Chapter 12 Adopted 3




"Listen, the Reason is this, you know the witches are more sensitive towards smell, so once you step into their kingdom, they will pick your scent and they will know it is you the alpha, because your scent is much stronger due to your royal blood, and if they find out, they will trace you immediately, no matter where you hide they will surely find you but if I go in ALONE, they wouldn't detect my scent cause am one of them"


I explained to them patiently, I don't know why they kept insisting on following me when they know the consequences of that.

"But still, it is dangerous for you too, you can't even fight and you do know you are not one of them again, cause they already disowned you and imagine your faith if you were to get caught"

"I know, that is why am insisting that the both of you can't go in with me to avoid their attention and besides am not going to enter their kingdom openly I still value my life, this portal leads to a deep forest behind their market, so I will be able to sneak in successfully without alerting them and after that I will find her highness, then leave immediately"

I explained hurriedly to them, we are running out of time, soon the powers of the portal might wear out and disappear and to create another is really difficult and takes time, and that is what we don't have now.

"You don't have to worry, I will be back before you know it, three days will be enough to find her highness, if I don't make it back before then, you..


"Be careful please, and please if you can't do it on your own or if you find out that it is too dangerous, please come out immediately, okay"


"Promise me you won't fight them alone, no matter the circumstance, you just have to head out, I will find her myself,"

I hesitated for a minute before I agreed.

"I promise"

"If I wait for you for three days and after three days, you do not return, I will come find you"

"Your majesty, you can't do that, if am not back before then, give me some time, I will surely come back, don't come find me please, I will return safely with the princess."

I said and signed at his nagging but am really happy and touched that at least he is worried about me, I looked at them one last time before crossing the portal to the other side.

          King Alex POV

I watched her helplessly as she insisted on crossing the portal alone. Am  torn between letting her go or going there myself, but I the latter is not the best idea because what she said is true, the witches have the ability to differentiate their scents from other creatures, I know for certain that once I step into the portal they will know my location immediately because my wolf scent is stronger than any werewolf because am the alpha, so right now, I have no choice but to let her go, I can't delay her any longer than this, I don't know why the witches would kidnap my sister, what do they want her for, it can not be to keep her there as their hostage because though they were banned from this kingdom, but they are not our enemies, I wondered how she was kidnapped in the first place, I knew I assigned very powerful werewolves soldiers to guard and protect her, but she was still kidnapped right under their noses, it did they let her wander around by herself, that's what they usually do this days, I won't be surprised if that is the case, ahhhhh, am going to torture them slowly that they would wish for death but it won't come if anything were to happen to my sister, how could they do this, I knew instucted them severely today not to leave her side no matter what, even if she cried, commanded or threatened them, because that is what she usually does to get some free time, but no, they didn't follow simple instruction.

I paced round the room angrily, angry at myself for letting this happen to her, I shouldn't have let her out of my sight, I should have been more careful around her. I blamed myself for letting this happen because I wasn't careful enough, when I began to imagine her scared face, I blame myself even more, how lonely would she be there, with only she as a werewolf there, I imagined how they might even be torturing her and my blood boils, I can't bare to think about it again, I turned to my mate who was watching me intently and I reluctantly and finally gave her my consent.

"Be careful please, and please if you can't do it on your own or if you find out that it is too dangerous, please come out immediately, okay"


"Promise me you won't fight them alone, no matter the circumstance, you just have to head out, I will find her myself,"

She hesitated for a minute before she agreed, I wondered why she hesitated, is it that she is not sure herself.

"I promise"

"If I wait for you for three days and after three days, you do not return, I will come find you"

"Your majesty, you can't do that, if am not back before then, give me some time, I will surely come back, don't come find me please, I will return safely with the princess."

She said something again that had me wondering if she is sure about this journey, I don't want her endangering her life because of me, upon everything I have done to her, she didn't even hesitate to help me.

She smiled at us before crossing the portal to the other side. I stared at her till she was on the other side, I continued staring till the portal shrank and disappeared.

I let out a sign, I just hope she doesn't hurt or endanger herself, I would not be able to handle it if anything happens to them. The both of them are my life.

"What do we do now, your majesty, "

My beta asked, but I don't know the answer to his question too, am both confused and devastated, I don't know where to begin, the two most important people in my life are in a very dangerous situation and I can't do anything to help them, I suddenly felt useless.