After they dived underwater, Sapphire opened her eyes to behold Seth, still holding her tightly

Even though it's not the first time she's seeing it, she can't help but think it's cute.... His lips

She lost her senses for a minute, thinking about what it'll taste like

Seth felt like having her hands on his shoulders and his on her waist is the best thing he has ever experienced, it feels too good

They didn't make a single move for the first two seconds, they just stared at each other till Sapphire tickled him, the way his cheeks became bigger shows he's tryna laugh

He let her go and she swam away from him but immediately he recovered, he went after her

When she looked back and saw he's coming fast, she added to her pace but maybe she's not a pro swimmer like him

He caught up with her shortly and pulled her back, she faced him, smiling as her hair covered her face

Seth's hand found it's way to her hair, he brushed it away from her face so he could see her face again

Sapphire touched his face suddenly and he stayed still, expecting what she'll do

Sapphire's palms continued touching his face all-over as if to measure the length and width

She badly wants to do something right now but maybe it's crazy....

Seth suddenly took her hands and dropped it from his face then he leaned in, she didn't hesitate to close her eyes

He kissed her neck and Sapphire almost gulped water as a result of the effect it had on her,,

Seth felt like he's gonna die soon if they don't surface

He held her hand and they swam to the surface, they released heavy breaths immediately...

"We spent three minutes underwater" he said

"I can spend five" she said

" What!, You're a witch" he replied and she giggled

"Whatever.... But I had fun, thanks to you" she said, smiling big

"I had fun too" he said and she made to step out of the water but he held her, making her face him

"Will you continue coming here with me?" He asked , hoping she'll say yes

"I dunno" she replied, biting her lip

"Please" he said in a pleading tone

"Ok I will" she replied and he smiled


"Sure, I love it here anyways" she replied 

" Just cool" he replied and they stepped out of the water

Seth put on his trousers while Sapphire just stared.... Any reasonable person will know he has a gorgeous modelling body

He put on his shirt too and faced her

"You aren't dressing up?" He asked and she slowly touched her hair

"Oh... I have a towel on my bike, I'll be right back" he said and rushed to where he parked the bike, he came back with the towel after two minutes then he started drying her hair with it

"You can't catch the flu ok?" He said and she smiled

" I don't catch flu easily" she replied

"Great" he replied, licked his lips before returning to drying her hair, Sapphire kept smiling till he's done

"It's done now, you should dress up" he said and she nodded, she dressed up quickly and despite the fact that her hair is dried, the part that sticked together won't stop coming to her face

"Should I help you tie it into a bun?, I can do it" he said

"Sure" she replied and he turned her back to himself, he swept her hair all in his hands, his fingers making contacts with her scalp

She closed her eyes, feeling the butterflies as he did

He started rolling it till it formed a bun and he turned her to face him

"You look good with bun" he said and she smiled

"Your hair too" she said and rearranged the bangs on his forehead

"Done" she said and winked

"Thanks, let's go" he replied, taking her hand again

They left the river and walked to the bike

"I wish I can still sit down and chat with you but I guess I've taken much of your time already, Sapphire I just love spending time with you seriously" he said and she was about to say she feels the same when she remembered Nadia

"The snacks!" She said suddenly

"Snacks... What?"

"Let's go back right away.... Now" she said quickly

When Seth sensed the urgency in her voice, he quickly mounted the bike and she climbed on too, he drove down the street

Within seven minutes, they're back at the hostel just when Rowen was coming out with his gang

Sapphire came down from the bike and made to leave but Seth stopped her, looking worried

"Everything is ok sure? ' he asked

" Of course" she replied and rushed into the cafeteria

Seth watched her till she's out of sight, hoping everything is ok before coming down from his bike

He made to go into the hostel but Rowen blocked him

"Why were you with her" get questioned

"It's still past 11 dude, I have things to do so just get your fucking self out of my sight" Seth replied 

" Are you planning to fuck her and dump her afterwards? " Rowen said thoughtlessly

" What the hell did you just say" Seth said

"I know your motives so just stay away from her!, Stay away from Sapphire!" Rowen yelled

" I'm losing it..... Want a wound on your dick?" Seth said daringly

"Just stay away from Sapphire, stay away from her, if you don't... I'll kill you" Rowen said and Seth chuckled

" Even if you didn't threaten me, I'm not ready to back off but now that you've threatened me... I hate threats as much as I hate dares..... I'll stick with her till the end" he said seriously and made to leave but Rowen hit his chest

"I'm telling you to stay away!" he said

*And I'm telling you I'll stick with her till the end jerk! " Seth replied and Rowen hit his chest again

"Can you please do that one more time?, Hit my chest one more time and I'll make your face the scariest thing on Earth" Seth said seriously, meaning every word

