Rowen's room**

"You haven't been talking to us since last night, what exactly happened?, You've been moody and even cried at midnight" Hardin said worriedly, settling beside Rowen who's sitting on the bed moodily

"I'm ok" he said and they could barely hear him, it was silent

"Are you kidding me right now?, Stop trying to cover up when it's obvious something happened last night, you said you wouldn't be coming to bonfire but you suddenly appeared and started drinking like a fish then you cried too, and you expect us to see that as a normal occurrence?, No you need to tell us what the heck happened last night, everything!" Clark said seriously

" Though I wasn't with you guys when it happened last night but Hardin and Clark told me and I also witnessed how you cried at midnight so right now....tell us what happened" Blaine said in a pleading tone

Rowen sucked a breath and dabbed his face with his palms before sniffing slowly

"She'd think I took advantage of her, I really didn't...I didn't know what was wrong with her, she just suddenly asked for it, she was even in tears, she stripped me by herself and when I tried to resist for the second time, she forced me tearfully with her lips,I lost my sanity and the energy to resist her left me too....." He said, sobbing silently

The guys shared confused looks before looking at him again

"Seriously I don't know what you're talking about...I mean seriously" Hardin said

Rowen was about to talk again when the door opened suddenly, Nadia came in

"How to knock has been sieved out of your brain right?" Clark said

" I'm sorry, Rowen please we need to talk" she said urgently,,

" On what?" Rowen asked , looking at her...her eyes are red, seems like she cried

"What happened last night" she replied carefully and Rowen spranged up

" I'll be right back" he said and followed her out

"Did he possibly fuck Nadia while drunk last night?, Was that why he was regretting?" Blaine thought loudly

" Could that be true?" Hardin said, breathing hard

"Who knows" Clark sighed


Sapphire left Seth's room after crying for almost an hour, her face is a good example of swollen and puffy, the redness that happened to it hasn't happened since she was born, it's fucking red!

Not minding weather she's being watched by the students, she walked slowly to her room and closed the door behind, she lost her voice as a result of tears already and a very terrible catarrh just visited her, headache is pounding on her head too and her temperature feels so high, she feels so sickly

"Seth I'm sorry" she said, kneeling beside the bed where she resumed her tears

"I love you a lot Mich, Seth you're the one I'm just sorry....I love only you, I've always loved only you, I'm so sorry" she coughed and sat on the bare ground, her whole body shaking against the bed as she lean on it

She made to talk again but the friction between her legs stopped her, her cravings is here again

"I hate you Sapphire, I hate you nymphomania!, Vida and Judy I hate you both!, If you both hadn't insisted on going to the club that night I won't be this way...I hate my life!, And now that I found happiness in him, now that I thought I'll be with him forever, NOW this had to happen to me....I hate me!!!" She screamed as the cravings increased every minute

She stood and ran to the wall, not minding weather her head will crack open or not, she hit it hard on the wall

Her head made loud noises at first and she felt like she's gonna pass out but she fought it and lean on the wall, the spot became red and swell up a lot, more tears rushed out .... The cravings left instantly but the pains she's feeling on her swollen forehead is second to none

She suddenly felt liquid running down her face and when she touched it, it turned out to be blood, the swollen head is bleeding slightly

"I wanna bleed till death" she whispered and the door opened, Jacinthe came in

"Hey babe!, I'm sorry Blaine was being a pain In the ass last night so I didn't get to see you, so watssup, let's go out and....

Jacinthe stopped on her spot when Sapphire faced her and she beheld her bloody red swollen forehead and face, she's unrecognizable....her face changed a lot

"Sapphire!' she screamed, running to her

" What did you do to yourself?, What happened to your face!" She shouted shockingly

Sapphire smiled sadly

" I'm a bitch, I ripped his heart with a sword" she whispered.


" So what are you talking about?" Rowen asked immediately he got to a silent spot with Nadia

" Sapphire told me everything" she said

Rowen dipped his hands into his jean pockets, looking at a her

"We need to do something" she said.

"Hardin said I'm a relationship destroyer cos he caught me sleeping with Mara his first love,I made them break up..... Blaine liked you initially but he caught me sleeping with you....he gave up too and hated me throughout that day....I love Sapphire but Hardin talked to me about it though it was damn hard but I was ready to let her go, I was even starting to plan leaving this hostel and WSU entirely.....but now this?, I don't want to be tagged as a relationship destroyer anymore..... seriously I don't want to, I'm seriously done with always being the bad guy but I think I've broken them" Rowen said, sniffing slowly to fight back his tears

"She's a nymphomaniac" Nadia said, shedding tears already too

"What" Rowen said shockingly

"Yes, that's why she suddenly changed and begged you for sex" she said

"Hell" Rowen muttered sadly

" She hurts herself initially, that fights it, but since her mum brought her some pills, she has been taking them and it has been fighting it squarely but...." Nadia stopped and wiped her tears

