"So has everyone gotten used to their scripts?" Prof Taylor asked immediately she stepped into the class

" I think so" Seth replied

"Yes" Sapphire said

" Probably" Jacinthe said cheerfully

"The rest?" She asked

"I'm done" Rowen replied gently

"Same here" Hardin said

"Same here" Blaine said

"Nadia?" Prof Taylor said

She's busy staring into space

" Nadia?" She called again and Sapphire had to tap her, she spranged up

" Huh!" She said sharply

"Anything wrong?, You always look lost in class these past weeks" Taylor said worriedly

" I'm fine" she replied awkwardly

" So are you done with your script?" She asked

" Yeah... Of course" she replied quickly

" Good, then I guess we should choose a date for the indoors shoots to start, week ends today, tommorow is Halloween and Sunday is bonfire night, should we schedule the shoots for Monday?" Taylor said

" Sure" majority answered

" Ok, then let's start the class" she replied and wrote on the board

"Nadia" Sapphire whispered and she looked at her

"Baby fire" she replied

"Prof Taylor was right, you've been behaving weird these days, you're always lost in thoughts, you're mostly quiet too" Sapphire said

" I'm just thinking about stuffs, I'll tell you later" Nadia replied

"Promise?" Sapphire said

" Sure" Nadia smiled shortly

Sapphire concentrated again and Seth looked back at her, she blew him a secret kiss and he blushed before looking away from her

Jacinthe's eyes met with hers too and Jacinthe winked, she winked back and they both giggled silently

They've become closer than she expected these past weeks and she moves with her more than she does with hazel and Renee

She looked at Rowen and sighed, he changed a lot for the past three weeks, when they cross paths, he walks past her without saying a word to her, he doesn't even spare her a glance

Then when he sees her coming from afar, he changes route and takes another way, he's obviously avoiding her but maybe it's the best

He has been quiet and calm these days, he rarely talks and when he does, it's not much

Taylor finished the class and they all trooped out of the class, it's the last class for today

"Should we go grab pizza?" Jacinthe asked

"Nadia what do you say?" Sapphire asked

" Ion think I'll be able to follow you guys,. I have something to do" she said and rushed out of the school

" She's making me get worried" Sapphire said

"Maybe she's ...." Jacinthe said and remembered seeing her coming out of Hazel and Renee's room three weeks ago

"She's what?" Sapphire asked

"Nothing" she replied and grabbed Sapphire's hand

" Let's go get pizza!" She shouted and Sapphire laughed as they ran out of the school like kids will do


Nadia got back to the room and released the tears she has been fighting in class

She sat on the ground and cried loudly, her eyes turned red in minutes and she sniffed as she cried

"I can still remember how hard I tried while trying to make friends with her... how could I" she lamented, hating herself more than anything in the world right now

She betrayed her cos of Rowen, she sold out her secret cos of a guy who doesn't even love her

"How can I be so wicked....I wasn't brought up this way, why did I change badly, I wasn't like this before... where's the real me!!" She screamed

Headache started Immediately and she grabbed her head, she stood and rushed to the bathroom to stand under the shower, she turn it on and the water drenched her badly

"Baby fire has always been nice, how could I....I hate you Nadia!!, I hate myself!!" She screamed.

"I deserve to die...I really deserve to die for what I did, I can't even bring myself to tell her, I have no idea what those devils will do to her, I have no idea" she cried, sitting on the wet ground

Not like Rowen became hers after everything, Rowen speaks to no one right now, he's like a rock and even hates seeing her, she just got used by Hazel and Renee

She remembered the laughs, pecks, hugs, how Sapphire massaged her tummy during her menstrual cramps, how she comforted her during her tears, her kindness is what she should never betray, her trust is what she should never stab but she did already and right now,,

She's regretting badly


Snacks shop**

"Corn dog... have you tasted it before?" Jacinthe asked Sapphire who's eating pie hungrily

