Chapter 29 PAST 2



"I have already reconsider my decision, I will accept you and I have forgiven you..."

"Forgiven me for what?"

I was puzzled, did I do anything wrong that might have offended him, I don't remember doing anything that will offend him to the extent of denying me, I had thought it was because of the law that banned alpha's from mating witches because of the incident that happened long ago, so what's with this now. I stared at him, he seem to have a hard time speaking.

"Forget it"


"No, i can't forget it, you have to tell me, I need to know what I did that would even warrant you embarrassing and disregarding me in front of the elders, you won't lose anything by telling me so you have to say it now"

I said to him angrily, just like that, he wanted to shift blames, he didn't know what I experienced that time.

"Alright I will, but first please forgive me for what I did back then, I wasn't myself, please you....."

"I don't get you Alex, forgive you for what exactly, is it for denying me as your mate, is it for embarrassing me in front of the elders or is it for cursing the day you met me, the day you say me at the forest.."

Tears streamed down my face as I remembered the happenings of that night, the longest night of my life and also the most painful.I continued

"That night, I was so overjoyed to find out that we were actually mates, but what did you tell me..., since I was worried that you would abandon me when you find your mate, even if you don't want to there is still the mate bond, I was so worried about that but you kept reassuring me that you would never leave me no matter what..."

Tears were streaming down my eyes non stop as I recounted our past.

"You said you would never mate with anyone except me, you promised me ..., but just the next day everything you said meant nothing to you....,sob.., the next day I was so happy when I felt the mate bond between us, I thought the moon goddess had heard our prayers, but it just so happened that it meant nothing to you, did you even feel the mate bond..., it was just the previous day you were sweet talking to me, but the very next day, you were suddenly so cold towards me, you said such harsh words to me...., I didn't care about the way you embarrassed me, but the words you said to me, do you know how painful it was, do you..., you said to me coldly that it is not true, that we can never be mates, you would never accept me even if you were killed, you are so cruel...."


"Don't call my name again"

I shouted at him, I don't know what is wrong with me, why did I break down in front of him, I don't want him to see me tears, but I couldn't help it, am so angry right now.

"Catori, listen to me please.."

He said gently, but i didn't listen, i don't want to listen to his reasons now, its of no use.

"Listen to you.... No you listen to me, let's just continue like this okay, it is great this way, don't tell me to forgive you and don't say you have forgiven me, let's just continue this way, don't accept me, don't forgive me for what ever I did to you.... Besides, you said it yourself, am not your mate and can never be your mate, right?"

I burst into tears after that, its really hard for me to say those words, but to him, he can say it without flinching, and such a fool, I cried continuously, Alex just stood there staring at me, not even consoling me, did he at least feel the mate bond, or am I the only one feeling it. I gathered my emotions, stood up, and said to him.

"Let's go"

I said and walked away, he stayed behind, I felt his burning gaze fixed at my back.


"CATORI, listen to me please"

I called out gently to her, frustrated at how angry she look, other days I find her angry face cute, but not today. Why was she over reacting.

"Listen to you.... No you listen to me, let's just continue like this okay, it is great this way, don't tell me to forgive you and don't say you have forgiven me, let's just continue this way, don't accept me, don't forgive me for what ever I did to you.... Besides, you said it yourself, am not your mate and can never be your mate, right?"

She burst into tears immediately she finished saying the words. Each word she uttered felt like a knife cutting through my heart piece by piece, I am devastated, I don't know what to do or what to say anymore, I know what I did back then will hurt her a lot, but I never realized she will be this hurt by my words, I watched on as tears kept rolling down her face, I am heart broken just by watching her, I wanted to reach out to her, but I stopped myself, I can't hear to, after sobbing for a while, she stood up, distracted the non existence dust on her clothes and said solemnly.

"Let's go"

And walked away, i stood still staring intently at her in deep thought, her reaction just now seems abnormal to me, she wouldn't react like this normally, why was she like this now, I followed her when I noticed she had gone far away, I quickly ran towards her.

"CATORI, let me explain what happened back then please, you misunderstood Me"

I said with a hoarse voice, does she know what she is doing to me, I was also hurt back then, I mean it was not easy telling her those hurtful words.

"Don't explain anything to me, I don't need your explanation, your majesty..."