"You love my lips so much don't you?" Seth said after the short kiss

" Just the way you love mine or maybe more than you do" she smiled, eating another fork of omelette from him

" Hmmn!, The best omelette I've ever tasted, how can you make omelette tasty than my mum's" she said, drinking from the steaming cup of coffee

"I'm a pro at everything" he replied, she sticked out her tongue and he kissed it quickly

"Naughty boyfriend" she chuckled, eating from his hand again

"Pretty girlfriend" he smiled

"Wait!, How did you know I love omelette and coffee early in the morning,I'm sure this is the surprise you were talking about, how did you know" she said

" It's a secret" he replied

" Come on tell me I'm dying to know" she whined

" No.. . No no" he replied and she tickled him

" That won't work" he laughed and she stood from his laps

"I hate you" she said

"I love you baby, come finish this then I can put you on phone for my sis" he said and she quickly sat back on his laps

" You have a sis?, Junior or senior?" She asked curiously

"Junior, she's fifteen.. she'll call by exactly 8 so it's just two minutes to 8, I'm expecting" he said

" Whoa!, She must be so cute!, What's her name"

"Nora" he replied and she sighed

" Can't wait" she said and almost immediately, her call rang on Seth's phone

He quickly picked with a wider smile

"Hey sweetheart" he said

"Michael I'm....

"shhh... Seth for all today please... I want you to talk to my girlfriend, do you understand?" He said

" OMG you have a girlfriend?, Mich.... sorry Seth I wanna see her right away.... let's video call on duo, I can't wait!, She'll be so cute I'm so sure of it please just let's do video call!" She said loudly from the other end

" Ok stubborn sweetheart" he replied and went to duo, he only waited for a minute before it connected

"Seth finally!, Where's she!" She asked impatiently

" Be patient, take a deep breath cos my girlfriend is really pretty, she'll make you lose your breath" he said

" I'm so anxious please!" Nora almost screamed

"3...2...!" He said, giving Sapphire the phone

"Hi" she waved on the screen and Nora's eyes widened

"OMG her eyes!, I love you so much!" She screamed

" You guys haven't even talked and you're already loving her?" Seth giggled

"Leave me Seth...I love you girl, you're so pretty I swear it, just too beautiful" Nora said, demonstrating how happy she is on the screen

"I'm Sapphire" she said

"Sapphire!, I love your name too, thanks for loving my cold brother, he improved a lot thanks to you, thanks for making him lively again" Nora said

" Yes Miss Nora" she smiled

" But seriously you're so beautiful, sending kisses" Nora said, blowing her kisses, Sapphire blew her kisses too and they smiled

"I'll tell you his biggest secrets, he loves every food so he has no choice, he'll eat any food so far it's tasty, he hates salty foods and foods that are too greasy, one tablespoon of sugar in his coffee, he's not tolerant to cold and it's bad if he catches a cold cos his bronchial tubes gets inflammated easily, it might be dangerous...then he can't go to bed without taking a shower cos he won't be able to sleep, then he loves you so much" Nora said and Sapphire smiled

" Thanks for telling me all these Nora" Sapphire said

"It's ok, I'm telling you he really loves you, for the fact that my brother made you speak to me he loves you damn much" Nora said

" I know, and I love him more" she replied

" Gosh!, I'm so happy!, Are you studying the same major as him?" Nora asked

" Yes" she replied

" Cool, then you both will see each other more often, I'll come see you someday" Nora said

" I can't wait" Sapphire said and waved

" I have to go to class right now, please take good care of my brother.... it's his first time in love please don't break his heart it'll hurt ok?" Nora said

" I won't, I can't...I promise you Nora" she replied


"Bye Nora" Sapphire waved and Nora hung up

"She's so adorable" Sapphire said as she dropped the phone

" I know right?, She likes you I'm so glad" he said

"So if she doesn't like me?"

" Then we have a problem, I'll have to do anything possible to make her do" he replied

" You must really love her"

" A lot" Seth replied and Sapphire drank the remaining coffee in the cup before crawling to Seth on the bed

She slept on him and kissed his chin

"I love you" she whispered, resting her head on his chest

"I love you" he replied, rubbing her hair

"It's Saturday, what should we do?" She said

"Stay indoors and cuddle throughout or go out and have fun" he said

" I prefer staying indoors cuddling with you throughout then we can later rehearse our scripts" she replied, standing up

" Where are you going?" He asked

"I need to brush" she replied

"Wait" he said and stood too, he carried her like he'll carry a baby and took her to the bathroom

He got a new brush for her and after putting paste on it,he handed it to her

"Thanks" she said and started quickly,,

He carried her out when she's done too, placing her on the bed

"So what are you gonna eat" she asked

"You" he replied and jumped beside her, covering them completely with the duvet

"Hey bad boy no" she giggled

"You have a dirty mind, it's not what you're thinking, that I'll eat you might mean having your tits in my mouth" he said, slipping her singlet strap off her shoulder

"Not that I have a dirty mind , what do you want me to think about when you talked about eating me" she replied

" Ok shut up and lemme do this, I'll make you warm, seems it's a cold morning" he said

" Ok" she bit her lip as he slid off the second strap, she's not wearing a bra so he directly caressed her b**bs and she closed her eyes

"Gosh, this feels good" she whispered

His palm continued rubbing on her b**bs and teasing her tits, she moan out his name quietly, then he finally wrapped his tongue around the tit warmly, her breath quicken

"Has anyone ever done this to you?" He asked and her mind went to that night two years ago...the guy in the dark room did exactly this to her

"Yeah" she replied

"Then I guess I'm not your first love" he said

"You are" she replied

" Then....."

