"Sapphire no!!!" Nadia screamed, leaning on the rails and watching her go down

"What the fuck!' Rowen said when he saw the scene, he was just about to pass by the rails base

He took just two steps to the base and Sapphire is almost on the ground before he got there, he knowingly let her crash on him so they went down together with her on the top, he hurt his head in the process and it stung

Sapphire stayed motionless for a while, breathing heavily and so is Rowen

Jacinthe exhaled in relief when she saw she's ok while Nadia did the same

Sapphire raised her head to see Rowen beneath her, looking concerned

"Are you ok?" He asked

Still in shock, she stared at him

"Are you ok?" He asked again but instead of answering, she stood from him

Rowen stood too and breathed out

"What exactly happened?" He asked

"Something suddenly tangled my legs up and I lost balance " she replied

" Hazel" Rowen said and went to Jacinthe, he grabbed her arms roughly and she winced

"Rowen are you crazy!" She said loudly, looking at his angry face

" Your masters did this right?, Where are they?' he said

"They were upstairs just now" she replied

Nadia came down and Rowen ran upstairs

" Baby fire, I was so scared" Nadia said

"I'm ok, if it's true that those bitches were upstairs, they might be trying to escape through somewhere else, is there another door at the back?* Sapphire asked

"Yes, that way" Nadia pointed and Sapphire ran towards the place,,

She got to the door and waited there patiently, covering her hair with her hoodie

"That was great!, I hope she loses her brain" Hazel said, coming with Renee

"I hope her head will crack open" Renee laughed

"I wonder how many days she'll spend at the hospital" Hazel giggled

" Maybe a year" Renee replied, stepping out of the building completely but got the shock of their lives when they came face to face with Sapphire, standing in front of them like a villain waiting to kill

"You fell just now" Renee said shockingly

Sapphire gave her dangerous glares and her intimidating face made it look more dangerous

"You both should call your doctors" she said, moving closer

" Why?" Hazel said fearfully

"You'll be signing up for plastic surgery some minutes from now" she replied and charged forward, grabbing both of them by the hair, they winced hurtfully as she dragged them to the wall, she hit their backs on the wall roughly and they cried out 

She continued doing that till she let them go then she punched their faces, too bad they both don't have any idea about defense so she got them real bad

She kicked their stomachs at a time and they fell on their faces, then she started marching their butts with her boot

"You both are wasted efforts, your parents would have wasted so much sweat while fucking just to make you guys, you both don't have brains yet you're tryna make me lose mine, if I get to be a comrade in heaven. you both will taste fire, fuck you both!" She said as she kicked them on the ground

Rowen appeared and is shocked at what he's seeing

Hazel and Renee's faces had truly been disfigured and there are wounds allover it, their faces are bloody

Jacinthe and Nadia couldn't hide their shocks when they appeared too, Nadia had to cover her mouth so she won't scream

Rowen figured it out that if no one stops her, she might just end up killing them so he held her but she broke free and made to continue torturing them

"Stop already you don't want to go to jail" he said

"If you hadn't saved me, I'd have cracked my head open by now!" She snapped angrily

" I didn't save you so you could kill them and go to jail, the torture is enough... please" Rowen said

" Shit!' Sapphire said, stumping her foot on the ground

She eventually brought out her phone and dialled the emergency line

"Speaking from Washington State University, two girls just fought each other till they passed out at the back of the storey should for them... " She said and hung up

She left immediately and Nadia followed

The girls are still wriggling in pains on the ground 

"Learn to respect her, she's not your mate" Rowen smiled before leaving too

Jacinthe stayed with them till the ambulance arrived



Rowen's room

Clark and Blaine are in serious laughter as Rowen told them the story of what Sapphire did to the girls, Hardin is laughing slowly

"Seriously, she beat them up and also called an ambulance for no no... this is crazy" Clark laughed so loud

" She was so fierce and just cool .... She's not the usual kind of girl i swear" Rowen said and Hardin coughed

" So tell me Rowen, are you into her?' Blaine said

"Oh come on Blaine, it's so obvious, but I smell failure, you'll fail woefully Rowen" Clark said and Blaine laughed again

" Fail as how?, I'm handsome check, I might not be freaking rich but I'm still rich, dad owns one of the most popular game companies in New York" he said

" Everything is not about richness" Hardin said

" I'm not boasting of richness" Rowen said

" I know, but aren't you just running after what's under her? " Clark said

" I dunno..... She's not the type of girl that can be easily f*cked like Hazel, I probably want more than f*ck" Rowen replied

" What's more than f*ck?" Blaine asked

"I dunno, I just want that" Rowen replied

"Go to her and tell her that, then she'll be like.... Are you tired of using your legs? " Hardin said and the guys laughed again

" You guys are the worse things that ever happened to me" Rowen said and left the room

" Wait... is this what I'm thinking?" Blaine said 

"Sure, ass.hole got caught" Clark said

" Things will get more interesting from now on, more dramas" Hardin said

" Can't f*cking wait" Blaine laughed


Sapphire's room**

" I should be careful around you" Nadia said jokingly, making two cups of espresso

" Why?" Sapphire asked, removing her earpiece from her ears

"I mean...your anger is scary, look what you did to Hazel and Renee's faces" Nadia said

" I promised them that they'll sign up for plastic surgery before starting with them, the beating I gave them was not even enough for them to get surgery done on their faces.... if not for Rowen, they'd have forgotten they once had a face" Sapphire replied as Nadia passed her a cup of espresso which she took and sipped

"They really deserve it, but come to think of it, Rowen saved you" Nadia said

" That annoying monkey, I'm thinking of a way to say thanks properly, I dislike ungratefulness" she said

" You can just get him something to thank him" Nadia said

" Something like?"

