"My instincts are always right" Sapphire said when she got to the laundry room and met Hazel and Renee, matching her clothes in front of the machine

"What are you bitches doing!" Nadia screamed, rushing to them but there's nothing to be done

They stopped and looked at her, Renee smiled and Hazel kicked one of the shirts, it flew to Sapphire and stopped right in front of her

Sapphire picked it up and stared hurtfully at it.

The four white clothes was what Julia bought for her with part of her last salary and she could still remember how she had complained that she shouldn't have wasted money over getting her clothes, and now the same four shirts has been matched with some f*cking sneakers till it became unrecognizable

It'll be unbelievable if anyone says they were once immaculate white

She dropped the shirt and faced Hazel who has a victorious smirk on her face

"Do you feel hurt or pained?" Hazel said, taking slow steps to her

Sapphire stood her ground, thinking of what to do to make this night unforgettable for the b*tch coming to her

Hazel stopped in front of her and measured her up with her eyes

"You're tall, that must be making you feel like the empress of an empire" she said daringly

" I think this won't end well, look at her eyes, it's scary right now, I feel like running away" Jacinthe whispered beside Renee

" Nothing is gonna happen" Renee replied,, 

"Did you eat dinner? " Sapphire said

"What if I have?" Hazel replied

"You're vomiting it all" Sapphire replied and swiftly hit her right leg on Hazel's

It was sudden and unexpected so Hazel lost balance and fell heavily on the ground, blood oozed out of her nose immediately

"Ouch!" Hazel winced

Renee's eyes almost left their sockets while Jacinthe looks fascinated by what's currently happening,, 

Sapphire sat on Hazel's tummy and started jumping on it, making Hazel gasp for breath

"I guess you haven't had dinner yet, and that's why there's nothing to vomit, but vomiting your intestines won't be bad" she said and continued 

Renee tried to interfere but Nadia pushed her, she fell on her face too, landing on a bucket of water which fell and the water spread everywhere

Jacinthe tried to get out of there but she slipped and fell ,,

"Babe, I'm sorry I'm not so good at setting bitches straight" Nadia said

" Just stay on your spot" Sapphire replied, punching Hazel on the face Immediately

Guys rushed into the room including Rowen and his gang and they did a lot before Hazel was taken from her, she's bleeding from the nose when she was taken out of the room

Sapphire sniffed and adjusted her trousers, "let's leave" she told Nadia and they made their way to the door but Rowen blocked them

"Annoying monkey, want a whiskey bottle on your head this time around?" She glared and Rowen laughed

" I like you. Your fierceness makes you look hot, always ready to attack" he said and Sapphire scoffed

She tried to leave again but Rowen stopped that

"Out of my way, I don't give third warnings" she said seriously

" Let's date, we can fuck each other and make each other feel better" he said

"Are you a rising star in the psychotic world?" Sapphire frowned and everyone in the room laughed including Rowen himself

"Ok cat eyes, I'm serious here, let's date, have good sex everyday and....

At the mention of sex, her hormones got released and the cravings came again

She pushed Rowen out of the way and ran all the way back to her room, Nadia ran after her

"She gat everything that's making me interested I swear, I'll have her no matter what, trust me" Rowen smiled naughtily.


Sapphire got to the room and went straight into the bathroom, she locked the door behind and went straight into the tub, she sat in the water and hoped that'll help but the shit didn't work

She got up from the tub, feeling very horny, feeling like having a rod in between her legs already

She took off her trousers and shirt, leaving her in only her undies

She lowered her pants from her waist and looked at her fingers, she made to dive her fingers into herself but stopped herself and pulled up her pants

She hit herself on the wall, holding her wet hair tightly

"Aaarrrrgg!!!!!!!" She screamed, crying as she did

She hurt herself yesterday and now it seems hurting herself is the only way to get away from this again

She looked at her bandaged wrist and cried more

Nadia started banging at the door loudly

"Sapphire!, Sapphire are you ok?, Sapphire!, Open the door what's wrong!, Sapphire!" She kept shouting

Sapphire's legs are shaking on the ground as she stood, her wetness is dripping down her thighs already

Why this shit chooses to happen to her, she doesn't know

She found out she's like this two years ago when she was seventeen, she had went out with her friends to have fun back then,, in a clubhouse...



The clubhouse is wild with pop music as usual and everyone who cares to dance are already dancing wildly, moving to the crazy tunes

Sapphire came in with her friends and they decided to have a peg of alcohol each before joining the dance

They did and joined the dance, enjoying the tunes till a guy announced a live porn scene

They became eager and gathered, a naked guy and a younger naked girl appeared in the middle and started fucking each other right in front of everyone

She started craving for sex the minute she saw the scene, people were cheering them up, she felt wetness between her legs and heck!, No matter how much she tried, she won't stop feeling horny

She entered an available room, breathing heavily, she took off her short gown and pulled down her pants, she's utterly wet, ready and craving for penetration

She couldn't fight it, rather she decided to help herself by finger f*cking, she was about to start when a guy appeared in the dark room, she couldn't see his face

"Want free sex?" His voice asked and the mention of sex made her lose control completely

"Yeah....fuck please" she replied...