" I meant to say one has ever done this to me" she replied, opening her eyes

" Are you sure?" He asked

" Of course, continue please" she said and he dipped his face in her chest, sucking her like a baby

" Oh Seth..." She whispered, dipping her fingers into her air, pulling him closer to do more...


Rowen's room**

Rowen woke up with a throbbing headache which made him hold his forehead immediately

His mouth still has the strong taste of alcohol and his head feels heavy

"Uurrggg!" He groaned and attempted to sit up but an arm is around him

"Who's that?" He thought, remembering last night

He was drunk in the bar then.... Then Sapphire came to take him away, he can still remember fucking her last night, he remembers how she told him he loves him and begged for more of him last night

He spranged up and held her arm

"Sapphire" he called slowly

"Sapphire" he called again but she won't move.....then he noticed her tattoo

"This is not Sapphire....then...." He said and quickly flipped the duvet from her face... Nadia!

His eyes widened and he held his head

"Shit shit shit shit!, No!" He shouted, getting down from the bed

"Rowen screw you!, Fuck!, No!" He shouted again, hitting his fist on the wall

Then he looked at himself, he's still stark naked, his D is dancing in front of him

"Rowen what have you done.. no!" She shouted again

Nadia searched for him beside her with her hand and when she didn't find him she opened her eyes

"Rowen' she muttered

" Get your ass off my bed!" Rowen shouted and she spranged up, her hair covered her face but she quickly brushed it off

"Rowen" she said shockingly

"Get out of my room!, Get out of my life!, Just go!" He yelled and Nadia came down from the bed, stark naked too

"You fucked me last night Rowen, and now you're telling me to get lost, how wicked can you be" she said, breathing heavily

" I took you as Sapphire!, I thought you were her!, I can still remember calling her name, you should have left when you detected that!" He yelled back

" I couldn't cause I love you Rowen!, I love you so much and I couldn't just leave when I had a chance to be with you and have you inside me again, I didn't regret giving you my virginity that night and that's why I was willing to get down with you over and over again, I love you so much Rowen , why can't you just look at me, aren't I beautiful?, I'm so pretty, I'm pretty that your so-called Sapphire!, Why won't you just look at me why!" She screamed in front of him, her b**bs jumping on her chest

"Get out" he said slowly, turning his back on her

"Rowen!" She screamed

"Get out!" He screamed again, looking at her swiftly

Tears came out of her eyes as she stared back hurtfully

"You can't chase me away Rowen,you can't" she said

"I don't love you, it's Sapphire I have feelings for, I don't have even the slightest likeness for you Nadia" he said sincerely

" What?'

"So just go, leave" he said

"And what's so special about Sapphire!" She yelled desperately

" She's not a whore like you!" He yelled back

"You just called me...a whore?" Nadia said

"You're no different from Hazel and Renee, allowing me to fuck you even when you know I was taking you for Sapphire is the highest level of being bitchy, you're a whore" he replied and she slapped him hard

" Can you go now?" He said after the slap

"I won't hate you ,no matter what you do....I won't hate you, I'll still love you and I'm gonna love you till my last breath, that's just fucking true, I'll make you love me back, I'll make you wanna have me Rowen , I'll make you forget Sapphire... cos I love you.... and you know what?, If it's because of you, I'm ready to be a whore" she said and went to the bed, she only put on her skirt and top, leaving her panties and bra on the bed

"I love you so much Rowen....I do....a lot, so I'm not backing off, never!' she said loudly and stormed out of the room

She met Blaine by the door and gave him an hateful look before knowingly bumping her shoulders on his own then walked away

Blaine watched her till she's out of sight and sighed

Hardin and Clark joined him and Clark smiled

"She must have gotten a good fuck from Rowen" he said

Blaine went in first and they came in after

Rowen just finished putting on his shorts

"Hey guys" he said

"You fucked her real hard" Hardin said

Rowen kept mute and when he saw her bra and panties on the bed, he grabbed them and threw them out of the window

"You sure love hurting your friends right?" Blaine said slowly

" What do you mean" Rowen said

"First it was Mara, Hardin's girlfriend... and now it's Nadia, a girl I've started liking" Blaine said

" Immediately I have a girlfriend , I'm leaving this hostel with her else Rowen will make me cry by tearing her pussy with his devilish dick" Clark said

