"Hey it's Rowen" Renee whispered, positioning the phone camera by the slightly opened door

"Do I look like I care right now?, All I want is for her to cry when Seth breaks up with her after seeing the video, I just want her to cry" Hazel replied and smiled when she saw Sapphire unbolting Rowen's belt already

"What are you doing" Rowen said, trying to free himself but wherever she got her powers from, it's surely not from earth, she's so strong that he couldn't free himself no matter how much he tries

"Sapphire" he called again when she finally finished unbolting

Right now Sapphire's senses are gone, she's out of her mind and just wants to satisfy herself, she looked up at him, still breathing so loudly

"Let's fuck" she said.

"No.....what's wrong with you Sapphire.... this is not right I'm not your boyfriend" Rowen said, trying to resist with everything he has, despite the effect she has on her.... he's trying his best to resist but it seems it won't be possible anymore some seconds from now

Sapphire pulled down his trousers and he sucked a breath, looking at her, he snapped out of it for a minute and drew up his trousers

"I can't do this" he said and made his way out

Sapphire rushed after him with tears in her eyes, it's like her stomach is spinning, the flesh between her legs is hurting already so she's literally in pains

She blocked the door and grabbed his neck, kissing him hard

Rowen's resistance flew off immediately her lips touched his own , he kissed her back and she positioned his hands on her butt, he started caressing it and her moans were loud all through,,

His trousers went down once again and since there's only one table available in the room, Rowen bent her over the table and drew down her panties before sliding into her through the back...

"Jeez!" She screamed as he started his dives

" She should sign up as a pornstar, she'd make a good porn actress" Renee laughed by the door, enjoying the video

"Those two are making me wet already" Hazel said, shifting on her spot..


Back at the bonfire**

Seth came back with the drinks and found only Nora standing,

"Where's Sapphire?" He asked and Nora rolled eyes at him

"You took almost fifteen minutes just to get drinks, I'm angry" she said

" I'm sorry, some dude tried shit so I had to set him straight" Seth replied

" You kicked some ass?, I wish I was there" Nora smiled

" Where's my girlfriend?" He asked again

"She left to pee a minute after you left and she's not back yet" she replied

" Left to pee since fifteen minutes ago?" He said worriedly and made to get his phone but couldn't find it

" Oh I left it on the stand while fighting those bastards, I'll go get it" he said and rushed into the crowd again, Nora followed him immediately till they got to the stand

He got the phone and saw he missed five calls from her already, dialled her line, it's ringing but she's not picking

"Is she angry with me?, Oh no" Seth said and tried again, he kept trying over and over but she won't pick

Nora used her phone to call her too but she's not picking too

"What do we do?" She asked

"I need to search for her, there are bad guys around I need to find her as soon as possible" he replied, leaving the ground to start his search


Twenty minutes later**

Rowen pulled out of Sapphire slowly, sweating profusely, he has been fucking her through the back since they started

Sapphire faced him and he carried her, he placed her on the table and widened her legs, he tried to fuck her p*ssy but she held him

"Who are you?" She asked, looking at him strangely

"What do you mean" he replied , looking at her confusedly

She held her head and jumped down from the table, faced the ground for a minute before looking back at him

"Rowen!' she almost screamed

" Yeah it's me" he replied and tears came out of her eyes

" Did we do it?" She asked calmly

"What do you mean?, You told me to do said you wanted it and I just couldn't resist you" he replied

" Couldn't resist me?, You should have resisted me by all your strength!" She shouted

" I tried that but you were just so strong!, I dunno why but you were strong!, I just couldn't


"I'm screwed.....oh no.... Seth" she cried, looking at the ground

Her pants is lying somewhere far from her and Rowen's cum is all-over the ground

*I've finally fucked up!, I finally screwed up damn!, Oh no I'm dead!" She screamed, hitting her hands on the table

Rowen quickly dressed up and made to touch her but she stepped back

"Don't!, Don't touch me!" She screamed and ran out of the room after pulling down her gown

Rowen went after her caught up in front of the building

"Sapphire!, Please wait let's talk this out" he said, holding her arm

"There's nothing to sort out Rowen, I wasn't in my right senses back then, I really didn't know what I was doing so just leave me!" She said loudly, still crying so much

" What's wrong with you!" Rowen asked, holding her arm

"Let me go!" She shouted

"I can't...till you tell me why you behaved that way, tell me why you suddenly asked me to fuck you!" He said

" Just leave me alone Rowen, leave me alone!' she shouted, pouring out more tears

For the first time since it happened two years ago, she cried a lot and she has no strength to even push Rowen away right now, it's like the tears is draining her energy

"Sapphire talk to me" Rowen said and tried to hold her face but an hand punched him and he staggered away from her, it's actually Seth

"Sapphire" he said, breathing heavily as he held her teary face

She has no strength to even call his name, she's as weak as...