" Flowers..." Nadia replied

"When it's not a burial ceremony, are you serious right now?" Sapphire squinted and Nadia laughed

" Was just joking, honestly ion have anything in mind, you can just thank him plainly then" Nadia replied

" I'll do that, I need to do laundry, I have jean trousers to wash too and I can't hand wash" Sapphire pouted

" You can just give the jean to the drycleaners down the road, and the shirts, let's go wash them now cos I have some to wash too" Nadia replied

They took the jean trousers and jackets out of the laundry basket then took the basket now containing only blouses out of the room

They jointly took it to the laundry room and luckily there are more than two spare machines

"Lucky we..." Nadia laughed

"I know right?, Let's get started" 

They choose a machine each and when the clothes are already inside the machines, they chatted about songs then Rowen came in

"This is the girls laundry room for crying out loud" one of the girls said

" Laundry room not bathroom, so chill" he replied simply

" I hope he's not coming to me" Sapphire said

"Who else but you" Nadia chuckled and stepped away from her

"Betrayer" Sapphire said silently and looked up when Rowen got to her

"You didn't hit anywhere on the ground the other time right?, I was asking if you're ok but you didn't answer" he said seriously, not smiling annoyingly this time

"I'm fine" she replied and turned to go check her clothes in the machine but he held her, she looked at him questioningly

"You're a total badass and I like it" he said, still serious

" So?"

" Nothing, just appreciating you" he smiled but this is different from his silly smiles, this looks sincere

"Oh" she said and thought of saying her thanks right now

"Thanks" she said slowly

"That you're ok is what matters, you don't have to thank me" he said, still not letting her go

" I hate ungratefulness so thanks" she replied

"If you insist on saying thanks, how about we make it more sweet" he said

" What are you up to" she replied, looking him In the eye, they're same height

"Let's go on a date" he said and her expression changed

" your brain using the blood from your d*ck?, Are you high?" She said

"You sure know how to rub it in.. but it's cool , let's go on a date" he said and she quickly took her hand from him

" Piece of joke" she said and went to Nadia who's taking the clothes out of the machine already

"Let's go on a date" Rowen said again

"Get lost" Sapphire replied and Nadia giggled

"Just one date it won't hurt" Rowen said

"I'd rather spend my day crying without a reason than to go on a date with you" she said

*Am I that bad?" Rowen said and she faced him

"You're ," She said, smiling then raised her hand to his collar, she pulled him closer so their faces are mirroring each other

"Capital letter WORSE" she said and pushed him away

"Cat eyes this is unfair, just once please" he said pleadingly 

" How will you feel if an housefly keeps buzzing around your ear?' Sapphire said

"I'll feel so uncomfortable and I'll want to kill it desperately" he replied

" Exactly my point, I'm already feeling uncomfortable so if you continue like this, I might want to desperately kill you" Sapphire said and Rowen went mute

Sapphire tapped his cheeks twice. "Remember to breathe" she said and left with Nadia

" I'm an housefly" Rowen muttered


Seth's room**

He's sitting on his chair, his phone is on the reading table, he's looking at the phone intently, waiting for when it'll ring, he actually told Carlos to find a way and put Nora on the line for him, he just couldn't wait to speak to her

"Ring ring ring..." He said, staring at the phone

It rang immediately and he quickly picked without bothering to check who

"Nora!" He said happily

"From the central library, we have adequate collections of poetry books already, you can come for....

"Screw your fucking ass!" He snapped and hung up

"Are you kidding me right now?, Must be testing my patience" he said and started looking at the phone again, expecting Carlos to call

"One.... Two... Three... Four!

It rang with Carlos on the ID, he quickly picked and waited for a while

"Little Nora?" He said, expecting to hear her tiny sweet voice

"Michael... OMG!!!!, Michael it's really you!, Is this a joke or what my jeez!, Michael I love you freaking f*cking very very much.....I can't believe this!, My Mich talked to me!.... Michael!!!" She screamed

Seth laughed happily...yeah that's Nora for you, always noisy and when overwhelmed like this, she's worse

"I love you so much little Nora, so much" he said

"I miss you a lot,at night I always dream of you,.... I find it hard to think of anything else Micheal....I can't wait to see you again!" She said loudly again

" Don't worry, once all this is settled, I'll come back to you, have you eaten?' he asked

"No, since Carlos told me I'm gonna be talking to you, i became too happy to eat, but now that I've heard your voice, I'll eat....I'm gonna be eating your favorite steak and veggies, potatoes inclusive" she said

" Cool....I still have your necklace, I never lost it" he said

"You don't dare lose it I'll kiss you if you lose it....I mean I'll kill you" she said and he laughed.

