Seth transferred her to the bed and made her lay down on his arms while he stayed on the top, breathing very hard like she's doing

He touched her face gently and she held his wrist, moving his hand on her face, she closed her eyes and Seth's eyes caught her arm tattoo, he bent over it and kissed it deeply, that made her open her eyes quickly

"Seth" she whispered and he looked at her , touching her lips immediately

"Always stay with me Please" he said

"Will you do the same?" She said, bringing her hands to the back of his neck to entangle it there

"I promise...." He replied and she smiled slowly, staring into his eyes just the way he's staring at hers .

"You're so pretty" he said, brushing his nose on hers

" And you're perfectly handsome" she replied

He pecked her lips and their eyes became affectionate again

"I want more of you" he whispered, letting his lips brush her ear slightly

" Me too" she replied and drew him to herself, their lips met again and this time it's harder than the first one, she held him between her legs, enjoying the taste of his lips again


Rowen's room***

" Sapphire came to look for you" Clark said when he appeared

" She did? " Rowen said surprisingly

"But don't think the wrong way, she looked angry and I think if she got you that time, you'd probably receive a champagne bottle on your head already" Hardin said

" Why? "

" Maybe she found out, I saw her pushing the mathematics student to the empty class not far from our block earlier, maybe she pulled words out of his mouth, you're so dead when she gets you" Blaine said

" I need to find her" he replied

" Look I'm not gonna sit with you at the hospital" Hardin said

" And I have no idea on how to order food for sick people" Clark said

Rowen ignored them and left the room to look for her..... After hearing the cast the other time, he actually went somewhere to stay alone

He went to Sapphire's room and met Nadia ..

"Hey where's cat eyes?" He asked

"Why?" She replied, standing up to meet him

" I need to see her, tell me where she is please" he replied

"Why do you need to see my friend when I'm right here, you think I'll be happy to tell you where she is? " She replied, holding his hand but he freed himself

"I'll go get her myself" he said and started leaving but she turned him swiftly to herself and before he knew it, she kissed him hard

It was shocking and just when he tried to push her away, Sapphire came in

He pushed her away and Nadia staggered, arranging her hair.

"Oh I think I get this, Nadia he's your secret crush I knew it!, I just knew it!, But the other time when I asked, you said he isn't" Sapphire said

" No Sapphire, it's not what you think I swear it" Rowen said

"It's not what I think?, What do you mean?" She said and Rowen quickly pulled her out

Nadia licked her lips and sat on the bed, smiling lightly

"No matter what, I'll have you Rowen" she thought..

"It's really not what you think" Rowen said Immediately he got out with Sapphire

" I don't care if it is or not, I'm not your girlfriend" she said and his heart fell

" Then let's date" he said and she laughed

" How funny, Rowen if this is happening two hours ago, I swear it I'll punch you countlessly and make you bleed allover the face" she said seriously

" Why?'

"You made a deal with the mathematics student to wound Seth right?" She said, giving him an unfriendly look

" That was .....

"Ridiculous.! senseless and just irrational" she interrupted angrily

" I did that because....

"because of what?"..

"I like you and I don't like the way he's being my rival...I just wanted to hurt him, that's why I did that" he said guiltily

" I've calmed down right now and that's why I'm not punching or hitting you with anything available, don't try it again Rowen, don't" she said

"Why do you hate me this much" he said pathetically

" I don't hate you, I just hate your ways, my friend loves you so much, go for her and stop coming after me, I'm not yours and can never be" she said and made to go in.

" Then do you really love Seth?" He asked and she stopped

"You don't have to know my thoughts" she replied simply and went in

"Baby fire, what did he say?" Nadia asked immediately she came in

" Nothing " she replied

" Are you mad at me?" Nadia asked

"No, why would I be" she replied, changing into something bigger

" What do you suggest I do?, He doesn't seem into me" Nadia said

" Keep trying, he'll come back to his senses once he realizes I'm not for him" she replied

" So you don't like him?" Nadia asked

"I don't" she replied and Nadia sighed.

Sapphire smiled and dropped her bag

"So you have someone you like?" Nadia asked

Sapphire's phone rang when she made to reply, it's Julia

*Mum" she said after picking

" Your voice is.... somehow full of excitement" she said

" Yes though I dunno why, I'm just happy" she replied

" Just happy?, No one gets happy without a reason" Julia replied

"Well, I have a reason but I won't tell you now" she replied, still smiling

" Ok whatever it is that's making my baby happy, I hope it continues that way.....I got you the sweaters already, I'll bring them tomorrow morning on my way to work...that way I'll get to see you, I've missed you a lot" Julia said

" Ok mum, I missed you too, already see ya!, Bye!"

