Chapter 13 War 1



I let out a sign, I just hope she doesn't hurt or endanger herself, I would not be able to handle it if anything happens to them. The both of them are my life.

"What do we do now, your majesty, "

My beta asked, but I don't know the answer to his question too, am both confused and devastated, I don't know where to begin, the two most important people in my life are in a very dangerous situation and I can't do anything to help them, I suddenly felt useless.


"I guess we continue the war against the vampires.....that's it, the war.."

I answered him after I got hold of myself.

" The war has just began"

He said again, ' i know, I already know it began'

"I know, you have to be at the battlefield to boost the moral of the soldiers, we can't afford much casualties now, and don't tell me you can't go now, they also need you there, the priestess will be alright, at the very least, show your face".

My Beta nagged and nagged, and I have no  choice but to give up my thought on staying here till the priestess comes back.

"Alright, am going, stop nagging when did you become an old woman"

I said with an irritated voice, but I know what he said is true, if am there we won't have too much casualties.

"What is your plan about the battle and the aftermath of it, your majesty".

"Well, i don't have much in mind, i plan to end the battle quickly before three days, I don't want it to be dragged for too long and if my mate is not back before then I will wage a war against the witch kingdom and lead the soldiers there myself."

"To their territory?"

"Of course, where else"

I replied to his annoying and nonsensical question, I don't see any need to answer his damn question but I just had to, to avoid unnecessary troubles, I don't even know how I called her my mate cause of him.

"You do know it is very dangerous, your majesty, we can't cross their territory"

"Says who, I will be the first alpha to do it then, are you kidding me, they can cross our territory but we can't cross theirs, what a joke, that's not gonna happen."

I replied to him furiously, I don't know how or when he became this scared of witches, he wasn't this irrational before, i looked round the house, in search of anything valuable that can help at least a little in the war that I will wage against the witches, since this was where they lived before they were banned from the kingdom. I walked round the house not finding even a single thing. everything in the house was old and dusty with cobwebs on all sides of the wall. I turned to stare at Mato who had suddenly hissed, and with the look at his face, I know he is beginning to get annoyed and impatient.

"Listen Mato, you don't expect me to sit down and do nothing when my sister and mate is our there in danger, do you?".

"Oh now she is your mate. what happened to you saying you will never accept her as your Luna, what changed"

He asked sarcastically.

"I have decided to forgive her, she is not what I....."

"Forgive her?, what did she do to you that you are talking about forgiveness."

He interrupted me harshly.

"Look Mato, I will explain all these to you later, but right now we have to rush to the battlefield, before it becomes too late"

I told him aggravated and he chose to agree not pursuing the matter, knowing the situation we are in.

"Let us go now, the battle started long ago"

I nodded my head in agreement, suprised he took the initiative to leave and we both shifted to our wolves and rushed to the battlefield. On getting to the battlefield, things weren't looking so good for my soldiers, they are almost surrounded by the rogues. By the look of things, the vampires have the upper hand in this battlefield, I wondered how things escalated to such extent, how did the rogues increase in number, it is  so unbelievable, they are almost uncountable. I looked at my Beta who was as bewildered as me, with a questionable gaze,

'What is going on, even if we didn't have the time to prepare for this battle, it doesn't make my soldiers less stronger, I trained them personally, I am not happy about this at all. I stared at my Beta with an angry gaze this time, he is supposed to build a strong defense part and also arrange the back up soldiers, but he did none of it, the soldiers are now almost surrounded by the rogues and vampires, my glare became a hundred degree cold. They could have avoided this if its not because of his carelessness.

"Don't give me that look, you called me when I was in the middle of the task, it is not my fault that I couldn't arrange everything before the vampires attacked, I tried my best and you know that."

If it was any other person, they wouldn't be breathing right now, I would have split their throat immediately they altered that word, but he is indeed a lucky guy because I can't bring myself to do that to him and I know he is telling the truth, if I haven't called him, this shouldn't be happening, but I still can't get rid of the blame for him.

"You obviously could have assigned some reliable man to do that on your behalf, but you didn't"

"I know I should, but you told me it was urgent when you mind linked me earlier, so i left everything and come to you, if I did otherwise, will  you be happy with it."

I signed at his attempt of defending himself, I could feel the headache coming in, he never accepts that he is at fault at all, this is gonna be tough, really tough, I decided to act fast before night falls, cause this is when the vampires are most strong, that is why they decided to attack at a time like this, our situation is not looking good already, if the vampires were to get their night strength, then that will be a one sided massacre.

"Announce my presence and command, the soldiers should shift immediately and attack the rogues, they should try to avoid the vampires for the time being"

I gave out my command swiftly.