"You really love talking back don't you?' Hazel said immediately Rowen left

"Being short of words is what I hate most in the world, especially to bitches" Sapphire replied, fanning herself with her jotter

" You don't know how dangerous I am, cos if you're aware of how my toxicity can affect your life, you'll run far away from me Sapphire" Hazel said, smirking devilishly

"You used the wrong word, it's not dangerous, it's foolish.... and I know how foolish you are, but running away from you won't be fun don't you think?" Sapphire replied, smiling with her eyes before leaving the class with Nadia

"Hazel I can buy you iced water for the burn she just gave you" Clark said 

" and Blaine are frustrating do you know?" Hardin laughed

" Of course" they both chorused

" She needs someone to set her straight, then she'll learn to fear us" Renee said beside Hazel who's still raging 

" You stepped in even when she wasn't talking to you, you're at fault" Jacinthe said

" Oh shut up Jacinthe!, Just shut it!' Hazel snapped, leaving the class too


" Seth!, Seth!" Rowen kept calling after him as he walked but Seth won't stop, he kept walking, trying to find somewhere silent and listen to Nora's voice recording again

Rowen caught up with him beside an empty class and pulled his arm, Seth turned to him 

"Are you tired of living?, Want me to punch life out of you?" He said angrily

" You must be so happy to be able to fight so well but.....can you try and stay away from me please?, Stop interfering in everything I do when it comes to cat eyes!" Rowen yelled

" Cat eyes?, Oh.... Sapphire?, I can't just stand and watch you displaying madness around without interfering, I hate when people think they can have all what they want as if they own the world" Seth replied

"You don't own my fucking life why can't you just let me be!" Rowen shouted

" Yeah I don't own your life.... and I promise never to interfere far you don't try shit" Seth replied seriously

" Shit like?"

" You know what I'm talking about so just fuck off and stop being a pain in my ass" Seth said and left immediately

Rowen stood without moving for a while before going back to class

He sat far away from Clark and Blaine and rested his arms on the table, looking at everything silently

"Cat eyes" he whispered and covered his face with his palms

"Are you ok?" Hardin asked, coming to him" 

" I'm ok" he whispered 

He remained sitting till it's time for the next class, students started coming back in

Sapphire came in with Nadia and he refused to take his eyes off her as she walked to her seat, she looks like a different girl in the midst of many girls

She's smiling while poking Nadia's cheek with her finger, Nadia smiled and pecked her then her smile grew wider

Rowen stared on, unable to take his eyes off her till she saw him and smirked

"Annoying monkey" she mouthed and gave him the middle finger before sitting

He smiled but it faded off when Seth came in

Normally he doesn't feel intimidated by anyone, he's the most popular in the carats hostel and despite the fact that he's not very brilliant, he's one of the most popular in the department too but Seth's presence always makes him feel insecure

Maybe because he's more brilliant and obviously more handsome, and now he's even trying to block his ways to Sapphire

"Ion like this feeling, who the hell is he?, Just one poor bike guy" He thought as Seth sat 

" Let's see how this goes" he said when the lecturer came in

The day was hectic cos they had three more classes and weren't done till past 4

"I'm so tired!" Nadia yawned, leaving with Sapphire

"Lazy baby" Sapphire said and Nadia giggled

"But you're cool, teach me some of those cool lines too, Hazel should be hiding her face now if she's really human" Nadia said

" I don't even want to hear her name anymore, it's annoying" Sapphire said and Nadia chuckled

They got to the park and Sapphire sighted Seth, he's about to wear his helmet and climb his bike

"Wait for me" she said to Nadia and rushed to him

"Hey unpredictable guy" she teased

"Sapphire?" He replied without smiling

"Thanks for the other time" she said

"It's fine, I love what I'm doing to him" Seth smiled

" And.....are you really ok?, You were crying in class earlier" she said

" I didn't cry" he replied, turning his face away from her

"I saw it, you really cried" she replied

"So what if I cried?, Wanna mock me for that or make me feel bad about it?, I don't need your pity just stay away!" He yelled and wore his helmet before climbing his bike, he rode off

Sapphire sighted softly. "He's surely bipolar, how could he be swinging moods like a psycho, he's difficult to understand seriously" she said and Nadia tapped her shoulder

" You scared me!" She jumped

"He yelled at you?"

