Sapphire rolled eyes at Rowen before facing Seth who's still looking at her questioningly

"Can you give me a ride to Morgan's hospitals please? " She said

"I hate giving rides to strangers" he replied and pulled down his helmet glass before starting the bike

He's one arrogant ass.hole "ride with me cat eyes" Rowen said, she looked at him and scowled

" He talks dirty, what if I get horny in his car , I can't ride with" she thought

"I have to get to my mum..... I can't possibly ride with this monkey" she said slowly

Seth waited for some minutes and sighed

"I drive roughly, I can't promise your safety" he said and Sapphire quickly climbed on

" The rough drive is exactly what I want, please be fast" she said and Seth drove the bike out of the park, down the street

"Seth, That disgusting guy" Rowen murmured, coming out of his car.

Nadia appeared and when she saw Sapphire's book is still with him, she rushed to him

"Where's she? ' she asked

" I dunno" he replied and walked away

Nadia watched him till he's out of sight and smiled

"He's really really annoying" 


The drive to the hospital was fast and he's sure a rough rider like he said,,

His eyes never left the road and he never looked back once

He stopped at a road where there's an hold up and they spent just a minute in waiting

When he suddenly moved, she almost fell from the bike but quickly held him tightly

She stayed like that for long and forgot she has to let him go

"Your hands" Seth said 

"Oh!, I'm sorry" she said quickly and removed her arms from his tummy

They got to Morgan's hospitals and she got down from the bike fast, he kept sitting on the bike

"Thanks for helping!" She said and rushed in quickly

" Julia Hunt, she's in which ward?" She asked the first nurse she met

" That way, the third ward" the nurse replied and she rushed to where she pointed at

She entered the third room and met Julia sitting on the bed,,

"Sapphire!" Julia said surprisingly

She rushed to her and started touching her allover

"Ivy said you had an accident, are you ok? " Sapphire asked worriedly, still checking her out

"Ivy can be so troublesome, I slipped and fell, my ankle just got sprained slightly, it's nothing to worry about I don't know why she called you" she replied

" I'm just glad you're fine, I was so scared that something big happened" Sapphire said, touching her chest

" I'm totally fine now, my ankle has been treated, i just need to rest at home for a day and I'll be ok" Julia said and noticed Sapphire's forehead

" Sapphire you hurt yourself again" she said, her mood changing to sad 

" I just couldn't help it, it happened yesterday, I did the only available thing" she said slowly

Julia hugged her, rubbing her hair slowly

"I'm sorry"

"I hate hearing sorry from you mum" she replied and Julia broke the hug

" How's the hostel treating you?" She asked, touching her cheek

" Looking for a real definition of frustration?, Then go for the carats hostel, the devil's in there are bent on making me commit murder" she replied

" Is it that bad? " Julia said

"More than worse but you don't have to worry, your Sapphire can manage" she smiled

" Ivy went to get me pizza, she'll soon be back to take me home, you don't have to worry about me" Julia said.

" I have to go now that I've certified that you're ok" Sapphire said and kissed her cheeks

" Love you daughter" Julia said

" Love you mum" she replied and waved before leaving the ward

She walked out of the hospital and surprisingly, Seth is still waiting

"You waited?" She said, walking to him

" I shouldn't have?" He said 

"No I mean... I wasn't expecting you to" she replied as he climbed on and she sat behind him

"I love shocking my competitors" he replied and Sapphire smirked

"So now you're calling me your competitor? " She said

" I dunno" he replied, driving down the road 

"You're so unpredictable" she said

"I love it that way" he said

"Whatever, when you knew you were gonna stay, why didn't you enter the hospital with me" she asked

" I hate hospitals, the smell, the structure, the look, everything!" He said and Sapphire can somehow feel the hatred in his voice as he spoke

"You must have a reason for that, so I won't blame you" she said

" You seem to be more brilliant than I thought" he said

"I've always aced my exams" she replied and can hear him giggling silently

" What's funny" she said

"Did I laugh?" He replied

" I heard you, don't deny" she replied.

" Ok" he breathed

"Yesterday when I bumped into you and said sorry, why didn't you reply" she said, trying to keep the conversation going

"I just didn't feel like" he replied and she kept quiet

" 8am tommorow morning, in front of the departmental building" he suddenly said

" What? " She asked

He just got to the hostel and he stopped the bike already, she came down

"Prof Taylor's assignment" he said and got down from the bike too, taking off his helmet

"Oh.... Ok, see ya!, And thanks for the ride" she said and rushed into the hostel

Seth went in with his helmet in hand and came across Rowen who stood in his way

"You should have left her and let me be the one to take her, so now you interfere in my things? " He said

" Your things?" Seth said with a scoff, "Maybe that's why I took her, did my trick work?, Were you annoyed? " He continued

" I told you countless times to let's stay away from each other" Rowen said

" I remember telling you that too" Seth replied without batting an eyelid

" But you're overstepping your boundaries and one of these days I might just wound you" Rowen said..

