Hazel's room**

Renee ran wildly into the room, looking breathless throughout, Hazel was sitting on the bed, playing with a vibrator, ready to fuck herself with it.

"Hey is something chasing you?, Stop running like a lunatic" she scowled

" It's worth running for Hazel, Rowen is gone" Renee replied, breathing hard

" Gone?, To school?" Hazel sprouted

"He left Washington for good, he left completely" Renee replied

" If you're trying to make a joke then it's not funny" Hazel scoffed

Renee brought out her phone and threw it at her, Hazel caught it

"Go to my gallery , I snapped pictures of how he was dragging his bags to his car trunk" she said and Hazel quickly did that, truly his pictures are there, her eyes went big and she came down from the bed quickly

"He left Washington?, My Rowen left?" She said loudly

"I'm telling you" Renee replied and Hazel rushed out of the room to the park but truly his car isn't there, she met his friends in front of the hostel and rushed to them

"Dudes, is Rowen really gone?, Huh?, Is he really gone?" She asked breathlessly

" Can you please get off my face?" Hardin said harshly before going in with the guys

Hazel scattered her hair all-over her face, giving her the devilish look as she walked back to her room,,

"See?, I wasn't joking" Renee said

"Why exactly will he leave?" Hazel said

"Don't you watch dramas?, The supporting male lead leaves when he has to get over the female lead" Renee replied and Hazel smiled wickedly

" So.... it's because of Sapphire again, Rowen left cos of her , why does everything has to happen because of her!, I just hate her!" She ranted

" So what are we gonna do next?" Renee asked

"She got admitted to my dad's hospital" Hazel said, sitting on the bed

*Really?" Renee said, standing in front of her

Hazel looked up at her and an evil smile formed on their faces..


W hospitals**

Seth didn't get to sleep a bit throughout the night, he sat beside her althrough, watching over her, doing that makes him hopeful that she'll soon wake up for him.

Nadia and Jacinthe never left his side too, they stayed though they slept at a point but not for long

Seth looked at Sapphire on the bed and smiled sadly, he felt her temperature, it's normal but why isn't she waking up already.

He sighed and bent over to kiss her eyes gently. "Pretty eyes please wake up soon, I miss you madly, I miss you" he whispered, holding her hand gently, he touched her hair slowly, giving it gentle strokes

Jacinthe smiled as she watched them, feeling glad that she let go of her feelings for him....if she hadn't done that, only God knows how she'd be feeling right now

Nadia just watched with guilt allover her face, she also can't wait for her to wake so she'd get to tell her how she became a devil and betrayed her, she's not expecting her to forgive her, maybe after that, she'd leave WSU too.....she hates herself already so seeing Sapphire hate her will hurt more

She suddenly heard a buzz on her phone and checked, it's a message from Rowen..

**I'm sorry for taking your virginity even when I knew I felt nothing for told me you're a devil I made, I'm sorry for making you this way, I hope cat eyes will be able to forgive you when you finally tell her, I destroyed the videos already so Sapphire Hunt is safe, all I wish for her is an happy sweet relationship with Seth Hidalgo, I'm about to go on New York....I just thought of saying bye .... **

Nadia's tears are already rushing out of her eyes when she finished reading the message, she covered her lips with her hand so her sounds won't be heard but that didn't help.

"What's wrong?" Jacinthe asked when she saw her crying

"Rowen....he's....he's gone" she stuttered tearfully

"What?, He's really... really gone?" Jacinthe said

" Trust me he's gone, to New York" she sobbed

Jacinthe inhaled hard, understanding why he left

"Maybe it's for the best.. but everyone will miss him" she thought

Seth felt somehow though he doesn't know why, the little time they spent together in the hospital and how he pleaded sincerely, how he offered his car selflessly.. he seems like a good person and maybe he's gonna miss him too.... just maybe.



"Why is the class so lifeless today?, Sapphire Hunt, Seth Hidalgo, Rowen Bills, Nadia and Jacinthe....why are they all absent?" Prof Taylor asked worriedly during the first class

" Rowen left" Hardin said slowly

"Left?, Why?" Taylor asked shockingly

"He needs it" Clark replied sadly

Prof Taylor sighed, looking at the sad faces of the three, she understands something is off Immediately

"So.... Seth and Sapphire left too?" She said

"Sapphire is sick and unconscious in W hospitals, Seth is with her" Hazel said

" What!, Unconscious?"

" Well... that's what I heard" Hazel replied with a carefree look

Taylor became restless immediately, she made sure to finish her class fast and rushed out, making her way to the hospital

"Why is she in the hospital?" Blaine wondered loudly

" Something surely happened on that bonfire night, we just don't know whatever it is but whatever it is, I'm sure it's bad, to the point of making the great lady S unconscious" Clark said

" Rowen really left" Hardin said, though all the guys seems sad but he looks the saddest, he has known Rowen even before the guys came, that's why Rowen says he's his bestie

"You just have to endure his absence, we all miss him you know, but there's nothing we can do... The vacation will soon be here, we'll all go to New York to see him, I can't wait" Clark said

" I can't wait too, if anyone told me I'd miss that bastard this way, I'd have denied it, I miss him badly" Blaine said

" We should go see Sapphire at the hospital, Seth will be so down" Hardin said and Clark's phone rang

" We'll leave for the hospital after I take this call" he said, picking up the call from the unknown line

" Hey Clark!" That tiny familiar voice said from the other end

" Hey ... I'm speaking with....