Rowen made to hit him again but Blaine held his hand

"Don't, you don't wanna get beaten up to a pulp" he said

"Let go of my hand" Rowen said, trying to take it but Blaine held more tightly

"Get back to your senses!, She's not your girl!" Blaine shouted

"But I like her!" Rowen shouted back

" Then go tell her that and stop threatening me!, threats and dares should come from matured dudes" Seth said and glared at Rowen before going in

Blaine let go of Rowen and Rowen hit his fist on the wall

"Why did you hold my hand why!" He barked, facing Blaine

"You think he was joking when he said he'll make your face unrecognizable?, Having to stay with you at the hospital is what I was avoiding" Blaine replied

" Seriously?, Ok" Rowen said and went back in

Blaine looked at Hardin and Clark and they stared at each other for a minute before laughing loudly

"Honestly Rowen is a joke, how could he be fighting for a girl who's not his" Hardin laughed

" I don't understand anymore, so this is how crazy this thing called love is, when I was dating Mara, I was sane" Hardin said

" Sane you said?, You barely sleep at night, always dreaming about were madly in love with her till you caught Rowen f*cking her" Clark said

" Sad memory" Hardin said

" I've wanted to ask this, after f*cking Hazel , do you feel better?, I mean he f*cked your girlfriend but you f*cked his f*ckmate to revenge, it's totally different, not like he loves Hazel" Blaine said

" Honestly I badly wanted to revenge that time, that's why I wasn't even thinking, I just wanted him to feel what I felt after breaking up with Mara just because of him....but ion think it worked, his relationship with Hazel doesn't involve the heart anyways so I'm still the loser" Hardin replied

" Enough of this.... I think Seth is into lady S" Clark said

" Obviously, didn't you see the way he was telling Rowen he'll stick with her till the end?" Blaine replied

" I knew this will be interesting... I'll just relax, I'll chill and watch" Hardin said

" He'll get hurt, I can just smell it" Blaine said

" No he's really in love this time around so he might really get her, who knows" Clark replied

And you Blaine, what's up with Nadia?" Hardin said

" Sleeping dragon?, She's just pretty" Blaine replied

"Just pretty?" Hardin and Clark chorused

"You guys are f*cking frustrating, I'm going to the school stadium, need to play ball" Blaine replied, walking away

"Crazy" Clark giggled


Sapphire peeped into her room first and when she saw Nadia isn't around, she went in

She got the snacks from the cafeteria already

She dropped them on the table and and fell on the bed heavily, thinking hard about her moment with Seth, she was smiling throughout

The door opened and Nadia came in, she quickly sat up on the bed and faced her

"You were payed to starve me till death right?" Nadia said, walking to her

" I'm so sorry something came up" Sapphire replied

"Must something always come up for you?, These days" Nadia replied, sitting beside her on the bed

"I got what you wanted, over there" she said, pointing at the table

"By the way babe... The hoodie from last night" Nadia said

"The one monkey got for me? " 

" Sure, I... Like it, I want it" Nadia said

" You can have it, go take it if you want it" Sapphire replied and Nadia smiled then kissed her face round

"Hey I'm not lesbian" Sapphire giggled

"I love you!" Nadia said, rushing to the closet to get it, she hugged it and inhaled the scent as if she's hugging Rowen himself

"You must love it a lot" Sapphire said

"A whole lot!" Nadia replied and put it on

" I can now eat what you got, by the way where did you go?, For over two hours" she said

" It's a secret" Sapphire smiled

" Another date with Rowen? " Nadia asked suspiciously

"Of course not" 

"Ok" Nadia smiled, eating from a cupcake

" So....where should we go tonight?, I just feel so happy" Sapphire asked

" There's a lounge in this hostel and anyone who gets there first gets to choose the movie everyone is watching, let's go to the lounge tonight, we'll go early, we can watch a romance movie" Nadia replied

" Agreed* 


Seth's room


He sat on his bed after drinking a cup of water, feeling good, he touched his face and remembered when she touched it underwater

Then his hair, when she arranged it... and when her palm layed on his shoulder.. He chuckled and got a bubble gum from his table drawer which he threw in his mouth

He ate and got a novel which he read along, he read ten pages and dropped it then his mind went to Petra

"Wait all you want...what you and mum wants is never gonna be possible" he breathed

He dipped his hands in his pockets and started walking around the room

"I feel like being with her again...then her voice" he said and took his phone

" Uurrggg!, I don't have her number" he groaned, licking his lips as he dropped the phone



"Are you sure no one will be there already?" Sapphire asked Nadia as they walked briskly to the lounge

" Of course, students go there maybe by past seven, we'll be lucky to get the remote" Nadia replied as they entered the big lounge

Only coloured lights is on then the TV light

Someone is there already, watching war movie

"Shit!" Sapphire said

" hair" Nadia said, looking at the hair of the guy whose back is on them

" Rowen" Sapphire said, walking to him

"Cat eyes" he said when he saw him

"I knew it, I can't watch this movie you're watching, I hate anything war, I want romance, change the station" she said

" Say please" he replied

" Nevermind...I can just go back to my room and watch Netflix on my phone" she replied and made to go

Rowen quickly blocked her way and put the remote in her hand

"Nasty temper, gosh!" He smiled, Nadia just watched sadly from where she's standing

"Monkey" Sapphire said and sat before changing the channel

" Nadia" she called, looking back at her, ...

