Instantly it felt like they're the only two in the world, Sapphire melted into jelly in his arms, shifting her hands to his shinny hair,, he drew her even closer, causing a gasp to escape her lips.

He slipped his tongue into her mouth and she kissed it just like they do, he smiled into her mouth and had a whole taste of her over and over

He suddenly lifted her off the ground and her legs went behind him to tangle there tightly, he gently broke the kiss and they looked each other in the eye, breathing heavily

He smiled broadly and that made her lips spread in a wide smile too, she buried her face in the crook of his neck afterwards

Seth kissed her hair and she chuckled softly

"I love you pretty" he said

"I love you too Seth, I love you a lot" she replied

" Look at me" he said and she slowly looked up at him, his eyes were wistful and passionate

"Let's forget about whatever happened and move on, that's all I want right now" he whispered and she smiled again

*How can a guy be so selfless this way?.... it's too rare*

She nodded slowly and he attached his lips to her neck, sucking had on the spot... She held tightly unto him, biting her lip to suppress a moan but it was impossible cos she later released a sharp moan.

Seth removed his lips and smiled when he saw a glaring hickey on her neck

"You're mine, only mine Sapphire"


An hour later, the carats hostel**

Julia was getting impatient already, she refused to stay in Sapphire's room, instead she waited in front of the hostel, waiting for when Seth will show up with her 

She kept glancing at the way every minute and after every glance, she sighs heavily

Jacinthe and Nadia are behind her, waiting with her and it's obvious they're worried too

"Hey watssup?" Blaine's voice said and Jacinthe turned to him...he's with his friends

"Sapphire woke and left with a cab so Seth left to search" Jacinthe replied

" Oh.... " Blaine said worriedly too

"Mrs Julia, you don't have to worry, I'm sure he'll find her" Hardin said

" Of course, cos here he is" Clark said as Seth's bike drove into the park with Sapphire behind him on the bike

"My baby!" Julia literally screamed, Sapphire quickly came down from the bike and rushed to hug her tightly

"Mother" she whispered, closing her eyes to embrace her more

"My everything" Julia smiled, breaking the hug to place a kiss on Sapphire's forehead

"I love you so much mum" she smiled

"I love you very much princess, you still feel any pain?" Julia asked, touching her face gently

" I'm perfectly fine mum" she smiled and Julia hugged her again

"Oh my baby....I'm so glad" she breathed, holding her for two minutes before releasing her

"Nadia" she smiled, hugging her next

*Thanks for waking up, thanks for staying alive baby fire" Nadia said, smiling widely in her arms

" Thanks for staying by me" Sapphire replied, breaking the it to hug Jacinthe

" Baby I missed you" Jacinthe said

"Thanks for staying by me babe" Sapphire replied and went to the guys

"Thanks perverts" she smiled 

"Perverts?" They all chorused and she giggled

"Thanks Hardin, thanks Blaine, thanks Clark... happy now?" She said

" It's a good thing you're back, your boyfriend would have ran mad" Hardin said and Sapphire looked at Seth who looked away

"Really?" Sapphire said

"Sure, he was like; Please wake up for me, I love you so much,...I only want you and nothing please" Blaine mimicked Seth and everyone laughed

" Bastard" Seth smiled....

"Renee and Hazel are dead, newsflash" Clark said

"Hell!" Sapphire said shockingly

"While you were in the hospital, they tried to inject you with poison, luckily your smart boyfriend found out and during the struggle, Renee got injected instead while Hazel died in an accident during the chase" Hardin explained

" I almost died" she gasped

" But thankfully you're alive" Jacinthe said

" I strangely pity them" Sapphire said

"Come off it pretty, they don't deserve it" Seth said and Sapphire smiled

" I'm just glad I'm alive and....I got my baby back then everyone is happy....I can't be more happy" she smiled beautifully

" I'm the happiest" Julia said

"You're the best mum" Sapphire winked and Julia smiled

"We need to talk" Julia said and Sapphire went to a separate part with her

"Nadia said those girls messed with your pills, that's why you got the cravings" Julia said

" You. You know about it?"

