Sapphire closed her eyes, biting down on her lip hard, wishing the ground would be kind enough to open up and swallow her

"It's Seth, fuck" she whispered

"After taking over my bed last night, you're planning to sneak out without saying thanks" He said again but she stood still and never turned back

"Just open the door..... I need to leave ... Now" she said slowly and can hear him laughing slowly, that made her look back to see him in only his towel around his waist, she quickly turned her back on him again

"I haven't used my pills, I can't stare for long" she said to herself

" Why did you drink? " He asked

" Stop acting like my father and just open this door you f*cking son of a.... " She stopped and sighed

" Son of a b*tch, you're allowed to finish saying that, my mum is a b*tch, big one" he replied 

" Open the door" she said and can hear his footsteps as he walked to her, she quickly closed her eyes and stepped away from the door

She can hear the slow sounds as he inserted the key into the keyhole and opened the door, she opened her eyes and made to leave but he blocked her way

He's putting on white shirt and jean already and damn!, White was created for him, he looks good in it

"Getting drunk like that wasn't so great" he said

"Ok, thanks" she said, wishing he'll just let her go already

" And.. sorry..." He said


"Calling you a b*tch, it was a slip of tongue, I was just crossed" he said..


" Accepted, can I go now? " She said and he left the way

"Sure" he said and she slipped out of the room but suddenly turned back

"Thanks!" She said quickly and left in a rush

Seth smiled and closed the door then started preparing for class


Blaine's room**

Clark has been laughing since daybreak, Blaine didn't sleep comfortably cos Nadia occupied his bed

Blaine looked at sleeping Nadia again and groaned

"When is she planning to wake up?, Next year?" He said

" She's like a sleeping dragon" Clark said and entered the bathroom

Nadia sniffed the air and Blaine looked her way,,

"Sapphire what says the time, when is the class" she mumbled sleepily

" Time says get up from my bed, and the class is maybe a century from now" Blaine said and she spranged up, her eyes showed how shocked she is to see him 

"What the hell are you doing here" she said, sitting up on the bed

" FYI sleeping dragon, you're in my room" Blaine replied, standing up

" Oh no, it's Impossible!" She replied, covering herself with her arms

" You were utterly drunk and I saved you from getting raped by anonymous guys, that's why I brought you back and you were saying shit when I asked about the key, that's why you're here in my room on my bed" he said

" Sapphire...." Nadia said

" She's with Seth,you girls should quit drinking already, only Hazel and Renee can drink without getting drunk and do you know why?, They swallowed a lot of c*m already, start f*cking and you'll start being tolerant to alcohol" he winked

Nadia covered herself more closely

"I saw everything last night so quit covering" he said and Nadia almost fainted.


" What!"

"You were busy shouting my name last were like....oh Blaine, go deeper, harder please, f*ck me hard, I love your D....." Blaine said in a girlish voice

" No!!!!" Nadia screamed

*I bent you over that table and we did doggy too, then I raised your legs to my waist and you trapped me in your middle, begging for more throughout" he continued

" No you're a devil!, How dare you!" Nadia said at the point of tears

" But you really enjoyed it .... You're wearing black p*nties and lace bra, right?" He said, giggling

" I'm wearing white p*nties and I'm not wearing a bra, lair! Damn you!" She shouted and jumped down from the bed, Blaine ran around the room, jumping on everything while she chased him around

"How dare you try to scare me you devil!" She said loudly, grabbing a sneaker from the shoe rack, she threw it at him just when he got to the front of the bathroom

The door opened, Clark came out and it hit his head instead

"What the.... Sleeping dragon!" He said, rubbing his head

"I'm not sorry" Nadia replied and ran out of the room

Clark faced Blaine

"I'm not Jesus so making me pay for your sins was wrong" he said and made to grab him but Blaine rushed into the bathroom, shutting the door loudly

"Fuck you Blaine!" Clark shouted


Sapphire got to her door and raised her hand to the space on top of the door, the key is so small so they do put it there

She got it and opened the door then rushed in, she stayed behind the door, dropped her shoes, held her chest before starting inhalation and exhalation for almost three minutes

"Ok Sapphire, calm down" she said, taking the final breath before walking to the bed

She fell flat on it and her hair sprawled on the bed

"I spent the night in his room, damn! what could he have done to me" she thought, quickly standing up to check herself out, seeing that she's intact, she relented..

"Wait.. I don't trust him?, He's not one of the f*ckers so relax and stop being paranoid" she thought

" But even if it was my brother, I'd have checked myself out, the devilish guys in here made me lose trust in guys already.... What next" she thought and her eyes widened

" Nadia" she said

Nadia came in immediately

"Babe where were you?" 

"Blaine and Clark's room" she replied

"What!, Are you intact?" Sapphire asked.

"Yes, what about you?"

" Same here, drinking isn't for us" Sapp replied and Nadia giggled but she suddenly gasped

She grabbed her phone from her bed where she had left it since last night, the time is .... 

