"I'm never gonna tell you where he is, you can kill me Sophia, do anything you want to do to me but I..... will never tell you his location" Nora said stubbornly, standing up from the bed with red cheek

"How dare you Nora, how dare you connive with Michael!, How dare you keep secrets from your mum!" Sophia yelled

" I'm sorry but I don't see you as my mother anymore, you changed drastically since dad's death and since then I've been considering myself as an orphan who's just living here" she replied, breathing heavily

" Are you really gonna continue like this?" Petra smirked

" Stop talking I don't wanna listen to you!" Nora yelled, scattering her hair 

" Do you know why I didn't paste his picture on TV's to search for him?, It's because no one recognizes him as my son, no one knows he's the rightful heir to Langford's conglomerates, I never planned to reveal his face just like that, I planned to reveal it during his engagement with Petra, the engagement date has been fixed in case you don't know, it's just some days away and now you know his location but you're refusing to tell?, Nora what do you think you're doing?" Sophia said

" Engagement?, You really think I'm in support of it?, You think I'll let Micheal get engaged to this ugly thing?, I hate her!!!" Nora screamed

" You have just thirty minutes to spill it out, I know he's in Washington, if you tell me his location yourself, he won't be receiving any punishment when I finally get him but if I get him myself, you know me well Nora, I'll be exiling him to Hong Kong with Petra where you won't see him for over twenty years" Sophia said with a smug smile

" What!' Nora said in tears

"It's your choice...if you want to continue seeing the Michael you cherish so much or not" Sophia said and stormed out of the room

Nora sat on the bare ground and continued crying, Petra bent in front of her, smiling annoyingly

"Make your choice... pretty Nora" she winked and left the room

" I ruined everything" she cried loudly, letting her tears wash down her face

"I ruined it perfectly....I don't want Micheal to be exiled, she'd surely find him if she searches Washington, what do I do, I'm confused!" She cried

She wiped her tears hurriedly when she remembered Carlos, she rushed out of the room and entered the compound through the backdoor, she searched for him among the numerous guards but he's not there, then she decided to ask one of them

"He was sent to deliver a message in Germany early this morning" the guard replied

" Oh no!, Not now!, Michael I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!" She cried, sitting on the ground again

"Young miss you need to go in, you can't sit on the ground like that" 

She was taken in and made to sit on the couch in the living room where she continued her tears

Sophia's study**

"No number was saved as Micheal on her phone" Petra said after searching Nora's contacts for a while

Sophia smiled and faced her

"And are you that daft to think she'd save his line with Michael?, It'll be something unsuspicious and uncommon....but just search for the number she calls most in her call history* Sophia replied

"Ok queen" Petra replied and started the search.

After about two minutes, she looked up from the phone and smiled.

"Found it, it was saved as Knight" she said and Sophia smiled

" If she refuses to talk, then I just have to get someone to track the number".


Rowen's place**

"Hey Rowen" Nadia's voice said on phone, she actually called

" What's up?" He asked

" Sapphire.... fought for me last night" she said happily

" Really?, You're lucky, I knew she'd forgive you" he replied

"She was like; you dare tease my bestie?, She wounded them and i was like....jeez!, My baby fire is still with me" she chuckled

" I knew it" Rowen said

" Like I'm so happy! ... we've been shooting indoors since morning, exams will be starting two weeks from now so the professors want us to finish the indoors shoot today so we'll have next week to read extensively, the real shoot will start next semester" she said

*Yay!, You guys will go on winter break two weeks from now I can't wait... and how many scenes is left for you guys?" Rowen asked

" Just two and we'll be done with everything" she replied

" So....who did Marie end up with?, Cody or Colt?" He asked

" Cody" she replied

" Wait... Seth acted Cody" he said


" So even on set and real life, they're meant for each other" Rowen smiled.



"Ok ok....let's do this we're almost done, let's do it guys" Prof Finn persuaded the tired students

" It's been hectic... I'm so tired, I have a date to go why are you so wicked to the point of fixing the final shoot for today" Sapphire complained

" You'll be fine, we're left with the last scene right now so do it" Prof Taylor replied

" Let's do it pretty" Seth winked at her and she stood

"Now this last scene will determine if we're done with it or not, any mistake means you guys will be redoing it" Finn said

" Sure" Seth said

" Ok .... Take positions* 

Seth sat on the bare ground which serves as the base of a flower tree with falling petals, his face depicts sadness and sorrow, it shows how unhappy he is, he's staring into the empty space pathetically while Sapphire stood by the door

"Ready?, Action" Taylor said and Sapphire started taking slow steps to him, her face is emotional, typical of someone who has passed through a lot and is now ready to let out all her hidden emotions slow and steady, steady and slow till Seth suddenly looked at her

"Marie" he said shockingly, standing up while staring at her, he stood on his spot till she finally got to him

