Each thrust brought excess pleasure to every inch of Sapphire's body. She was shaking underneath him and her hips started moving against him, trying to get closer to him.

Be grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head as he continued to bang her in and out, leaving trails of love bites along her collarbones and jawlines.

Seth shifted above her and before she knew it, she was already on top of him, straddling him.

He slammed into her again, almost tearing her apart, that sent waves of pleasure and pain allover every fiber of her body. "Seth easy....oh damn" she blabbered 

Seth pushed a groan out of his mouth and grabbed her hips, making her sit more firmly on his cock

"Ride me baby" he whispered and she placed her palms on the bed, she lifted herself till it was only his tip lingering inside her, she took a breath before slamming down on him., He groaned deeply and his eyes became more wistful with affection.

Sapphire started riding up and down his cock and he thrusted up powerfully each time to meet up with her pace.

"Seth I love you so much.... very much baby" she moaned loudly as she continued bouncing up and down on his dick, her nipples hardened already and she felt the need to have them handled by him again.

Seth sensed that and took her right n*pple in his finger tips, rubbing it gently and that almost made her explode.

"Baby I'm close" she shouted, throwing her head back

"C*m for me pretty" Seth said between each thrust, her orgasm built up swiftly and she came undone immediately

"Gosh!, Oh fuck!" She screamed as her walls continued to tighten on Seth's rod.

"I'm fucking c*mming" she said breathlessly.

He reluctantly allowed himself to climax with a thrust before releasing his grip on her.

He grunted in pleasure as she collapsed on top of him tiredly, both breathing so heavily

"Did we just do that?" She breathed

"You were awesome" he replied and she chuckled,not standing up from him

" You were more awesome, I love how you handled me" she replied

" Then let's do this frequently" he replied and she smiled before kissing his bare chest

"Of course... But I'll need drugs you know....I can't carry a baby now" she replied

" I understand, I'll get you pills tommorow baby" he replied, stroking her hair and eventually kissing it.

"I'm so lucky to have you, and please....stand on what you said, never leave me...I promise to never try that too, no matter what... don't break up with me" he said, practically begging

" I won't ever try that baby, I promise...." She replied

"I love you so much Sapphire Hunt" he said, emotions obvious in his voice

" I love you very much Seth Hidalgo" she replied and he smiled before turning her face to himself, he placed a kiss on her forehead before returning her head to his chest, he covered them both and it only took a minute before they slept off


Next morning**

New York; The Langford's mansion**

Nora came out of the bathroom and her personal maids are already waiting to help her get dressed and jeez!, She hates getting her things done with anyone's help, she prefers doing her thing alone

One of the maids picked her body cream as she sat, trying to cream her body for her but she snatched it from her

"Out of my room, I can cream myself, I can dress for myself!, I can do everything by myself!, I'm fifteen for crying out loud!, How can you guys still be treating a first year highschool student like a toddler!" She yelled angrily

"We're sorry miss but it's Madam's order that we mustn't let you do anything by yourself" one of the maids replied

It's true, they never allow her to do anything on her own, she hasn't really took a spoon by herself for years, it's always the maids offering everything on the dinning table.

They cream her after she might have taken her bath, they dress her up starting from her panties till her last piece of dressing, she has never put on shoes by herself and she has never brushed her hair by herself, earrings, necklaces or bracelets, she has never put it on by herself, even lipstick was applied for her by the maids.

She has never opened a car door for herself,the guards will never allow that, the only thing she does is bathing and eating and it's still amusing why Sophia hadn't ordered that she should be bathed and fed by the maids

"I know it's her order but can you guys just make today an exception?, I want to do things by myself too!, It bores me to the ass to see you guys doing everything for me!" She yelled

" And what the hell is going on in here" Petra said, coming into the room

" Young miss, she insisted on dressing up for herself" the maids replied and Petra smiled before going to her, she stroked Nora's hair and Nora slapped her hand away

"How can the great pretty daughter of the Langford family do things by herself when there are maids at her beck and call" she said

" And I said I'm tired of it!, It's boring to see people doing things for me without having the chance to do anything for myself!" She yelled almost in tears

"Why the early morning yells?" Sophia said, entering the room too

" I don't want maids anymore!, I want to do my things myself!, I don't want guards following me around anymore!, I want to go anywhere I like!, I want to make friends too, I didn't sign to come alive as a lonely girl mother!, I wanna be free too!" She yelled

" Shut up right now!" Sophia yelled,not minding the tears in Nora's eyes that are ready to fall

"I hate you....mum" she said, letting the tears fall

"You can do that a million times, I'm not moved so far you remain Nora Langford, my pretty daughter" Sophia replied and faced the maids

" Dress her up as usual, she mustn't do anything by herself, I have this much wealth so my kids won't have to suffer, she was born to be served, not to work ok?' she said

"Yes madam" the six maids bowed and she faced Petra

"Come with me, the fashionista for the dress will soon call" she said and Petra beamed

" Yes queen" she blushed

" Queen?" 

