"We need to get you to the clinic" Blaine said again

" One more minute" Seth replied, hugging Sapphire tighter

Rowen left the field, bumping into Nadia who's just coming down

They stopped to stare for a minute before he tried to leave but she held him

"Can we talk for five minutes?" She said

"I don't want to" he replied and left immediately

Nadia turned to watch him go and tears almost rushed down her cheeks but she wiped it before it could..

"I'm better now" Seth said after breaking the hug

" Let's get you to the clinic" Sapphire said

*Ok" he replied and Blaine held his other arm, Clark made to hold the right arm but Sapphire stopped him

"I'll do it" she said and jointly raised him up with Blaine

They held his both arms on their shoulders and guided him to the clinic

Luckily he was quickly attended to, x-ray was done and it revealed that he only got a slight scratch on the front bone so only treatment is needed, when it was getting treated and a cream was rubbed on it, he squeezed up his face in pains, fighting back his tears, it's really so painful

Sapphire watched all that with difficulty and soon she went to him, hugged his face to her chest and told the doctor to continue the treatment

He continued and the pains made Seth hold her so tight

"Sorry ok?" She said, feeling the pains too

"Ok" he whispered, staying still again

"It doesn't need healing patches, it'll heal up in a matter of three days, and during those three days, you can't go to class....stay indoors and rest" the doctor said


"Ok" he replied and the doctor took his leave

Blaine and Sapphire jointly carried him again till they got to the hostel, surprisingly his bike is there already

"I brought it here since I sensed you won't be able to ride it" Clark said from the entrance

" Thanks" Seth replied and just they were about to take him in, Jacinthe appeared, looking all worried

"Heard you got wounded, are you ok now?, Huh?, Are you better?" She asked worriedly

" Yes" he replied simply

Jacinthe reluctantly stepped out of the way and Blaine took him in with Sapphire, he brought out his key and Sapphire took it, she opened the door and they took him in .

He was made to lay on the bed gently and rest his legs on a pillow

"I'll come to check on you always" Blaine said and he nodded before Blaine left

" I'm sorry you got wounded" Sapphire said

"Not like you're the one who wounded me so don't say sorry anymore" he replied and she sat on his reading chair, looking around the room

"Nice room" she said

"First time hearing that" he said


"Sure, the night when you got drunk and I took you here, was the first time another person except me will enter this room" he smiled

" Strange" she said

" I know" he replied

" Do you have a kitchen?" She asked

"Sure, over there" he replied, pointing at a smaller door

She went there and opened it slowly then peeped in

"Everything is sparkling clean, do you even cook?" She said, coming back

" Of course, I just like cleanliness" he replied and she smiled

" I can cook too but I hate cooking a lot" she said and Seth laughed

" What?"

" You really hate cooking?, What kind of a girl are you?, Every girl child are always happy when their mum teaches them cooking as they grow up" he said

" Well I was happy too, but I lost interest since two years ago.... something terrible happened to me and I lost interest in everything even in school, mum had to force me to go back to school" she replied sadly

" And why is your story always similar... something happened to me two years ago too....I lost one year of my life and after that.....I became a weakling who's scared of his mother" he said

" So something happened to you two years ago too" she said

" Yes, something heartbreaking" he said

"Mine was heartbreaking too" she replied and he chuckled

"Strange isn't it?" He said

"I admit" she smiled

"Well thanks for staying till now" he said

"I stayed because I want to stay with you " she said seriously and he smiled

She stood from the chair and carried it to the bed, she placed it beside the bed and sat on it

"Come please" he said, patting the space beside him on the bed

She bit her bottom lip before standing, then she sat beside him on the bed

He held her hand and interlinked it with his own before kissing it and this is surely different from when Rowen kissed the back of her hand...she felt the sparks just now

"Will you stay till I fall asleep?, Please?" He asked, facing her

" I'll stay till you fall asleep and wake up" she said and he smiled brightly

He gently placed his head on her shoulder and he rested on it before closing his eyes

"I won't leave your hand, that'll alert me if you decide to leave" he said

" I won't leave just sleep" she replied and he heaved before drifting off to sleep

Soon he's sleeping soundly and she touched his face when she felt like

It's smooth, no blemish or wrinkles no matter how small

"He's really perfect" she whispered and then her eyes met his thin lips again

No doubt that since that day at the river, she had always wanted to taste it but no chance

She continued staring and was tempted to touch it, she brought her thumb to his lips and slowly touched it, feeling the tenderness against her finger

She smiled and licked her lips, wishing she could kiss him right now but it's Impossible

"No doubt, I like you" she thought before removing her thumb from his lips

He's still holding her hand so tightly and it seems she really can't escape

Soon, she fell asleep beside him, resting her head on his own

Thirty minutes later, Seth woke up and Immediately he removed his head from her shoulder, her head dropped and he quickly held her

"Sleepyhead" he smiled and positioned her very well , placing her head on the pillow

He stayed beside her and throughout, he's smiling so wide

"Michael you're in it for real, I'm really really in it.... it's my first but it feels like I've known her for a long time.....who's she" he said, caressing her face gently

He kept that up for a long time, watching her sleep till she changed position and drew closer to him, her right arm snaked round him and her face got dipped in his chest

He smiled and held her to himself

"I feel so good having her right beside me" he thought, closing his eyes while stroking her hair.