" this because of that girl?, Every girl in this hostel wants you but I guess she's not one of those girls" he replied

" It's none of your business, just keep your distance, you dare not come anywhere near her" Rowen said

"I had no plans to come closer but now that you're daring me I want to do it, I hate dares" Seth replied, glaring dangerously at Rowen, he made to leave but Rowen held his shoulder and he looked at him

"I'm serious" Rowen said

"I'm not smiling" Seth replied and hit his arm away from his shoulders before leaving

He smiled secretly before entering his room

"What were you talking to Seth about?, Looks like something serious" Hardin said, appearing with Clark and Blaine

" I told him to stay away from cat eyes" Rowen said and Blaine laughed

" Dude, still on the girl?, It's apparent that she's not your type, the girl who almost made you lose your memory with a soda bottle, same girl who almost made Hazel vomit her intestines, just let her be" Blaine said, drinking a canned soda

Rowen left without saying anything

"He's surely crazy, how could he think of getting that kind of girl on his bed" Clark said

" When he's determined to get a girl, he does, but ion think that works on lady S" Hardin said and they all laughed

" Heard there's a party at the frat house tonight" Blaine said

"Can't wait to f*ck at the party" Hardin said and Clark hit him

" Are you crazy!" Hardin said

"That question is for you and the answer is f*cked twice today already, don't you get tired?" Clark said

" You guys are getting tired of f*cking?, No guys, that can't be true" he said and Blaine winked at Clark, they left him immediately


Sapphire's room**

"Where have you been!, I've been so worried" Nadia said Immediately she came in

" I'm so sorry roomie, mum had a slight accident and I had to leave" she said

" What!, It's not very serious right?" Nadia quickly said

" Sure....she's fine now" she replied, taking off her boots

" I'm glad, let's cook dinner together after doing prof Taylor's assignment" Nadia said

"'re right" Sapphire replied, changing into shorts and singlet before grabbing her phone

"No, let's use my laptop together" Nadia said, opening her laptop

" No, we can't possibly submit same thing, don't worry I know how to handle it" she replied and Nadia nodded

" It's ok"

Silence took over in the next minutes that followed and within about thirty minutes, Sapphire finished gathering infos and compiled it on three pages before standing up

"I forwarded mine to your email already" Nadia said

"Alright, twenty students submitted to my email already but..." Sapphire said

" What?'

" Seth, I think he's cool" she replied

" Who knows?, I've never talked to him before" Nadia replied

" He was the one who took me to the hospital, I rode with him on his bike" Sapphire said and Nadia's eyes widened

" Really?, Tell me you just cracked a joke and I promise to laugh" she said 

" I'm sorry to disappoint you but that wasn't a joke, he talks but not too much, he looks like he has issues with hospitals from the way he was talking hatefully... he's not bad like someone I know" Sapphire said

" That's new, like very new! , Well you're both brilliant, maybe that's why he helped.... there's a party at the frat house tonight, you in?" Nadia asked

" Frat house?, And what in the holy hell is that?" Sapphire said, raising a brow to look at Nadia

"You'll get to know when we get there* Nadia replied

" We?, I never said I'm gonna go" she replied

"Come on... please, I don't want to go alone" Nadia said

" I have a bad memory about clubs" she replied seriously

" This ain't clubhouse, it's a party in a frat house" Nadia replied

"Still, I'm not going" she replied

" Please" Nadia replied

" Nadia let me be and stop frustrating my soul" she replied

"I just want to have fun with you there, we'll get to watch a lot of scenes too" Nadia replied

" Scenes like?" She asked

"Dance, drunk idiots, fights, we get to drink too that's all" she replied

" Drink" sapphire smiled, looking at Nadia who smiled

" You love drinking I knew it!, Let's choose dresses!, I can't wait!" Nadia screamed


Rowen's room

Hazel is already waiting when he got to the room, she's pacing around but stopped when she saw him

"Rowen what's the meaning of that play with that bitch in class?" she questioned

"Just joking around with her, is that a sin now?" He replied, sitting on the bed

" Joking around with any other girl would have been better, not her, we both hate her!" She yelled

" You hate her, I don't think that's same with me. I can never hate a girl so far she has what I like" he replied

"She has what you like?, So I don't have what you like" she said

" Hazel I need to rest, I'll call you" he replied and lay on the bed

"Call me when you need to fuck me right?, Do you even value me?" She said, walking to him

Rowen closed his eyes and refused to talk, she climbed on the bed with him and started unbolting his belt

"I think I said I want to rest" he said, not opening his eyes

"Rest after this, and don't you dare look at that girl again, or I'm gonna kill you" she said and zipped down his trousers, his monster jumped out and she bent over it, taking his whole length in her mouth and giving him a professional blow job..

