"So you've finally decided to come to the right place" Hazel said with a cunning smile on her lips

Renee ushered Nadia in and Hazel waited patiently for what she has to say

"This" she said, bringing out a small pill from her wallet

Hazel pointed out her palm and she placed it there

"What pill is this" she asked, checking it out with Renee

" I dunno what it's for, Sapphire takes it daily and I want to know what it's for, I might be able to use it against her" she replied

Hazel smiled, still checking it out

"So you brought it to me cos you're aware that my dad is a doctor" she said, facing Nadia

" Sure"

" Has she been taking it since she got here?" Renee asked

"No, when she got here, she frequently hurts herself and I witnessed it all, but immediately her mum brought the pills and she started taking them daily , it stopped" Nadia replied

" Oh.... Then I really need to find out fast, I must go to dad's hospital this morning, I'll be right back" Hazel said and picked her bag then rushed out of the room

"What made you make friends with her in the first place" Renee asked

" I just thought she's perfect, but now I don't care" she replied

" Why?, Because Rowen is head over heels for her? " Renee said

" Isn't it obvious?, You guys were right, if she remains here, Rowen won't look at me, she needs to leave and I'll make her leave, I badly want Rowen, I just want him" she replied

" So you love his Dick that much" Renee giggled, eating cucumber slowly

" I don't love only his Dick, I love him too" Nadia said and Renee laughed

" I understand, but the guys in this hostel are behaving like dicks these days so I make it easy for myself. I use vibrators" Renee said, showing Nadia three long thick vibrators on the bedstand

" You're a bitch" Nadia said

"A bitch like you" Renee laughed again

" I'll come back once Hazel is back from the hospital, you're too annoying to stay with" Nadia replied and left the room

Jacinthe saw her coming out of the room and wondered what she went there to do

"What's her relationship with Hazel and Renee?, Thought they're Sapphire's enemy?, Why is she... "

She stopped thinking and looked at her as she walked away

" Something isn't right" she thought, entering the room.

" Why was Nadia here?" She asked Renee who's already naked on the bed with a vibrator in her hand

"None of your business" she replied, fucking herself with the vibrator already

" eew!, Gross!" Jacinthe said, rushing out again


W hospitals**

"Dad is meeting with the interns?, And I said I need to see him right now" Hazel said to the nurse in front of the conference office

" His instruction was that no one should be let in, Hazel you can't go in there" the nurse replied

" Stop kidding" she rolled her eyes and stormed into the office

" Hazel?" Dr Woods said

"Dad I need to see you right now... it's f*cking urgent!" She said loudly

Dr Woods heaved an heavy sigh before taking a break from the interns, he led Hazel to his office

*Now what!,. I was meeting with my interns and then you came and..... Hazel!" He said frustratedly

" I'm sorry dad, it's just so need to tell me what this works against" she said, bringing out the pill

Dr Woods took it and checked it out carefully before looking at her

"Where did you get this from?"

"It's not important right now dad... just tell me what it works for already" she replied

" It fights sex urge" he replied

" Meaning?"

" It's for nymphomaniacs" he said and Hazel's eyes widened

" What!"

" Yes, it just got generated, it's rare and expensive" he replied

" Thanks Dad!" She replied quickly, took it from him and rushed out of the hospital

"Yes!, So she's a nymphomaniac, This will be so sweet! ,I'm already imagining how this will feel, Sapphire!, Your time is up or will be up soon, I know just what to do" she said, smiling evilly as she left the hospital



Rowen is sitting alone, smoking and drinking from a bottle of alcohol, then tears is rolling down his eyes

He took a puff from his cigarette again and sniffed, his eyes are red already, as is someone deposited fire bags in there

He wiped his tears but it fell again as he drank and smoked

It's obvious he can never get her, it's obvious she can never be hers ..the first girl he'll ever fall for, the first girl who captured his heart, that same girl who changed him without knowing, got taken away by another guy, the most hurtful thing that has ever happened to him

It takes long for him to cry but the fact that he's crying so easily cos of her is enough certification that he's really in love with her

He took another puff from his smoke and sighed, blowing out the smokes through his nostrils

"Sapphire" he whispered for the uptenth time

The whole lounge is smelling of smoke and everyone that has been entering has been going out Immediately

He rested back on the chair and let out tears from his closed eyes again, drinking from the bottle

"Maybe I don't deserve to be loved, maybe I was destined to be a f*ckboy, maybe I don't deserve her, maybe she was made for Seth, maybe I'll be a playboy till death" he thought

Hardin and Clark watched him from the door and Hardin dipped his hand into his pocket

"He's becoming something else" he said

"He might go crazy at this rate , it's not easy" Clark said

" I wasn't easy to get over Mara too, that's why I fucked around just to make her memories leave and luckily it did, maybe he'll do the same" Hardin said

