"Shithole!, Rowen!" Blaine exclaimed as Rowen staggered and blood continued gushing out of his head, his eyes is turning and he might just pass out soon

The blood is dropping on his shirt already, dampening it

The girls in the corridor couldn't hide their shock, staring shockingly at Sapphire

"Go get yourself treated, annoying monkey" Sapphire snapped and snatched the key from Rowen, she opened the door, threw in her two bags and entered too before shutting the door loudly

Rowen went down straight and the guys had to jointly carry him to the hostel clinic

Sapphire sat on the bed Immediately she got to the room and rolled eyes at no one,

"Mum, maybe I really deserve your sorry, this hostel is far from what I want, how can I live a quiet life amidst all these devils" she thought, looking around the room, and that's when she saw there are two beds there, the one she's sitting on and another one

"Wait.... I have a roommate?, Oh no, mum why did you do this to me, I fucking hate roommates! ' she ranted loudly and almost immediately, the door opened and a girl came in

She closed the door slowly immediately she saw Sapphire, Sapphire stared intently at her as she walked in, staring too

"New roomie?" The girl said

"Call it whatever you like, not like I'm interested in this shitty roommate of a thing anyways" Sapphire snapped

" And now I have a cranky roommate, but it's cool, I won't have to be lonely anymore, I'm Nadia" she said

" Am I supposed to tell you my name? " Sapphire said, standing up

" If you decide not to tell me, then it's fine" Nadia replied, opening the closet and drawing her clothes to one side on the hanger so Sapphire could have space to hang her clothes too

Sapphire suddenly pulled off her shirt and Nadia faced her

"You're not lesbian are you?" She said

"You'll make it big, sign up as a comedian" Sapphire said and she giggled

" That's my name" Sapphire said, pointing at a tattoo on her arm, she actually tattooed her name on her right arm

"Sapphire?, Whoa!, Nice name" Nadia said

"Can we stay away from each other? ' Sapphire said

"What a joke, you expect me to be your roommate and stay away from you?, Stop kidding and let's arrange your things" Nadia glared

" I don't like glares" Sapphire said

"You should be able to differentiate between friendly glares and hateful glares" Nadia said

" There's nothing like friendly glare, dummy" Sapphire replied and Nadia chuckled, helping her arrange her clothes on the hanger already

"I hate helps" Sapphire said

"Come on, I hate helping too but you're just so special that I choose to help" Nadia replied with a wink

" You have answers to every statement" Sapphire said, stealing a glance at her

"That's why I'm Nadia Madison" she smiled

"I hate smiles" Sapphire said

"Is there even something you like?, Then you must hate yourself too....gosh!" Nadia complained

" You're right, I hate myself the most in this world" Sapphire replied frankly

Nadia stopped to look at her for a while

"You a sadist?"

"Ion know" Sapphire replied

By now they've finished arranging her things in the closet, she has not much stuffs

" there something wrong?, You can tell me anything, I hate prying but just ....

"No...." Sapphire interrupted, falling on the bed

"Ok ok babe, let's not talk that, what department are you in?, Your major?" Nadia asked

" F*cking English" Sapphire muttered and Nadia jumped up

"That wasn't a joke was it?" She said

"I'm not a fan of comics" Sapphire said and Nadia jumped up again...

" Yes!, You're in my department!, English is the best department in WSU but it has the largest number of b*tches and jerks...., Don't worry I'll gist you when we're back from class, we have a class fifteen minutes from now" Nadia said

" You mean we're leaving now?" Sapphire said as Nadia pulled her up from the bed

"Grab your notes and let's go, professor Taylor and professor Finn are the the strictest in our department, we had professor Taylor's class in the morning already, now it's professor Finn's" Nadia said

" Stop talking as if I don't have the timetable, damn!, I hate you" Sapphire said, leaving the room with her

" I hate you more but there's nothing I can do" Nadia winked and suddenly saw some drops of blood in front of their room

"And what the heck happened here, the guys fought again?, Must be troublesome Rowen" Nadia said

As they made their way out of the hostel, students stared at Sapphire, murmuring amount themselves

"She's the girl"

"Heard she's new"

" New but a crazy bitch"

"But isn't it funny?, A girl crashed a soda bottle on Rowen's head?"

