"Sapphire stand up please!!" Seth screamed again, his tears fell on her pale lifeless face and he screamed loudly at the verge of going crazy, almost losing his voice

Her blood that's on the ground is so scary and her bloody lips looks too scary too, her lifeless body, her body colour that changed already and her pretty eyes that's refusing to open

"Pretty eyes wake up for me!!" He shouted again, standing up with her body in his arms,,

His legs were shaking on the ground as he ran out of the room with her...


Sapphire's whole body became weaker as her thoughts came to an end, she has actually been thinking about everything in her mind as she leaned on the door in Seth's room, she's holding the bottle of the bleaching chemical already,,

"Seth will cry a lot and lose his mind" she whispered and her rushing tears fell again

" Mum will be so heartbroken, she'd barely survive it cos I'm her only one.. Nadia will almost go crazy... Jacinthe will miss me a lot.... Nora will be so sad....I can't do this I can't" she muttered tearfully, looking at the bottle in her hand

"I just can't" she thought and the bottle fell from her hand

" But if I don't, the video will get uploaded, I'll be humiliated and won't be able to show my face anywhere around, my baby will be embarrassed, mum Won't be able to walk freely.. ...I'm stuck!, What do I do!, Just what the hell do I do!" She shouted, holding her head

She glanced at the time on her phone, 7:58, just two minutes left, she smashed the phone angrily against the wall,,

She held her head tighter and scenes of last two years flowed in her memory, how she became what she is today, after watching a live porn, getting fucked by a stranger in a random room, fighting the cravings by hurting herself and the number of scars she has in her whole body as a result of wounding herself...the tears she shed, the tears her mother shed and how she was lonely before she met Nadia then fell in love with Seth....her first sex with him which was so sweet and memorable, the memories they shared and his smile, caring and loving personality...his handsome face

She got waves on waves of headache immediately and her eyes almost popped as she struggled to stand still but her legs were shaking on the ground

She tried breathing but she found that hard, air refused to enter her lungs, she got suffocated and short of air then tried breathing with her mouth but it was Impossible...

She fell on the ground, gasping for breath and panting loudly then she started coughing,, blood came out of her nose and ran down her chest, she looked at it and lost the remaining strength in her then passed out immediately.



"What the hell do you think you just did!, This car was bought with millions!" Hazel barked, looking at Rowen shockingly

Rowen had no time to bargain, he pulled her hand and dragged her out through the window, hurting her in the process

"Rowen my legs!!!" She screamed in pains

He went for Renee and did the same to her, he made them fall beside each other and breathed hard

"Your phones" he said patiently

"We're not fools Rowen, no chance so go away, I must upload that video by all what it takes I swear* Hazel replied

"Is that what you wanna do too?" He asked Renee who's just sitting up

" What do you think?" She replied with a smirk

Rowen cursed them both under his breath before grabbing their hairs, pulling then up roughly and pushing then again, they fell and Hazel's phone fell from her pocket immediately,,

She tried to quickly pick it but Rowen was faster, he kicked it away from her reach before taking it then he went to Renee, he locked her hands behind her and stepped on her butt as he took the phone from her back pocket

"Rowen Bills, you're crossing your lane are you aware?" Hazel breathed, standing up with Renee, feeling defeated

Rowen glared at them and kept the phones

"You both can still live till I'll decide what to do, once all these is over, the right one will come for you guys" he said and rushed into the hostel

"Shit!, He ruined our plans!, He ruined it I can't believe it!" Hazel ranted 

" What do we do" Renee said

" You expect me to have an idea?, I dunno!" Hazel snapped


Rowen went straight to the kitchen in his room and got a lighter which he took to the back of the hostel, he sat on the available bench and looked at the two phones,,

Whatever the video is, how it looks like, he doesn't want to know, all he cares about is bringing everything back to it's place , if not entirely at least Sapphire will be happy,

He found a broken rubber and lightened it up before placing it on the phones, it only took some minutes before it started burning viciously in front of him

He smiled lightly, too glad that that it didn't get uploaded, if it was uploaded, only God knows the level of humiliation it'd have been for her

As he smiled, he felt tears pouring out of his eyes again and quickly wiped it with the arm of the vintage shirt he was putting on,

He hasn't cried for years but all the tears he has been shedding lately are because of her.... it's so painful that he had no choice but to let her go but what can he do

"I'm just like bad luck here, I don't fit in, I wanna go back to New York.. I really wanna go back, I need to....that's the only way I'll forget her, I need to leave Washington, I need to say bye to this Pullman" he mumbled hurtfully


It was 9:49 when Seth got back to the hostel after he had eight bottles of alcohol and it's shocking to him that he's not drunk or feeling tipsy

This only happens when he was still a gangster two years ago, he could drink ten bottles without shaking but when he tried it out last year, he had just one shot and got drunk but now he's still standing on his foot after eight bottles

His hands were in his pocket as he walked in, he had cried a lot and he's powerless, he feels weak,,

He mentioned Sapphire again.... He has been mentioning her name and he lost count of how many times he did that already

He almost bumped into someone but he was held, he looked at him and saw Rowen,,

He hates him, but weather he should hate him more for what he did or not, he's not sure..... Sapphire said she actually used force on him.