" Yes... Nadia told me everything, what happened between you and one Rowen guy that night" Julia replied

" Mum....

"Seth is rare, with the look of things, it's obvious that you both are back" Julia said

" Yes, he forgave me, he's too sweet, too sweet that I find myself too lucky" Sapphire smiled

" Now that he knows, you shouldn't leave his side anytime please" Julia said

" I understand, you can't waste your money or borrow loans to buy the drugs again for now, we'll manage...I won't leave his side and he'll stay too" she replied

" I'm happy you got him, he's the best guy around, handsome.. loving, selfless, caring and considerate like your dad" Julia said

" You're right, I think I love him more than you" Sapphire said and Julia laughed

" It's not bad, just.... don't do anything to break his heart I beg you, please" she said

" I know, I won't be so wicked to do that after everything he has done for me" she smiled

" By the way I'll be getting transferred to the planning team next month, my boss told me" Julia said

" OMG mum!, That means more money yay!" She screamed

" Silly you....I love you" Julia said

"Same here sweetheart" Sapphire replied happily


New York**

The Bills mansion**

Rowen took his seat in front of his laptop and sighed, pressing his knuckles gently while waiting for Hardin's call on his phone, he promised to video call

If anyone told him he'd miss those perverts, he'd have denied it but here he is right now, feeling like going back to Washington just to see them

He registered for another school already and the entrance exams is next week, he's not good at reading but he's trying his best

He stood when the door opened and Mr Bills entered, obviously exhausted from work

"Dad" he smiled, walking to him, he hugged his dad like a kid and Mr Bills chuckled, hugging his son back

"I missed you, it was only me in this big house throughout" he pouted and Mr Bills laughed, patting his back before releasing him

"Can't believe my son is now so sweet and cute" he said

"I've always been cute" he replied

" Not right, it started since you returned, you listen to me now, not like the Rowen I knew, you'd never listen to anyone" Mr Bills said

" The maids made our favorite, I've been waiting so we can eat together" he said 

" Alright son.... I'll go freshen up" Mr Bills replied, going in

" By the way how was work?" He asked

"I'm trying to sign a contract with The Langford's but Sophia is too picky, ion know if I'll get picked though" he replied

" We're wealthy enough, we're still among the top twenty wealthiest in this place so ion think we need to sign any contract with them" Rowen said

*I'm not signing cos of money, I'm doing it for popularity" Mr Bills winked and Rowen laughed

" That arrogant Sophia, I hate her" he said

"Everyone does, but she's got crazy connections and I need it" Mr Bills said 

" Heard her only son is my age but why is he not social?, Search for Michael Langford online, you'll only see "THE HANDSOME SON OF THE LANGFORD'S" no single information or picture, why?" Rowen said

" Heard she's planning to reveal his face on the day of his engagement with the ex president's daughter" Mr Bills said

" Arranged marriage?"

" Who knows?, Extra rich people and their palaver, the engagement is coming soon though, we'll get to see him then... look son I'll be back" Mr Bills replied

" Ok dad" he replied and sat back in front of the laptop

"I wish to see his face, I need to know if he's more handsome" he said and his phone rang, a video call from Hardin

He smiled widely before connecting to the laptop, he clicked green and saw the faces of his buddies

"I hate you!!!!" Clark screamed

"I love you bro" Rowen laughed, too happy to see them

" How's New York treating you bastard?" Blaine asked

"No friends, and that's why I missed you guys" he replied

" Not to worry, when you get to your new school you'll make friends" Clark replied

" No friends can be like you ass.holes" Rowen said and Hardin sighed

" Best buddy why aren't you talking" Rowen said

"I dunno what to say, I don't want to say I love you" Hardin replied and Rowen laughed

" Crazy you, how's the carats hostel and WSU doing?" He asked

"Just great, I took your place in the movie" Clark winked

" I knew it .., and when will you guys be going on a vacation, I can't wait to see you guys" Rowen replied

" Maybe.. three or four weeks from now, we'll be going on winter break" Blaine said

" Cool, and... How's Sapphire doing?" He asked

"She somehow landed in the hospital and.. 