" The punk did, he seems like he's bipolar" Sapphire said and Nadia laughed

" Let's go babe, what should we have for dinner?" She asked, pulling her along

" I'm so hungry right now so let's get pizza on our way back, we take that while you cook, I'm ok with anything you cook" Sapphire replied

" Ok sweetheart!" Nadia shouted


Seth's room

He hit the table immediately he got in, he looked at his face in the mirror and closed his eyes

"I hate you Michael" he said

He walked away from there and stood beside the bed before bringing out the voice recorder

Nora's voice spoke again and he listened to it over and over again , in no time, he's already crying

"Nora I miss you so much, very much" he said, wiping his tears slowly

"I just wish I can go back home and see you then come back but if I step into that house, I'm sure I'll be locked in till I do mum's biddings, f*ck everything!, I hate this!" He yelled and coughed lightly then sat on the ground

" I hope I won't run home senselessly one day when I won't be able to take missing you anymore" he whispered, closing his eyes and more tears fell immediately from the corner of his eyes


Rowen's room


"Fuck!, Hardin shoot!" Renee gasped, her legs shaking on the ground as Hardin made the last thrusts before pulling out of her

They just finished having several rounds of sex

Hardin pushed her to the bed and she curled up her legs as he dipped his face between her legs, licking off the juice she produced

She closed her eyes, reaching escstasy as he licked teasingly, almost eating her up

"Oh Hardin..... gosh!....I'm about to explode!

"Hardin more!"

Hardin sucked on the flesh between her legs and made sure he licked off everything before standing up

"I'm still so horny, we ain't stopping yet" Renee said

Hardin smiled and put on his pants, Renee sat up surprisingly

"I said we aren't stopping yet" she said 

"I didn't sign up for untimely death, I'm damn tired" he said and left the room

" Damn you!, Shit!" Renee said, dipping her fingers into herself


Hazel's room

"I'm here, what do you have to say" Rowen said when he entered

Hazel actually called him to come over

" Sit, you can't possibly stand" she replied, pulling him to the bed, he sat and she stood in front of him

"I love you" she said and Rowen almost laughed

"Do you know anything about what you just said?" He said

"About love?, When your heart beats for someone, you're in love with then right?, I want you only for myself, stop making it look as if Sapphire is your girlfriend!' she yelled

"You aren't my girlfriend either Hazel, your heart is beating for what's under my trousers, not me!" He yelled back

" Rowen why are you doing this to me!, Just give me a damn reason why you suddenly became uninterested in me?, Don't you want to make me scream your name anymore? Rowen.

"Right now, I don't want to see anything under you anymore, I'm tired!" He replied and made to stand but she pushed him to the bed and started unbolting his belt

"Get off me!" Rowen said 

"No, let's fuck maybe that'll bring back your lost senses" she replied and continued trying to unbolt

"Get off me when I'm still gentle" he said again

" You need to let's fuck first then you can decide weather you still want me or not" she replied and succeeded in unbolting his belt, she made to zip down but he pushed her away and he landed on the other side of the bed

Rowen stood and she stood too

"I'm not interested in this shitty fuckmate of a thing anymore, I'm serious this time, don't come near me" he said and made to go but she pulled him again, trying to kiss him forcefully but he pushed her again and she fell,

"I'm not joking Hazel, we're done" he said seriously and stepped out

Hazel looked up dangerously. "Sapphire" she muttered under her breath


Sapphire's room

"Nadia you're the best, how can pasta taste so good" Sapphire complimented, eating from her plate of pasta..

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help being a good chef, you should start learning from me" Nadia replied and Sapphire winked

"By the way I have a question, promise you won't get mad at me" Nadia said

" Ask anything" Sapphire replied, looking at her

" Actually it's two, do you have a crush?, And are you still a virgin?" She asked and Sapphire chocked on her food, Nadia had to quickly give her water

"I'm so sorry, I'm a bitch for asking that" she said, rubbing her back

" It's ok, I'll reply.  I don't have a crush, and I'm not a virgin" she replied

" So you once had a boyfriend?" Nadia asked

"No" she replied sadly


"Nothing to talk what about you?" Sapphire asked

"I have a big crush on someone in this hostel and I'm not a virgin, I once had a one night stand with the crush I'm talking about" Nadia said

" Really?, Who's it?" 

" Nothing to talk about either, but you'll find out soon if you start observing closely" she replied 

" I'll start doing that, let's be fast and read before going to bed" Sapphire replied and Nadia nodded


Next morning

"Mum!" Sapphire smiled, running into Julia's arms in front of the hostel

She called to inform her that she's coming already, to give her something

"Meet my roommate and bestie like a sis, a student of English too, Nadia" she introduced

" Oh Nadia, come here" Julia said and Nadia hugged her too

" You're so beautiful, I knew it!, Sapphire has your eyes, shocking resemblance" Nadia said and Julia smiled

" You're so pretty too" she said

"Yes, the prettiest in this hostel" Sapphire said

"Don't even start" Nadia said and she giggled

"Can I talk to Sapphire privately?" Julia said

"Of course" Nadia said and stepped back

"Mum?" Sapphire said expectantly

Julia dug into her bag and brought out a small brown envelope which she gave to Sapphire

"What's this?" Sapphire asked

"Pills that can fight your cravings, the doctor of Morgan's hospitals helped me with it, you must take one pill everyday, a pill lasts only for twenty four hours" Julia said

" Mum," Sapphire said, feeling emotional

"there are fifteen pills in the envelope, before you finish that, I'd have gotten money for another one" Julia said

" This will be so expensive mum, how can you do this, you barely have enough money to take care of yourself and now you're buying me pills?, Mum...