"Why are you crying....why the tears, what did this jerk do to you" Seth asked worriedly, wiping her tears

She just stared at his eyes, unable to speak

This same guy told her last night that he's gonna get mad when he sees her with another guy but she didn't only stay with another guy, she did doggy with Rowen!.....

"Sapphire please talk to me I beg you , you're scaring me with your tears... please" he said, wiping her tears again

Sapphire knotted her hands, she still can't push a word out of her mouth

Seth hugged her when he ran out of ideas on what to do, he patted her back, trying to calm her down

Nora looked at Rowen who wiped his bursted lips before walking away

"What really happened?" She wondered before looking at crying Sapphire again

Seth kept hugging her for over five minutes before letting her go slowly, he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead gently

"Whatever happened, I'm sorry" he said but that only made her cry more

"Let's get her to the hostel" Nora suggested

Seth carried her in a bridal style and she hanged her arms on his neck , unable to look into his eyes throughout the walk back to the hostel


"You finally decided to come" Hardin said when Rowen appeared at the bonfire ground

The students are already dancing round the burning fire

Rowen got alcohol and started drinking without sitting

"Is something wrong again?" Clark asked but Rowen just kept drinking

"Rowen" Hardin called but he won't reply

He finished drinking the first bottle and took the second one, Clark made to take it from him but Hardin stopped him

"He'll get drunk" Clark said

"Let him" Hardin replied and Rowen fell on the chair heavily

" What do I" he whispered, crying instantly

Hardin and Clark looked at each other and went to him, understanding that something is happening to him again

"Let's take him" Hardin said and they both guided him out of the ground.


Somewhere in the ground**.

Hazel stuck hands with Renee and they drank from their cups happily

"We're the best.....I swear it!* Renee screamed

" I know right?, But that girl is something else, she kept screaming and begging for more screw, Rowen kept giving it to her back to back ,I can imagine Seth going crazy after watching the video" Hazel smiled

" So.. you're gonna send it to only Seth?" Renee asked

" No, that won't be fun , I'm posting it in our departmental group and the hostel group, everyone in WSU will see it and tell me how she won't fly away from here, Nadia will not be able to stay out of guilt too I'm sure, then I'll have Rowen's dick all to myself" Hazel said, licking her lips

" You must really miss having him inside you everyday" Renee said

" Sure, when Sapphire wasn't here....I had him all to myself,now if she leaves, Rowen's mine again" Hazel winked

" You're bad" Renee laughed

" I know, can't expect me to be good when I'm a b*tch" Hazel said and they both cheered before drinking



"You still won't tell me what happened?, Why were you crying?, Why were you with Rowen?" Seth asked for the third time since they got back to the hostel

Sapphire was forced by Nora to take a shower and after she reluctantly put on something comfortable, she sat quietly on the bed, staring into space

"Sweetheart you just have to talk to me" Seth said, holding her hands

" Guess she's shy to talk cos I'm here, I'll sleep then" Nora said and lay on the bed, she covered herself completely

"Ok Nora slept already, can you talk to me now?" Seth asked, rubbing her hair

"I was planning to tell you about it tomorrow"she said slowly, still unable to look him in the eye

" What?" He asked

" I'm gonna lose you if you get to know what I did Seth, I don't want to lose you" she thought in her mind, finally looking at him, guilt is at the verge of sucking life out of her

He cares a lot and he's damn worried about her right now, he's not happy cos of what is happening presently and he's so concerned... He might just start crying too if she continues crying but she can't help it, she f*cked up big time

"Pretty talk to me and stop making me wanna cry too, did bad guys do something to you?" He asked

" No" she whispered

" Did someone hurt you?" He asked

"No" she replied slowly

"Is it Rowen?" He asked, running his palm on her face worriedly

" No' she said with difficulty

" Does it hurt anywhere?, I know girls do get menstrual cramps, did you start your period today?, Is it menstrual cramps?" He asked, touching her stomach

" No" she replied

"Then what?, Talk to me pretty, you know I love you just say something and stop making me get worried.... please honey" he said, pouring kisses on her face..

"I'll lose this caring, loving, handsome and satisfying guy.... really?" She thought and that only made her tears well up In her eyes

"Seth" she whispered and poured out the tears again

Seth felt too hurt with her tears, it's affecting him more than he could imagine, he hugged her tightly

"I love you..." He whispered, he can feel tears forming in his eyes.


