Chapter 10 Adopted



On a closer look, I recognized the building, it was the home of the ancient witches that lived in the kingdom during the reign of my great grand father's reign, they were banned from the kingdom during my grandfather's reign and they relocated to the witch kingdom where they still reside till date. I didn't care to find out the reason they were banned from the kingdom, I didn't know this building still exist, I thought they were destroyed back then.

"What are we doing here, why do you bring me here"


I asked her, cause i don't know why she will suddenly bring me here when am supposed to be searching for my sister, though I don't find it strange she knew about this place because she is also a witch. So she should know what she is doing.



I ignored his question, he didn't know the impact of what he just did, I saw his outstretched hand when I saw him back there at the forest, he said he was feeling some sort of connection to the tree and placed his hand on it, he couldn't even tell they were sipping his powers and he even placed his hands on it, is he that foolish.

"Your majesty, when I met you at the forest, I saw your outstretched hand, were you touching the tree"

I asked sarcastically, and he replied seriouly, not knowing am being sarcastic.

"Yes" came his short reply.

"You shouldn't have put your hands on that tree"

I said to him seeing that he don't even have an idea of what is going on.

"The tree that you see, it is not actually a tree, it is a portal that the ancient witches use to transport themselves to very far places they can't teleport to, the portal can seep power from someone powerful like you, I guess. These days its only a few witches that know the spell used to create such portal, and they are the ancient witches, very powerful ones, the spell to create the portal have almost gone extinct, its only a few remaining ancient witches that knows how to, and thankfully my grandmother taught me this spell, "

"Your grandmother"

"Yeah, she was an ancient witch before she passed away and she is very powerful too"

"So what are we doing next, my sister.."

"I think this is the portal used in transporting your sister"

"Why would they target my sister"

"I don't know the reason, your majesty, I told you earlier that her highness is seeing the munezine monster, I could smell their scent from her"

"Were you being serious then?"

"Of course, I was this is not a joking matter"

I saw the panic in his eyes and I know the reason for it, if the munezine monsters are involved in the adoption of the princess, it will be very difficult or almost impossible to rescue her from them, that's how powerful they are, he loves his sister so much and I know right now, he must be blaming himself for not being there when she was kidnapped or letting her out of his sight, he adores her a lot, after all she is his only surviving family.

"Do you think they were the ones that adopted her, why would they even do that, we are not enemies?"

"I don't know for now, but am quite certain it is not them, if it is them, they wouldn't use a portal to transport themselves, they can do that without a portal, they wouldn't waste time setting up a portal, it is only the witches who can do that".

He looked at me surprised at the mention of witches.


He asked confused, am not surprised that he is this confused, me myself find it hard to believe.

"Why would they kidnap my sister, or had they colluded with the vampires and the rogue?"

"That is not possible, what are you even saying, you and I know that the vampires and witches are sworn enemies, why would they want to collude with them, they can  never collude with them, am sure of that "

"Do you know this saying 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend,they might..."

"The witches are not our enemy, your majesty, they were banned, quite alright, but that doesn't make them out enemy, okay"

"But, you..."

"I don't think anyone joined hands together to adopt her highness, I think the witches are working alone, my guts is telling me they want to demand something from our kingdom, that is why they are holding her"

"I have to rescue her immediately, I can't hear to see her hurt "

He sounded agitated and angry.

"You have to calm down, your majesty, I understand your pain but.  Your anger won't solve this, it can only worsen the matter, you can't act rashly, lest you alert them"


He agreed, and I heaved a sign of relief, if were to alert the witches, this will be a lot more harder, and it might end up endangering the princess life.

"What do we do now, why are we here"

"For this,I need you to call your beta now"

"What will my beta do here in this old house, I can take care of any danger, we don't need his protection"

"I never said he will be here to protect us, your majesty"

"But, he really can't come, he is busy at the frontier, you know the ...."

"Do you want to rescue your sister or not?"

"Alright, I will call him now"

"I know he is busy, but his presence is important here too, i will have to cast a spell.."

"The spell you told me earlier?"

"Yes, your majesty, I have to cast the  spell  to open a portal that can lead me to the witch kingdom, am not  a powerful, if not I wouldn't need you both"

"Don't worry, am powerful enough, am stronger than Mato and you, I.."

"We don't have time for this now, we don't know the reason they adopted her, we have to get there before they succeed in whatever they plan on doing with her"

I interrupted him midway, he loves bragging about his powers even in a situation like this, he wouldn't give it a rest, it annoys me to the point of fainting.

"Alright,Will do"

He finally agreed, and mind linked his beta and  after fifteen minutes, he arrived.

"You called me, your majesty"

I scoffed, looks like they have been in  some sort of fight or quarrel with the way he is emphasizing on 'your majesty'.