She hung up and smiled before dropping her phone

"Something is behind your excitement?, Tell me" Nadia said, sitting beside her

" No" she replied, getting up from the bed, Nadia stood too

"Tell me when I'm still nice" she said

"No, just take this as payback, you refused to tell me about your crush till I found out just now, so I'm refusing to tell you about this now" she said

" it's about crush, now I'm more curious but I guess I should rest" Nadia said

" Why?"

" Who else but Seth?" Nadia said

"Witch" she replied and she laughed

" During the football game, you rushed down to him as if he's your boyfriend, anyone will notice" Nadia said

"'re right, I like him.... and I think he likes me too" she replied

" Then you guys should date already maybe Rowen will back off" she said

" Soon, I don't wanna tell him first, he should be the one to tell me" she replied

" As you wish, I made simple noodles, let's eat" Nadia said, going to the kitchen to serve the meal


Rowen's room**

"Where's Rowen?" Hardin asked when he noticed he's not back yet

" I dunno, he hasn't come back since he left" Clark replied, chewing gum slowly

" Then did he really receive a champagne bottle already?" Hardin said and Blaine laughed

" Let's go look for him" Clark said, leading the way out of the room

They went to Sapphire's room first and met only her, watching Netflix on her phone

"Where's Rowen?" Hardin asked

"I have no idea" she replied

"You didn't hurt him right?" Clark asked

" Sure" she replied

" And where's Nadia?" Blaine asked

" She went out for a walk" she replied and they left


Nadia has hear headphones on as she bounced back to the room after taking as much fresh air as she wants, she's unaware that someone is calling her till she was tapped and she stopped to look back

"Hazel.... Renee?" She said

"Yeah, watssup?" Hazel said

"You both should get off my face, ion talk to b*tches" she replied and started walking away again but they blocked her

"You both have a death wish?" She said

"Calm down babe, I know you want Rowen and we're just here to propose a way to get him" Renee said

Nadia calmed down and crossed her arms on her chest

" You can never have him if Sapphire is still here trust me" Hazel said

" What are you saying" Nadia said

"She's his first love, it's the first time that playboy will fall in love and you're aware, first love can't be forgotten easily so you need to get her out of here by every means possible" Renee said

" Stop sprouting rubbish" Nadia said and turned to walk away

" And now they're both staring in a movie together, what do you think?, They might not make it intimate during the indoor shoots but at the locations, a kiss scene will surely be made real....can you take that?, The only way for you to have him all to yourself is when she's gone, and maybe you'll get to be the female lead then....think like a girl" Hazel said and patted her shoulder before leaving with Renee

Nadia stayed on the spot for a while before leaving, thinking hard about what they just said

"I'll be right back" Blaine said to Hardin and Clark when he saw her

He ran to her and walked beside her

"Why are you here again" she said, not looking at him

"You look disturbed" he said, looking at her straight face

" None of your business, it's not your headache" she said

" You're having headache?" She said, quickly holding her shoulders then she touched her forehead to feel her temperature

"It's normal, are you really having headache?" He asked again, looking at her worriedly

" Take your filthy hands off me..... and stop following me!" She yelled, slapping his hand away

" I'm serious....I hate guys like you" she said and left after squinting at him

" Is she for real?" Blaine sighed


"Rowen!, Rowen!" Hardin screamed out loud at the lounge entrance

The lounge is the only place they haven't searched

"Fuck you guys" Rowen muttered from inside

"You're here" Hardin said, coming in with Clark

" You guys are so embarrassing, why scream my name so loud you cavemen" he said, drinking directly from a bottle of tequila

"You're not drunk are you?" Clark asked

"Do I look drunk?" He glared

"Did you really meet her? , How come your head is still intact, you injured her Romeo I was expecting a cracked head" Hardin teased

" Stop joking around." Rowen said and drank again

" So what did she say? " Clark asked

" I can never have her, I should stop coming after her, Was what she said" he replied slowly, sniffing afterwards

" That's true" Hardin said

" I'm not backing off, I'll keep trying" he replied

" Pains of a rejected boy" Clark said, pretending like he'll cry

"You can never know how it feels, I feel your pain bro" Hardin said and Clark laughed