"I'm sorry* Rowen whispered, looking at him as they stood in front of each other

He looks broken so that's enough confirmation that Sapphire told him already

"Why does it have to be you" Seth said, looking him in the eye

" It wasn't my fault" he replied

"Then?" Seth said, looking at him, even now he's unaware of what he's asking, he just knows he's talking

"You're free to hate me, in fact please hate me..... pour all the anger on me dude....but please It's not her fault, I know it must hurt but please.... just.... Forgive me, forgive her I beg you, it must be so hard, it'll be very hard

but please....she loves you a lot, I think she wounded herself or something, her head was plastered and her face is all swollen, she looks sick and unwell, please just....

"Her head?" Seth cut him off

"Yes, it was plastered and....

He hasn't finished when Seth left the corridor and rushed to her room but met Jacinthe and Nadia only

"Seth!" Nadia spranged up

"Where's my girlfriend?" He asked hastily


" Why was her head plastered, Rowen said her head was plastered why?' he interrupted impatiently

"I guess...her cravings came and she....she hurt herself by hitting it it on the wall" Nadia said

"Wall?, Cravings?, Hit on the wall?" Jacinthe rambled, rolling the words out of her mouth senselessly, she's not understanding what Nadia just said

Seth left the room and rushed past his room with the intention of going to the back of the hostel to check for her but he came back, getting the hunch that she might be in his room

He stepped closer to the door and slightly opened the door but something is blocking it from inside and it seems hard to open....he peeped in through the small available space and when he saw her body lying behind the door, his heart almost flew out of his mouth, he quickly opened the door with all his strength and rushed in.

"Sapphire!" He called fearfully, lifting up her limp body, the blood that came out of her nose earlier is still there and the stains are visible on her top, then her plastered head and changed face, it's all red

"Pretty eyes" he whispered, shaking her body but she stayed motionless

He carried her in his arms and ran out of his room that night, meeting Rowen and Nadia with Jacinthe by the door

"What happened to her" Jacinthe asked fearfully

"Call the ambulance please" Seth said quickly

"No need, let's use my car please, we can't lose her , you can decide not to let me follow you but take my car please, just save her" Rowen said In a pleading tone, handing his car keys to Jacinthe

Seth had no time to think, he ran out of the hostel with Nadia and Jacinthe behind him, they got to the park and Jacinthe quickly opened the car door, Sapphire was placed in and they all got in too

Seth's drive was crazy and fast, thanks to the seat belts, they'd have hit their heads but all thanks to the fast ride, they got to the hospital fast,,

W hospitals is not too far from the school.... Seth took Sapphire out of the car and ran into the hospital with her, she was quickly admitted and they were told to stay in the hallway....

"I have to stay with her" Seth said stubbornly

"Dude you can't, we need privacy in here" doctor Woods said

" She's my girlfriend, how am I supposed to stay in your damn hallway when she's unconscious and not talking to me!" He yelled

" That's the main reason why you have to stay in the hallway dude, we need to save her here, please" Dr Woods said

" I need to stay, just lemme stay I beg you, save her right in front of me I don't want to lose her, I can't lose you have a psychiatrist here?, If I lose her then I'll lose mind and definitely need the attention of the psychiatrist, do you want that?" He cried, not realizing when tears started falling from his eyes

"Calm down dude, she'll be fine I promise,we need to revive her by all what it takes, I can assure you that you won't lose her. just trust me" Dr Woods said and Seth was about to talk again when Rowen strongly dragged him out of the ward, the ward door was immediately closed

Seth saw it was Rowen and he turned his back on him, holding his head

"How did you get here?" Jacinthe asked

"I took a cab" he breathed,still looking at Seth who seems like he'll go crazy anytime soon

He looked at Nadia and Nadia looked away in shame

Seth sat on the bare ground and placed his palms on his face gently

"I love you a lot.....I'm sorry for leaving without saying a word, I was just..... confused and sad, I was mad and not thinking.... please don't die, don't leave me" he sobbed slowly

Nadia turned her face away from him, unable to look at him anymore, he looks so pathetic and pitiful

Jacinthe went to him and sat beside him on the bare floor, she started patting his back slowly

"She'll be fine, she won't die, I trust her, she loves you so much so she dare not leave you,we just became friends too and we still have a lot to do together so she dare not leave me too, her mum is still waiting, she dare not leave her too, she dare not leave Nadia so calm down Seth, your pretty girlfriend will be fine" she pacified

Seth looked at her and wiped his face with his palm

"She better not leave....I don't care about anything anymore, I just want her" he muttered slowly

" She's coming back to you though I dunno what happened but I'm sure she's coming back" she smiled sadly.