" I love her I swear"

"Why are they murmuring" Nadia shrugged as they left the hostel completely.

🌹 🌹 🌹

Hostel clinic

"Shit!, Can't believe this!" Rowen ranted immediately he woke up, luckily the wound is not that deep, maybe because the bottle is not strong and it's surprising that he woke up fast

Blaine and the others are laughing hard at him already

"But truth be told, we frustrated her life, any crazy girl would have acted that way, I'm just glad it wasn't me, I'd have lost my brain" Clark grinned

"Stop laughing it's not funny" Rowen said and Hardin laughed louder

" The fact that I forgave you easily doesn't mean you have the rights to laugh at me, motherfucker" Rowen glared

" Can we not talk about that case anymore?, You got a broken head so I should laugh" Hardin laughed

" Seriously fuck you guys!" Rowen barked furiously

" But I wasn't expecting that kind of move from her, she's something else, at last someone crazier than Hazel" Blaine said

" Are you really serious about breaking up with Hazel?, She gat the sweetest pussy in the hostel, can you resist that?" Clark said

*How do you know she gat that?, Did you fuck her too?" Rowen said

"No, You always say her honeypot is the best you've ever tasted right?" Blaine said

" I dunno" Rowen replied and just then, Hazel came in with her friends and rushed to the bed, sat beside Rowen and checked him out

"Oh no, that girl did this?, Can't believe this, I'll treat her fuck for you, I can't stand this" she said

" What are you doing here?" Rowen said

" I'm your girlfriend" Hazel smiled

"I told you yesterday that it's over" Rowen said

"That was just one big lie, we both can't resist each other so it's not over till it's over, I love you" Hazel said, placing a kiss on his lips

" Tell the truth, you love my dick, not me" Rowen smirked

" Well that's true, so let's make this fucking relationship last, how about I come to your room later?" she winked

"So where will I stay?" Hardin said

Hardin shares a room with Rowen while Blaine and Clark are roommates

"You can go stay with Blaine and Clark" Rowen said

"Can't wait to fuck you" Hazel winked at Rowen and the girls laughed

" Mutual.....fuck!, My head!" Rowen said, touching it

"It should be bandaged" Hazel said

"No, I hate bandages" he replied

Naomi Cindy B wrote it, copying or reposting is not allowed...

🌹 🌹 🌹

Washington State University

Sapphire and Nadia got to class and met almost all the seats occupied already

No one gets late to professor Finn's class, he's just as strict as professor Taylor so it's expected

They both went to the back and took their seats beside each other

"You have to focus on him when he starts teaching, if you're caught slacking off, you're dead" Nadia said

" Is he a god or something?, Can't believe you guys fear a f*cking lecturer" Sapphire scoffed

" Not fear, it's respect" Nadia said

"Whatever" Sapphire sighed

The lecturer entered the class and they all went silent as he picked a marker to start writing on the board

He looks really stern with his glasses resting on his nose, his hair is far from dark,

"Creative writing"

He finished writing that on the white board and faced the class

" Freshmen, what is creative writing?" He asked

No one answered

"I read it last week, why did I forget already" Nadia said, biting her nails

Sapphire stood and rested her palms on the table

"An expressive form of literature, one which demands your creativity, Imagination and story to portray a particular message, emotion or plot, it defies the traditional bounds of other forms of writing and is completely subjective to our preferences and experiences" she said and everyone turned to her

" Babe you rock" Nadia whispered beside her

"You just resumed?' professor Finn asked

" Yeah" Sapphire replied simply

"Then how come you know it when the rest don't..... Good!, Just excellent, you gave the exact definition I have here.... your name?" He asked

" Sapphire Hunt" she replied

" So now I have a female brilliant student in here, where's Seth?" He asked, looking around

