Next morning**

Opening her eyes and witnessing the beautiful morning, Sapphire smiled prettily and stretched her arm to the other side of the bed but he's not there anymore.

She pouted and sat up, she's not smelling anything in the air so that only means he's not in the kitchen, the shower is not on cos she's not hearing the sound so he's not in the bathroom

"Where did he go?" She wondered, picking her phone.

Her eyes caught the time and she gasped. "10:30?, F*vk!" She said shockingly, getting down from the bed but immediately she took a step, she fell back on the bed, her middle hurts 

"Oh no" she said and tried again but she fell again on the bed

" He really meant it, I can't walk" she said with a scrunched up face

"Baby!!! " She screamed and the door opened immediately, Seth rushed in.

"Hey you're awake" he smiled, kneeling on the bed beside her

" Where were you?" She asked

"I left some minutes ago to get you drugs" he replied and took the bag he came in with, he brought out pills and removed two from each before handing them to her

She took it and swallowed with the water he gave .

"You're something else" she said

"I know, so you can't walk?" He teased

" Get off me you devil!" She said, pushing him away from the bed, he fell to the ground, laughing so loud

"What were you expecting, you told me to f*ck you hard and I love doing what you want without disappointing" he winked and she pouted

" I really couldn't walk straight when I tried, it hurts down there" she replied and he stood, he came back to her and winked in front of her

" You don't have to worry, the pains will disappear before midday" he said and she nodded

" I'll believe that, but our shoot" she said

" Didn't you hear when Prof Taylor said it'll commence by 1?, You're covered" he replied and she smiled

" I'm glad"

" Can you stay alone when I'm off to class?" He asked, touching her hair fondly

" Of course, I'll just read" she said, hugging him tightly

" want us to do that again tonight?" He asked naughtily and she quickly pushed him away

" No.....I can't die young you know" she glared and he laughed

"But your bucket list says everyday" he said

"I'll have to change it, now I can't even walk properly all because of your f*cking d*ck" she said and Seth laughed again

" Do you know how hard i dreamt about your soft b**bs last night?, Seriously I love them,no matter how hard I caress or press them, they still stand firm for me" he winked

" Seth!!!!" She screamed, throwing pillows at him

He laughed harder but held her to himself tightly

"I hate you" she smiled

"I love you pretty eyes" he replied slowly, gently nibbling on her neck afterwards

"Will you get off me and go prepare for school?" She said 

"Not without this" he said and turned her to himself, she smiled when she saw him leaning in, she closed her eyes to welcome his lips on hers.

After the gentle kiss, he left for the bathroom and cleaned up then dressed up..

"No, wear that white vintage" Sapphire said

" You mean I should wear white everyday?, I wore white yesterday" he said

" Does it matter?, So far the shirts are different, I told you you look dashingly handsome in white, I love when you wear white" she said

" Ok boss, as you please" he winked and put on the white on jean before brushing his hair then went for his shoes

"Gosh!, Anytime I see you looking more sexy like this, you have no idea how harder I fall, you're hot" she said happily

" baby girl just complimented me" he smiled and Sapphire giggled at his cuteness as he came to her

"Let's snap" he said, climbing the bed with her

"No, this is still my morning face and I'm not even wearing anything" she said, holding the bedspread to her chest

" Does it matter?, You're the most beautiful everytime anyways, you even look more adorable in the morning" he winked and she blushed as he snapped a picture of them

"Cute!' she said, staring at it

" I told you" he said and returned his stare to her, she smiled but when his hand went to the bedspread she's holding to her chest, she got anxious.

Seth pulled down the bedspread and her boobs faced him, he smiled before touching the first one, rubbing the nub with his tip

"Seth...." She moaned slowly

"I love it when you call my name like that" he said naughtily, doing the same to the second boob

Her chest rose and went down as her breathing intensified

"Just thought of sucking on my babies before leaving" he said and took the first one in his warm mouth, sucking teasingly

"Gosh... Seth seriously ... You're a jerk" she moaned, throwing her head back

" I know" he replied in between, sucking her more wildly, doing magic with his tongue

"You need to go you'll be late for class" she said 

"It doesn't matter" he replied and she pinched him lightly on the neck

"Ouch!" He winced, letting go of her boobs

She covered herself and glared. "Go away" 

"Read the literature textbook up to the last chapter before coming to school" he said

" I've finished that since last week, I'll be dealing with English today" she winked

" Reading witch" he said and she laughed but that was shortened with a kiss on her lips

It was short but heartwarming, he broke it after a while and she smiled as he got up from the bed and winked

"See you in school later" he said

"Sure, if any girl tries shit, they'll die" she glared.

" Really?" He laughed

" Yeah, eyes on you" she squinted

"Seriously why are you doing this?, You look cute even when glaring and it's making me wanna stay, I should skip classes today" he said and she grabbed a pillow

" Go to class, now!" She shouted, throwing it at him

"Yes boss" he winked and blew her kisses before holding the knob

"I love you so much Mich" she said and he looked back, she's smiling charmingly

"I love you more than anything Sapphire" he smiled handsomely before leaving.