" Can't believe myself....I'm the root cause of all these, despite knowing how hard I worked while trying to make friends with her, I ruined it.... Rowen I'm a devil you made" she cried

" What are you talking about" he replied

" If you hadn't fucked me that night, I won't have been yearning for more of you, I won't have gotten obsessed to the extent of taking Sapphire's pill to Hazel and Renee, Hazel's dad is a doctor so he helped us check what it works for, that way...we found out she's a nymphomaniac.....I did that cos I hated her then, Hazel said you'd never look at me if she was still here, so I tried to use her pills against her but that night when you dragged Hazel in to fuck and Hazel told me I can never have you.....I found out I've been a fool cos of my obsession for you, I realized how much harm I've done to my bestie" she cried

Rowen stepped closer to get, breathing softly, trying to get it


"Hazel and Renee messed with her pills, it got changed and that's why she got the cravings last night and unfortunately you were there and.....

"Fuvk!, Damn.... damnit!, How dare you!" He yelled, grabbing her neck and chocking her hard

" I know I'm a devil who doesn't deserve to live" she coughed, crying more as Rowen hurt her neck by holding it tighter

"She's your friend, how could you.... how could you Nadia!" He yelled, fighting back his tears still as Nadia kept coughing

"You can decide to kill me after saving her from great humiliation and embarrassment" she managed to speak

" Meaning?"

" Hazel and Renee, they have the video, the s*x tape is with them and they're planning to post it" she said

" What did you just say" he said, letting her go

"I'm saying the truth , I tried to take it but they did this to me" she said, folding up her top to show her the bandaged arm

Rowen rushed out of the place immediately and Nadia sat on the bare ground, feeling like killing herself

"Baby fire please don't you ever forgive me, don't forgive me please" she cried



Rowen stormed into Hazel and Renee's room without knocking but they're not in,

"No....." He whispered and quickly got his phone, he dialled Hazel's line but she's not picking

He tried again and again but she still won't pick

"Shit!" He shouted, roughing his hair and rushing out of the room to start searching everywhere for her


A bar**

"He has drank four bottles already and he's not drunk, I wonder how he manages" the woman in charge of the bar said to herself, watching Seth who's gulping down the fourth bottle of alcohol

"Was he heartbroken?, How pitiful" she said as Seth kept wiping the tears that kept forming in his eyes

Seth inhaled deeply and drank again, tightening his grip around the bottle as he drank

He can't imagine his life without her anymore, he's so Into her, so much that she always drives him crazy with her slightest move

She's his first and he has plans to make her the last already, he's imagining the future with her already but the devil decided to be the vice right now

He's crying but he didn't allow his tears to fall before he'd wipe it each time it forms

He drank again and when he saw it's gone in the bottle, he ordered another one and the fifth bottle was brought

"Are you ok dude?" The woman asked, he doesn't even have the strength to reply

The woman sighed and left, he started drinking from the fifth bottle too

"Pretty eyes" he whispered, all he could see right now is her, she's allover his brain and mind and he can imagine her crying, that alone is making him wanna run back to that hostel and kiss away her tears but....

He drank again and sniffed for the uptenth time

"Is this what I get for being a gangster two years ago?, Is this what I get for all the girls I fucked?, Is this my payment?" He thought

" I love her so much, I can never stop loving her so far she's my Sapphire, so far she's my one and only pretty eyes, my heart won't stop beating for her even now" he said, touching his chest

It's not her fault but the fact that it's Rowen is just too painful

"Why does it have to be Rowen?" He thought hurtfully

"Michael....I'm screwed" he muttered to himself



Sapphire's room**

" Are you ok now?" Jacinthe asked after a lot of pacification

Sapphire's forehead was treated and plastered by her

"Talk to us" Nadia said

"I'll be right back, I need to be alone" she replied, wearing her shoes

" No I'll follow you" Jacinthe and Nadia said at a time

"No, I said I want to be alone" she replied flatly and they relented

She left the room and Jacinthe faced Nadia

"What do you think is wrong with her?" She asked

"I have no idea" Nadia replied and Jacinthe heaved a worried sigh


Sapphire looked at her phone as she walked out of the hostel

The screen broke as a result of how she threw it away last night, it was Nora who picked it up in front of the building

It's broken but it's still on and manageable

She got to the front of Seth's room and stared at his door, wishing he's in already

She opened the door but he's not in yet, she closed it slowly and walked out of the hostel emptily..

