Seth's hands went to Nora's hair and he stroked it gently, closing his eyes as she continued hugging him just as tight as he's doing

"I missed you" he said again

" I missed you more Mich" she replied

" Seth" he whispered

" I'm sorry... Seth" she replied when they finally broke the hug, he kissed her forehead for long and Nora kept chuckling

"She's so cute" Sapphire smiled

"His baby sis?" Jacinthe asked

" So far her name is Nora, then she is" Sapphire replied

" She's really cute just like him" jacinthe said and Seth faced them

" The one in the jean trousers and stripped white top?" Nora whispered

"You guessed right, that's my girlfriend" Seth replied and Nora smiled, coming down from his arms

She walked to her and hugged her, Sapp embraced her in the comfort of her arms, smiling as she did,,

Seth couldn't hide his happiness, it's radiating on his face as he walked to Carlos to give him another hug

"Thanks for bringing her, though I told you not to ever do it don't know how happy I am to see her." He said

" I just want to see you happy, you've always been good to me even when you were still a gangster" Carlos replied, breaking the long hug

"Thanks Carlos, you'll sleep here right?, We can sleep in my room together and Nora will go to Sapphire's room" he said

" Nope, I should leave you both to enjoy each other's company, I'll lodge in an hotel" Carlos replied


"I'll be fine, enjoy yourselves, tomorrow is Halloween, any plans?" Carlos asked

" Many plans" he replied and Carlos smiled

"I'll be using Bam hotels I think" Carlos said

" Alright Carlos, take care of yourself" Seth said as Carlos got in the car

"Have fun .... She's pretty by the way....I mean your girlfriend" he winked before driving off

Seth faced Sapphire who's still chatting with Nora, they seem interested in each other already and the fact that they already like each other is making him more happy

"You're lucky, I mean. having my brother's heart" Nora said

" I know. he's handsome, he's cool, he's tall, he's got a spotless skin and everything I love in guys" Sapphire replied

" He's caring, you forgot that" Nora said

"I'm sorry" Sapphire pouted

" Gosh!, You're so cute I love you" Nora said, hugging her again

" I love you too Nora"

" By the way, have you had your first s*x with him?" Nora suddenly asked and Sapphire quickly broke the hug

" How old are you?" She asked

"Fifteen" Nora whispered

" You're naughty" Sapphire laughed

"I know, Michael... I mean... Seth will always say that" she replied, biting her lip for her mistake

" Is Michael his second name?" Sapphire asked

"Kind of" she replied

"I love the name. the way tomorrow is Halloween, we'll get to have a lot of fun especially now that you're here" Sapphire said

" I can't wait... and you haven't answered my question" Nora said,,

" We haven't, he says he wants to take things slow" Sapphire replied

"Seth wants to take things slow?, He really changed, well maybe because he's really in love with you...." Nora said

" Oh meet my friend..... Jacinthe" Sapphire said, gesturing at Jacinthe who has been watching

"She's cute!, Hi" Nora waved

"You're so adorable" Jacinthe said and Nora blushed

"Ok enough of the talks, can we go in now?" Seth said and Nora giggled, jumping on him again

" You're getting jealous" she whispered

"Why would I be jealous" he whispered and they both laughed

They went in and Jacinthe left after saying bye to Sapphire, Seth took Nora to his room and Nora fell on the bed heavily

" What should we do first?" Sapphire asked, falling beside her

"I'm hungry" Nora replied and Sapphire smiled

" I gat you*