" He's not here yet sir!" Nadia replied and immediately, a guy came in

The guy Sapphire bumped into while entering the hostel earlier

"You're unusually late" professor Finn said

He heaved and stood, waiting for the next verdict

" Sit" professor Finn said and he found himself a backseat, right beside Sapphire

He looks expressionless just like Sapphire,,

Sapphire took her seat and looked at him

"He's the best English student, Seth Hidalgo, he lives in our hostel too, he's handsome right?, But too bad he rarely talks, only while answering questions in class" Nadia whispered

" Oh" Sapphire said, concentrating on the board

"Purpose of creative writing?, Anyone?" Professor Finn asked

Sapphire and Seth stood at the same time

"Creativity through imagination and innovation" they said at a time and looked at each other before looking at the professor who's now smiling

"Four forms of creative writing?" He asked

"Expository, descriptive, persuasive and narrative" they said at the same time again

" Example of creative writing?" Professor Finn asked

" Poetry" Sapphire said

" Plays" Seth said

"Movie and television scripts" Sapphire said

"Fiction, i.e novels and novellas" Seth said

"Excellent!, Seems like I'll have to make you two the course representatives.... Sapphire Hunt... Seth Hidalgo" professor Finn said

" No....I don't want attention....I shouldn't have answered questions,,, shit!" Sapphire muttered, sitting down

Throughout the class, she decided to keep her calm and let Seth answer the questions, professor Finn is indeed a professional when it comes to teaching, a pro.

After the class, Nadia and Sapphire left the class with the others, Nadia yawned lightly and Sapphire smirked

"You were awesome Fire" Nadia said

"Sapphire" Sapphire replied

"But come to think of it....Sa_pphire.....pphire sounds like Fire so I'll switch to calling you fire" Nadia winked

" Don't you dare, I'll kill you" Sapphire glared and Nadia laughed

" I'm glad my friend is a bookworm" she giggled

"We're not friends" Sapphire said

"Come on., stop this attitude" Nadia said

"It's who I am, if you're not comfortable with it, then I'm afraid we can't live in same room" she replied bluntly

" It's fine, I'm good at adjusting, I'll get used to you sooner than expected" Nadia smiled

They passed by the parking lot and saw Seth just getting on his bike, he wore his black helmet and drove off

"He's handsome, brilliant but quiet and cold, what a waste" Nadia said

" It's not a bad combo" Sapphire replied.


They got back to the hostel and Nadia opened another door in the room which led to a small kitchen

"We have a kitchen?" Sapphire said surprisingly

"Seeing you surprised feels good" Nadia said and Sapphire quickly acted normal

She entered the kitchen with Nadia and Nadia faced her

"Like what you see?"

"Not bad, but I hate cooking" she replied

" I'll do the cooking, what should we have for dinner tonight?" Nadia asked, hanging her arm on her neck

Sapphire is taller so she had to stand on her toes while doing that

"Anything is fine so far it's not poison" Sapphire replied and they went back into the room

" Now I'll gist you about every important person in this shitty hostel" Nadia said, walking around while Sapphire sat on the bed

"Rowen Bills is first on the list, the king of fuckers, he fucks any girl he gets his hands on, many girls in this hostel even in school wants to get fucked by him, they say his D is sugar coated and once you get fucked by him once, you'll wanna kiss his D forever" Nadia said

" He's loud and a bad boy, but he's handsome, loves red on his hair and of course he loves p*ssies" Nadia continued

" Can we not talk about him anymore?" Sapphire said

" You seem to hate him already even without meeting him" Nadia chuckled

" So he has three friends... Hardin, Blaine and me those three are his advocates especially Hardin, they're fuck boys and are just like Rowen,.... Rowen's girlfriend is Hazel... though I can't completely call it a relationship...more like a fucking relationship" Nadia said

" And what the hell is that" Sapphire said

" They're just fuckmates but apparently obsessed with what's underneath" Nadia said

" Oh"

" Jacinthe and Renee are her advocates, b*tches like her but some say Jacinthe is let's talk about Seth Hidalgo" Nadia said