"Sit, why are you still standing" she said and Nadia quickly took her seat across them

"I guess the title is...To all the boys I loved, I've always wanted to watch it" Sapphire said, concentrating on the movie but Rowen concentrated on her instead then Nadia focused on Rowen

"Ok Peter and Lara....I love cute female leads, Lara looks so cute" Sapphire gushed

Seems like she's the only one watching the movie

Students started joining them and before 8, the lounge is full already

"Seriously?" Sapphire said , looking around to see many students already

"So you watch romance movies" Seth said from her left side and she quickly looked that way

"Seth?, When did you get here" she said surprisingly, happy to see him though

" I came when you were into the movie" he replied

"You?" Rowen said surprisingly

" What about me?" Seth replied, looking at him

Rowen wants to start an argument but for the fact that Sapphire is there, he stopped himself and tried hard to cool down

Seth smiled and continued watching the movie with her, he's not a fan of romantic movies but this got his attention

Nadia won't stop staring at Rowen from her angle and the fact that all he could see is Sapphire is becoming annoying

She stood and left the lounge immediately....she got to the hostel and walked slowly to her bed

"Is this how it's gonna end? Rowen you can't love my friend... it's me, not can't do that after taking my virginity....I offered it on a platter and you gladly took it....then why can't you just look at me for once" she said sadly and went to the kitchen to get water,,

While coming back, she sighted Sapphire's pills envelope on the table and took it...

"What exactly is her illness" she wondered


At the end of the movie after everything, Peter and Lara decided to go for a LDR (long distance relationship)... Lara went to Stanford while Peter left for NYU

"Interesting don't you think?" Sapphire asked

"Sure, this is the first romance movie I've watched and I love it" he replied

"You'd love kissing Booth too, I wish it's on the station but it isn't" she replied

The time is some minutes to 9 right now

"It's ok, are you still gonna stay?" He asked

"No, I'm leaving now, what about you?" She asked

"Same" he replied, standing up

"Rowen.... thanks for the remote and goodnight" she said and made to Pat his shoulder but he grabbed her hand and pulled her to himself

Her butt landed on his laps and he tried kissing her, everyone in the lounge looks surprised

" I personally think this is funny"

" WTH, Rowen tried kissing a girl?, The last time I checked, it's girls who do kiss him publicly"

"Sapphire got the charms, even after breaking the bottle on his head"

"What are you doing, let go of my hand" she said but he kept trying till she hit her forehead on his own, he let her go and she stood

"Fuck you Rowen" she said and left the lounge, Seth followed behind and everyone laughed

Rowen left the lounge immediately too

"He's behaving like a total kid, that's not how things are done, it's a step after the other, can't believe he's so clueless about feelings" Hardin said

" I already said he doesn't stand a chance against Seth, you think I wasn't serious about that?" Blaine said

" Let's keep watching, it's just starting anyways" Clark replied


Sapphire walked out of the hostel completely and stood by the door , she kept standing for some minutes before turning to go back in but saw Seth just behind him.

"Seth" she whispered

"Are you ok?" He asked

She walked to him and hugged him tight

"I'm sorry I just want to do this" she said, closing her eyes

He hugged her back and she smiled slowly

They stayed that way for a minute before she broke it

"Can you take me anywhere for an hour?" She asked

"Anywgere?, You trust me that much?, What if I do something bad to you" he said

" You can't.....I trust you a lot" she replied and he smiled

He pulled her hand out the hostel and started walking down the road

"We're not going with the bike?" She said and he faced her

" No pretty eyes" he winked

"Are my eyes pretty?* She asked curiously

" Has anyone ever told you it isn't?" He asked

" Yes, students in my elementary school said my cat eyes looks witchy, I was always addressed as a witch back then" she replied

" I guess they have problem with their me...your eyes are rare and pretty trust me" he said

" Feels good to hear that from you" she smiled, holding his hand more tightly

" So what about me?" He asked

"Everyone knows you're handsome" she replied

" I'm asking about your view" he replied, looking at her expectantly

"'re perfect" she said

" No one is" he smiled

" I think you are" she replied

He stopped to look at her again and she smiled, rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb

"Thanks for always willing to be beside me" he said and she stopped too then faced him

" I'm always happy while beside you so why won't I" She smiled

Seth pulled her to himself swiftly and leaned in,, 

She closed her eyes and he kissed her nose tip then hugged her tightly, touching her hair behind

"I dunno why it happened so fast Sapphire....but this is just the mean a me" he said and she smiled more widely, rubbing his back

"You mean so much to me too Seth.... "