Sapphire quickly pushed Seth away from herself, looking at him shockingly

She's already feeling the uneasiness between her legs and she had to run out before it becomes uncontrollable, Nadia ran after her and Seth wondered why

"Did I bite her?, Not like I'm a wild animal" he thought and Rowen came to him

" You did it" he said

"Oh..... Rowen, were you surprised?, Or you care to dare me again? " Seth said, not breaking their eye contact

"You're going back to the lodge with a wounded face, Guys he needs to get beaten right now" Rowen said and more than fifteen guys surrounded Seth

Seth looked around, counting them, he finished counting and faced Rowen

"Do you only have fifteen guys?, Hire fifteen more please" he said 

" Face these ones first, then I can think about hiring another fifteen to carry you back to your room" Rowen said and left the circle

The fifteen guys rushed to Seth at a time but it's shocking that he knocked out five of them in one minute, with just a punch

"Bravo!" Clark shouted

"Bang bang.... Boom!, Seth you rock!" Blaine shouted too

"Shut up guys" Hardin said

"Go Seth!" Clark shouted again and Rowen glared at him, he held his lips

"Seth is just.... Too cool" Jacinthe said, cheering him up too

" Seth kick some balls! " She screamed

Seth has brought down ten by now, left with five

"He's fierce I swear! ' Blaine said, admiring his punching and kicking styles

Once he punches or kicks, the receiver must go down

"He's awesome, his Dick will be awesome too, I wish I can get fucked by him" Hazel said

"If God decides to wipe the human race from Earth and leave only you with animals, the lion's dick is not safe" Clark said

" She'll give blow job to a snake" Blaine said

"And have threesom with dogs" Clark added 

" You all are demented" Hazel glared 

"Babe let's go back after watching this fight, can't wait to be under you" Renee said on Hardin's laps

Hardin winked at her and kissed her shortly before facing the fight again

"Where's the money for the hiring of the fifteen other guys, I'll help you hire them" Clark said to Rowen 

By now Seth is left with one guy and the one guy ran out of the place before Seth could get his hands on him

Seth smiled and and came to Rowen, they're about same height so they're looking each other in the eye

"Next time try to buy them snacks before sending guys to me, they're all malnourished and couldn't even throw punches well" he said and Rowen made to punch his face but Seth held his fist

"No one punches my face" he said and threw Rowen's hand off

"Don't dare me anymore, I hate dares. Rowen" he said and gave him a dangerous glare before turning to leave

"Seth come on you're the real deal man!"

"Join our crew!"

"I love your skills!"

"Guy you're fucking crazy!

"I'm gay, let's date!

"Seth is just so sexy!

"I love you Seth!

"Can you fuck me tonight?

Were the various comments from both boys and girls as he left the house

"Shit!" Rowen ranted, hitting his fist on the table

"I see no reason why you should get angry, firstly, the girl is not yours" Clark said

" Secondly, he beat up the guys you sent, not you. and try to buy them food, he said they're malnourished" Blaine said and started laughing when his eyes met with Clark's

"Never knew he talks, just look at the vibes coming from his voice. malnourished?, I wanna laugh my lungs out" Clark said and started laughing again

" Never knew he fights too, I mean..look at those alpha punches and death kicks, I need to call an ambulance, I'm sure he broke more than one bone in their bodies" Blaine added, looking at the guys who are still wriggling in pains on the floor

"You both should just shut up!' Rowen said angrily

" Don't get mad baby, it's not a must to know how to fight, at least you know how to fuck" Hazel said in mockery and everyone laughed

Rowen stormed out of the place Immediately.


Seth's room

He stepped in and locked the door behind then fell on the bed heavily

The fight with the guys just made him remember his life two years ago, he misses his carefree life but no matter how much he does, he won't try to go back to behaving that way, it almost cost him his life

He sighed and stood then checked himself out in the mirror, making sure he has no injury

He smiled when he saw he doesn't,

"Meaning I still have my good skills, Rowen, that pest." he thought, changing into a hoodie

He checked his email and found out that twenty five students submitted already and that's when his mind went to Sapphire

"Why did she run out after I kissed her tattoo?" He wondered, licking his thin lips


Sapphire's room

Nadia couldn't believe her eyes when she got to the hostel and saw Sapphire has wounded herself again

This time on the right knee, she obviously hit it on something and it's wounded, it's still bleeding slightly

Sapphire is sitting on the bare ground when she got there, she rushed to her and bent beside her, looking at her wounded knee

"Sapphire" she called with a gentle voice

Sapphire looked up and surprisingly she's not crying, rather she smiled

"It's not very painful, the wound is not very deep too" she said

" Sapphire" Nadia said slowly and started crying like a kid

"Hey stop it" Sapphire said, wiping the tears immediately

" I shouldn't have persuaded you to come with me to the frat house, and now you wounded yourself hurts to see another wound on you" she cried