" You're really something else" Hardin said

"Are you guys high?, I was taking her as Sapphire, not like I intentionally did it" Rowen said

" I gave up on her already cos I can't date a whore, you can have her all to yourself dickhead" Blaine said

" Bastard!" Rowen spat and made to punch Blaine on the face but he swayed and it eluded him

"Ass.hole" Blaine said and walked out of the room

"So after fucking Sapphire's best friend, you're still gonna continue going after her?" Clark said

" This is not his first time of fucking her, he fucked her in her room some months ago, he told me he took her virginity" Hardin said

" Oh no.....I give up" Clark said and left too

" Rowen....I dunno what to say, your first time in love and you're perfectly messing up, Sapphire can never be yours just get it straight, I know it's hard but forget about her" Hardin said and left too

Rowen hit his fist on the wall angrily countless times, hating himself that moment

"Fuck shit!" He shouted, kicking the wall and throwing himself on it, he got a bottle of alcohol from the kitchen and gulped it down, not minding his headache

He drank half and threw down the bottle, it crashed on the floor and he sat beside the bed, resting his head on it

"Sapphire" he whispered and closed his eyes as hot tears rushed out of his eyes


Nadia got to her room and broke the mirror on the dresser first then she opened the closet and started throwing out all the clothes angrily,

She went to the bed and threw off the bedspread, she jumped on it and screamed loudly, holding her ears

She went to the dresser again and pushed down everything on it angrily, scattering the whole room

"Sapphire" she seethed and Sapphire came in immediately, her eyes shows how surprised she is to see the whole room looking like chaos happened there

"Nadia" she said worriedly and rushed to her

"Don't touch me!" she said quickly when she made to touch her

"Nadia why....

" Don't touch me!!" She shouted crazily

" And why the hell are you behaving like a lunatic!" Sapphire shouted back

*Don't just touch me" she replied and came down from the bed,she entered the bathroom

Sapphire dropped her pills envelope on the bedstand and started arranging the room

Before Nadia came out of the bathroom, she's already done arranging everything

*Nadia talk to me"

" I don't want to, just ignore me for the next thirty minutes please" she replied, dressing up

Sapphire sighed and decided to take her bath too, she entered the bathroom and Nadia rolled eyes evilly

She saw the pills envelope on the stand and went for it, she took one of the pills and kept it in her small wallet

After dressing up , she left the room

Sapphire came out to see she's out already, she sighed and dressed up too, wondering why she's like that throughout

Someone knocked immediately she was done with dressing up

She went to the door and opened it to behold Jacinthe

"Hey Sapp" she waved

"Jacinthe?, Good morning" she smiled

Jacinthe stepped forward and hugged her

" I just want to do this, I've never really hugged a true friend, I hope we can talk more frequently" she said, breaking the hug

" How was your night?"

" Was cool, yours?* Jacinthe asked, brushing Sapphire's hair with her fingers

"Wasn't bad" Sapphire replied and let her in

"I'll help you dress your hair" she said, sitting Sapphire down

Sapphire kept looking at her face as she brushed her hair with care at each stroke

She looks too too decent and simple

"Why did you choose Renee and Hazel as your friends" she asked

" We've been friends for five years now, since elementary, back then I was always bullied,but they saved me and I became one of them, I found myself wanting to be like them, wanting to do things they do, wanting to try out things they try out, I just... wanted to....feel big too" she replied and stopped brushing

" So... you're aware that you don't belong to them" Sapphire said, standing up

" Yeah, but anytime I plan to leave them, they remind me of when they saved me and I'll have no choice" she replied and Sapphire sighed

" You don't have to be a stooge to them...stand up for yourself and do things for yourself please" Sapphire said

" Just say that you'll be my friend" Jacinthe said

" Of course...I will" Sapphire said and her face brightened up

" Really?"

" Of course" Sapphire replied and she hugged her

" I love you" she said

" Much love baby" Sapphire replied and when they broke the hug, they smiled at each other for long

"Where's Nadia?"

"She's out for now, I need to go back to my boyfriend, I planned to spend the rest of today with him" Sapphire replied

" Seth?" Jacinthe said and Sapphire nodded

" I envy you....he's handsome, cool and brilliant, you both fit" she said and Sapphire hugged her again

They left the room together and Jacinthe went her way, Sapphire started heading back to Seth's room


Hazel's room**

"Do you think she'll succumb to our advise?" Renee asked

"You mean Nadia?, She's desperate, I can just see it in her eyes, when one is desperate, you do everything possible to satisfy yourself... I used her situation against her so it'll work...." Hazel replied

" So if she agrees, we'll get back at Sapphire together with her" Renee said

" Exactly" Hazel replied and a knock sounded on the door

Renee went to open the door and Nadia appeared looking serious

"Hazel it's her" Renee whispered and Hazel walked to the door to see her too

"Finally" she smiled

"I need your help on something concerning Sapphire" Nadia said