" Nora!, Seth's sis" she said loudly and Clark smiled

"Nora?, Whoa!, Wasn't expecting your call, how's New York?" He asked

" Boring as always but I'm managing" she replied

" don't have friends?" Clark asked

"Friends?, What a joke, mum doesn't allow me to keep friends" she replied

" What the....why?" Clark asked

" She says none of the students in my school can match up to my standard, she said her daughter can't be found making friends with daughters of the poor" Nora replied

" Why?, Your mother is the president?" 

"No, but right after the president, our family is the...."

" The what?" Clark asked

" Nevermind, I'll talk to you later... save my number with sweet Nora, I'll call you later today...bye!" She rushed and hung up

Clark looked at his phone and sighed

"Who was it?" Blaine asked

"Nora" he replied

" Seth's sis?"

" Sure, but how will a mum tell her daughter not to make friends with anyone at school cos they won't match up to her standard" Clark wondered loudly

" It's obvious, the family must be stinking rich" Hardin said and Clark sighed

" Rich?, Then why is Seth riding a bike?" Clark said

"Are you talking about Nora?" Blaine asked

" Of course, she says her mum won't allow her to have friends in school cos they don't match up to her standard" 

" Really?, Rich family?, Then why is Seth always riding a bike?" Blaine said

" Honestly I've felt something strange about him too, the booth he was putting on on the night of the bonfire worth millions" Hardin said

" You saw the booth too?, Kcee's first product last year, the number one was sold for fifty million, he was wearing the number one that night" Clark said

" I think I'm the only one who didn't see it but I saw another thing, a man comes to visit him from time to time, you need to see the car he always comes in, exotic expensive cars dude" Blaine said

"Is he really from a rich family?" Hardin wondered


McCoy company**

" I'm done for today I think" Julia said, rounding off after writing the last record for the day in the record book

"Wait are you a jet?, I envy you" Ivy replied

While Julia is the clerk, Ivy is one of the planning team in the company

"Aren't you done?" Julia asked

"I'm done, just joking" ivy replied sillily

"Stop acting like a kid" Julia laughed and ivy stood

"I'll go get my bag" she winked and walked into the office

"Why is Sapphire not calling and why is her line off?" Julia wondered worriedly as she took her bag, she stepped out of her spot just when Mr McCoy came out of his office

"Good evening boss" she greeted cheerfully and he smiled doubt he's one of the most handsome men in Washington, he's dashing! But still single though his wife died some years back and since then, he has been alone..

"Mrs Hunt...was it stressful today?" He asked

" I actually enjoy being here so no matter how stressful it is, I'd always manage" she replied

" And that's why I kept saying you're the best of my staffs, don't tell anyone though" he said and Julia laughed lightly

He started leaving but suddenly looked back. "By the end of this month, I'll be transferring you to the planning team" he said and Julia's eyes widened

" Huh?" She said

" Sure, expect it" he replied and left after flashing her an handsome smile

"Ivy I just hit the jackpot!, Yay!, Whoo!, OMG!" She screamed like an happy teen, almost falling as ivy came out of the office

"Why is this woman so happy" she said

"It's because the woman is fucking surprised, boss said he'd be transferring me to your team next month, I'll be leaving the clerk desk" she announced

" Really?, I can't believe this, Mr McCoy is too kind!" Ivy said happily

" I know right?, He's the best boss" Julia replied 

" I'm so happy for were complaining about Sapphire, any update?" Ivy asked

" No, her line is still off and she's not calling too" she replied

" Then we should go to her hostel on our way home" ivy suggested 

"Sure" Julia sighed, leaving with her



Jacinthe actually came to bring Sapphire a change of clothes in the hostel since she'll need it when she wakes up, she strongly believes she'll wake up soon ,

She left the hostel sadly and on getting to the park, she met Julia just coming out of her car with Ivy

"Mrs Hunt" she said surprisingly

"Jacinthe.... How are you doin' Julia asked, walking to her

" I'm not fine" she replied sadly and Julia got scared

*Why?, Why do you have dark circles under your eyes?, And by the way ... Where's my Sapphire?" She asked impatiently

" She's..... she's unconscious in the hospital" Nadia replied and Julia almost lost her breath.