" Fucking around too?, If it'll help then he should do" Clark said


Seth's room**

" Open the door pretty" he said, knocking on the kitchen door

Sapphire has been in there since two hours ago, rehearsing her script

She suggested they do it separately cos they might just end up doing something else if they're together

"Is it two hours already?" She asked from inside

"Sure, come already I miss you" he replied and she chuckled then opened the door,,

Immediately she came out, he poured kisses on her face then kissed her lips lightly

"I missed you" he said

"We were together two hours ago" she replied

"Meaning you don't miss me?" He said

"Of course I did" she replied and he hugged her

" I dunno why I got addicted to you this fast, but it's good, I love it" he smiled

" It's evening already, what should I make?" She asked

" You hate cooking so don't bother" he replied

" I hate cooking but I'll make an exception for you" she said and went back into the kitchen with him

" So...what should I make?" She asked, facing him

" Should I just eat you instead?" He replied

" Hey stop being naughty" she said and he giggled

"Hmmn, anything is fine, I'll eat anything you make" he replied

" In that case, I'll make garnished noodles" she said, placing a pot of water on fire

"Fine" he replied and opened the cabinet containing noodle packs, he brought out four and they jointly removed it from the packs into the pot

Sapphire started dicing and chopping the ingredients so fast like a professional chef

"Hey be careful, your hands" he said worriedly

" I'm quiet fast, I won't get hurt I promise" she replied but he still has that worried look on his face till she was done

They jointly added the spices, veggies and the outstanding ingredients before covering it

He hugged her from behind and kissed her tattoo, sending handfuls of butterfly down her stomach

"I dunno why but I love your tattoo, should I get one too?" He said

" It's your choice Choco lips" she replied and he turned her to himself, before she could speak, he kissed her, rubbing her ass behind her

She couldn't object, she won't dare.....

Her legs left the ground and went to his waist, staying there throughout the hot make out

She broke it and rested her forehead on his own

"I love you" she whispered

"I love you" he smiled and was about to kiss her again but she jumped down from his arms

" The noodles!" She said and they both rushed to it, she quickly put off the cooker and opened it, they both looked into the pot at the same time and looked at each other, it's not burnt

"We did it!" They both said at a time and she placed it down then dished it for both of them

They took their plates of noodles and left for the kitchen,,

Sitting in front of each other on the bed, they held their forks tightly, looking directly at each other

They're actually about to compete, who'll finish first

"Start!" Sapphire said sharply and they both started eating fast, it's hot but they're blowing air on it and eating at the same time

Seth is obviously taking the lead cos he has eaten most of his food, Sapphire started coughing and he quickly rushed to the kitchen to get water

Sapphire quickly ate all her noodles and smiled, she actually pretended that she got choked

Seth came back with the cup of water and met her empty plate and a cute silly smile on her face

"I'm sowey, I just need to win" she said, winking cutely and biting her lips

" Come here" Seth said, dropping the water and rushing to her on the bed,,

She grabbed a pillow and he grabbed one too, they started pillow fight, hitting pillow on each other till the white soft feathers flew out of the pillows, filling the whole room

The feathers flew around as they fought,no one is leading, they're successfully hitting each other and laughing, cackling like babies

Seth suddenly tickled her and she laughed so hard, her pillow fell and he grabbed her, rolling her on top of him then placing her on the other side before laying on top of her, they're both breathing heavily

"You're so stubborn" he breathed, touching her nose tip

" You too, fucking stubborn" she replied and she smiled

He got an hanky and wiped the thin beads of sweat on her forehead

She took it when he's done and wiped his face too, smiling althrough

"You're so perfect I swear, how can you be spotless, cool, handsome, brilliant, tall, naughty and crazy at the same time" she said

" Cos I'm your boyfriend" he winked and she smiled, drawing him to herself

" Thanks for being my baby" she said

"I'm honoured" he said cutely and she stick out her tongue, he quickly captured it and kissed it softly

"How do you even do that" she said

"Kissing the the tongue?, Try it" he replied, sticking out his tongue, she did it and he smiled

"See?, You did" he said

She unbuttoned his shirt and when his beautiful abs came to view, she kissed his chest and looked at him, attaching emotions to her eyes

She kissed his chest again and looked at him again, his eyes are becoming impatient

"Love what I'm doing to you?" She said

"I love everything you do to me pretty" he replied and she returned to his chest , planting kisses on it allover till she got to his lips, she kissed it and rubbed her thumb on it afterwards

"What are you doing" he whispered

"Magic" she whispered back and kissed his lips again then rubbed it afterwards

Seth closed his eyes and allowed her for some minutes, she's successfully turning him on, giving him a hard on without knowing

"Let's stop" he said, opening his eyes

"Why?" She replied

He tossed her to his right side and held her face

"I'm hard already" he said sincerely

"I never said we can't fuck" she replied

"It's still too early" he replied

"But you're my boyfriend" she said

"I know... but let's take it slow" he said, rubbing her cheeks

" Ok.....let's take it slow" she said after a while

" I'm sorry" he whispered

"I'm fine, I love you' she replied

" I love you" he replied, drawing her to his chest, she dipped her face there, holding him tightly before sleeping off while he kept stroking her hair.