Next morning**

Sapphire went to her room, walking slowly like a living dead till she got there, she's barely breathing , the air around her feels so different too

Seth couldn't sleep till daybreak, what he did was probing her to tell him what the problem is but she has no strength to tell him what it really is, how will she possibly tell him

She got to her room and walked straight to her pill envelope, she took it and checked it out, it's surely her pills and she's sure she took it yesterday but how the f*ck did that happen to her?

Nadia yawned softly and woke to see her in the room already, she quickly got down from the bed and went to her

"Baby fire, are you ok?" She asked

Sapphire faced her slowly and Nadia's eyes widened when she saw her swollen face

"Did something happen?, Talk to me baby, Sapphire" she said , holding her face

"Nadia I betrayed Seth" she sniffed slowly

"What are you talking about?"

"I.... Rowen....we....we did it" she cried

" You're crying...what exactly happened?" Nadia asked, wiping her tears

" I....had s*x with Rowen last night" she cried

"What!, S*x with Rowen?, What were you thinking" Nadia said shockingly

"Actually, I'm a nymphomaniac" she said and Nadia had to pretend like she doesn't know

" Huh?" She said

"Yeah, the pills I take are for my illness, it has been fighting it perfectly since I started taking it but yesterday something went wrong and I somehow ended up with Rowen, he f*cked me cos I asked for it, I couldn't control myself cos I was with so much pains, he did it Nadia, we did it and now I feel so guilty, I don't wanna lose him Nadia you know I love Seth so much, he's the first guy I'll ever fall for, Seth is my first love, I love him just the way he loves me Nadia, I don't wanna lose him Nadia I can't....i might just die if that happens" she cried

" You took the pills yesterday?, Are you sure?" She asked

"Trust me I never forget to take it" she replied and Nadia folded her fist, understanding what it means Immediately

She turned away from Sapphire and felt like stabbing herself immediately

"Hazel, Renee.... and my b*tchy self, all this started from me, I'm the start of all these , it's me" she thought

Sapphire entered the bathroom still with tears in her eyes, she took her bath slowly and came back to dress up casually

Nadia followed her to Seth's room where Seth is waiting already with Nora who's ready to leave

"I'm sad, I'm leaving without you telling me what happened" she said

" I'm sorry" Sapphire replied sullenly

Seth looked at her and breathed hard

"I'm sorry I should have met you before now....I'm Nadia, her roommate and bestie" Nadia said

" Nice to meet you" Nora smiled and Nadia smiled shortly

Seth carried Nora's bag and led the way out of the hostel while they followed, Carlos is waiting to get her already

"Thanks Carlos, thanks once again" Seth said

"It's ok, she'll be at rest now that she spent two days with you" Carlos smiled

" Cutie is leaving already?" Clark said, appearing with Blaine

"You haven't told me your name" Nora said

"Simply Clark" he smiled

"Can I have your contact?, I wanna say hi anytime I feel like" she said

" Why not?" Clark replied and took her phone, he typed his number and gave it back

"Watssup bro" he winked at Seth

"You ok?' Blaine asked

"I'm ok dude, see you in class later" Seth replied and they left

" It was nice here anyways, I'll miss everyone" Nora said and hugged Seth then Sapphire

" Cheer up, whatever is happening....discuss it with my brother, he's a very patient person just that it might take time but he's really a very patient person" she said and Sapphire nodded

" I'll miss you" she said slowly

"I'll miss you more, don't cry anymore, don't make your pretty face swollen" Nora smiled and pecked her

Sapphire hugged her again before releasing her for Carlos, they both got in the car and drove away

"I'll be right back baby fire" Nadia said and left immediately

Seth made Sapphire face him and sighed

"You still won't tell me what happened to you?" He said, rubbing her cheeks

" Promise me you won't break up with me" she said

"Why would I?" He replied

" I did something shameful last night" she replied

"Just tell me anything I'll listen" he replied calmly

Sapphire took his hand and led him to his room.