" Yes madam Sophia, you're like the queen of New York" Petra replied and Sophia smiled

" Maybe I should add queen to my title, that'll sound more classy" she said

" Yes!, You deserve that title... queen of the Langford's" Petra said

"I should do that" she replied, walking out while Petra followed

Nora was made to sit on the decorated chair in front of the majestic dresser and the maids started creaming her body after which they dressed her up for almost an hour, making sure she's dressed according to Sophia's taste 

Her backpack was strapped to her back and she left the room furiously, her long hair flowing with the air.

She walked past the dinning where Sophia and Petra are eating already

She gave them mean looks before trying to leave the house

"You should eat breakfast" Petra said

"I'm not hungry" she replied when she got to the door

" Bring her here" Sophia ordered and Nora was carried by the guards, she was taken to the dinning room where she was made to sit 

The maids served her food and she was given a fork which she rolled eyes at

"Take the fork and eat right now or you'll be getting locked up in your room for the whole of today" Sophia glared

" That'll be better, at least I won't have to see b*tches like you both" Nora replied hotly

" Eat right now" Sophia said, pretending like she didn't hear

Nora took the fork angrily from the maid and stabbed the meal aggressively with it, eating angrily while glaring at Petra and Sophia

She ate just little before standing up. "Happy now?" She said and hit her hand on the table angrily before storming out of the house, the guards followed her and the door of the car that'll be taking her to school has already been opened

She entered furiously and two guards entered with her, another three cars containing four guards each followed the car behind, she cried throughout the drive to school

She came down from her car when she got to the parking lot and students won't even look her way

👥 Nora Langford!

👥 Daughter of the devilishly rich Sophia

👥 I'm scared!

The comments only embittered her more towards her mum

She looked at the guards surrounding her, over fifteen.

She wiped her tears before walking into the school, about ten of the guards stayed by the car while five followed her.

She got to class and took her seat gently, no student is sitting beside, behind or in front of her, everyone is at least one seat away from her, she's damn lonely and friendless

Her guards stood behind her, watching everything she does

The math class started and ended fast though she didn't get most of the things that were taught.

"I need to use the restroom" she said, facing the guards, she left the class and they followed her till she got to the front of the restroom

"Wanna follow me in?" She said and the guards stayed in front of it while she entered

She quickly brought out her phone and dialled Clark's line, luckily he picked almost immediately

"Nora" his deep voice said and she smiled, resting on the dispenser

" I miss you" she replied and Clark laughed


"I just miss you Clark....I'm suffering here" she replied and sobbed slowly

" Hey are you crying?" He said worriedly

"Mum Won't let me do what I like" she replied

" And who the hell is your mum" Clark said 

" Soph.... Don't mind.... I'll manage I just needed to hear your voice that's why I called" she replied

" Are you sure you're ok?" He asked

" I've heard your voice and I'm ok now, I'm fine" she replied, smiling prettily

"Good" he replied and she bit her lip shyly

" Can we.... video call next time?, I wanna see your face" she replied

" No problem, so we'll talk later" he replied 

" Yes....good....bye" she said and reluctantly hung up

She hugged her phone to her chest and closed her eyes

"How can his words make me feel better this much" she inhaled.


Pullman; Washington**

The carats hostel, Seth's room**

Sapphire woke up to the smell of omelette from the kitchen and smiled, knowing it's surely her baby at work

She sat up and stretched, her body feels gummy and she feels too happy at the same time, last night was actually memorable too, every moment with him will always be

"I love you baby" she said as if he's here...she saw a pen and jotter on the stand and took it, she decided to make a bucket list...

"What will come first" she thought and smiled when it came

1. S*x with my boyfriend everyday

2. I want to walk hand In hand with him every night while hearing him say sweet things to me

3. Feature perfectly in the movie with him

4. Spending forever with him

5. Wounding every girl that'll try to take him away

6. Wearing my boyfriend's big Tee's to bed every night in his arms

7. Stealing his hoodies when it's cold

8. Bathing with my boyfriend everyday

9. Sharing everything with him without keeping secrets

10. Get married to him and give him three kids... Their names will be Summer, Jerry..... I'll allow him to name our last baby.