" Losing my virginity to a stranger wasn't enough.. and now the fucking cravings won't still leave me.....fuck my life I just wanna die!" She screamed, crying so much

" Sapphire!, Open the door!" Nadia shouted by the door again

She had to tighten her thighs on each other as she walked slowly to the tub

She bent beside it and looked at the tub edge,

She closed her eyes and hit her head hard on the tub,, her head made funny noises and that moment, it felt like she might lose her memory 

Her cravings left her immediately and her head swelled up greatly with redness, it hurts crazily

She breathed heavily and stood, picked her gown and opened the door slowly, Nadia rushed in and her eyes revealed how shocked she was

"Sapphire!, What did you do to yourself!" She shouted

Sapphire ignored her and walked into the room, dropped her trousers in the laundry basket before pulling off her shirt

She picked a towel and started drying her hair

Naomi Cindy B wrote it, copying or reposting is not allowed

"Tell me, what happened in there?, I was so worried and scared but now you aren't even talking to me, why is your head swollen and red, I'd have asked what happened to your bandaged wrist but I knew you won't tell me but now you even wounded your head?, Sapphire...

"Nadia.... Can you just pretend like you don't see me? " Sapphire interrupted

"Why? My roommate is hurt and all you could say is pretend like I didn't see it?, Sapphire! " She yelled

" And this is the main reason why I hate roommates!, They try to know everything and pry into your private life and..... And....

She stopped and started crying

Nadia moved closer and hugged her tightly

"Rest on me and let it all out, you'll be fine" she said

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just couldn't help it" sapphire whispered, laying her head on Nadia's shoulder

" It's ok if you don't want to tell me, but you have to promise me you'll never do anything that'll hurt you anymore" Nadia replied

" I can't promise that... Seriously" she replied

Nadia sighed and pat her back slowly

" You'll be fine, whatever the problem is, you'll be fine" she said

About an hour later***

Sapphire is sitting on her bed with her headphones on, listening to her favorite song again and trying to sing it along

Little do you know, 

How I'm breakin' while you fall asleep

Little do you know,

I'm still haunted by the memories,

Little do you know I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece....

Nadia came out of the kitchen with two plates of omelette which she placed on the bed

"Little do you know by Alex Sierra?" She said when she heard her singing it out

" Yes,my favorite song" Sapphire replied

"Me too..." Nadia replied

" Really?" 

" Sure, I love Alex Sierra's songs a lot but that song is my favorite, I'm glad we have something in common" Nadia smiled, eating from her plate of omelette already

Sapphire ate from hers also and they stared at each other for long before bursting into an hysterical laughter

"You laughed!, My jeez!" Nadia said shockingly

"Thanks for making me laugh, I can't remember the last time I did" Sapphire said, getting serious again

Nadia got an ointment from her box and held Sapphire's head

"The swell is much, you don't feel headache?" She asked

" No" she replied

" You're strong like a rock" Nadia said and started applying the ointment slowly, Sapphire stayed still without moving till she's done

"'re the girl everyone was talking about, the girl who wounded great Rowen, I'm so glad to be with you" Nadia smiled

" He deserved it, so I gave him the right punishment" she replied

"Last person to finish her omelette will do the dishes" Nadia said

" How frustrating" Sapphire muttered, picking her fork

"" Nadia said and they both started rushing to finish


Hazel's room

"My tummy, it feels like I just underwent a surgery, ouch!" Hazel groaned as Renee gently massage her tummy

"That girl....." Jacinthe said, wiping the blood in her nose with tissue, she bled after falling the other time

A giggle escaped her lips when she remembered how Sapphire was torturing Hazel earlier

"What's funny" Renee said, facing her

"I find her interesting" she said

"Who?" Hazel asked, slightly raising her head

"Nevermind" she replied and left the room

"And why is Rowen not here already!, I'm in pains cos of him.....I'm still not done with the girl, she might have had the upper hand this time but next time I'll make sure she cries, that f*cking ugly thing!" Hazel snapped and that made her stomach hurt

" Ouch!, Massage it well" she said

"You'll be ok" Renee said


Rowen's room

"You've been laughing like a maniac since some minutes ago" Hardin said, looking at Rowen who's still laughing, sitting on his bed and backing the wall

"Isn't she interesting?" he said


"Cat eyes" Rowen replied and Hardin sighed

"The bottle she hit on your head must still be having effects on you, go sleep, I need to go see Renee" Hardin replied, getting his Jacket

" Like seriously how can a girl be so fierce and sassy and intimidating like her" Rowen laughed, remembering when she was torturing Hazel