New York, 1pm**

Rowen came out of the city central library very tired, damn tired!

He has been in the library since daybreak, reading for his exams that's coming up on Monday and it has been tiring

Though he doesn't want to admit it but he needs new friends too and to do that, he must get admitted into school, he feels lonely

He yawned slowly as he walked to his car

"I'm so hungry, I should go disturb dad a bit in the company, I'll grab the opportunity and eat lunch with him " he thought as he got to his car

He looked at his face in the front mirror and smiled, touching his red dyed hair

"Should I change the color to brown?, Or blonde?" He asked himself, smiling widely

" I'm still so handsome* he winked and sighed

"This Michael Langford, why do I feel the need to desperately see his face? " He asked himself

" The engagement is coming soon anyways, I should wait" he thought and made to enter his car but he saw a group of five highschool guys dragging their mate to a corner

He smiled and closed the car door slowly.

"Bullies?, They make my blood boil these days" he whispered and followed them till he got to the corner

The five guys are beating the sixth one, he's already bleeding from the face

"Those scoundrels" Rowen muttered and walked to them

"Is he the second Jesus or what?" He said and they stopped beating the guy to face him

" Who are you!" The one who looked like the leader demanded

" I'm sorry but I don't tell my identity to ugly people, you're too ugly to know my identity" he replied

" What!, You're begging for death right now" another one said

"Death?, Find something more scary" he smirked

"You don't know what happened so stop butting in and just leave before I make your legs useless!" The leader yelled

" I see no reason why you scumbags should beat your mate mercilessly this way, it's uncalled for and cruel!" He yelled back angrily

" Oh you really won't back off?, I won't pity you" the leader replied and advanced towards him

He got to him and threw a punch but Rowen ducked and bent towards his leg, he raised it from the ground and let him go, he fell down heavily, bleeding from the mouth

"Come here you twats!" He yelled and rushed towards the remaining four, he started giving them what he thinks they deserve....punches and kicks, making sure they all got wounded before leaving them.

He went to the bullied one and pulled him out of the place

"Are you dumb?, How can you let them bully you that way?" He demanded when he got to his car with him

"They're sons of rich people, my dad is a poor knitter, I can't possibly fight back, they'll hurt my dad if I do" he replied

" Rich people shit!" Rowen shouted aggressively , hitting his car

" Thanks for saving me, you're the son of the rich Mr Bills right?, It's a pleasure to meet you and have you fight for me" he said

" It's fine" Rowen replied and the guy smiled before starting to leave

"Your face is all a mess, let's get it treated" Rowen said

"No , I've gotten bigger wounds so don't waste your money, I'll get it treated at home" he replied

Rowen sighed and got a blank cheque from his car, he signed it and gave it to him

"Write any amount you want in there and go withdraw" he said 

" What!"

" Take it" Rowen smiled

" Can I really take this?"

Rowen took his palm and placed it there, he hugged Rowen immediately

"Thanks a million times, I feel like bowing to you" he cried

"It's ok, what's your name?" Rowen asked

" Roger" he replied

" Age?"

" Eighteen" he replied

" I'm a year older but it's fine, let's be friends" he said and Roger broke the hug quickly

"I?, Friends with the son of Mr Bills the billionaire?" He said

"Billionaires are humans too.. just like you" he said

" You're so kind!" Roger said and hugged him again.


The Langford's mansion**


Nora came back from school some minutes ago, she changed from her school uniform and sat on her bed while thinking hard about Clark

"When I finally tell him, he'll surely want to reject me cos of my age, what do I do?" She thought, covering her face with her palms

"I don't want to get rejected" she said sadly, bringing out her phone

Since Sapphire made the picture of her and Seth her home screen wallpaper, she never changed it so she stared at their picture with a big smile on her face

"They look so cute, Michael is happy, not the gloomy Micheal I know" she thought and her mind drifted to two years ago

" I wonder if he told her what he passed through, I wonder if he told her the hellish lifeless moment he passed through" she thought and looked at the picture again.

She touched Sapphire's face and smiled

"But you came into his life and made him smile again, you can't leave him no matter what, please" she said.

" What's that?" Petra's voice made her jump and she quickly put off her phone

"Were you born in a cave?, you don't know how to knock?, And I think I told you to stop entering my room, get out!" She snapped

" What were you staring at on your phone?, You got a boyfriend?" Petra said mischievously

" Get out!" Nora yelled

" My Micheal is coming home soon, Madam's search squad just finished searching California... guess their next stop..... Washington" she said

" Wh...wh...what!" Nora's eyes widened

"Seeing your expression right now, just verified my suspicions, you know his whereabouts and of course it's Washington, but I'll find proof, trust me" Petra smiled before leaving her room

" Oh no... Mich" Nora said fearfully


Washington....Two days later**


"Today's shoot starts right after this class and that's why I'll cut to the chase and spend just thirty minutes" Prof Finn announced before his class

They all went silent and listened attentively as he started his class

Sapphire suddenly stood and ran out of the class to everyone's amazement

"What's up with her?" Prof Finn asked

Seth stood and ran after her immediately.