" No, there's nothing interesting about him" Sapphire replied

"Ok, as you wish.... but for your information... Seth and Rowen are worse enemies, Rowen hates Seth and even if Seth hasn't shown his hatred for once, everyone is guessing he hates Rowen too" Nadia said

" None of my business" Sapphire said

"And the shocking bomb is that all the names I just mentioned, are all students of English too" Nadia winked

" Fuck, that's Impossible" Sapphire said

"You'll find them all in professor Taylor's class tomorrow, no one

dares miss his class, then you'll know I'm not joking, welcome to the carats hostel!, Welcome to Washington State University!, Welcome to the department of English!" Nadia shouted

" I need to do laundry, I have some white shirts to wash" Sapphire said

" There are thirty five girls in this hostel and we do laundry in a joint laundry room, there are ten washing machines in there so you might be lucky to get a spare one" Nadia said.

Naomi Cindy B wrote it, copying or reposting is not allowed...


Rowen's room**

" Wait, you wanna do raw?" Hazel asked as Rowen came to her on the bed, stark naked already without any protection on

"Something wrong with that?, I've never fucked you raw so I decided to do that tonight" he replied

" Are you planning to be a father soon?" Hazel smiled

"I won't cum inside you so just lets do this, widen your legs" he whispered

" You really can't resist me right?" She said, widening her legs slightly

" Decide that yourself..I need more space" Rowen replied and she widened them more

Rowen shoved himself inside her and she smiled

"Missed this" she said

Rowen started the merciless fuck, hitting deep inside with each thrust and she almost cried

"Rowen you're knowingly doing this right?" She said, feeling her insides churning up with his rod.

"Yes, this is what you get for fucking Hardin" Rowen replied, sucking her big nkpples already while still hardening his bangs

"Rowen.... this is....oh no! .... Rowen please!" She screamed

"Plead more" he replied

" Son of a bastard!" She yelled, wounding his back with her nails

He thrusted even harder

"Rowen!" She screamed again as he continued fucking her cunt harder than before

She held a handful of her hair, receiving another deep bang

"Rowen..... I can't do this anymore....I might just faint if you continue.... just stop already please!" She screamed again

Rowen smirked and pulled out slowly, she sat up and took his rod in her mouth, he released right there and she swallowed it all

"You were screaming just now" Rowen said surprisingly

"That was just camouflage, you think your dick will make me scream that much?, I was just trying to make you feel better, try harder next time Rowen" she winked, dressing up before leaving his room

Rowen hit his palm on the wall furiously

"That big hole" he muttered under his breath


Some minutes later

" Like seriously, Rowen improved a lot, maybe he used drugs, I almost cried during the f*ck" Hazel said

She's on her way to the laundry room with Jacinthe and Renee

"Sorry, but it's always good to f*ck a good long rod anyways" Renee laughed

" Whose rod are you f*cking these days?" Hazel asked

"Hardin's" Renee replied and Hazel stuck hands with her

"So... Jacinthe?" Hazel said

"No one's, I got tired of f*cking lately" she replied as they entered the laundry room

"The girl who wounded Rowen" Renee said, gesturing at Sapphire who's just putting her shirts inside a washing machine, Nadia is standing beside her

"So she's the shit, and that Nadia of a girl is already her vice" Hazel smirked, looking at her hatefully

"Heard they're roommates" Jacinthe said, looking at Sapphire and admiring her tallness

"Let's go get snacks and come back in five minutes" Nadia said to Sapphire

" I hate snacks" she replied but Nadia pulled her out

Hazel looked at the washing machine and smiled knowingly

She walked gingerly to it and turned it off before bringing out Sapphire's clothes

She dropped them on the floor and started marching the white shirts with her sneakers,,

Renee joined her in the marching while Jacinthe only watched...

"I feel uneasy" Sapphire suddenly said on her way to the buttery with Nadia

"Because the devil's are in the laundry room?" Nadia said

" Devils?"

"Yes, the three girls that entered last are the Hazel, Jacinthe and Renee I was talking about, but are you a Buddhist or something?" Nadia said

"Let's go back" Sapphire said, turning back immediately.