She stood in front of him and looked at him for so long as if to pour her emotions in his eyes

The stare intensified by the minutes and flower petals kept falling on them as the slow wind blew, she took a step closer to him without breaking the stare

"I love you" she whispered and his eyes took over his face

"I love you I love you .... I love you Cody!, I love you a lot!, It has always been you even after you left....I never stopped loving you.....I investigated the story you told and found out it's true, you truly suffered in didn't leave me intensionally... it's you Cody, I've always loved you" she said, staring into his eyes

" Marie..." He whispered but she placed her pointer finger on his lips

"I love you Cody" she said

He slowly took her hand and smiled handsomely

" I love you so f*cking much Marie, thanks for coming back to me" he smiled, rubbing her face with his palms

She kept smiling and they kept staring then he held her face and stared at her lips .

"Can I?" He asked 

"It's yours always" she smiled and he bent over to her lips, he kissed her lips again and again under the falling petals.

"OMG!!!!!" Jacinthe screamed as everyone clapped

"These two are something else, I believe they'll shake the movie industry with their talent one day" Taylor smiled, clapping too

" I know right?, How can they act professional as if they've been acting before, I can't wait to start the real shoot with them next semester, the movie will be a bomb" Finn replied

Seth broke the kiss and the students kept clapping as they faced the whole class

"You both did well, I must say" Taylor said

"Thanks Prof" they chorused happily

" Next week is for revisions and I'm hoping to see everyone in class too.... everyone else did well and i can promise a successful shoot already" Finn said

" I love you Prof!" Clark shouted

" Bastard" Hardin hit his head and he groaned

"I love you Prof!" Blaine screamed too and winked at Hardin

"Seriously I'm tired of you two" Hardin sighed and everyone laughed

*Have a sweet weekend everyone, we love y'all" the two profs said before leaving


" Finally.....yay!" Sapphire screamed, going out with Jacinthe while Nadia walked behind them

"But baby you and Seth were awesome... I'm shocked" Jacinthe said

" We practiced hard so it's only normal that we do perfect" she smiled

"it's true, so you're going on a date?" Jacinthe asked

" Oh no I gat to go now, I'll see you later babe!" Sapphire replied 

" Ok fire" Jacinthe winked, Sapphire looked back at Nadia

"See you...later" she said and Nadia smiled 

"I love you" she said and Sapphire smiled widely before leaving.

"Did you see that?, She talked to me and even smiled" Nadia said

" You're lucky to have a friend like Sapp swears, she's too sweet" Jacinthe smiled

" Hey I need to borrow her" Blaine said suddenly and grabbed Jacinthe's arm from behind

"I'll see you later Nadia" she winked and left with him

"I'm happy" Nadia smiled, making her way back to the hostel


Sapphire got back to the hostel and surprisingly, a red gown is on the bed then not too high heels and purse.

Her eyes widened and she smiled as she sat on the bed, checking them out

" Seth has a unique taste, just what I like, gosh!, I love you Seth!" She gushed and saw a note on the bed

*I'll send a car by 2, get ready*

She smiled and checked the time, it's some minutes to 1. "There's still time" she said and quickly entered the bathroom, she took a clean shower for over twenty minutes.

She then started dressing up, she sat in front of the mirror and tried styling her hair, she curled half of it and left half and fuck!, It added to her beauty, she smiled and almost finished a bottle of oil on it, after making sure it's shinning like she wanted, she moved to her face.

She has never really done make up but she's determined to try it out today.

She did her brows and maybe the heavens are on her side, it's perfect, then she dolled up her face and used a red hot lipstick

She smiled at her hot reflection and got up from the front of the mirror, she slipped on the red gown and luckily she was able to zip up by herself, then the shoes, it added a little bit to her tallness but she looks gorgeous

She used Seth's spray on herself and smiled again, she took the purse and checked the time

Past 2!

She rushed out of the room and the students almost fell while staring

👥 Sapphire?

👥 Is she a goddess?

👥 She's hot!

👥 Red is for her I swear

👥 OMG!

👥 If not for Seth I'd date this girl

She has that charming smile on her face till she got out and truly a car is waiting

She got in and the driver drove her to a posh looking restaurant, she came down and looked at the beautiful place surprisingly

She went in, taking each step cautiously and surprisingly no one is in, that got her wondering

She kept walking into the big beautiful place while looking around

Despite the fact that it's still some minutes to 3, the interior decor of the restaurant made it look as if it's night time and the lights created the awareness of the beauty the place exudes

She stopped walking when she saw a long note on the wall

*Stop here pretty, I'm on my way*

She smiled and suddenly heard movements behind her, she looked back slowly and when she saw him, her mouth dropped

He dyed his hair deep black with strips of blonde and one sided bangs ... His lips is pink, he obviously used lipstick, he's wearing a white shirt on black trousers, looking expensive... he's drop dead hot!