" I'm fine, trust me the pain is not much so stop crying, I'll be fine before tommorow morning" she said and Nadia nodded

She stood and limped to the bed, she sat and Nadia sat in front of her, placing her legs on her laps then started disinfecting the wound gently

Naomi Cindy K  wrote it, copying or reposting is not allowed

"You still won't tell me your reason for hurting yourself everytime?" Nadia said

" I'll tell you, not just now, it's a sad memory I hate scratching up" she replied and Nadia nodded

" Ok"

Sapphire made to call her mum but immediately she picked her phone, Julia's call rang on it

She quickly picked. "Was just about to call you" she said

"How's the swell on your head?" Julia asked

"It's gone" she replied, touching her forehead

"If only you know I have another one on my knee already" she thought

" Just be careful ok?" Julia said

" I will, and how's your ankle?" She asked

" It's almost fine, Ivy massaged it before leaving some hours ago so it's just a step away from getting completely healed, boss told me to stay home tommorow and make sure I rest well" Julia replied

" Your boss is very kind" Sapphire smiled

"Yes, Mr McCoy is the best boss" Julia replied

" Sleep tight mum, I love you so much" Sapphire said

" Love you more Sapp" Julia replied and hung up

Sapphire smiled after dropping her phone

"I love the relationship between you two swears" Nadia said

"So...what about you?, Your mum?, Dad?" Sapphire asked

"I lost them at a tender age, I grew up with my mum's friend who's taking care of me like her own daughter" she replied

" Oh ...." Sapphire said and Nadia held her hand

" Promise me it won't take long before you tell me what's wrong, I'm so curious" she said

" I promise" Sapphire said

" It's done, I've disinfected the wound so it won't scar and the pains will reduce before tommorow" Nadia said and Sapphire placed down her legs

" Thanks .... Bestie" Sapphire said

"So now you're agreeing that I'm your friend" Nadia said

" You've been my friend from day one" Sapphire replied

"I can still remember you telling me we're not friends" Nadia rolled eyes

" That wasn't serious honey" Sapphire replied with a wink

"And why is your wink making my heart race" Nadia laughed

Sapphire hugged her tightly immediately

"You're acting sweet tonight" Nadia said, hugging her back

"Thanks... for understanding me, we've only just met care a lot about me and behave like my sister.... Nadia I love you like a sis" she said

"Same here baby, I love you like a sis too, but who'll be the senior and junior" Nadia smiled and Sapphire broke the hug

" I'm taller, so I'm the senior" she said

"You must be kidding me, we're almost the same height" Nadia replied

" Don't get Jealous" Sapphire winked

" Freak" Nadia replied and Sapphire fell on the bed

" I want to sleep on your bed tonight" Nadia said

"Accepted, come here" Sapphire replied, hugging her on the bed while they covered their bodies, sleeping off like that


Next morning

An 8:30 class is holding so the English students can be seen leaving the hostel already

Seth walked out of the hostel with his helmet in hand as usual and when he saw a man waiting outside, his face brightened up and he rushed to hug him

"Carlos" he said, breaking the hug

"I arrived last night with madam.... She came to Washington to meet some clients, she's still fast asleep and won't want anyone to disturb her till 10, that's how I got the chance to come" Carlos said

" You mean...mum is in this Washington right now?" Seth asked 

" Yes, but you don't have to worry, we're far from here and we'll be going back tommorow morning" Carlos replied

" Ok, but still I have to watch my steps, getting caught is what I don't want to experience, how's my little Nora doing?" he replied

" Nora has always been moody but since last week when I told him you're fine and I know your location, she has changed, I delivered your letter to her and she went wild with excitement" Carlos said and Seth smiled

" Did she improve in math already?" Seth asked

"No one to tutor her since you left so....she grew worse" Carlos said

"F*ck" Seth muttered sadly

*When I told her I'm coming near your location, she gave me a voice recorder to give to you" Carlos said and brought out the recorder, Seth quickly took it

"Then this" Carlos said, bringing out a white envelope

Seth took it and checked, it contains money

"Where did you get this from?" He asked

"Nora gave me her debit card and I helped her withdraw this, she told me to give it to you , she's aware that madam seized your debit cards and everything so...." Carlos said and Seth hugged him Immediately

" You're behaving just like my father, I wish dad was still alive then I won't be facing this shit Carlos, thanks for always being there, thanks a lot" he said

" It's fine, you've always been kind to me so trust me I see no reason why I should leave you at time like this, but how do you cope here?" Carlos asked

" It's crazy and f*cking mad but trust me I love it here than back there where all I did was mum's wishes, I'm free here, I've left business administration, I'm studying English, what I've always wanted to study" he replied

" That sounds great....the devil is still living with us, waiting for when you'll be back" Carlos said

"To hell with her... " Seth said slowly

" But.... Nora really misses you" Carlos said

Seth quickly tore a page from one of his notes then wrote a long letter addressed to Nora

He gave it to Carlos

"Give it to her, tell her I miss her insanely too , I miss her childishness and troubles. .... and matter how much she pesters you, don't ever tell her my location, she's stubborn, she'll sneak out and get here by all means I know her" Seth said

" I won't make that mistake, please take care of yourself Michael" Carlos said

" It's been long since anyone called me that" he smiled and hugged Carlos again

Carlos got into the car and drove off after waving at him

Seth fought back his tears as he pressed play on the voice recorder

Nora's childish voice spoke..