Frat house, night**

"Where's Jacinthe?" Hazel asked Renee when she came in to see only her sitting

" She said she's not coming" Renee replied

"These days.. that girl is acting strange" Hazel said, smiling as she sat

" And why is Nadia not here to listen to the results already" Renee said

" How shocking , that b*tch is a nymphomaniac?, I can't believe it" Hazel said, drinking from the cup of champagne on the table

"And here she comes" Renee said when Nadia came in

She made sure Sapphire isn't in the house before coming to them

"What's up?" She asked, sitting beside Hazel

"You won't believe your so-called Sapphire is a nymphomaniac" Renee said

" What the hell" Nadia said

" Don't be too surprised...the pill is to fight her sex urge, I guess another way to fight it is hurting herself but she stopped doing that since the pills came like you said... " Hazel said

" Unbelievable" Nadia said

" So...what are you gonna do?" Renee asked

" I need to think" she replied and that instant, Rowen appeared... looking wild , he pulled Hazel up

"What!" She snapped

Without replying, he took her in

"Whoa!, My bitch is gonna enjoy a good fuck tonight I guess" Renee said

" What...what are you talking about" Nadia asked

" He's obviously going in to fuck her, why else?" Renee said and Nadia held the table so she won't fall as she Imagined the scene of Rowen fucking Hazel in her head

She walked out of the house furiously..


Rowen took Hazel into one of the rooms and threw her on the bed, she sat up and looked at him questioningly

"What do you want" she said

"Strip" he said like an order, taking off his shirt

Hazel knows what it means so she smiled and bit her lip seductively

"Missed my pussy?" She said, standing up and walking to him

She caressed his bare chest and he gave her an hard look throughout

She suddenly grabbed his D in his trousers and smiled, she missed how it felt in her hand

"Oh damn, it became bigger" she said, licking her lips

Rowen lost patience and pushed her roughly to the bed, it only took a minute to strip them both and in the next minute, he's already inside her, hanging her legs on his shoulders

"Rowen why can't we just make this forever when we know how to satisfy each other....fuck!, I missed this... Rowen fuck me harder please. ..... Just destroy me.... please go hard on me.... Rowen!!" She screamed, smiling and giggling as she got f*cked

Her insides got turned with his rod and she felt it churning but she loves it that way, he won't stop banging anytime soon and his bangs are coming angrily, as if she's releasing anger on her

He changed her position and placed her on the bed edge, she touched her cl*t and licked her finger..

"Fuck me more .. please do it already" she said and he wrapped her legs around him, going inside her again

"Rowen I love this!"

"Jeez!, I might just die but if it's for your Dick it's worth it Rowen...

"Harder baby.... please just wound me with your Dick..

Rowen made sure he's satisfied before pulling out of her, she made to grab his D into her mouth and swallow his cum but he didn't allow that, he released on the ground instead

"Why waste my milk" she said, dipping her fingers into it, she started licking it off the ground

Rowen put on his trousers and held his shirt in his hand as he left the room

This obviously didn't work

"Fucking Hazel will make me forget her" was his thought but right now.... Sapphire is the only thing on her mind,,

When he was fucking Hazel, Sapphire is all he could see in his head and that's why he kept fucking her harder maybe that'll help but it still remained the same

Tears came out of his eyes as he walked back to the main house to get a bottle of alcohol, he drank as he walked out of the house

His friends followed him behind slowly

"Guess it didn't work" Blaine said

"It doesn't work for everyone, maybe it'll really take long before he'll get over her" Hardin said

" How can we help" Clark said

" Obviously no way, let's just stay beside him always" Hardin replied..


" Really?, I wish I was there, we could have done threesome, I'm tired of vibrators , they don't satisfy me like real D" Renee said as she walked back to the hostel with Hazel

" Rowen was hard on me but I enjoyed it, can't believe I got f*cked in a good feels so good!" Hazel smiled, caressing her hips

" Bad girl" Renee said and Nadia suddenly appeared

" You could have told Rowen that you aren't interested, how could you let him f*ck you when you know how I feel about him, I thought we're friends" she said

" Friends?" Hazel said and laughed loudly

" That's funny, friends you said?" Renee said

" Just because I helped you doesn't mean we're now friends, and about Rowen, I want his D just like you want it so scratch can't have Rowen when I'm still alive Nadia" Hazel replied

" And about Sapphire, I only helped you cos I wanted to know her secret too, and now that I know...." Hazel said and smiled devilishly

" Let's go babe" Renee said and Hazel left with her, they both bumped their shoulders on hers and she fell.

"Damn you both!" she screamed loudly