" No, i just don't like it" she replied

"Here, taste it" Jacinthe said, trying to make her have a bite

"No I can't" she replied

"You'll like it I promise" Jacinthe persuaded


"Of course, just taste it" she replied

Sapphire reluctantly ate in her hand and her eyes widened as she chewed on it

"It's good!" She said, quickly taking it from her, she started eating fast

"I told you you'll like it" Jacinthe said, smiling as she watched her eat

Somehow, seeing her happy makes her happy too and this is the first time she'll feel a real friendship bond with someone, she's different and interesting

"I love you" she suddenly said

"I love you more, I love you!" Sapphire screamed and pulled her hand, they're walking down the store, picking snacks and eating when a guy suddenly appeared from a corner, knowingly bumping into Jacinthe, she fell heavily

"Oh I'm so sorry...I'm sorry miss" he said, quickly helping her up but while helping her up, he's stylishly touching her boobs with a perverted smile on his face

Sapphire watched silently as he knowingly made Jacinthe fall again

"Ouch!" Jacinthe said as her butt landed on the floor again

"I'm so sorry miss, your sneakers must have slipped on the floor, I'm sorry" he said and helped her up again, holding her waist and stylishly touching her butt

"You just successfully signed yourself up as my punching bag, it's been long since I warmed up" Sapphire said, flexing her fingers

" Thanks" Jacinthe said after he finished helping her stand

"It's ok" he replied and started leaving

"Hey dude!" Sapphire said loudly and he stopped, he looked back at her and she smirked before landing a punch on his face, it made his head hit on one of the shelves and he fell

"Sapphire!" Jacinthe said shockingly, covering her mouth in shock

"Shut up and let me do my thing" she said and pulled up the guy who's weak already with just one punch , his nose and mouth is bleeding and he got a cut on his filthy lips

"Show me your teeth" Sapphire said and he trembled

"Your teeth!" She shouted and he fearfully opened his mouth, she punched his front teeth and about four flew out of his mouth

"Aarrgh!!!!" He screamed, more blood coming out

" Sapphire!" Jacinthe called again

People surrounded them already, making videos

"And now the hands" Sapphire said and pushed him, he fell and she stood on his hands, squeezing it with her sneakers

" hands!!!!" He shouted

"Sapphire cops!" Jacinthe said and Sapphire quickly grabbed her hand

" Do you know how to run?" She asked

"I've never done that all my life" Jacinthe replied

"Then just follow me" Sapphire said and pulled her out of the store, running down the street with her as the cops chased after them with their car

"How are we supposed to run faster than a car" Jacinthe said, breathing heavily

" Just watch" Sapphire replied and continued running

"Stop right now!!" The cops voice said from the megaphone

"This is fun" Sapphire laughed, running faster,

" I'm about to die, my legs are on fire" Jacinthe breathed

" You can't die baby, you won't" Sapphire replied, sliding into a mall with her

They got in and hid behind the last counter, Sapphire covered jacinthe's mouth with her palm so her breathing won't be heard

The cops entered, searching everywhere for them, asking the people in the mall if they see two young girls running in but it seems not everyone saw them so most of them answered no

They left the mall and Sapphire sighed

"That was close" she said, standing up with Jacinthe who released an heavy breath

" Why did you do that?" She asked

"The guy is a pervert, he touched your butt and boob, you didn't even notice" Sapphire replied

" What!" Jacinthe said, touching her boobs

" I just hate perverts, and for the fact that he tried shit with my friend, I couldn't take it" Sapphire said and Jacinthe smiled

Hearing her call her friend is making her go gaga

"Thanks very much, I love you" she said, hugging her tightly

" Your I love you is becoming excessive, my boyfriend will skin you alive" Sapphire said

" I love you" Jacinthe said again and Sapphire smiled, hugging her too

They broke it after a while I Sapphire saw tears on her face

"Why are you crying?" She asked,, holding her face

"Just that... I've never felt so loved since I lost my parents" she said

" You're an orphan?"