"My Mich,when are you coming home?, I know you don't like it here but can you please come back for my sake?, I miss you so much, I don't want to get sick please come back to your baby sis, my Mich please...I just want to see your face, Carlos said you're fine and I want to believe that but I also want to see you.... I've started lagging behind in math again, I wasn't expecting much since you my tutor is not around..  Michael please, I love you so much and can't wait to see you again, I hate mum for doing what made you leave me, come back and let's chase out that witch together Michael, come back home!!!" She screamed and started crying

Michael had to press pause, unable to listen to her crying

He wiped the tears on his face and climbed on his bike before driving to school

He got to the front of the departmental building and met Sapphire already

He led the way in without saying a thing but he suddenly stopped and faced her

"The arm kiss last night....

" You looked at Rowen before doing it so I know you did it cos of him but hell...I'm not an object for bait so the next time you try that, I'm going to wound you" she interrupted seriously

She can see him scoffing as he started walking again while she walked behind him till they got to prof Taylor's office

Seth knocked and she muttered a quiet "come in" from inside

They went in and met her sitting with a smile on her face

"My stars, hope you both had a good night" she said

"Yes ma'am" Sapphire replied while Seth kept quiet

"Taylor022, that's my email" she said and they both got their phones, they started sending the assignments and in few minutes they're done

"Seen, you guys can go" she said and Sapphire bowed before leaving first

" Seth, something wrong?" Prof Taylor asked and he looked back

"No ma'am, just feeling slightly different" he replied

" fine, I'm not scheduled for lectures with you guys today so I guess we'll meet in class tomorrow, keep up" she smiled and Seth managed to smile shortly before leaving

He got to the front of the office and met Sapphire waiting

"I never told you to wait" he said

"How unpredictable, you waited yesterday at the hospital so take this as a payback" she said

" Whatever" he sighed heavily

"You sound like you're disturbed" she said

" Stop trying to poke your nose, I find it annoying" he said and walked away fast

Sapphire scoffed. " Who does he think he is"


Sapphire got to class a minute late but thankfully the lecturer is not in class yet but he entered immediately she entered

She quickly took her seat and made to bring out her jotter but couldn't find it....

"Rowen....oh jeez!" She said, hitting her forehead lightly on her table

She decided to just listen and assimilate, Nadia got the front seat today so no chance to sit beside her

The lecturer started teaching, talking a lot about prose and poetry all through

Sapphire suddenly looked beside her and saw Seth but... he looks like he's crying

His head is down and he's wiping his face with his palms

"What could be wrong" she wondered

He later placed his head on the table and she concentrated again

The class ended and Seth was the first to leave

The next class is in an hour's time so there's still time to hang around

"Did you jot?" Nadia asked, coming to meet her

"No, my jotter is still with bloody Rowen" she replied and sighted him 

She walked to him and hit her palms on his table loudly, drawing attention

"My jotter" she said

Rowen looked up at her and smiled then stood

"You look more beautiful this morning" he said, smiling again

"Is your brain somewhere in Andromeda?, Should I get it back for you?" She replied and everyone laughed 

Hazel walked to the scene and stood between Rowen and Sapphire

"" she said but Sapphire kept quiet

"You're good at talking, why aren't you talking" Hazel said

"Have you ever seen a human talking when an animal is jabbing?" Sapphire said

" Another one!, My ribs!" Blaine laughed with Clark

" She's something else" Hardin said, laughing too

Rowen laughed loudly , almost falling

"Did you just call me an animal indirectly?" Hazel said

"You still have some brains left" Sapphire replied and Hazel made to slap her but Rowen held her hand

"Wanna die?, Don't do it" he said, throwing off her hand

"Rowen like seriously?" Hazel said angrily

Rowen faced Sapphire and winked before bringing out her note

She made to take it but he pointed it up

Someone snatched it from him from behind

He looked back and it turned out to be Seth

"Read your notes instead of playing around" he said and threw the note at Sapphire who caught it 

Seth walked past her and stopped beside her

"That's to pay for the arm kiss last night, we're even now" he whispered and when Sapphire looked at him, he winked and left the class again, Sapphire smiled

"I wanna turn gay cos of Seth, I must date this guy" Clark said

"He's mine, I've been planning to do that since last night so stay away" Blaine replied

" Seth I love you!!" Clark shouted

Rowen left the class and went after Seth.