"Sounds like a love confession right?" Seth said after breaking the hug

" Really? " Sapphire smiled

"Joking* he replied and held her hand again, going down the road with her

"The stars, aren't they so beautiful?" She said, looking up

" Of course" he replied , looking up too

"Wait!, This month is Halloween" she suddenly said

"Yes, and bonfire night" he replied

"What's bonfire night?"

"An interesting night every semester.... heard they always set an open fire in the school open space and students merry around it, it's always interesting" he replied

" The sound of it is making me interested, when is it?" She asked

"I'm not sure about the date yet" he replied

"Oh. I can't wait though" she smiled

"You grew up at where?" He asked

"New York" she replied

" Really?, Same here" he replied

" Are you serious?" She said

" Of course, dad is an Australian while mum is an Americana from New York" he said

" So... your family is in New York" she said.

" Yeah" he replied sadly

" You always look sad while talking about your family" she said.

"I look sad?' he asked with a quick smile

"Not anymore" she replied and he breathed hard

By now they've gotten to the main road

"Should we go play games?" He asked, looking at a game house

"I'm interested" she replied and they went in together

They sat beside each other in front of the system and got the controllers

It's a shooting game, the one who gets shot twice dies and loses

"Ready?" She asked

"Always ready" he replied and they pressed the red button at the same time, the game started with Sapphire doing well at first, Seth just played with a big smile

Soon he got her on the leg....

"Shoot!" Sapphire said, standing up to show how much she's serious

But that doesn't stop Seth from shooting her again, on the chest this time around....

"I won" Seth said, looking at her victoriously

" Devil!" She shouted, dropped the controller and tried to get him but he stood and started running around the place while she ran after him

He knowingly waited at a time and she jumped on his back, poking his neck like the other time

"You're playful" he said, breathing heavily

"You don't like it?" She replied

"No I love it that way" he replied, taking her out of the house on his back

" But you're damn good I swear, I beat my friends in this game two years ago, I'm a pro" she said

" I'm the king of pros" he replied and she laughed

" One hour spent, let's go back" he said and she made to come down from his back but he held her

" I'll carry you like this till we get to the hostel" he said and she smiled before balancing again, crossing her arms on his chest more tightly

"Your spray... Jasmine right?" She asked

"Sure" he replied

"I'm not a fan of spray but I kind of like the smell" she said and he smiled

" First time seeing a girl saying she's not a fan of spray..... another difference" he said

" Many people say I'm different though" she said

"Yes you are, a girl that can make me smile and talk freely with her is different, honestly I planned to remain in my shell till I graduate...but then you arrived and changed that very fast, you're something else" he said

" I'm honored" she smiled

By now, they're back to the hostel and he gently put her down, she arranged her hair and he dipped his hands into his pockets..

"It's gonna be a cold night I guess, put on something big and warm when going to bed" he said

" Yeah I will" she said awkwardly

He stepped in just like she has been expecting and kissed her forehead for long before letting her go

"I don't have your number" he said, bringing out his phone

She took it and typed her number before giving it back

"Goodnight Pretty eyes" he smiled

"Same here" she replied and they went their separate ways

Getting to her room, she met Nadia asleep already

"I wonder why she left early" she sighed and when she saw her legs are out under the duvet, she covered her well

"It's really gonna be a cold night" she said, smiling while thinking about Seth's words

She went to the closet and found a big hoodie then baggy joggers which she put on

"I feel like I wanna fly" she said, jumping on the bed, her mind was occupied by him till midnight when she finally got to sleep


Next morning**

"Morning babe" Sapphire said when she woke up to see Nadia about to enter the bathroom

"Morning" she replied simply

"Is something wrong?"

"Nothing" Nadia replied again

"Don't give me crap something is definitely wrong somewhere, stop giving me one word answers" Sapphire replied, standing up to go meet her

" I just had a bad night " she lied

"You should have said that, so how are you feeling right now?" Sapphire asked worriedly

" I feel better baby" Nadia replied with a smile

" Great, go take your bath, I'll go after you" Sapphire said, pushing her gently into the bathroom before closing the door

She got her pills envelope and swallowed one with water

"I'm left with ten, five gone" she thought after swallowing it

She took her phone and dialled Julia's line, she picked almost immediately

"Mum" she pouted

"Daughter, how was your night?"

"Fine mum, hope you slept well too" she replied

" Sure, though it was somehow cold.... I'll get you more thick sweaters anytime from now, you need it"

" No mum you don't have to" she replied

"Once I say something, you know I'm determined so just give up" Julia said and Sapphire chuckled

" Am I permitted to say you're stubborn?" She said

" what about the stuff we talked about?" Julie asked

" What stuff?"

" Getting a boyfriend" Julia replied

" Mum...."