"Past eight!!, We have prof Finn's class thirty minutes from now shit" She screamed, rushing into the bathroom 

"Be fast!, We can't get late!" Sapphire said, peeling off her gown 

Within twenty minutes, they're done since they did everything in a rush, Sapphire barely had time to brush her hair while Nadia only brushed her hair slightly, Sapphire used her pill before rushing out of the room with her, then they started the strides to school

They got there three minutes before 9 and made their way to class, luckily the lecturer isn't around yet, they found backseats and fell on their seats heavily

"We're awesome" Nadia said, breathing heavily

"Yes, we should get an award for rush, best Russians" Sapphire breathed 

" I know right? " Nadia exhaled

" Seth is more handsome this morning"

"I swear it he looks like a sexy model"

" He walks like a model so I'm not surprised"

"But it's a sin to be as handsome as this"

Sapphire and Nadia faced the front when they heard the comments, Seth is truly just coming in, the jean trouser he's putting on is fade blue and it's slightly big, the white shirt looks big in his body too and he tucked in the front tip into the jean , giving him a model look

"I saw him first this morning but he was just wearing it casually then, now he looks more .... " Sapphire said

" Dishy? " Nadia winked


"He changed his hair color to red again!"

"OMG he's hot!"


"Damn are they trying to get us killed with their handsomeness?

The girls kept running their mouths when Rowen came in with his gang ,,

"Nadia" Sapphire called when she saw how hard she's staring

"Huh? ' she replied, facing Sapphire

" Is he the one?, Your crush?" She asked

"No, it's not him" Nadia smiled and Sapphire smiled with her eyes then Prof Finn came in 

"Morning class!, Straight to the point we're talking about fiction today" he said, writing it on the board

They all concentrated but not Rowen, he looked back just catch a glimpse of Sapphire and when Sapphire saw him, she wanted to give him the middle finger but when she remembered how she puked on him last night, she looked away from him quickly

"Stop looking at me please...." She said to herself, trying not to look his way again

Throughout the class, Rowen kept peeking at her and never concentrated till the end

Prof Finn left and they started waiting anxiously for the next class , Taylor's, who's coming with an actress

"I can't wait to see the actress she's bringing I swear" Sapphire said

" Me too but right now I'm so hungry, we still have twenty minutes before her class, let's go get snacks" Nadia replied

" That's true, I'm starving too" she stood

They left class together and went to the not so far cafeteria, they got pie and juice then started going back to class while eating

"I'm done for" Sapphire said when Rowen suddenly showed up with Blaine

"Why does it have to be the two of them.. I hate my life" Nadia said, trying to walk past then but Rowen stood in their way

"My legs aren't too busy to kick the junior between your legs so get out of the way before I do that" Sapphire said, trying to cover up by acting stern

" Junior? " Blaine laughed

"I can't believe this, after vomiting allover my body last night, now you're threatening me? ' Rowen said

"Shoot" Nadia muttered

"Are you here to hear sorry?, That's the most simplest thing for me to say, sorry ok? " Sapphire said and made to leave again but he still won't leave the way

" Rowen..." She glared and he stepped forward, raised his hand to her forehead and placed his palm right there

"What are you doing" she said, trying to step back but he held her shoulder

" Stay still, I'm trying to check if you're ok" he said

Nadia shifted uncomfortably, trying not to look,,

"If I'm ok? " Sapphire said

" It's obvious you're not tolerant to alcohol and people like you do wake up with unbearable hangovers resulting to headache, you seem to be ok, you're not feeling headache right? " He asked, removing his hand from her forehead

" No" she replied and he smiled

He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out something, he took her hand and placed it on her palm, it's a pack of mint

"It'll help clear your throat from the taste of alcohol, see you in class" he winked and left

" Sleeping dragon" Blaine said and Nadia glared

" Go away you bloody bitch" she said and he laughed as he walked away..

" Can't believe this, did he eat something bad?, Why is he suddenly behaving like a human" Sapphire said

" So all along he has been behaving like what? " Nadia said

"Like Rowen" Sapphire replied

" Ion understand" 

" Rowen is different from human" Sapphire said and flaunted her hair before leaving

"She's crazy" Nadia giggled and followed her

They settled down in class then Prof Taylor came some minutes after with a wide smile plastered on her face

"Morning everyone!" She waved, dipping her hands into her pullover pockets after that

"Who's it I'm so curious" Rowen said silently

"So like I said, I invited an actress, don't be too surprised" Taylor said, stepping aside as the actress came in all smiles

Sapphire almost lost her breath as her eyes came wide in shock

"Josephine Langford!" She said loudly

"It's really Josephine Langford OMG!" Nadia shouted too

"The female star in the movie After?" Rowen said

" She looks more pretty in person I swear" Hardin smiled

" Her romance with Hero Fiennes Tiffin in the movie was steaming" Jacinthe said

" She's not bad" Hazel sighed

"one my dreams just came true" Clark said

" Oh no, Prof Taylor why did you do this to me" Seth said, burying his face in the table