Rowen's room**

"Oh seriously?, You bagged with that mathematics student to wound him, how's that even mature, how does that sound in your ears Rowen.. it's f*cking childish!" Hardin shouted

"You guys should stop shouting at me!, I've always hated Seth without a reason and now that he's my rival over the girl I like,what so you expect me to do,I just want him to get hurt..." He replied

" Look at him being childish again....can't you see the clear handwriting on the wall?, Each time you make an attempt to go closer to her, it always ends up bringing her closer to Seth, ion think she's for you just give up" Blaine said

" Cut the crap Blaine I love her a lot!, Do you know how hard it had always been to see her with him?, I've always wanted her for myself, I changed so fast because of her and I'm aware of my changes!, I want her....not like I know anything about this shit called love anyways, it's my first time and I'm just trying my luck so you guys should let me be!" He said, breathing heavily as tears threatened to come out and his eyes

"How pitiful, when you know it's your first time in love, why didn't you just ask Hardin who has been in love before or why didn't you ask Blaine!" Clark said

" I dunno!" He replied, crying like a baby already

" He's just so pathetic I swear" Hardin said, going to him

" If she finds out you did that to Seth, how do you think she'll feel....for all I know, she likes Seth" he said

" Don't say that to my face anymore!" He yelled

" You hate the truth and that's what kept implicating you, I'm done here since you're not ready to listen.... and maybe this is what you get for tearing I and Mara apart" Hardin said hurtfully and left the room, Clark followed

Blaine went to him and gave him a brotherly hug

"It's ok....stop crying like a kid" he said but his tears kept flowing


Seth's room*

He's still busy staring at her sleeping face when she opened her eyes, when she saw him in front of her, she spranged up quickly

"Seth* she whispered

" You slept off" she said

"Oh... " She said, arranging her hair that's scattered already

He came closer and dipped his hand into it, helping her with the arrangement

When he's done, he quickly kissed her nose tip and she chuckled, she made to touch his leg but he held her hand

"It'll hurt" he whispered

"I'll be gentle" she whispered back and he slowly let her hand go, she touched the red spot and he cringed like the other time.

"Must still be very painful" she said worriedly.

"Maybe because today is still the day 1, the doctor said it'll heal up within three days, let's believe that" he said

" Ok..... Nadia will be waiting already...I have to go" she said and he became sad

" I'll come back to check on you before going to bed" she said and he brightened up again

She got down from the bed and quickly rushed out of the room

Getting to her room, she met Nadia in tears

"What's wrong, why the tears" she asked, sitting beside her

"I'm so heartbroken right now....I'm screwed" she cried again

Sapphire quickly wiped her tears

"Tell me everything" she said

Nadia kept quiet for a while before starting to cry again

" Baby fire I'm going crazy I swear, why won't he just spare me a glance...I love him a lot" she cried

" The guy you like?, You've refused to tell me who he is"

"What do I do?, I think he's not into me" she cried

" Then tell him how much you love him" Sapphire said

" "I wish I could, but that looks so hard" she replied

Sapphire hugged her and started patting her back to pacify her


Next day.... WSU**

"The title of the movie we're staging is YOU" prof Taylor said after her class

" YOU? " Sapphire said

" Sure, it might be a one word title but it means a lot, I'll quickly give summary about the story...."

"it's about a girl, Marie Klaus and her boyfriend Cody Edgar who travelled after taking her virginity though she gave him as a parting gift, he got to France and was doing well for the first one week but the second week he cut her off and stopped contacting her, his line became non-existent,she fell sick greatly and almost died but survived narrowly and decided to move on with her life, after getting a job at a reputable company, she met a cool guy Colt Rik who fell in love with her, he did a lot before she fell for him and they started dating but...a month to their relationship, Cody came back"

Prof Taylor stopped there and Sapphire sighed

" It'll indeed be a long story....but who'll she even up with between the two?" She asked

" Not to be revealed now" Taylor replied and Nadia groaned.

