Chapter 11 Adopted 2



I interrupted him midway, he loves bragging about his powers even in a situation like this, he wouldn't give it a rest, it annoys me to the point of fainting.

"Alright,Will do"

He finally agreed, and mind linked his beta and  after fifteen minutes, he arrived.

"You called me, your majesty"

I scoffed, looks like they have been in  some sort of fight or quarrel with the way he is emphasizing on 'your majesty'.


He normally don't call him, your majesty, when we three are together except something happened, the two were best of friends and they don't normally quarrel, except it is something that has really pisses Mato off, cause he is the calm one, he don't quarrel with him except something really pissed him off, I wondered what must have pissed him off to this extent.

"Mato, I need you and the alpha to form a circle around me, put your right hand on my shoulder and use your left hand to hold this chair, am about to create a portal that will lead us to the witch kingdom"

I told them seriously when I noticed Alex was about saying something, I don't care about their quarrels now ,they can sort it out themselves, before I could continue, Mato interrupted me

"Why do you have to go back there?"

He asked me suspiciously, while staring at Alex an angry glare, I rolled my eyes at him, seriously what is he thinking.

"Haven't you received the news of the princess"

"The princess! What news?"

"The princess is missing"

I pointed out the obvious.

"The princess is missing, how, when why didn't anybody tell me, am I....."

He went on and on, complaining why he is not told beforehand.

"Let's just get to it before all this questioning please"

The alpha interrupted, anxious about the safety of his sister, its now he decided to speak up, I thought he had gone dump.

I hurried up too cause I was also anxious about the safety of the princess, Mato stopped arguing and they circled me, I started with chanting the ancient spell my grandma thought me before she passed away, she was an ancient witch and a very powerful one at that, that was why she knows the spell, not all witches know about this spell.

"Ma LA Wi, Ma LA Ma LA, Springto With"

I shouted and immediately I cut my finger with a sharp knife and placed my hand on an old wooden chair at the middle of our circle, I proceded to draw blood from  the alpha and his beta, I cut their fingers to have them dripping blood continuously, they do have took much blood, I placed their already bleeding fingers on the old wooden chair that is acting like a treasure, after thirty seconds, I chanted another spell and the chair began to glow brightly, I smiled, never thought it will work just at the first attempt, but my joy did not last as it turned to misery because after sometime the chair turned to a white circle of fire, i jacked away quickly lest i get burnt I pursed my lips, how did I end up creating a fire ball instead of a portal. The alpha and his Beta were looking at me with confusion clearing written all over their faces, wondering how this could be a portal.

"The spell didn't work, we have to try again, please this time, Mato you have to hand holds with Alex, it is important"

I told him sounding as serious as I can.

"Why should I do that, we could just do it another way inste....."

"Now is not the time for your tantrums Mato,we are running out of  time, and you know that"

Before I could complete my sentence, alex pulled Mato's hand into his and heard it firmly before saying

"Please continue, we have to find her before anything happens to her"

I saw the pain and distress in his eyes and my heart winced seeing him like this, I don't like seeing him with that helpless look.

"Alright, get ready I will have to draw blood from you guys and this time it might be painful, like very painful"

"Go ahead, such pain doesn't affect us"

This time it was mato who spoke, I tried again and thankfully, it worked, the white circle of fire disappeared and a glowing blue portal took it place.

"You can open your eyes now"

I said, when I turned around and saw their eyes closed due to the effect of the now glowing portal.

"Is it done, can we go in now and.."

"NO, your majesty, you can't just go in  now"

I said to the both of them when I saw that they were really planning on going in with me"

You can't go in there alone, it is very dangerous and you know that well, I can't let you endanger you....."

"Yes it is dangerous for you, but not for me"

"Am more powerful than you and have good fighting skills, but you can't even defend yourself, how are you going to survive there"

"This is not about power, your majesty, you and I know too well that the witches don't use powers, they use spells, and a very powerful spell can render your powers  useless"

"Still, I can't leave you go in there alone, it is just too dangerous"

"I will have to ..."

"No, I can't let you.."

"This is not about y...."

"Can you bother stop arguing  here please, my ears are about to blow up with the noise you are making, you are not supposed to be arguing right now. THE PRINCESS IS MISSING"

Mato shouted at us and I ignored him, it is not like I want to argue either, he just don't know when to show his care.

"I need to go in there ALONE"

I repeated staring straight into his captivating eyes.

"But why did you keep insisting on going in there alone, you know how dangerous it is"

It was Mato who asked me this time.

"Because you are werewolves, you will just drag me down if you go in,..."


"Listen, the Reason is this, you know the witches are more sensitive towards smell, so once you step into their kingdom, they will pick your scent and they will know it is you the alpha, because your scent is much stronger due to your royal blood, and if they find out, they will trace you immediately, no matter where you hide they will surely find you but if I go in ALONE, they wouldn't detect my scent cause am one of them"