" Hey stop and just give me a favourable response.... You have a heart, it's for love, why do you find it so hard to fall for someone or get someone's attention, you're so beautiful too" Julia said

" It's not easy here mum, all the guys here are devils except one" she replied

" Except one?, Who's that one?, I wanna know more about him" Julia replied

" He's tall and handsome, cool and nice, that's all I have to say for now" she said, smiling as her mind got occupied with him

"For you to know that he's nice and cool, you must have been spending time with him .... What I've always wanted is finally gonna happen"

" Mum...." She said

" It's just the truth so shut up and have a good day...I love you!" Julia said and hung up

" I love you more" Sapphire whispered

"Why did you leave the lounge last night without even informing me?, It's unfair" she said Immediately Nadia came out of the bathroom

" I had stomach upset" she replied

"What!, You should have told me and I'd have helped you with massaging"

" You worry too much baby fire...I'm ok now anyways" Nadia replied

" Rowen tried something unfunny last night" Sapphire said

" Tell me" Nadia said curiously

" He tried to kiss me forcefully, who does that" Sapphire said

" Tried to kiss you?" Nadia said slowly

"Sure, but he got something else in return, the class is in an hour's time, I'll clean up we can't get late" Sapp replied and stood, she stripped herself and wrapped her towel around herself

She passed by Nadia and blew her a kiss, winked before entering the bathroom

Nadia sat gently on her bed and tears almost escaped her eyes


Washington State University**

"Ok guys, I'm sure you all saw my post on the group" prof Finn said after his class

" Yes sir" majority replied

"I knowingly posted it myself without sending any of the course reps so you guys will know how serious it is, we're staging a movie and if you guys do well enough, the movie will reach Netflix" he announced and everyone screamed

" Now I'm highly interested" Hazel said

Sapphire looked her way and smiled

" Those two rats are back from the hospital, the doctor who treated their faces must be a professional " she said and Nadia giggled beside her

Jacinthe saw her and when their eyes met, she waved, Sapphire waved back with a smile

"You both are close now?" Nadia asked

"I just agreed to answer anytime she says hi" Sapphire replied

" I and prof Taylor will be handling the staging, if you guys perform well in the indoors staging and I feel like ok this is excellent enough for Netflix, then we do real location and I'll get it into Netflix" Prof Finn said

" So when are we starting the acting?, When will the casts be called out, when will characters be shared and when is the scripts getting shared" Sapphire asked

" I'll call out the cast right now but you guys will get to know the characters you're portraying tommorow" Prof Finn replied and everyone waiting patiently till he started

" Rowen Bills"

"I can't believe this" Rowen said loudly and everyone laughed

" Hardin Scott"

"Seriously?" Hardin said

"Nadia Madison"

" Yes!" Nadia almost screamed

" Jacinthe Alvin"

"OMG!" She screamed

"Seth Hidalgo"

"Blaine Morris"

"Sapphire Hunt"

Then seven other students were called, making fourteen

"That's all, the characters you all will be portraying will be announced tommorow, good luck" he said and left the class

" That was cool, let's hope for a good character" Sapphire said

" I hope you'll be given a fierce character and for me...I hope I get to be the female lead, I'll be so happy!, I'm pretty and I'm fit for it" Nadia said

" Sure miss pretty, let's stroll before the next class" Sapphire replied, pulling her out of the class

"Don't tell me you're going to meet her" Hardin said when Rowen stood

" Where else am I supposed to go, I need to apologise to her, I couldn't even sleep last night cos I know she'd be really mad at me" Rowen replied

" Stop suffocating her it's not the best, give her space before going near her again" Blaine said

" Well sorry, I don't think I can do that" he replied and left the class

" He never listens, and that's why I find it useless giving him advise" Clark said


" I knew it, let's walk fast" Sapphire said when she suddenly saw Rowen following them behind

Nadia looked back and saw Rowen

"Why?" She asked

"I told you what he tried to do last night, I don't want to face him right now" Sapphire replied and pulled her along but Nadia kept walking slowly

"Are you knowingly doing this?" Sapphire suddenly said and Nadia only smiled till Rowen got to them and grabbed her hand

"We need to talk" he said

"About what?, I don't want to talk to you" she replied, taking her hand from him in one swing

" Please...we just need to talk and you know why" he replied

" I don't want to" she said and he tried to hold her again but he stepped back

" I'm sorry, very sorry please...I know I tried to behave like a bastard last night but such won't happen anymore trust me..... just talk to me" he said

" We weren't friends initially" she replied

" But at least you always talk to me, can we return to that time please?, Just say yes and I promise not to be a jerk anymore" he said

" I don't want to" she replied

" Just this once I'm begging, this hasn't happened to me before, I just feel different and I feel like this is not the Rowen I used to be, I feel just...I dunno" he replied seriously

Nadia left when she couldn't watch anymore

" What do you want me to do right now" Sapphire said

"Just say you'll continue talking to me like you used to do, that's the only thing I want" he replied

" Oh Rowen, you're ....