She entered one of the washrooms and screamed

"Damn you shit!, These god-damned cravings again!" 

She held her legs together and made to sit on the ground but Seth came in

"What's up pretty?" He asked worriedly

"I'm damn wet!, Ion know how to put up with it anymore I swear" she replied impatiently

Seth went back to the door and locked it behind then came back to her

He turned her back to himself and bend her over the dispenser bowl before pulling up her gown

"Suppress your moans please" he said and she nodded

He pulled down her panties and pulled out his belt from the loops , his jean went down before his shorts.

He held her hips and rammed his d*ck inside her through the back and she bit her lip hard so she won't scream

He started banging her slowly and she took in her lips, gripping the dispenser more tightly.

"Oh my gosh" a slow gasp escaped her lips

Seth increased his pace and she felt her insides churning up, he's hitting her sensitive spots and it became harder and harder to suppress her moans

"Oh no... Seth jeez!" 

*Fuck!, My legs are shaking" she said loudly

Seth had to cover her mouth with his hand while fucking her hard, her moans got sucked up by his palms for over twenty minutes.

He rammed deeper and harder when he was about to reach climax, her walls tightened around him and he groaned softly before pulling out of her.

She breathed hard and heavily as she pulled up her panties slowly before facing him

He just finished pulling up his jean too and he's bolting his belt

"I'm sorry" she whispered slowly

"I told you it's nothing, it's not your fault" he replied and after he bolted up, he hugged her tightly

"I love you so much" he said

"Love you Seth, thanks for not getting tired of me" she smiled

"That won't happen" he smiled, releasing her

"Let's go on a date tommorow" he said and her eyes brightened up

" Really?, Where?"

" I won't tell you now, you'll get to know tommorow, I'll pick a dress for you later today, it'll be an official date" he smiled and she hugged him again

" Chocoseth" she whispered and he chuckled, stroking her hair

" My pretty girl" he smiled.



"You won't believe it Sapphire, I think Blaine likes me too" Jacinthe said as she walked back to the hostel with Sapphire

They actually went to get snacks from the buttery


"Yes, we kissed and he tastes so good!" She gushed

"So now if he asks you out...." Sapphire smiled

" I won't think twice!" She said almost immediately and Sapphire laughed but her laughter stopped when she saw a scene in front of the hostel.

Two guys are teasing Nadia, not letting her in.

"What are they doing?" Jacinthe said and Sapphire walked angrily to the scene

One of the guys made to touch Nadia's hair but she held his hand and squeezed it roughly

"Aarrgh!!!" He screamed painfully

"Baby fire" Nadia whispered surprisingly

"You two douchebags, you dare tease my bestie?" She said angrily and grabbed the second one

" Please... don't take it personal.." The second one pleaded but she glared and hit their heads on each other.

They both staggered and almost fell but she stopped them and smiled dangerously

"You guys don't deserve to fall without bleeding...ass.holes!" She said and punched them one after the other before kicking their faces, it sent them flying down the place

"Bastards" she breathed heavily and looked at Nadia

"Baby fire" Nadia whispered again

Sapphire went in without uttering a word .

Jacinthe hugged Nadia. "Sorry about these maniacs" she said, stroking her hair.


New York**

The Langford's mansion**


" And why is Nora not here?" Sophia asked during dinner, dropping her fork to rest her chin on the back of her interlocked fingers

"She says she's not interested in dinner" the maids replied

"Actually queen, I think she knows something about Michael" Petra said

" Meaning?"

" I've been noticing her since a while, she's always smiling while looking at her phone, maybe she has been chatting with him, and today when I mentioned Washington as the next stop of the search squad, she looks shocked, what if my Micheal is really in Washington and she knows" Petra said and Sophia sighed before standing up swiftly

She walked upstairs, her heels making regal contacts with the floor, Petra smiled and followed her

Nora was in her room, staring at Seth and Sapphire's picture on her home screen and smiling but was interrupted when Sophia came in with Petra

She stood quickly and hid her phone behind... Sophia walked closer to her and turned her back to herself, trying to take her phone but she struggled and the phone fell

She made to quickly take it but Petra was faster

She took it and her eyes widened when she saw Seth's picture with Sapphire on her home screen

"What the. .... Hell!" She screamed and Sophia took it from her.

She saw the picture too and her eyes widened, she faced Nora...

"Where's Michael?" She asked

"You think I'll tell you?" She replied defiantly.

Sophia slapped her hard on the right cheek and she fell on the bed

"Where's Michael!" Sophia yelled