"The characters please" Rowen said

"Sapphire Hunt as Marie Klaus" Taylor said and Sapphire gasped

"Rowen Bills as Colt Rik"

"I got a nice role" he smiled

"Then Seth Hidalgo...he's not here.... he'll be acting as Cody Edgar"

"This is the baddest cast I've ever come across, they are rivals over Sapphire in real life.... and now they'll become rivals over her on set too?" Hardin said

" The remaining casts are additional and will be called out tommorow, bye" Taylor said and left the class

" Gosh!, I hate this" Sapphire said

"You can just swap roles with me" Nadia said beside her and she sighed

" Why acting as if you don't know professor Taylor, she'll always stick to her words" Sapphire replied and Nadia sighed

For the fact that Sapphire is the female lead and Rowen is one of the two males, it's annoying to her

"I'll use the restroom" she said and left the class

Sapphire left the class too and when she got to the hallway, she dialled Seth's line and he picked fast

"How's your leg faring?" She asked

"I miss you" he replied and she smiled widely..

" Same here....but is your leg better?" She asked

"Sure, it got better, you must have one class left by now" he said

"Sure, lecturer Styles class, I can't wait to get it done with and come you" she said

" I'll hope for the clock to run" he said and she laughed

" Guess what?" She said

" I'm one of the male leads and you're the female lead for the movie" he replied

" You're so good at guessing...well yes, and Rowen is the second male" she said

" Now that's bad" he replied and she smiled

"I'll gist you better when you get better" she said and sighted a mathematics student...the one who hit Seth yesterday, it seemed to everyone like a mistake but to her, it's not

"I'm sorry I have to hang up now" she quickly said and went to him, she caught up with him in front of the empty class and pushed him in

"Bitch what do you want, want my dick in your mouth?" She said

" That winny silly little thing?, I'd rather swallow aloe tell me the truth about yesterday, you did it intentionally right?" She said

" Why do you care to know, not like Seth is your boyfriend" he replied..

"I'll count just one to three, tell me gently or I'll have to make it rough" she said but the guy only laughed till she finished counting to three

One minute later***

He's lying on the ground and blood is coming out of his mouth already, staining his shirt

Just a punch from her made him that way .... She made to punch him again...

"Ok ok .. it's Rowen, he told me he'll give me a lot of cash if I do that....he didn't even give me anything cos it didn't go the way he wanted stop the punches, were you a warrior on your past life?, Jeez!" He said, cleaning the blood on his lips

" Rowen" she muttered and left the class, she got back to class but Rowen isn't there anymore

She hit her hand on the table angrily and when Nadia came in, she picked her bag and without waiting for the last class, she left with her

She refused to say anything till they got to the hostel but Rowen is not in his room either

"That monkey" she breathed

"What?, I'm not understanding" Nadia said confusedly

"I'm going to meet Seth, don't wait for me I might be late" she said and left her, she walked straight to Seth's room and met him sitting on the bed with his legs stretched

"The class is not holding?" He asked surprisingly but instead of answering, she dropped her bag on the floor and rushed to him, she sat on his laps, straddling him before hugging him

In confusion, he hugged her back

"Is anything the problem?, Sapphire" he said worriedly but she kept hugging him

" Sapphire" he called again and this time, she broke it to look at him

"Is your leg better than the other time?" She asked, holding his face

"Sure, but you look worried, is something the problem?, Tell me" he said, taking a strand of hair away from her face

"Seth" she whispered, becoming serious

"Yes?, Talk to me" he said

She moved even more closer and he never bothered to move, he stood still, holding her in place

"Don't get mad like the last time please" she said, staring at his lips


She leaned in and gently placed her lips on his own, kissing him slowly

Seth was surprised at first but it washed off in one second, he closed his eyes and kissed her back, licking and savouring the taste of her soft lips

Just when he was about to start hardening it, she broke it

Right now if only feelings could be written on the face, then he'll know how much she feels for him

"I'm sorry" she said slowly and stared at his expression for a while before making an attempt to get off him but he held her waist and she looked back at him

"We're not done yet" he whispered and when she wanted to talk, he shifted one of his hands to her hair while the second remained on her waist then he recaptured her lips in his mouth

Sapphire had no time to think, she opened up for him and he kissed her tongue and sucked gently on the tip,,

She pulled him closer, tugging at his shirt and standing on her knees,, her b**bs rubbing delicately on his chest

He's like a sweet tasty chocolate, once you have a taste, it's hard to not want more, his taste is ethereal.... unique and too sweet

"Seth..." came a soft gasp from her, he made her have his whole taste just like he's having hers

Their hearts thump in their chest each time their tongues meet, they kissed harder and it grew intense every second,

To Seth, she's his addiction already, fast but real... maybe after this, he'll get to tell her that but right now... this is fucking important..