"Frustrating .. I know but I promise to lay low, just say you'll continue talking to me" he said and she sighed

" Ok I will....gosh!, You're really something" she said and he quickly held her, he made to hug her but she glared

" I'm sorry, I was just carried away" he said and let her go

" Ok Rowen" she smiled and pat his arm

" See ya around" she said

" There's a football game later today, are you coming?" He quickly asked

" A football game?" She said

" Yes, the English department will be playing against mathematics guys" he replied

" I dunno yet, I might come" she replied and he smiled

He touched her hair gently and winked before leaving

"Childish monkey" she smiled.


"Hey Sleeping dragon!" Blaine called beside Nadia as she walked down the hallway

"I knew I had an ominous feeling about this.... that jerk" she muttered and started walking fast but he soon caught up with her

"Hey SD" he winked

"What the hell is SD" she glared

"Sleeping dragon" he replied and she hit him

"Stop trying to get on my nerves, get off my face instead" she rolled eyes and he smiled

" Your smile is even annoying" she said

"But your frown even looks cute" he replied

"Whatever, I hate you ok?, So stay away" she said and turned the other way

Blaine stopped, watching her intently. "Can't believe she's cranky" he smiled


"Whoa!" Sapphire suddenly said, jumping in Nadia's way

"You scared me!" She said

"Sorry baby!, Heard there's a football game , shall we go together?" She asked

" What did you tell Rowen?" She asked straight

" I told him I'll continue talking to him" she replied

" Hmmn!" Nadia breathed

" Any problem?" Sapphire asked

" No, let's go to watch the football game together" Nadia replied

Since Rowen will be playing, there's no reason for her not to go

"I hope Seth will be playing" Sapphire thought as they walked back to class, wishing to see him over there, they hadn't talked throughout today.


2pm , school stadium**

"Can't believe everyone is here just to watch them, must be one interesting game" Sapphire said, looking around surprisingly when she entered with Nadia

The stadium is full of students already

"When English and mathematics students play , it's always fire....cos those two departments have the best players of the school so it's always tough and they mostly end up drawing" Nadia replied, sitting down with Sapphire

Sapphire was about to ask if Seth is one of the English department players but at the same time, he joined the players on the field and a wide smile spread on her lips

"He looks cute in the Jersey" she said, feeling her thumping heart as she stared

Nadia barely heard her cos she's busy staring at Rowen

"The night I lost my virginity to you still remains my best night, I'll have you no matter what, even if it means another one night stand" she thought, staring with lustfull eyes

On the field

"Why is Rowen talking to that mathematics student" Hardin said when he noticed Rowen

" They might have met before who knows" Clark replied, warming up

" Besides the three of us have you ever seen him talk to anyone else?" Blaine said

The referee blew the whistle and they all stood their positions

Rowen looked at Seth and smiled before concentrating back

Seth looked up momentarily and luckily he caught a glimpse of Sapphire, he smiled and rubbed his hair fondly

"I hope I score a goal ... Cos you're here" he thought

The game started tough, none of the teams are ready to let the opposing team score a goal, no chance no matter how small it is

"It's really tough" Sapphire said after fifteen minutes of watching

"I know right?" Nadia replied, they both stood when they can't take sitting anymore

Then Hardin passed the ball to Rowen, Rowen to Blaine, Blaine to Seth....he passed the ball to the net and everyone screamed in jubilation, the whole stadium was filled with joyous screams from the English students

"He just scored a goal I'm so glad" Sapphire said, smiling from ear to ear

All his team members started hugging him one by one, everyone except Rowen

The screams died down and by now, it's ten minutes before the first half will end

They started again but this time it seems the mathematics students aren't going easy, they're determined to score a goal

It got passed to one of them and Seth attacked him, trying to take the ball,,

He pretended like he'll really let the ball go and when Seth made to kick the ball , he knowingly placed his leg on the way and Seth kicked his leg instead of the ball

The pains spread to every part of his body immediately and he fell, holding his leg tightly, it felt like his bones cracked cos it's just so hurtful, everyone stood immediately

"Seth!" Clark and Blaine said at a time, rushing to him with the remaining English students

Hardin looked at Rowen and saw him smiling

"Now I understand" he said

"He's wounded I think" Sapphire said and before Nadia could reply, she ran down to the field, paving way by pushing everyone slightly

She finally got to him and knelt beside him with worries allover her face

She made to touch his leg but Rowen held her hand, she looked at him and angrily took her hand away from him roughly

She touched Seth's leg and he cringed in pains,,

"You're not ok" she said slowly, feeling like she's the one hurting, Seth sat up slowly, looking at her, only her

"Let's get him to the clinic" Hardin said

"I need to get first aid treatment first" Seth replied and drew Sapphire to himself, he hugged her tightly

"Try something better next time" Hardin said to Rowen who's fuming angrily.