"Hi everyone" Josephine waved and Sapphire almost fainted

" Gosh! The voice" she chuckled, her heart beating so fast

"I love you seriously!" Nadia shouted and Josephine smiled again

"I'm Josephine Langford, an actress and.... a good girl" she said and everyone laughed

" How cute, her eyes" Sapphire said, admiring everything about her

" So I heard you're an Australian" Hardin said

"Yes that's right" she replied

" So, did you come from Australia because of us or...." Rowen said

"Actually Prof Taylor is a friend of my mother and I've been in Washington since last week for some personal stuffs, so when she told me she'd like for me to meet her students, I was more than honoured" she replied

" How did you start your acting career?" Jacinthe and Sapphire asked at a time

" I've always been passionate about acting and I was determined to make my dreams real, I started taking acting classes when I turned 13, then in 2012, I started taking acting classes at Perth film school in Australia so that really helped a lot when I finally got to All Saints' college" she replied

" So I should have been taking acting classes too, never knew" Jacinthe said

" You can start from anywhere , not all actresses or actors started from when they were young" she replied

" That's a relief" Jacinthe said

"Heard you started appearing in short series since 14" Sapphire said

" Yes, sex Ed 2013, Gypsy blood, that was 2014" she replied

" Why aren't you active on social media?" Clark asked

" My brain has just so many qualities that do not work with social media, I'm an over thinker and I love private life" she replied

" I love your role in the movie After, wish to be like you someday, you're my model" Sapphire said

" I love you" Josephine replied and Sapphire blushed

"Seth Hidalgo ?, Why is your head on the table?" Prof Taylor said, noticing

" Not now please" Seth thought

" Seth" she called again

" I'm dead" he whispered and slowly looked up, his eyes met with Josephine's and she gasped


" No don't!, Please!" He said, took his books and rushed out of the class, Josephine ran after him and caught up with him after a while

"Michael what are you doing in Washington state university?, So this is where you've been, getting me all worried, and Prof Taylor addressed you as Seth Hidalgo?, When did Michael Langford turn to Seth Hidalgo?" Josephine said

" It's a long story, did mum tell you anything?" He asked

" Yeah, she said you ran away from home because she rebuked you about something you did wrong" she replied and Seth scoffed

" Now she lies too" he said dryly

"What really happened?" Josephine asked

Seth led him to an empty class and told her everything completely

"Complicated, your mum has always been thoughtless even when my brother was still alive" she said

She's actually the junior sis of Seth's late dad so Seth is her nephew

"I know, so I had no choice but to run, ion want my life to be lived for me, I'm happy here though I miss Nora so much" he said..

" I'm aware of how much you love her, she must be so sad right now" Josephine said

" Aunt Josephine, promise you'll keep my secret" he said

"Of course, I can't shatter your dreams but do you think it'll take long before your mum finds you?, New York is not so far from here" She replied

" I'm scared of that day, but I hope it never comes though I know it's Impossible" he replied

" Just take care of yourself and...." Josephine said and dipped her hand into her bag, she brought out a debit card and gave it to him

"You can use that, I still have a lot of cash in the account, the pin is 3129, and don't hesitate to call me anytime you need something" she said

" Thanks Aunt, when are you returning to Australia?" He asked

" Tommorow, but I'll call you, give me your new number" she replied and he did

She stood and widened her arms, he hugged her 

"Take care of yourself, I need to sneak out of this school, I don't want to sign autographs" she said and used her mask and black shades

" I understand, bye" Seth said and she smiled before leaving the class


"I still don't understand why Seth rushed out of the class like that, then Josephine ran after him" Nadia said, walking the lecturers block with Sapphire

" I don't want to think about it, thinking about it will only make me want to pry" she replied and looked up at the stairs

" Isn't it weird that I've never climbed the stairs before?" She said

" Really?, Let's go have a look, none of the rooms in there is being used, it was completed just some weeks ago so it's still new" Nadia said, leading the way upstairs.

Hazel signalled to Renee and they quickly got a thin rope then hid on both sides of the way, stretching the rope on the way, each holding an end, they've both been upstairs and have sighted them coming

"Cool, maybe the school is reserving it" Sapphire said when they finally got upstairs

"I dunno" Nadia replied as Sapphire stepped forward

Jacinthe saw the scene from downstairs and her eyes widened

" Sapphire!" She screamed but it's too late, Hazel and Renee swung the rope and Sapphire's legs tangled up, she almost fell but held herself and landed on the rails but she's still unbalanced

Nadia rushed to help her stand but Sapphire's legs left the ground before she could get there,,

Sapphire fell off the rails and started going down

"Sapphire!!' Nadia screamed