"Sapphire" Rowen's voice called and she stopped to face him

"What happened to your face?, Why is your forehead wounded?" He asked shockingly

" Rowen Bills....can you do me a favor of not talking to me?, Just do that for me please" she replied calmly and walked away

Rowen wanted to follow but he reconsidered and stopped

He tried Hazel's line again but she's still not picking and he hasn't found her yet

"Where's that bitch" he breathed


Sapphire got to the park and looked at the spot Seth loves parking his bike at at and smiled sadly

Right now she feels empty and maybe it's her soul that's working, not her ... All her being is lost already

She has no strength to tell her mum, she'd be so heartbroken and right now she wished she had told him of her condition when Julia said it

"Procrastination.... wasn't my best of ideas" she thought and bent down right there, dipping her face in her knees, her eyes hurts when she tried to cry but all the same, tears fell....that's what she has been doing since last night and right now if tears could make oceans, she'd probably be destroying the world with her ocean of tears right now

"My chocoseth....I'm so sorry" she said, feeling so cold....she's not wearing a sweater or hood

She sniffed again and again as he looked up and stared at his number on her phone


She gathered the strength to dial his line and was about to do that when her phone rang, an unknown line

A shrill laughter came from the other end immediately she picked and she recognized that voice

"Hazel" she whispered, her voice could barely be heard

"Oh, lover girl lost her voice already... How pitiful" she laughed again, confusing her more

She stood and held her head, swaying it aside

*I've got your sex tape" Hazel said

" What are you talking about" she replied, almost losing her mind

" Don't act dumb, Rowen fucked you last night right?, In the new building beside the new relaxation center, you were like.... jeez!, I want more... harder!" Hazel mocked and Sapphire can feel her head turning around, almost going crazy


" Want verification?" Hazel said and hung up

Minutes later, she got a message on WhatsApp and when she checked, it's the sex tape....her eyes widened and she immediately dialled Hazel's line again

"What do you want from me" she said in a shaky voice

" Nothing, I'm uploading this soon" Hazel replied and Sapphire almost fainted

" You can't..... don't ruin my life I beg you" she pleaded in tears

She has cried a lot but the tears kept coming

"Then kneel and beg" Hazel said and Sapphire closed her eyes

If the video gets uploaded, Seth will be embarrassed, Nadia will be embarrassed, Jacinthe too....then her mum won't be able to walk freely again as a result of shame. .. and she'd have to run away from school and commit suicide

"I'm watching you now though you can't see me, kneel and beg" Nadia said and she immediately went on her knees

" Please don't upload it, I'll do everything you ask.... don't just do it Hazel , don't" she cried and Hazel laughed

" I don't need to eat dinner again tonight, seeing the great Sapphire Hunt begging on her knees is fun.....but you know what?, That won't change anything..... Before 8pm, the video will trend, brace's 7:50 already, 10 minutes left" Hazel said and hung up

" No please .... This can't happen... Hazel!!!" She screamed, sitting on the bare ground

She stayed like that for two minutes before rushing in, going straight to Seth's room .

Hazel and Renee laughed loudly in their hiding place, unable to control it. They were actually watching her from Hazel's car at the park, they've been inside it since some hours ago, thanks to the tinted glasses, Rowen couldn't find them or detect that they're in.

"It was good seeing her crying and begging" Renee said

" I know right?, Great achievement, never knew we could get her like this....I feel good" Hazel replied and they laughed again

" Five minutes left" Renee said, looking at the time

"Can't wait to see her shame, tonight till tommorow will be hot with gist about the tape" Hazel said, preparing to upload it

" Upload it on the department group chat, I'll upload it on the blog and share it on Instagram" Renee said

" Of course" Hazel replied but that was interrupted by a shattering sound, something hit the car window and it shattered....

"What the hell!" Hazel shouted as Rowen came to view.


Seth got back to the hostel and didn't even have time to listen to what the students were saying

His phone kept buzzing in his pocket, surely group and blogs update and gossips, he's not interested

Students kept murmuring as he made his way to his room,,

👥 I wonder how he still manages to walk around

👥 His girlfriend is a b*tch

👥 How shameless

👥 And why haven't I seen Sapphire

👥 Thought she was tough but Rowen's cock broke her wall

👥 Hilarious!

The students kept commenting but he barely heard anything as he opened his room door

His lungs became void of air the moment he saw what's waiting for him

On the floor of the room is Sapphire's body, lying lifelessly with a bottle of bleaching chemical beside her and her blood is gushing out of her mouth, surrounding her body

He felt like it's unreal at first but after staring devastatingly for a minute, he ran to her and fell beside her on his knees, almost falling flat

He lifted her body but it's breath left in her body, she went limp and her body turned purple and dark brown already....

"Sapphire" he whispered fearfully, accompanied by large streams of tears rushing down his cheeks

On her palm... "I'M SORRY...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" was written boldly

No life in her anymore, she's limp....dead?

He travelled to hell and came back that minute, his whole body started shaking as he held her face

"Sapphire wake up!!" He screamed .