Seth on the other hand was shocked too.....he figured out that red will fit her and he went for it, luckily it worked...she's glowing and looks too hot, her prettiness right now is making him wanna do things to her

He stared at her from her legs till her beautiful face, if there's anything he wants to do badly right now, it's kissing her red lips while stroking her shinny hair, he lost his sanity for a while before coming back

He walked to her and hugged her tightly

"Why do you have to look so beautiful" he whispered into her ear

"And why do you have to look so hot" she whispered back and he smiled before breaking the hug

Almost immediately, servers brought in their meal and settled it on the table, they settled on each side of it and she picked the card in front of her

*Hey I love you* was written in it

Her heart fluttered and she looked at him, he winked seductively and she smiled before picking the flower too 

She perceived the scent and smiled

"Smells like you" she bit her lip and he smiled again

They started eating slowly, staring at each other, smiling and seducing each other with winks and all...

He suddenly brought out an envelope which he gave to her, she took it with a questioning look

"It's your pills, even if I'm there for you always, you need to take it doesn't always go the way we want it and..I really don't want mistakes anymore" he said

" This expensive" she said slowly

" It doesn't matter, the pills in there will last for three months" he said and she stood, she went to him and hugged him tightly

"Thanks baby" she said happily

"I love you" he said

" I love you Seth, I love you" she replied and he broke the hug slowly.

He made her stand and he stood too then he brought out a shinny white rectangular box from his pocket, he gave it to her.

"Open it" he said and she bit down on her lip again.

Opening the lid, she came face to face with a gorgeous necklace with a beautiful teardrop pendant...her eyes showed how happy she is

"Like it?" He asked

"No I love it, it's beautiful" she gushed and he took it from her, he turned her back to himself and fixed it on her neck before turning her to himself again

"I knew it, it fits you perfectly" he said and before he could say any further, she pulled him into a kiss which lasted for minutes.

"I love you Seth" she whispered after the kiss

" I love you matter what...stay with me ok?" He said and she nodded before he claimed her lips again.

They spent much time in the place, chatting and seducing before returning to the hostel at exactly 5.

Immediately Seth came down from the taxi with Sapphire, he knew something is wrong

The exotic cars in the park are over ten and there are over twenty men in suit like guards.... seeing the faces of the guards, he knew it's over

"Who are they?" Sapphire wondered loudly and that same moment, the door of one of the cars opened and the queen herself stepped out

Seth swallowed hard and held Sapphire's hand

Sophia walked to Seth regally with guards behind her and immediately she got to him, she slapped him hard

"What the hell!, Who are you!" Sapphire said, standing in front of Seth

" Move" Sophia said

"I won't...are you nuts?, Look I don't care who you are but slapping my boyfriend is out of it , are you insane?" Sapphire demanded and Sophia made to slap her but Sapphire held her hand

Immediately her hand touched Sophia, the guards pushed her and she fell

"Sapphire" Seth said hurriedly, bending beside her

By now, almost everyone in the hostel has converged outside to watch

"Sophia Langford?" Hardin said shockingly

" It's her!" Clark replied

" Why is she here" Jacinthe said

👥 It's really Sophia Langford

👥 It's an achievement to see her in person

Sapphire looked up at her and her eyes widened, realizing it's really her

"Get Michael into the car" Sophia said.

"No mum I'm not leaving" Seth replied, standing up

"Mum?" Sapphire said shockingly

"I'm your mother and you gat to obey me!" Sophia yelled

" I'm happy here why can't you just let me be!" He screamed

" Your engagement is coming up soon how dare you run away from home!" She yelled

" Cos I'm not interested!" He yelled back and that earned him another slap

" Shut up and guards!, Take him" she glared and the guards held him immediately, over five of them but he broke free

"Grab him!" Sophia ordered

"I said I'm not leaving with you!" He yelled defiantly

Sapphire just sat there in confusion

" Now!' Sophia said and stronger guards grabbed him, it's impossible to break free as he got dragged into the car, he kept looking back...



Sapphire kept sitting like someone in a trance, unable to understand anything

Seth was dragged into the car and Sophia looked at Sapphire hatefully before going into the car too

The ten cars moved at once and that's when Sapphire got back to her senses

She stood and took off her shoes

"No.... Seth!!!!, Where are you taking him to..... Seth!!!" She screamed, running after the cars

" Sapphire!" Came Seth's faint voice from one of the cars

"Seth!" She screamed again, still running blindly down the road tearfully till she got to the corner that dissected the road

Without bothering to watch, she dashed into it and a car appeared from the corner, before she could run faster, it hit her and her body flew up before landing back on the ground.

Blood flowed out of her head and tears flowed out of her eyes at the same time

"Seth" she whispered tearfully before losing consciousness.