" Yes, I live in an orphanage, the orphanage owner is the one sponsoring my education, she's so kind" she replied, crying more

Sapphire almost cried too but held it back then hugged her again

"I'm so sorry" she said

"Thanks for being my friend, I love you so much...I love you I swear, I promise to remain a good friend forever please don't stop being my friend" she cried

" I won't ever stop being your closest friend no matter what.....I love you too, I love you more so stop crying" Sapphire replied, breaking the hug to wipe her tears

she smiled at her and pecked her, Jacinthe blushed and Sapphire stroked her hair

"Tommorow is Halloween, what costume are you using?, She asked

"A demon's" Jacinthe replied

"I'm using a witch's" Sapphire replied

"Let's go get em, the stores would have been stocked with the paints rights now" Jacinthe said, leaving with her



"This will be the seventh stick of cigarette you'll be smoking today, since the past three weeks you've been smoking and drinking continuously, you lost a lot of weight too, are you planning to get yourself killed?" Hardin said, taking the cigarette from him

" Give it back" Rowen said, standing up to take it from him but Hardin threw it down and marched it, Rowen punched him hard and Hardin's lips bursted

"F*ck you!" Rowen yelled, taking another stick from the pack but Hardin took it and marched it again

Rowen punched him again and Hardin bled more

"Punch me again" Hardin said, breathing heavily as he wiped his bloody lips

"Alcohol and smoke are the two things that fight my pains, why are you trying to take it away!" He shouted, glaring at Hardin

" You're hurting yourself, you think it's the best idea?, Your dad said smoke is dangerous to your health, you knew me before Blaine and Clark came, I've been your friend from day one Rowen, your dad told me to watch over you, he specially told me smoke is not advisable for you cos you once almost died cos you smoked, am I supposed to ignore that and allow you to continue?" Hardin said

" Not like this life is something worth living anyways, I wanna die" Rowen replied

" Cos of a girl?, I didn't want to say this but i guess I have to say it now.... when you f*cked Mara,I felt like dying but here I am now, I'm living fine .... It hurts I know, but learn to control your emotions, if you don't... you'll get hurt the more" Hardin said

Rowen sat back on the chair and tears came out of his eyes

"Sapphire" he mumbled, wiping his tears

"I understand you, I know you love her but.. she's not for you, you just have to understand that... please dude" Hardin said

" Why aren't you hating me?, I'm a bastard who tore you and your first love apart" Rowen said, looking at Hardin

Hardin smiled and bent in front of him

"I wanted to hate you but I just couldn't, I wanted to loathe and just despise you but I can't, it's surprising but I just couldn't..... That's why I have no other choice but stay, you're my best buddy anyways" Hardin said

" I don't deserve your stay" Rowen said

" I love you bro" Hardin said

" I don't deserve it" Rowen replied

" You do.... you're just childish, you've been like that for the start" Hardin said and hugged him

" Hardin!!" Rowen cried

"Let it all out, you'll be fine" Hardin said, patting his back

The door opened roughly and Hazel came in

"Why aren't you picking my calls Rowen!" She demanded

Hardin let him go and he wiped his tears before standing

"Get out" he said gently

"I don't want won't talk to me and you kept behaving like you hate me, I'm not leaving!" She replied defiantly

" Leave and never come back" Hardin said

"I wasn't talking to you" she replied

"Get the fuck out!" Rowen yelled and she flinched

" You'll still come begging to get down with my I swear it,but before then, I'll make you suffer" she threatened and left furiously



" Mum" Sapphire almost screamed when Julia came out of her car with Ivy

They hugged and Julia kissed her hair fondly

"Ivy" she smiled and hugged get too

"Thanks for taking care of my mum" she said

"It's nothing, thanks for coping here too" Ivy replied

"She is?' Julia asked, gesturing at Jacinthe who's standing behind

"Jacinthe, my close friend" Sapphire replied

"I'm glad, that you're making friends is just so cool, nice to meet you Jacinthe, you're so pretty" Julia said, hugging her

" You're a beautiful woman too , Sapphire takes after you" she replied and Julia smiled

" Where's Nadia?"