Hazel walked into the hospital furiously as if she's on a mission to kill all her dad's patients that night, her dad asked to meet her and she forgot, she remembered some minutes ago and decided to come

Rowen was on her mind throughout, how he treated her like trash just to get the phone from her all because of Sapphire, that's enough to make her blood boil and now she has nothing to threaten bloody Sapphire with and that's annoying too

All her efforts to change her drugs, follow her around just to get the video went to waste

"Fuck you Rowen!, Fuck you!" She shouted as she entered her dad's office and met emptiness

" He told me to come and meet him, why is he not around. can be so thoughtless, shit!" She ranted loudly

" Miss Hazel?" An intern said from the door, she faced the intern and frowned

"Doctor Woods is currently attending to an emergency right now" the intern said

Hazel came out of the office and while walking down the hallway, she saw Seth and Jacinthe then Rowen and Nadia, she quickly snuck in a corner and peeped out from there

"Wait...who did they take here?" She wondered and calmed down a bit to study the situation

The fact that Seth is sitting on the bare ground looking devastated is pointing at one fact... Sapphire is the emergency her dad is attending to

"I can't believe this, did she try to commit suicide cos I told her I'm uploading the video?, How funny" she laughed and peeped out again, her dad is just coming out of the ward and Seth spranged up

"How's she?" He asked hastily

"She's fine now but still unconscious, she will be unconscious for a while till she'd overcome whatever it is that's affecting her but trust me she's fine now" he replied and Seth heaved an heavy sigh of relief

" I'm fucking happy" he heaved

"You can go see her three hours later" Dr Woods said and smiled before leaving

Hazel snuck back to her corner and smiled

"Guess I'll just have to kill you ... Sapphire Hunt" she thought evilly




"Dude why are you packing" Hardin asked..

Rowen looked up at him and smiled sadly

He actually came back when the doctor has certified that she's ok, he planned not to wait till she'd wake up,,

"I'm going back to New York tommorow" he said

" What!" Hardin said shockingly

" I just have to, I'll get a new school and start afresh, I'll be able to forget about her that way" he replied

" What did you just're leaving?" Blaine said, coming in with Clark

" Yes dudes, I have to" he replied

" Tell me you're joking.. just tell me you're lying!" Clark said loudly

" I'm not, I'm leaving, I just have to do this if I wanna get over her, I'm sorry" he replied and zipped up the first bag before starting to pack the second one

"Rowen" Hardin said sadly

"Don't miss me too much bestie" he said

"Bastard" Blaine said at the point of tears

" Jerk,I hate you for this" Clark said like a kid and Rowen smiled

" One love guys, you guys should come spend your vacation with me when it comes, I'll miss y'all, your craziness will always be in my mind guys" he said and Hardin sniffed

" Go already, I hate you" he said though it's obvious he meant the opposite

Rowen smiled and stood, went to them and hugged them all at once...


Next morning, 9:30**

Rowen's bag has already been dragged to the car trunk before he came out by himself, he got to Seth's door and carefully stuck a letter by the door,,

He walked out of the hostel and made his way slowly to the car, his friends stopped in front of the hostel, looking at him

He got to the car and turned around to look at the hostel again, he smiled at his friends but they couldn't return it, it's obvious that they're too sad to smile

He inhaled a deep breath and smiled again though sadly

It's sure he'll miss this place..... it's not the school his dad wants for him but he chose it cos his friends are here but now he has to leave to boring New York where he has no friends..

He's leaving for a valid reason though... He wasn't expecting to fall in love here, he wasn't expecting a girl to steal his heart but it happened,, and now he has to leave just to forget about her

He remembered Sapphire's face and can feel his eyes getting wet, tears are about to fall again, he allowed them to fall as he quickly got in the car,,

He took a final glance at his friends and the hostel...

"Goodbye H,C&B, goodbye carats hostel, goodbye Washington State University, goodbye Sapphire... my first love" he thought and drove off in much tears.