W hospitals**

The ward is filled with students including Hardin Blaine and Clark..... Prof Taylor left a while ago after spending almost an hour with them

Seth is still sitting beside her dejectedly, hoping fervently that she'll wake up soon, he's not looking at anyone...he has his eyes on only her, wanting to be the first one to detect when she wakes up

"All these is like magic, seriously ion know what happened, I just know it all started on the bonfire night" Hardin said

" You guys should forget about it, it's top secret and the more you try to know about it, the more you get confused" Nadia said

" Really?" Blaine said and she nodded

"Even me...I don't understand anything" Jacinthe said slowly

"She should wake up soon, this guy right here might go insane at this rate,he's not ready to look at anyone else" Clark said, referring to Seth

" Sapphire?" Julia said from the door and all attention turned to her

She rushed in fearfully, kneeling beside Sapphire on the bed

"What happened to her?, Just what happened to my Sapphire?" She said, touching her face with shaky hands

Seth just kept staring at Sapphire without changing position for once, Julia looked at him and held his face up

"What happened to her?, Please talk to me" she said

" She got the cravings and wounded herself by hitting her head on the wall , it affected her so much that she ended up here" he said slowly

" Oh no.....did she not take the drugs?" She said, about to start crying

" I'm not sure" he replied slowly again

Julia returned her stare to Sapphire and hugged her unconscious body on the bed

"My life.. please wake up're scaring me by lying down lifelessly like this" she cried

" She'll be fine " Jacinthe said behind her

" Nothing must happen to her, she's my life" Julia said sadly



Night, doctor Woods office**

Hazel fell on his chair after she came back from the hospital storage where she stole the syringe and needle she needed for her mission tonight

Renee entered after her, they actually went together, she smiled as she sat on the table

"We're good now right?" She asked

"Of course, the interns didn't see us and no doctor saw us, we're safe, place them on the table" Hazel replied and Renee placed the small bag on the table....they brought out the needle and syringe then Hazel brought out the poison from her pocket and they injected it in the syringe

Hazel smiled devilishly, looking at the needle like it's gold, to her... it's her medal cos once a shot of this gets into Sapphire's drip and enters her system, she'll die within three minutes, it's dangerous, she payed a lot to get it

"How happy are you now?" Renee asked

"Ninety nine percent, but it'll charge to hundred once we send her out of the world" she replied and they heard footsteps.... Hazel quickly hid the needle and her dad came in

"Dr Woods" she teased and he smiled

"I told you to come see me yesterday but you didn't" he said

"I came, you can ask that short intern, she said you were attending to an emergency" she replied

" came that time?, I'm sorry... even right now I have to go" he replied, picking his stethoscope from the table

" Another emergency?" She said

"Sure, but not so severe, I'll be back in twenty minutes" he replied and left hurriedly

Hazel looked at Renee and they both left the office....they went to the first restroom down the hallway and came out some minutes later, wearing the white coats and nose masks, looking like interns.


Sapphire's ward**

Julia and Seth are the only ones in the room, Jacinthe and Nadia are in the next ward to get some sleep since there's no available bed in the ward

Julia isn't sleeping and so is Seth, they're both watching on her maybe she might wake up at midnight,

"Do you know happy I and my husband were when I gave birth to our Sapphire?* Julia said sadly

Seth kept quiet, finally looking up at her

"We were so happy cos we actually had problems with childbirth for long before we had her" she said, smiling as she held her hand

" But even if it's only her, you're lucky, she's special" he said slowly

" I know right?" Julia smiled

" She's pretty and kind-hearted, the best daughter anyone could ask for" she smiled

Seth smiled too and was about to reply when two interns came in

They came straight to the bed and without talking, the first one picked an Injection from the tray that the second one is holding and tried injecting it into Sapphire's drip

"What's it for?" Seth asked

"She'll wake up faster with this" she replied in a muffled tone and tried injecting it but she was behaving suspicious, her hands are shaking too

Seth looked at her wrist and saw three bracelets and a small diamond tattoo.....then her voice seems familiar earlier...

He stood and held her hand, she faced him

"You're not an intern right?" He said suspiciously and she stood still, staring at him

She suddenly broke free and tried to shove the injection into Sapphire directly but Seth was fast to kick her and she fell on the second girl, they went down and he quickly ripped off their masks.... Hazel and Renee!

"What the hell!" He said, pushing Julia to a safe side as they both stood again,,

Hazel desperately wants to just inject Sapphire and that only means the injection is dangerous....

He pushed her again and she fell on Renee again, the injection mistakenly got stuck in Renee's tummy and released into her system, she started bleeding almost immediately

Hazel stood and dashed out of the ward, Seth followed immediately, chasing her out of the ward,

She got to her car and got in before revving her engine roughly down the road, Seth got on his bike... thanks to Hardin who brought it for him earlier

He started the chase and Hazel won't stop racing, it only took some minutes before the cops started following them

"Damn!, Can't believe it got ruined" Hazel ranted angrily in her car, hitting her hand on the steering and losing direction,

She almost ran into a car but she turned her car to another direction, the car lost control 

She tried controlling it to bring it back or halt it but the brakes stopped working immediately....

"!!!!!!" She screamed, seeing where the car is heading....a bridge..

The car crashed on the bridge before somersaulting into the water below the bridge.