Chapter 28 PAST



They thought they were going to die, but it was at the final moment that the munezine monsters intervened and rescued them, saying they were sent by the guardians, everyone was shocked by them, because the munezine monsters normally don't involve themselves with the matters of the mortality realm, but now they rescued these humans, what were their motive.


It was later discovered that the munezine had nothing to do with the human, they treated them and sent them back to the human realm.

Back to the moon pack kingdom, the kingdom is the first kingdom of the werewolves, so that is why it is regarded as the ruler, all the other werewolves kingdom has to submit to their alpha in some certain conditions...

He sneaked a glance at her and saw her in a trance, as if I wasn't her inside her body, her eyes were distant, she was just staring blankly at space surrounding them, he wanted to call out her name but decided against It, she look so beautiful in her trance state, and is that everything he gets the chance to see her like this, so he decided to watch her till she recovers herself, beside being in a trance state does not kill.


I didn't know what I was thinking, I just stood there in a daze, I forgot everything happening around me, I was so immersed in my trance state that I didn't realize time is running rapidly.


Alex called out and interrupted me in my sudden thought.


"What were you thinking, you seemed lost, you have been out for a long time now..."

I stared at his pure grey eyes, these past few days were the best days in my life, we put aside the anxiousness and worries in our heart and savored the moments we had together, he told me different stories of his life, the beginning of the kingdom and the mysterious of the realms, though I know all these but hearing his sweet voice narrating to me patiently about the realms and about the history of the planet, it was a joy to me. The shocking part that I have never heard him say before is about his past, what he experienced, I never thought he would receive the kind of treatment as the only  prince of the kingdom, yet his father never loved him or cared for him, he had to go through many  painful things in order to be where he is today. I never expected the previous alpha of the moon pack kingdom to be this heartless to his own family, he married his mother for power(she was the princess of the Emerald pack kingdom), when he already had a lover, a lover that is very wicked and heartless like him, and to top it all she was very possessive of him, she only agreed for him to marry his mother because of the benefits, but after he married her, it so happened that she turned out to be his mate, so he made her his luna, his lover was so enraged that she made their live a living hell I the palace. Though the late king didn't make things difficult for them or did he torture them but he just watched with his eyes open as his lover did, he couldn't mistreat them because of the mate bond, Alex as a young prince was the one who suffered the most, the King's lover saw him as an eyesore because she couldn't conceive, she made living difficult for them that they had almost died from suffering and pains.Though she was later cursed by the former priestess and lived her remaining years of live in misery and pains, but I felt that it wasn't enough for her, a woman like her doesn't even deserve to exist in this world. I stared straight into Alex eyes, his eye color is grey, his eyes looks very beautiful and it's difficult to look away once you stare at his eyes like a fathomless sea.

I leaned against him and whispered gently into his ears.

"It must have been hard on you"

I said with a pain filled voice and looked up at him and happened to see him smile, that gentle and bright smile that would leave you in a daze after seeing it.

"Yeah, it was, but with you here, everything I experienced was nothing, it is just like storm before the calm....."


"What's so funny, why are you laughing?"

He poked my head gently.

"Where do you hear that from, 'storm before the calm', it kind of makes sense to me ...."

I said nodding my head dramatically, but of course, the Almighty alpha didn't catch the sarcasm in my voice.

"Of course it makes sense, else how would this lord come up it"

"Hmph, so proud and arrogant"

I said with a snout.

"Isn't that true"

He stared at me with his majestic eyes that makes my knee weak, I felt so entranced by him that I forgot everything happening around, he suddenly moved forward, wanting to kiss me but I turned away immediately.


His voice carried traces of hurt and longing, I was also hurt but I couldn't help it.

"It is for the best"

I stood up, dusted the non existent dust off my shirt and continued walking toward the direction of the treacherous island, he followed me quickly.

"How is it for the best?, you are my mate"

I was stunned when I heard him acknowledge me as his mate.

"Your mate!"

I snorted, it is too late to say that now.

"I have already reconsider my decision, I will accept you and I have forgiven you..."

"Forgiven me for what?"

I was puzzled, did I do anything wrong that might have offended him, I don't remember doing anything that will offend him to the extent of denying me, I had thought it was because of the law that banned alpha's from mating witches because of the incident that happened long ago, so what's with this now. I stared at him, he seem to have a hard time speaking.

"Forget it"