"Shhhh, I can't watch you hurting yourself anymore, just make sure you take a pill everyday" Julia smiled and Sapphire hugged her tightly

" Mum I love you so much, you're the best mum in the world, I love  you a lot" she said

" I love you baby, mum loves you greatly" Julia replied and broke the hug

"thanks mum" 

"You need to take one right now before going to class, doctor Kaz said it doesn't work for everyone, you must test the effectiveness" Julia said

" Meaning?"

" The cravings come even when you don't do anything to trigger it or hear anything that could trigger it right?" Julia asked

" Yes, but it's been a while since it happened without trigger, these days, I get triggered by dirty talks or ... Someone kissed my arm lately and the cravings" she replied

" Then you know what to do, just stay at a place where you know you can't listen to dirty talks or make a move with a guy... like a kiss and see weather it works, you just have to try it somehow" Julia said.

" This will be hard" Sapphire breathed

" You can do it" Julia said, touching her cheeks

" I'll try mother, you need to go already, you can't get late" she smiled and hugged her again

Julia waved at Nadia as she got into her car and drove off

"Nadia wait for me I need to go pick something inside" Sapphire said

"Sure" Nadia replied and she went in, bumping into Hazel and her gang, the envelope fell but she quickly picked it

"I saw a jalop car here right now, heard it belongs to your mum, so your family can't afford a good car?" Hazel mocked

"Your life is just so stupid, so stupid that you can't even pronounce well, it's called jalopy, not jalop..... Pronunciations have feelings too, stop hurting the feelings of the poor word..... empty head wide look like an upgraded version of a monkey robot in an abandoned desert, dummy" Sapphire said without blinking before leaving

Jacinthe laughed loudly, bending to hold her knees so she won't fall

"Stop that stupid laughter" Renee said

"Let's go" Hazel said, leaving furiously..

Sapphire got to the room and swallowed a pill with water before leaving for school with Nadia..


Washington State University**

The first class is just ending, next class is in thirty minutes time, Prof Taylor's

Seth looked over at Sapphire who looks disturbed, he badly wants to say sorry for yelling at her yesterday but it seems no chance

Rowen is looking at her too and she suddenly stood, deciding to start from Rowen

She went to him and pulled him out of the class, he followed willingly 

Hazel folded her fist angrily

"Wait.... They're close?" Seth wondered

Sapphire pulled Rowen to an empty class and made him sit

"Are you planning to put me up for sale?" He said, looking at her surprisingly

"Look I need you to talk dirty right now" Sapphire said

"I'm not in the mood today and why would you suddenly ask me that" he replied

" Annoying monkey.... I'm not joking" she replied

" I'm not in the mood" he replied

" Please" she replied desperately

" Why? " He asked

*Just do it.... Now, it's fifteen minutes to the next class already" she replied

Rowen sighed and brought out his pen, he took her hand and started drawing on her palm

"What are you doing" she said, staying still

"Drawing on your palm* he replied

" I told you to talk dirty! " She yelled and Rowen laughed

"It's really good to see you like this cat eyes.But let me finish drawing this, then I'll think about your request" he replied and continued drawing

" Wait.... How do I draw a cow? ' he suddenly asked

" Look in the mirror" Sapphire said

" Screw you" Rowen said

" Rowen please..... Just say something related to dirty talks, we have only five minutes before the next class, I can't get late to prof Taylor's class" she pleaded

" Why exactly do you want me to talk dirty, tell me why" he replied, letting go of her hand

" You don't have to know it's personal, just please" she said and he smiled

*Seeing you say please is fun" he said and Sapphire heaved

" Your existence is annoying, you'd have been better as a stone" she replied

" You're right, this life is so boring, I want to come as a stone in my next life" he replied

" In my next life, I'll come as a hammer" she replied and Rowen laughed

" I was expecting that, you're so cute, too cute that I can't help but drool, are you charming me or something?" He said

" Gosh... I can't kiss this monkey..I just can't bring myself to.... and the jerk is refusing to talk dirty, what to do" she thought, biting her lip

Just as she's about to start pleading again, Seth came in

"Prof Taylor asks of you Sapphire" he said , looking at them

" Oh" Sapphire said, looking at him

"Last piece of hope.... should I??" She asked herself, looking from Rowen to Seth

Rowen is glaring at Seth already

" Kissing Rowen will make me hate myself more, kissing Seth will definitely make him hate me..... Sapphire get it straight" she thought, biting her lip again

" You aren't going?" Seth said, waking her from her thoughts

" Oh.... let's go" she replied and Seth started leaving

" Let's do it without thinking" she thought and rushed to him, she grabbed his arm and he turned back

"Seth you need to forgive me ok?" she said

" What?" He asked

" I'm about to do something to you ..... Don't get the wrong idea though" she said and drew him closer swiftly then captured his lips completely into her mouth .... 

Rowen swallowed nothing, staring shockingly.