Seth laughed so hard that he had to lean on the trunk, she's funny but deep inside him, he's wishing it'll come true and Immediately, he started imagining how it'll be if Sapphire will be in his future

"How sweet will it be" he thought and stopped laughing

"I know I sound funny but I'm saying how I feel" Julia said

" I wish it'd come true seriously" he said and Julia smiled

" Gosh!, You're so cute!" She said, pulling him into a light hug which he reciprocated

If only he can also have a loving caring and considerate mother like her

She made to break the hug but he held her still

Julia stayed and Sapphire smiled, watching them interestingly

He later broke the hug and Julia held his right shoulder

"Your mum?" She asked

"She's seriously nothing to talk about" he replied slowly

Understanding what that means immediately, Julia decided not to push forward

"It's ok, just keep going, you can do it" she said and Seth smiled

" Seriously I'm just meeting you but I feel like I've known you for years" he said and hugged her again

Sapphire smiled more widely and moved closer

Immediately Julia broke the hug with Seth, she hugged her

"I love you daughter" she said

"Love you more mum" she replied and Julia opened her car door

"Eyes on you" she said to Seth before entering the car, she drove off

" What did you both discuss, you were both hugging and everything, you're not planning to take my mum away from me right?" She said

" What we said is a secret so I can't tell you, and yes I'll take her from you, I think she's cool and beautiful like you, now I know where you got your prettiness from" he said and she smiled

" Where's Nadia?" He asked

Sapphire looked around and truly Nadia is not around anymore

She made a call to her and she said she's already in school


"Of course, I'm sorry I just had to" Nadia replied and Sapphire hung up

" She's in school already" she said and Seth smiled

"Even better, let's go on my bike" he said, taking her hand

" Selfish guy" she laughed

"If it's because of you, I wanna be selfish" he said with a seductive wink

If only he knows how much effect his winks have on her, he's always unknowingly seducing her but it's cool anyways, she likes it

He climbed on and she sat beside him, holding him tight

"Feeling your b**bs on my back is the best, today will be good" he said naughtily and she laughed, tickling him lightly as he rode down the college road

"Pervert" she giggled and he laughed, they're both smiling as he rode

To him, she's the best thing on Earth right now and he won't want to be separated from her, he won't want to lose her....never, maybe he really needs to make the last move as soon as possible so the future can be real...with her

And Sapphire is busy thinking of how it'll sound like and how happy she'll be when he finally decides to ask her out, he won't finish saying it before she'll say yes seriously

Her heartbeat is irregular anytime he's around, he makes her wanna do crazy things with him like kissing him all day long, she loves his lips no doubt.... maybe she could start calling him chocolate....he tastes exactly like that, only God knows where he got that rare taste from

It's flabbergasting that it came so fast but what can she do?, Not like she has the remote of this thing called the heart

The feelings are crazy and insane if only she could say them out already but no.... since she's sure he feels same way... she'll patiently wait for anytime

She wrapped her arms more tightly around him and Seth stopped the bike abruptly, he looked back at her and they smiled at each other

Before she knew it, he kissed her lips lightly then he continued the journey

"So you stopped to do that" she said, holding him tightly once again

"Sure, it's f*cking important... and all I was seeing on the tarred road was your lips so I had to do it" he replied and she smiled again

They got to school and walked to class together, entering the class at once

All eyes turned to them cos prof Taylor is in class already

"So my two course reps are now the king and queen of lateness" she said, smiling and giving them funny looks

" We're sorry ma'am" Seth said and Taylor smiled wider

They took their seats beside each other just beside Rowen

Sapphire looked at him and thought of ignoring him at first but maybe she hates keeping malice, she forgave him already so far he'll stay away

"Hey" she waved but he ignored her

She smiled and concentrated on the board

"Ok" she thought

Rowen wants to badly talk but seeing her hugging Seth, seeing Seth talking and laughing with a woman who looks like her mum, then seeing them enter together kept playing and replaying in his memory, so much that he can't concentrate

Nadia is sitting right behind him and she felt happy that at least, he didn't reply her

