Chapter 9 MISSING



"Who's there"

I shouted, but everywhere was as quiet as how it used to be. I was about to give up and go to the palace and search for her, when I heard a sound from one of the  trees at the far end of the forest, I rushed to the tree to find out when made that noise, on getting there I noticed something weird about the tree, I took a step closer to it, then I noticed that the tree was actually glowing, it started glowing brightly that I had to take a step back, a very strong power radiated from it, which has me shocked, how could this tree be here and I didn't notice it, how could it be.


I moved closer to the tree again and touched it, when did this tree appear here, I touched the tree again and felt some sort of connection to it, this is strange, this is my first time seeing this tree, so I don't understand why am suddenly feeling somewhat connected to the tree, and I also heard my sister's voice from this particular direction, or is it that I heard wrong, what is happening, did something happen back at the palace.

"Your majesty"

Her angelic voice and sweet scent interrupted my thoughts. What is she even doing here and how did she find me or how did she know that I was here, was she following me, I thought to myself.

"What is the matter, why are you here, how did you know I was here, were you following me?"

I turned back to look at her and I almost regretted it, I was stunned by the sight before me, when did she change into this enchanting dress that will make one stare at her till they eyes fall off, I suddenly felt the urge to wrap her in my hands so badly, was she trying to tempt me, my wolf was beginning to get excited at the sight and alluring scent of our mate. She is wearing a dazzling white gown that matched the colour of her milky white skin with her enchanting eyes that I can't seem to look away from, a beauty to behold, she was like a goddess, pure, innocent and very beautiful.

"Your majesty, your presence is needed at the palace"

I snapped out of my trance state at the sound of her voice.

"Why is my presence needed at the palace"

I coughed twice to hide the embarrassment laced with  my voice when she caught me staring at her, I couldn't help myself, she was just too enticing, I wanted to cover up my embarrassment and I decided to call her 'witch' that she hates to hear. And as expected, she was mad, she stared at me angrily with her beautiful grey eyes that is as enchanting as the stars and I stared back at her, lost in beautiful eyes until she finally looked away.

"Your sister is missing"

She suddenly blurted out.

"What, how, when, I saw just left the palace few hours ago and she suddenly went missing"

"I don't know either, it was the guards that suddenly ..."

"I heard her voice just now in the forest, how is she supposed to be missing,"

" Your majesty, What direction do you hear her voice from, and when did you hear her voice, she's gone missing less than some hours now."

"I followed the direction of her voice and it led me here, at the point I saw a very strange tree behind me....."

I turned back to look at the tree but couldn't find it there.

"What tree are you talking about, your majesty."

She asked looking around, supposedly looking for a strange tree.

"I  don't know how it disappeared, it was here a moment ago, how did it suddenly disappeared".

"Can you describe the tree, Alpha Alex, we need to find her highness before it becomes too late, we don't what anything to happen to her"

When I heard that, I want beginning to get anxious too about the safety of my sister, I  don't want anything to happen to her, she is everything to me.

"Let's get back to the palace first before anything bad happens...."

"NO, you have to describe the tree to me, your majesty, it is important, don't you say it is strange, I have to clarify something."

I looked at her, shocked and curious as to why she was insisting I describe the tree, my sister is missing, her whereabouts unknown and all she care about is some damn tree.

"My sister is missing, and you expect me to stand here and describe a tree to you?"

I asked agitated.

"The tree is also important, it can lead us to her kidnapers, if my assumptions is right"

She replied back at me with a pleading voice.

"I heard my sister's voice coming from a particular direction in the forest and it led me here, after searching every nook and cranny of this forest, I still couldn't find her, when I was about to go back to the palace, I noticed something strange about this tree, so I got closer to check what is wrong with it when it started glowing brightly with a strong power radiating from it, I was also feeling some sort of connection to the tree and that was when you suddenly appeared and it distracted me from it"

Shock was written all over her face when I finished my narration. I couldn't help but wonder what she is so shocked about, even to the point of getting her s this frightened, she look like she just saw a ghost, what could have possibly scared her, she wasn't the type to get frightened easily.

"Please follow me, your majesty"

She suddenly said and I followed her obediently seeing the way she was acting, she led me to her car that is parked in front of the palace, when we boarded the car, I wanted to ask her where we are headed to when she speed off with great force and speed. She drove straight to an old abandoned duplex at the far end of the forest close to the boundary between the vampire kingdom and my kingdom.

On a closer look, I recognized the building, it was the home of the ancient witches that lived in the kingdom during the reign of my great grand father's reign, they were banned from the kingdom during my grandfather's reign and they relocated to the witch kingdom where they still reside till date. I didn't care to find out the reason they were banned from the kingdom, I didn't know this building still exist, I thought they were destroyed back then.

"What are we doing here, why do you bring me here"