"Hospital?, Is she ok now?, Huh?" Rowen interrupted quickly

"Calm down...she almost got killed by Hazel and Renee but thankfully they died instead so she's ok now, she came back to the hostel this evening" Hardin said

" I'm glad...what about Seth?, Is he happy?' Rowen asked

"Of course, he's over joyous" Clark said 

"I'm f**king happy" Rowen smiled

"Get a girlfriend when you have the chance" Blaine said

" I don't support you f*cking around again. . Get a girlfriend instead and f*ck one hole till eternity" Hardin said

" Get off... Bastards" Rowen said

" Don't you dare cut us off" Clark said

" I hate dares" Rowen replied in Seth's voice and hung up before laughing

He feels so happy right now...his crazy friends made his night


Pullman; Washington**


Sapphire just finished taking her night shower in her room and she's busy dressing up

She made to wear panties and bra but decided against it since she'll be sleeping at Seth's place anyways

She took some of her clothes and shoes already, she has plans to stay in his room for now

She packed all her things on the small dresser into the bag too then faced Nadia who has been watching her

"I'm off bestie" she smiled

"I guess this night will be hot, no panties no bra, you surely don't want much work for your Choco" Nadia said and Sapphire smiled

" I know right?" She replied with an anticipating smile

"Ok.... I'll have to adjust to staying in this room alone" Nadia replied

" Love you!" Sapphire said and started leaving

" Baby fire" Nadia suddenly called and Sapphire looked back

" Baby fire, ion know but I've come to love the name" she said and Nadia smiled

" I actually have something to tell you tommorow" Nadia said

"Really?, Is it a surprise?" Sapphire asked

*Maybe" Nadia shrugged

" Ok baby" Sapphire winked at her before leaving

Nadia sat up and leaned on the wall

"I hope you won't forgive me" she said sadly


Seth's room**

He just finished taking his night shower too when Sapphire came in, he has only the towel round his waist.

"Here already?" He smiled, staring at her nightie

It's a short one with shinny diamond designs on the thin strap, it's tight to her body and enough to make him hard, he managed to look away reluctantly and Sapphire smiled, going to the closet.

She started arranging her clothes and when she was done, she arranged her shoes on the rack then went to the dresser to arrange her things there too

*But how did Hazel and Renee find out about my pills?* She thought , standing still

"Are they witches or something?" She wondered loudly

"Witches?" Seth said, hugging her from behind, caressing her belly button seductively through the nightie

"I was just wondering how Hazel and Renee found out about my cravings" she said, tilting her head aside so he'd have access to her neck, he nibbled gently on her neck and she can feel her body electrifying already

"Don't think of anything" Seth said and she held her breath when his fingers touched the spot below her navel

"Seth" she whispered

"Just focus on me...." He replied and she quickly faced him, he's putting on a short jean already, he's shirtless

She touched his body with her finger tips and he held his breath, allowing her to run her fingers continuously on his bare body, she bent over and kissed his chest warmly.

"Why do you have to be so s*xy?" She whispered, feeling the friction between her legs already

*Just at the nick of time* she thought

"Maybe because I'm the boyfriend of a foxy beauty" he replied seductively, his eyes darkened as they drift across her chest,,

"Make me scream tonight...I wanna scream your name, my cravings came" she whispered, kissing his biceps

Seth kissed her tattoo before moving his eyes to hers again.

"Even if the cravings hadn't come, I have plans to" he replied hoisted her up in his arms, she instinctively tangled her legs on his waist, her hands went wrapped on his neck.