" Alright little Nora" he replied

" And can you drop the little already?, I'm fifteen, calling me little is literally out of it" she said and he can imagine her pouting

" That's Impossible, you'll remain my little baby sis forever" he said and can hear her chuckling

" I love you" she said

" Love you more sweetheart, I know you'll pester Carlos to give you this number but....

"Pester him?, It's in my head already" she interrupted and Seth laughed

" I knew it , you can't make me get caught, save it on your phone with any name that'll make it look unsuspicious ..." He said

" Like... Moping stick?" She said

" How can you save my name with moping stick" he replied..

" You said something unsuspicious" she replied

"Ok fine, and if you wanna call me, do that in school, never call me at home else you'll get caught" he said

" Alright Michael, mum is coming!!" She said and hung up

Seth kissed the phone and smiled. " I feel better...."


Frat house, night.

Sapphire entered the house and stood for a while, looking around

Nadia didn't come with her, she slept off in the hostel already so it's only her

"I hope tonight will be good" she thought and went in, she immediately went to the counter and asked for a bottle of wine

While searching for her taste, she sighted Rowen and her gang behind, Rowen is staring at her and she rolled eyes at him before facing the guy at the counter again

She was about to take her wine when someone spanked her butt

In anger, she looked back and saw a tall guy, looking crazy

"Do you have a death wish?* She said and the annoying looking guy made to touch her boobs too,, 

She was about to grab his hand and dislocate his bones when Rowen appeared, grabbed him and flipped him over his shoulder, the guy fell heavily and Rowen's gangs hailed

"Unbelievable" Sapphire said, staring as Rowen continued beating the guy

Seems he's only not a match to Seth, he fights quiet well 

"Go for sluts if your d*ck is restless, how dare you lay a finger on her you jerk!" He yelled, hitting his sneaker on the guy's face

"Tonight is your night I guess!" Blaine said loudly

" Beat the jerk and get the girl" Clark added

"Ion think so" Hardin said , looking at Seth who's just coming in

"Coming to get the girl again?" Clark laughed

"Cops!, Cops are almost here run!" Someone said and the whole place scattered

Everyone started running helter skelter, looking for a way to get away

Sapphire's long legs helped, in minutes... she's already out of the house,,

She got out and saw a bike just about to move, she wasted no time in climbing on, not caring to know who the rider might be

Surprisingly, the bike moved and the rider said nothing as he raced down the road, he's not even going towards the hostel

When she's sure they're far from the frat house already, she decided to speak

"I need to come down now" she said

"So what if I decide to kidnap you" Seth's voice said

" Seth?, Jerk so it's you!" She said surprisingly

"Jerk?" He said

"Aren't you?" She replied

" Care to know where I'm going?" He said

"Of course" she replied

" To sell you" he said

" No one buys goods from a goblin" she replied

"Are you indirectly calling me a goblin?" He said

She was about to talk when a car hit his bike from behind, breaking the rear lights, the bike almost fell

Seth stopped and they both came down, he removed his helmet and arranged his hair

The car stopped too and two idiots came out of it, not looking remorseful at all

"What did you two just do" Sapphire said, losing her temper at their sight

" Take this piece of junk you call a bike out of the road" one of the men said and Seth made to talk but Sapphire grabbed his helmet, she threw it at the front mirror of the car and it broke 

"You disgusting bitch!" The second man said shockingly

" Disgusting pig!" Sapphire smirked

"Sapphire...." Seth said but seems she's not ready to stop, she took off one of her sneakers and threw it at the second guy and immediately, they started hearing cops sirens

Seth quickly grabbed her hand and ran away from the scene with her but the cops kept chasing after them

"My leg" Sapphire complained as they ran hand In hand

"You should have allowed me to handle them and make them plead, now we're on a marathon despite being the victims" he replied

" I just couldn't stand cheating" she replied, breathing heavily

They got to a dark silent arcade and slipped into a tight corner, both breathing heavily as the cops car passed by

"Oh no, I heard this arcade is haunted by ghosts at night" Seth said, trying to tease

" I don't believe in ghosts" she replied, coming out of the corner first

Seth walked behind, smiling handsomely

"Vooooom!" Came a scary sound from the other side

"Aarrgh!!!!" Sapphire screamed, running back to Seth, she hugged him tightly, dipping her face on his chest

"Thought you don't believe in ghosts" Seth mocked and she quickly disengaged from him

"Yes I don't....I just pretended like I was scared" she replied

"Vooom!" Came the scary sound again and this time she jumped on him, clinging on him like a baby, tangling her legs behind him...

"I'm scared" she whispered


👋Hello there, are you enjoying this book ?I started posting it today, pls🙏 be a darling 😫 and support me by rating this story, subscribe, your comments counts(I'm eagerly waiting)🥺.

I have more stories✅, mostly completed.🔥

I'd try my best to post offten, thanks.🌹🌹