last time, what is the matter with you, these days you are always moody, what really happened that got you behaving like this."

"It is nothing to worry about, it is not serious, I just ..."

"Wait wait, let me guess, it is about the priestess right,"

"Don't mention her in our conversation again"

I warned him angrily.

"Wow wow, calm down"

He raised his hands dramatically. I rolled my eyes at him, these days little things irritates me, I can't even control my mood anymore, I snap at my men at even the tiniest mistake, causing them to be scared of me and that's the last thing I want now.

"Alex, you still haven't told me your reason for rejecting your mate and even went to the extent if insulting her authority in front of them, am very certain it is not because of the damn rule or because you don't like her anymore like you claim, I know for sure that you can never hate her, that's for sure."

"I don't hate her and I can never hate her no matter what."

I snapped at him angrily.

"Even though I hated what she did and it does deserve my hate, but I can never bring myself to hate her, it is not possible."

"What is it she did that is so unforgivable, that you went as far as denying her the title of the luna of our pack, when you know very well its her rightful position as your mate, do you know the impact of what you just did."

"I don't want to talk about it"

"You have to, so that we settle this before you hurt her more than you already did, you know how sometimes she can get....."

"Why do you care if I hurt her or not, this matters has nothing to do with you"

I yelled furiously at him.

"It has everything to do with me because between the two people involved in this matter, one is my best friend and the other person is someone I acknowledged as my little sister, do you expect me to stand and watch as the two of you ruin yourselves, especially you because of your stubbornness."

He yelled back at me, I was shocked, this was the first time he is yelling at me, he is always the calm one between us, he never let his anger consume him no matter what, this must have affected him so much, but still, it doesn't stop me from getting irritated at his words, the only reason I condom him is because he is not only my Beta but also my best friend.

"I don't want to talk about it again and that's final,  and also, don't question my authority again, it is beginning to irritate me"

I replied to him immediately I got over my initial shock at his outburst.

"Alex, listen you have to stop being stubborn and listen to me..."

"No, you listen to me, Beta Mato, am not having this conversation with you right now, am your Alpha, when I say it is final, it is f**king final"

I commanded him with my Alpha voice and he immediately bowed his head in submission to me, being unable to resist the pressure that came with it.

"Yes your majesty, this filial servant shall retreat"

He said, and when I noticed him about to leave, I called him back.

"Listen Mato, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you, you know my mood these days, you can't blame me okay"

"You don't have to say that your majesty, am but your loyal subject, I have no right to be offended at your words, I wouldn't dare to even try, so be rest assured, am not offended by your words."

With that said, he walked away immediately, not even allowing  me to say anything, there goes the filial servant, I signed inwardly, now my Beta is also made at me, when he start his anger strike as I call it, it takes a long time to calm him down, he goes on and on with his voice mimicking a royal servant calling me 'your majesty, or the great alpha even when we are alone which annoys me to no end.

I signed again, and decided to head to the palace, on getting to the palace, i heard a sharp and painful cry coming from the dark forest at the back of the palace and I recognized the voice as my sister's, without thinking, I shifted to my wolf and ran into the forest, I searched everywhere, behind all the trees and bushes but I didn't see any sign of my sister anywhere, I was beginning to think that I am hallucinating, but I was very certain I heard her voice coming from this direction just now, what's happening to me. I  forced myself to calm down and took a walk around the forest again,

"Who's there"

I shouted, but everywhere was as quiet as how it used to be. I was about to give up and go to the palace and search for her, when I heard a sound from one of the  trees at the far end of the forest, I rushed to the tree to find out when made that noise, on getting there I noticed something weird about the tree, I took a step closer to it, then I noticed that the tree was actually glowing, it started glowing brightly that I had to take a step back, a very strong power radiated from it, which has me shocked, how could this tree be here and I didn't notice it, how could it be.