Nadia bursted into Hazel's room and met her just coming out of the bathroom, Renee was just about to enter the bathroom

She attacked Hazel first, pulling her towel off her body, she pushed her naked body to the ground and started hitting her face

"What did you do to Sapphire's pills?, How dare you mess with it!" She yelled

" You gave me the update and expect me not to make a move?, Nadia you're so dead when I get you" Hazel struggled

Renee pushed Nadia away from Hazel and Hazel stood, bleeding slightly from the mouth

"You dare come in here to threaten me?, I'll make sure you go out of here with a wound but before that, I have the sex tape of your so-called Sapphire, i was about to upload it when you came in but now that I think about it....I won't upload it yet, I'll threaten her with it and make her beg for my mercy before finally uploading it" Hazel said, smiling satisfactorily as she put on a gown

" What did you just say" Nadia said

"You heard me right, you think I do things without following it up?, I follow up back to back and that's why I got the video" Hazel replied and Renee threw her the phone

Hazel played the video and showed Nadia the screen, it's really Sapphire on the screen, getting fucked by Rowen

She covered her mouth in shock as she watched, she later tried to grab the phone from Hazel but Hazel quickly threw it back to Renee who caught it quickly

"We aren't fools Nadia, your friend will cry a lot...I mean a lot before leaving in shame then you can follow" Renee laughed

" You both are too wicked!" Nadia yelled, going after them, grabbing Renee this time around, she pushed her to the bed

"You led us on so I see no reason why we should feel guilty" Hazel said, sliding into the kitchen immediately to get a knife

She came back and met Nadia still hitting Renee, she wasted no time in diving the small kitchen knife into Nadia's arm

"Aarrgh!!!!" Nadia screamed painfully, falling on the ground as her blood started gushing out

"You deserve it" Renee said, standing up

Hazel hit her leg on Nadia's face and she fell again, holding her stabbed arm which hurts like hell

"Next time avoid us" Hazel said as Nadia struggled to stand, she finally did and faced them

"I admit I did wrong.....I'm guilty and I know....but you guys, you'll have painful ends trust me" she said, leaving the room immediately

She went to the clinic where the knife was removed from her arm then treated and bandaged, she was told to rest but she declined and left the clinic immediately

She went to Rowen's room.


Seth's room**

"I have all the time in the world to listen to you pretty, just say anything" Seth said, holding Sapphire's hands, they're sitting on the bed, facing each other

Sapphire sniffed, deciding not to cry anymore cos it'll surely stop her from speaking

"seth" she said slowly, holding his hand more tightly

"Yes pretty..." He replied patiently

"Will you ever forgive me?" She said

" What did you do?" He asked

" I fucked up" she replied

" How?"

" I kept secrets from you and I made a big mistake last night" she replied

" How?"

" Seth I'm a nymphomaniac" she replied

" Huh?"

" Yes, I'm a nymphomaniac.....I crave for sex when something triggers it or even without trigger, I crave for it always" she replied

" Are you kidding me now?" He said

" Believe me I'm really a nymphomaniac, but it wasn't known to anyone cos hurting myself fight it, anytime I get the cravings, I hurt myself and it'll leave me....then a month and some weeks ago, mum bought me the pills that can fight it, the pills I do take everyday" she said

" The pills is for nymphomaniacs?" He said

"Yes Seth.....I'm sorry for telling you just now" she said, looking into her eyes

" I'm not annoyed" he replied


"Sure, you've told me now and I'm now aware, it's ok" he said

" But Seth...." she said, holding him tighter

" Yes?"

" Rowen.... last night" she said,too scared to say it

Seth released one of her hands and touched her face gently, rubbing her earlobe

"Talk to me" he said gently.

"I got the cravings last night when you left to get us drinks" she said

" What!, You didn't take the pills?"

" I did, I dunno how it happened seriously" she replied

" So?" He asked

" I should have dived into the crowd of students to search for you but if I did that, I'll have contact with guys and I might just lose I ran away from there with plans to go to the hostel but I kept running into guys and I hid anytime it happens....I later ran into a building, the new one beside the former relaxation center....I tried hurting myself with a broken bottle but .... Rowen suddenly appeared and....." She stopped

" And what?" Seth asked impatiently

" Took it from me, the mere sight of him made me lose control completely, I forced him and he...fucked me" she said, shedding tears already

Seth's head couldn't process what she was saying at first but later he started getting it but by bit...

"Rowen....fucked my girlfriend" he muttered, getting down from the bed

Sapphire stood too, crying behind him as he hit his hand on the wall, punching it hard

"I'm so sorry, please don't break up, I just...I love you so much and I won't survive it..... Seth just look at me again" she cried

Seth punched the wall again and his hand got wounded

He just couldn't think of anything right now , his head is in chaos and he can't think straight.... like.. the fuck???

He faced Sapphire and barely seeing her tears is making him wanna hug and comfort her...that's how crazily he loves her.... but not just now....he's going crazy and he might go completely crazy if he stays...

He took his bike key and wiped the little tear that's about to fall from his eyes before leaving the room

Sapphire made to run after him but maybe he needs to stay away from him right now,not after hurting him badly

She fell on her knees and buried her face in the bed, almost crying out her eyes...