She looked at Sapphire who looks happy beside Seth and her mind went to Hazel and Renee's words

She looked back and saw them, their eyes met and Hazel smiled

"Think like a girl" Hazel mouthed

"Think big" Renee whispered and she quickly faced the front

" What should I do" she thought and when she remembered her pills, she got curious again

"What could it probably be for?, Hazel's dad is a doctor, should I take one to her and ask her?, She might be conversant with it" she thought

Seth slowly held Sapphire's hand under the table, interlocking it with his own, she looked at him and they winked at each other

Prof Taylor saw that and smiled inwardly....the always quiet, cold and moody Seth seems in a good mood right now and the reason is glaring... SAPPHIRE

After the class**

"Hello my stars!" Mr Finn said loudly, entering the class

Everyone laughed at his funny gesture

"Ok right now and here, the two main leads will be showing us how good they are in emotional scenes by acting a scene thirty minutes from now" proof Taylor said

" What!, We weren't told" Sapphire said

" I knowingly did that, to see how fast you guys can assimilate lines when we finally start the shoots and how accurate you guys can manage time" Mr Finn said

" Hard" Seth muttered and they were given the script of the scene they'll be acting

The scene where Cody announced his departure to Marie

They both left the class to memorize the lines for the thirty minutes they were given , Sapphire went to the empty class and started rehearsing the lines one after the other

Her eyes widened when she saw how the scene ended

"I hate you!" Marie screamed in tears and started running out, feeling like her heart has been shattered

How could he just be telling her now when he knows how much she loves him, can she even let him go?,

He's leaving for France two days from now and she's just hearing about it right now, it feels unreal and she feels so hurt, like she meant nothing to him

Cody watched as she left and can't help but feel like a large part of him is leaving, he lives her so much.. .so fucking damn much!

He should have told her since last week but he just couldn't gather enough courage and now that he told her, she teared up and told him she hates him, his heart is bleeding too

How can he possibly live without her?, Seems like fate is against them cos his dad made it compulsory to travel to France and take care of business so he has no choice

He watched her back as she walked out once again and rushed after her

He grabbed her and slammed her back on the wall before slamming his lips on hers hard..

Sapphire's eyes widened after reading the scene

"He's gonna kiss class?"

"Hey" Jacinthe said from the door

She looked at her and waved

"I'll help you rehearse" she smiled

"Really?" Sapphire smiled and she came in fully


Seth walked back to class with a big smile on his face, thinking about what the scene will look like

It wasn't supposed to be real since it's still indoors shoot but he's planning to make it real

He got to class and met everyone waiting already including Sapphire

He dropped his script with Blaine and immediately, Taylor called ACTION

"What did you just say, you're joking right?" Sapphire said, moving back from Seth

" Marie I'm saying the fucking truth, dad wants me to" he replied hurtfully

If only she knows how hurt he is to be saying this too, it wasn't easy for him too

"You're leaving for France two days to come and I'm just hearing about it now, Cody!" She screamed in tears

" Baby I'm sorry, I know I'm at fault, I wanted to tell you since last week but I just....

"You couldn't?, And now it's two days before you depart, you're just telling me and you expect me to hug you or what?, Do you even love me?" She said, it's obvious on her face that she's f*cking hurt

" Marie....I'm sorry I....

" I hate you!!!!" She screamed, shedding more tears as she rushed out of the class

Seth waited for a while, seeing her leave hurts.., so much

He's at fault , yes...but how's he supposed to mend this....

He started striding to her

By now, Rowen just finished reading the script, he actually took it from Blaine....he watched as Seth moved to her and his whole body started shaking on his spot.....he definitely can't watch this happen

Seth grabbed Sapphire and slammed her back on the wall lightly, he was about to slam his lips on hers...

"No!!!!!" Rowen screamed, shocking everyone

Seth and Sapphire looked at him for just a minute, he's breathing heavily

Seth returned his stare to Sapphire and held her face dearly

"Shoot continues, this is fucking important" he whispered and immediately claimed her lips gently.

"Someone hold Rowen!" Clark shouted from the back