His lips were on hers in the next minute and she melted completely into his arms, the kiss was strong yet mild as he demanded access by biting down on her bottom lip.

His touch was hypnotizing and full of magic, it increased her desire to have him strip her of her clothes every second.

Seth's hand slowly tugged at her nightie and without hesitating, she lifted her arms readily, allowing him to lift it over her head and throw it somewhere, his eyes came back to meet her nakedness and Sapphire's breathing became hard.

He stared at her hard and erect nipples with dark eyes and that only added to her wetness, his eyes were seductive...fucking intoxicating

His eyes travelled down and he had a feast of her cl*t with it, she bit her lips impatiently as he lowered his head to her chest. "You're so fucking sexy" he whispered, taking her erect nipple between his lips, his warm mouth gently flickered her nipple as his teeth skimmed the nub.

He sucked her with much attention and all she could do was release loud moans...he moved to her other n*pple , sucking it vigorously just like he did with the other, he cupped the other one with his hand and rubbed the nub gently.

"Seth....oh my fuck" She moaned breathlessly, her legs shaking helplessly on his waist 

He rubbed and sucked more vigorously and she threw her head back, letting out high-pitched moans and no matter how seductively he sucked, she wanted more of him, she was too wet for him.

As if he's aware, he made them travel to the bed and she held the hemline of his pants, she gave him a ready look before pulling it down his legs, he kicked it away and she stared at his hard erection, that only made her want him more... Inside of her

He attached his lips to her neck, nibbling and kissing his way up to her earlobe., His hand trailed down her body until it reached her pussy,

He dipped his two fingers into her and she bit down on her lip to suppress her moans, he pushed in his fingers deeper into her ...

"Jeez!, Baby " she moaned loudly

"I love when you moan my name" he whispered as his fingers moved rhythmically inside her, pushing her to the edge.

"Seth... Now please" she released impatiently but that only made him plunge deeper, he widened her legs more and he continued to f*ck her p*ssy with his fingers.

"Seth ah!" She gasped sharply, heaping the sheets in her palms

He moved down her cl*t and before she could breath, his fingers were replaced with his tongue in her honeypot, he started licking up her folds and a rush of heat rushed through her body.

He raised her shaking legs to his shoulder and her hand got stuck in his messy hair as he continued to lick her wet p*ssy

He stopped licking and pushed his fingers into her again, making her scream

"Damn... Mich please" She said loudly, holding fistfuls of her hair, her legs are shaking and withering more, she's almost there

"Cum on my fingers baby" he replied, pumping still, deeper and harder

"Fuck, Seth" she said again, grabbing his hair as her pre-cum wet his fingers.

"You taste so fucking good" Seth said, licking her off his fingers before pulling her to the edge of the bed, she watched as he stroked his dick and she became more impatient, she readily widened her legs and he positioned his cock in her entrance, his shaft moved against her, making her more eager.

"You're so fuckin wet pretty" he whispered and she begged with her eyes

" Fuck me already" she breathed breathlessly

"Tell me I'm the only one who can do this to you" he said, rubbing himself on her entrance

"You're the only one Seth, it's only you" she replied readily

He rubbed the tip of his d*ck on her p*ssy again ....

"Mich.... please" she moaned, holding him to herself

"Tell me you're mine just the way I'm yours" he said

"I'm yours just the way you're mine" she breathed

Seth did the teasing again and she moaned sharply

"Seth.....stop teasing please ... I can't take it anymore" she whispered, looking him in the eye

" Tell me you won't ever leave me...." He said

"I won't ever try that..... Seth" she said with the remaining patience in her

Seth looked at her naughtily , took a deep breath before plunging his dick deep into her at once

"AHHH!" she gripped the sheets, adjusting to him, Seth never waited for her to recover from the shock before he pulled out and he immediately thrusted hard Into her pussy again, making her forget her name.