She finished writing and smiled, staring at the list

She was unaware of when Seth came out of the kitchen, he settled the plate of omelette and cup of coffee on the bed before hugging her from behind, kissing her neck wetly then slipped his hands on her breasts to fondle with them a little, she turned her face to him and he kissed her lips deeply

"Good morning baby" she smiled

"Morning pretty eyes" he winked, looking at the list,...

"Bucket list?" He said, taking it from her

"Yeah" she smiled as he read it

He finished reading and returned the book

"The number one is exciting" he said naughtily and she smiled, pinching his arm

"Ouch!" He screamed and she laughed

"Never knew you were naughty...last night revealed your true colors" she laughed 

" You don't like how i made you feel?" He winked

"I do, I love it so much though I doubt if I can walk right now" she said and he laughed, sitting in front of her

" Thanks for making me feel more loved last night baby" he said and kissed her forehead

" I love you" she smiled

"Love you pretty" he replied and started feeding her slowly

It took a while cos they kept smiling and staring at each other, kissing in between.

She suddenly saw a paper on the floor and picked it

"What's this?" She asked, opening it

"Oh, I saw it by the door yesterday, it was Rowen" he replied

"A letter?" She said

" Yeah" he replied as she started reading.

✍️ We've never been on good terms but I can still say you're a good person, I hated you cos you're more handsome and cool, you're more popular too...I loathed you irrationally and I'm sorry..... I've realized how much I have erred you, I hope you forgive me Seth, and please forgive Sapphire too, she's not at fault... just heap all the blames on me dude, I'm so sorry...I'm leaving for good so you both should enjoy till the fullest, protect her dearly please and...if we ever get the chance to meet again, I hope we'll be in good terms,... and even as a guy Seth, I'm admitting that you're handsome, I'm ready to accept the fact....winks

And to Sapphire, if you get the chance to read this, please find it in your heart to forgive your bestie, she was just driven by jealousy, it ain't her fault entirely, she's sorry.... I'm sorry too..BYE!"

Sapphire finished reading it and looked at Seth with bulging eyes

" Nadia?" She said shockingly



"I'm so glad to have my two best students back in class, Sapphire no chance to get sick anymore ok?" Prof Taylor said during her talks before her class will start

"I won't, so far I'll always be with my baby" she replied 

" Aww!" Clark said 

" Everlasting love" Blaine said, looking over at Jacinthe

He caught her staring but she quickly looked away

"Cutie...why am I just noticing" he thought

"Ok guys, our shoot starts tommorow unfailingly, I mean unfailingly, we should finish the indoors shoots before going for winter break" Prof Taylor said

" Sure" Seth said and she smiled before starting her class

Sapphire has her eyes fixed on Nadia throughout, still not believing what she read in the letter

After the class**

Nadia brought Sapphire to the empty class and Sapphire stood in front of her, waiting for her to speak

"Sapphire" she said slowly, avoiding her eyes


"I'm so sorry" she said 


"I was blinded with jealousy....I wasn't in my right senses" Nadia said

" I'm not understanding" Sapphire replied

" Baby fire I'm so sorry" she said again

" Is it what I'm thinking?, Nadia?" She said, going closer to her

" Fire I'm sorry, I sold your secret to Hazel and Renee" she said soberly

" what!"

" I swear I wasn't thinking" Nadia said and Sapphire stopped in front of her

" Tell me you're lying" Sapphire said hurtfully, feeling so emotional

" I'm not, fire I really did it" Nadia replied tearfully

" You..... You did?" Sapphire said, letting her tears fall

"I'm so sorry" Nadia cried too

"You were my first friend here Nadia, I trusted you!" Sapphire screamed in tears

" I know I fucked up" Nadia sniffed

"How could you" Sapphire said slowly, advancing towards her

"I was obsessed with Rowen back then, Hazel said Rowen won't look at me if you're still here, but she ended up using me" she cried

" betrayed me because of a guy I feel nothing for, how could you be so cruel" Sapphire gasped

" I'm sorry baby fire, I'm so sorry" Nadia cried

" Nadia!" Sapphire screamed tearfully, her eyes showing how hurt and angry she is

Nadia trembled, looking at her furious eyes.

"I don't expect you to forgive me Sapphire, please don't forgive me" Nadia said 

Sapphire gave her an hard look before landing a slap on her right cheek, it turned red immediately

"Sapphire" she whispered, crying more

"I'm disappointed, f*cking disappointed!" Sapphire said to her face before before wiping her tears though another round fell as she walked out of the class hurtfully.

Nadia sat on the ground, feeling like a monster who needs to be killed.