" She's not in the room, I dunno where she is" Sapphire replied

"Oh, .... Then....the cool guy?" Julia said

"Ma'am" Seth spoke from the front of the hostel and Julia smiled as he stepped closer

He hugged her like a mum and Julia smiled widely

"I told you to give me feedback but you didn't" she whispered

" I just thought it'd be better to tell you in person" he replied and Julia quickly broke the hug

" Meaning?"

" We...are kind of... like.... dating officially right now" he said and Julia smiled widely

" It's not a joke right?" She said

"It's not" he replied and Julia hugged him again

" I'm so glad, even if I don't get the pills again, she's covered" she said

" By the way, she hasn't told me why she's on pills" he said

" She'll tell you I promise" Julia replied

" Is it something bad?* Seth asked

"Kind of" Julia smiled and Seth looked worried instantly

"Hey don't be like that, she's fine, especially now that you're with her" Julia said

" I'll believe that" he replied and Julia took Sapphire from Ivy

" Congratulations" she said

" On getting a boyfriend who loves and cares about me?" She replied

"Of course, I'm so glad" Julia smiled, hugging her afterwards

" Be good, Please... and tell him your condition as soon as possible...." She said

"I'll summon courage and tell him one of these days" she replied

" Better, I should get going it's getting late" Julia said, breaking the hug

" Ok mummy" she replied and Julia waved at Jacinthe and Seth before leaving with Ivy

Seth hugged Sapphire immediately and Jacinthe smiled

It's true that she was crushing on Seth, but when she figured out Sapphire is in love with her and he feels the same, she decided to let go of her feelings and maybe that's the right thing cos she's so happy for them right now

"I want her happiness just like she wants mine" she thought smiling unknowingly

Seth placed a soft kiss on Sapphire's lips immediately he broke the hug

"Should we just walk down the aisle already?" He said and she laughed

" Not bad" she said and he made to kiss her tempting lips again but a blue expensive car stopped in the park, he got scared at first but when Carlos came out of the car, a wide smile spread on his handsome face

"Carlos!" He exclaimed and Carlos walked to him swiftly, hugging him tight

"I missed you" Carlos said and Seth laughed

" You're behaving like a girl"

"Let me be, I'm happy you're coping here" he replied, breaking the hug to check him out

" I'm coping, thanks to someone" he replied


"Sure' he replied and held Sapphire

"Meet my girlfriend... Sapphire Hunt" he introduced

"Hi" she greeted and Carlos smiled

"Unbelievable!, Seth in love?" He said

"Stop embarrassing me" Seth whispered

" By the way you can call me his.... secret keeper" Carlos said

"Secret keeper?" Sapphire said

" Exactly" he replied

" Ion understand" she replied

" You'll understand...not just now" Seth said

"And I came with a big surprise this time" Carlos said

" Big surprise?" Seth said anxiously

" Tada!" Carlos said, gesturing at the car, the door opened again and out of it came... NORA!

Seth almost can't believe his eyes as she stepped out of the car, looking as cute as he can always remember

"Nora!" He exclaimed

"My Mich!" She screamed and ran to him jumping on him tightly, Seth closed his eyes, hugging her tightly too

"Mich?" Sapphire wondered as she watched them

"Nora" Seth whispered when they broke the long hug, he balanced her in his arms and kissed her forehead

"Nora.... it's really you" he said, touching her face gently

" It's me" she replied cutely and he hugged her again

"Madam travelled yesterday and won't be coming back till Tuesday, Nora will be spending tommorow and Sunday with you, we'll go back on Monday" Carlos whispered to Seth

" My Nora" Seth whispered again, stroking her hair and fighting back his tears

He missed her so much and now that she's here, he can't help but be overwhelmed.....

"I missed you" Nora said in his arms, tightening her arms around him as if someone will take him away if she doesn't.