"Get to sleep maybe your brains might come back" Hardin said and left

Rowen continued laughing and eventually slept on the bed


Seth's room

He just finished taking night coffee, it's a cold night so he put on an extra thick sweaters which looks baggy on his body

He sat on his bed and did revision of prof Finn's class before throwing the books on the reading table

He lay on the bed with his back, thinking about what will be the end of all these

"I have the most complicated life one could ever think of.... just one complicated life...." He sighed, changing position

" I wonder how my little Nora is doing, I miss you so much but...." He changed position again

" No matter how much I miss you, ion think that's enough reason for me to go back, I can't, I don't want to" he said and covered himself before drifting off to sleep


Next day

" I'm fine, trust your Sapphire, you know I'll survive anywhere" Sapphire said to her mum on phone while putting on her black boots, she's wearing trousers and leather jacket on singlet already

"Just be fine ok?, I'm on my way to work too, have a cool second day" Julia replied

" Have a nice day at work too mum" she replied

"I love you so much Sapphire" Julia said

Sapphire can feel the love from her voice and she smiled shortly

"Love you more mum" she replied and hung up

She's done putting on her boots by now

"Cute scene, your mum must be a beautiful cat eyed woman like you" Nadia said

" I dunno, but she's the only one who understands me, so to me... she's the best" Sapphire replied

Nadia moved closer and checked her forehead, it's still slightly swollen

"This must hurt" she said

"Just a bit" Sapphire replied

" Should I add bangs in your hair to cover it up?" She asked but Sapphire hit her hand away

" I'll look like a monkey with bangs" she said and Nadia giggled, going out of the room with her

They're having a morning class with prof Taylor


Washington State University

The class is almost full again when they got there, it's five minutes before the class

"The students in this department don't sleep at all?" Sapphire muttered as she went to the backseats

She sat with Nadia by her right side and when she looked at the left, it's Rowen

He's looking at her with an annoying smile on his face

"Annoying monkey" Sapphire mumbled, bringing out her note from her bag

Seth entered the class and the girls started giving comments, enough to verify that he has a lot of crush in the department

He dresses simply and walks like a model, to Sapphire.... something seems weird about him

She can see an hateful smirk on Rowen's face as he watched him take his seat not far from them

Hazel and her minions entered with Clark and Blaine, Hardin is sitting beside Rowen already

Professor Taylor entered regally, a woman in her forties

She's dressed like a lady in her jean trousers and heels then her glasses stood magnificently on her nose, her hair is curly but scattered cutely on her head, some strands of it fell on her face and she looks just beautiful

Sapphire admired her greatly immediately and she started teaching without waiting

"I need someone to explain what drama means" she said, adjusting her glasses while looking at the whole class, walking around and her heels made gentle contacts with the marbled floor

"It's a composition in verse or prose, intended to portray life or character or to tell a story involving conflicts and emotions through actions and dialogues... and typically designed for theoretical performance" Seth replied

" It has four main forms... tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy and melodrama, an example of drama is Romeo and Juliet" Sapphire said

" I'm impressed, Seth you're right... and you..."

"Sapphire.... Sapphire Hunt" she replied

Professor Taylor smiled and started her class, making sure everything is penetrating before going to another level

At the end of the class

"Carry out more research on drama, I want soft copies, transfer it to either Sapphire or Seth, then you both should come with the copies to my office tommorow morning" Prof Taylor said and smiled before leaving

" I enjoyed this class seriously" Sapphire smiled

" Professor Taylor's class is always interesting, so now my friend is one of the course representatives, I'm so lucky!" Nadia said

" You're crazy" Sapphire said and tried to put her note in her bag but Rowen snatched it

She looked at him and smiled dangerously

"Want your nada brain to fly out through your nose?" She said and Rowen laughed

" Date me, then I'll give back your note" he winked

"Even if I kill you, maggots won't come near you cos they'll find your body too irritating so let's just make this easy, give me when I'm still nice, I hate third warnings" she said

" I'm not giving it back" Rowen said and left the class

" Monkey my note!" She said, running after him till they left the class, Rowen kept running and she kept going after him

"What does Rowen think he's doing" Hazel huffed

"Annoying monkey!, I swear I'll squash your balls when I get you..." Sapphire breathed heavily as she chased after him

The ringing of her phone made her stop to check, it's her mum

She picked and tried to steady her breathing

"Mum what's....

" This is Ivy, her friend.... she's in Morgan's hospitals right now, she got into a slight accident and...

"What!" She said shockingly and hung up

Forgetting about annoying Rowen, she rushed to the park and stopped

"Not like I have a car.... but I really need to get to Morgan's hospitals right now...shit!, Mum" she said, looking around

Then she suddenly saw Seth just climbing his bike

"I hate helps" she said to herself

"Bury your ego Sapp" she thought and started walking to him

Immediately he made to move, she held his bike and he looked back, pulling up his helmet glass

"Please, I need a .....

" Need a ride?" Rowen's voice interrupted behind

She looked back to see Rowen in a car, smiling annoyingly again