" You guys are lunatics" Rowen said, standing up

"She gave you a piece of her mind so stop following her, this will be the last time I'll be advising you over this" Hardin said

" You ruined your chances already, let her be" Clark said

" I'll decide what I'll do by myself" he replied and left


Next morning

Seth is already waiting by his door, dressed for class when Sapphire got there with Nadia

"Seth your leg is not ok yet, doctor said three days and today is the third day, stay" Sapphire said, trying to open his door and pull him in

"Is that your way of saying good morning?, You're spoilt" he said and hugged her

"I'll wait in front of the hostel" Nadia said and left

"Hey people are watching" Sapphire said

"I don't care" he replied, hugging her tighter

Rowen is watching from his corridor and he folded his hand to a fist

Clark held his right arm while Blaine held the second

"Feel free to pass out, your emotional supports are here" Clark winked and Rowen took his arms from them before walking out of the hostel

"His body was shaking like grrrr!, You'll think he was electrocuted" Clark laughed

"I wish he could see this" Blaine said when he saw Seth kissing Sapphire

" Are they dating now?" Clark said

"Even if not yet, I find them compatible" Blaine smiled


Sapphire quickly broke the kiss and hit Seth's chest softly

"People are watching" she whispered

"Your lipstick tastes like strawberry" he whispered, licking his lips and she smiled

"You're naughty"

"I let's go, you're riding with me on my bike.... please" he said

" Firstly, your leg is not ok yet... secondly...I can't leave Nadia" she replied

" I take that second one but I don't take the first one, touch the spot, it's really ok now trust me pretty" he replied and she bent to his legs, touching it slowly

" See?, I didn't cringe at usual so stop nagging Sapp" he winked and she stood

" But still....

"Shhhh" he hushed, placing his pointer finger on her lips

"I'm ok" he whispered with seductive eyes

"Bad boy" she said, leading the way out while he walked behind

"I love you" he said and she swiftly looked back, not hearing what he said

"What did you say" she asked

"You're pretty" he said and she smiled, flaunting her hair before walking out of the hostel finally

"Nora will like her a lot" Seth smiled, stepping out too

"Mum!" She exclaimed, rushing to a blonde haired woman who's standing beside a car

"My baby" she said, hugging her

"Her mum?" He wondered, going closer

"You look more pretty, Nadia thanks for the foods, I'm aware you'll be the one who cooks, she hates cooking" Julia said

" Sure, she really hates it , but I love it so no problem, I'll keep taking care of my baby sister" she replied and Sapphire glared at her

" Who's your baby sis"

Nadia giggled slowly, suddenly seeing Rowen from the other side of the park, he's busy staring at Sapphire

She held her backpack strap more tightly and sighed

"Here, the sweaters" Julia said, handing the white nylon containing them to Sapphire

"You're the best mum , I love you" she said, taking it from her

"I love you more baby" she replied and pecked her before sighting Seth who's standing behind

" He's the tall handsome nice cool guy?' Julia whispered to Sapphire

"Oh...yes" she whispered back and Julia's eyes widened

"He's cute!, Gosh!, Your babies will look cute" Julia said

"Babies?, Mum what the .... Fuck" she said and Seth stepped in

" Good morning madam, I'm Seth" he said with a big smile

"Whoa!,, I just saw an handsome guy today" Julia smiled and pulled him to the other side of the car

"Mum is frustrating" Sapphire muttered and saw Nadia staring at a particular direction

She traced her direction and saw Rowen.... Rowen is staring at her as if she's the only one in the world

"Jeez" she mumbled

Julia got to the other side with Seth and smiled first

"You don't have any clue about how to make a girl fall for you?" She said

"I don't understand" he replied

" don't like my daughter?" She asked and Seth smiled

" That smile means yes" Julia said

"I love her....a lot" he replied

"I knew it!, I'm already thinking about the name of your first baby together..." Julia said and Seth laughed, holding the car trunk

"Take her out on dates, she's not impressed by material things so show your feelings by heart, pour out your heart to her and make her realize how much you love her, she goes crazy over omelette and coffee early in the morning, you can do that.....I can't wait for your relationship seriously" Julia said and Seth smiled again

This woman right here is something else

"And feed me with everything.... get my number from her ... I want feedbacks but if you break her heart.... I'll break your legs" she said

" Ok ma'am, I don't have any plans to do that" he said

" And yes!, I figured out a name already.... it'll be Summer" Julia said

" For.. what?" Seth asked

" Your first baby with Sapphire"