"Hazel" he moaned, opening his eyes

She continued what she was doing and he closed his eyes again

That went on till she succeeded in turning him on, he stripped her and she sat on him, riding on his cuk and moaning loudly, her boobs dangling as she rode fast

"Don't you dare look at her anymore....i mean it" she said, stopping for a while, bending over to him

He sucked her boobs teasingly and she closed her eyes

"You haven't answered me" she moaned , standing up from his length

He came on top and slid into her, she squinted lightly when she felt him inside her again

"Just shut up and let's do what you want" he said and she smirked

" What I want?, You don't want this?, You don't want me?" She said

Rowen made the first move and she moaned loudly

"Shut up or I'm gonna fuck you hard like last time and this time I won't leave you till you cry" he said and she slapped him

" Bastard" she said

" It's not new" he replied and hardened the muscles around his waist, rough handling her but this time she begged for more instead of screaming for him to stop

"Go harder!, Harder please....more harder"...

"Fuck!, Rowen you're the real deal..

"Arrgg!, Yes yes.... harder Rowen.... Rowen harder!"


They finished up after a while and she dressed up fast

" See you at the party tonight. And once again, I'mma kill you if you're seen with that girl again swears" she said and left the room

Rowen took a shower and dressed up too then fell back on the bed, Hardin came in

"Fucked that b*ich again?" He said

"You know the answer" he replied without smiling

"Then you should be happy, you're always smiling after fucking" Hardin said

Rowen sat up and put on his shoes

" When is the party?" He asked

"It started already, the time is past eight" Hardin replied

"Then let's go" he said and left with him


Sapphire's room

"This looks so short, I'm much taller" Sapphire said after putting in the fifth gown

It belongs to Nadia and that's because she doesn't have a suitable dress for a party

"It's not too short trust me, you look hot I swear" Nadia said

" Look ion care about hotness here, i care about comfortability, I'm not comfortable in this" she replied and Nadia brought out a red short gown

Sapphire pulled off the blue one she was wearing and put on the red gown

It's a little bit longer than the blue one, it stopped in the middle of her thighs, revealing some parts of her thighs down to her long legs

"Still..." She said

"You can't complain again, you look foxy I swear, and now I'll dress up and help you with some make up" Nadia winked

" I hate you" Sapphire muttered


Frat house**

The party is already on going and the house is already full of students, some smoking and drinking, some sitting around chatting

Rowen is sitting round a big table with his friends and some other guys from the department, he's sipping alcohol slowly, looking around for any sign of Sapphire but it seems like she won't come

"What's wrong with Rowen?, He has been quiet, it's unlike him" a guy said

" I was just about to ask same thing" Blaine said

"Ignore me" he said, pouring the remaining alcohol in his cup down his throat

"Who has done prof Taylor's assignment?" Hardin asked

" Everyone" Clark replied

" Everyone except me" Rowen said

"Are you kidding me?, She hates students who don't take assignments and classes serious, wanna be in same level next semester?" Hardin said

" I'll do it tonight and forward it to cat eyes" he replied 

"Hey boyfriend, let's get a room, I feel wet, I need a quickie" Hazel said Immediately she appeared

Renee sat on Hardin's laps immediately while Jacinthe sat quietly, drinking slowly

"I don't want to" Rowen replied

"Hard joke, I need you to f*ck me right now" Hazel replied

" Holy shit!, Who the hell is that" a guy said, looking at a spot

Everyone turned their attention towards the spot and saw Sapphire, walking into the house with Nadia

She looks hot in the short gown and her long legs looks too sexy too

All the guys are staring hard as she took her killer steps in

Jacinthe smiled when she saw her, admiring her tallness and elegance again

"I wish I was as tall" she said

Hazel looked at Rowen and found him staring with his mouth dropped 

She held his face and made him face her, she sat straddled on his laps and started rocking on it

"I told you I'll kill you if you spare her a glance again right?" She said

" Can you stand up from my laps already?" He replied and instead of doing that, she forcefully kissed him

"Whoa!!" Clark and Blaine shouted

"Let's just sit and drink" Nadia said to Sapphire who's busy looking around

They sat and drank silently till Jacinthe came to them

"Hi" she waved

"Bitches aren't allowed in this angle" Nadia said and Sapphire giggled

" Can we talk as departmental mates now?" She said...

"I don't want to do that either" Sapphire replied

"Seth came?" Jacinthe said, looking behind

Seth is just coming in with that usual expressionless look on his face

Sapphire and Nadia looked back to see him too

"It's rare to see him attending parties" Nadia said

"I'll be right back" Sapphire said and walked to him

"Hey" she said and he faced her,,

"My competitor?" He said, looking at her surprisingly, she looks different

"Whatever, you do come to parties?" She said

"I should be asking that" he replied

" Well, just wanted to say hi, enjoy the party" she said and made to go

" Wait" Seth said and she looked back

By now, Rowen has pushed Hazel away from himself and he has his eyes glued on them

Seth saw that and smirked secretly, he moved closer to Sapphire and she stood still

"And...." Hardin said

"Sorry...I just hate dares" Seth said and held Sapphire's arm, surprising everyone

"B-A-N-G" Clark spelt

Rowen held his cup more tightly and in the next second, Seth kissed the tattoo on Sapphire's arm

"Bang!" Blaine shouted

"That ass.hole" Rowen muttered angrily.